Studies of Ocular Complications of AIDS (SOCA) - Resource Guide for the Development of AIDS Therapies
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The Studies of Ocular Complications of AIDS (SOCA) Research Group is a self-governed organization with its own scientific agenda and process to determine what will be evaluated in its clinical trials. Non-SOCA investigators wishing to evaluate potential therapies in the SOCA must collaborate with SOCA investigators.

The SOCA Research Group is funded by the National Eye Institute (NEI) to conduct clinical trials and epidemiological research on ocular complications of AIDS, primarily cytomegalovirus (CMV) retinitis. It is comprised of investigators at 21 research institutions, a Coordinating Center that provides operational support and data management and analysis functions, and the Fundus Photography Reading Center. SOCA collaborates with the Adult AIDS Clinical Trials Group (AACTG).

SOCA Research Agenda

The SOCA Research Group was established by the NEI in 1988 to advance the scientific understanding and treatment of AIDS-related ocular complications through the conduct of clinical trials and epidemiological studies. Special emphasis is placed on CMV retinitis, a condition that occurs in late-stage AIDS and entails substantial risk for loss of vision. The SOCA Research Group conducts randomized, controlled clinical trials, longitudinal studies and epidemiological studies in order to:

  • Compare existing strategies for the treatment or prevention of CMV retinitis.
  • Evaluate new agents for the treatment or prevention of CMV retinitis.
  • Investigate the changing epidemiology of ocular complications of AIDS, identifying groups at high risk for CMV retinitis and other ocular complications.
  • Contribute to the understanding of the pathogenesis of ocular complications of AIDS, via evaluation of the relationship of virologic and immunologic measures to clinical outcomes in both clinical trials and epidemiological studies.
Examples of studies:
  • A phase III/IV study evaluating intra-ocular ganciclovir implants and intravenous cidofovir for the treatment of CMV retinitis.
  • A phase III comparative study of high-dose foscarnet, high-dose ganciclovir, and a combination of ganciclovir and foscarnet as therapies for patients experiencing persistently active or relapsed retinitis.
Accessing These Resources

Investigators wishing to have a therapy evaluated by the SOCA should do the following:

  1. Refer to the SOCA research agenda above to determine whether the therapeutic concept is likely to be of interest to this group. If so:
  2. Write a concept proposal in the AACTG Concept Proposal format.
  3. Submit the concept proposal to the DAIDS Therapeutics Research Program for review and forwarding to the SOCA, the AACTG or both.
SOCA's interest or disinterest in further pursuing the proposed concept will be relayed to investigators and additional information may be requested.

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Last updated September 01, 2005 (ere)