Confidentiality Agreements - Resource Guide for the Development of AIDS Therapies
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The following two documents were developed by NIAID to facilitate the transfer of information and compounds between drug sponsors and NIAID or its contract laboratories. Use of these documents (or alternatives) by drug sponsors is not mandatory, as it is NIAID extramural policy to view all such interactions with drug sponsors as confidential in nature. The proposed use of alternative documents will be evaluated on a case by case basis. The documents below are available in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format. A free copy of Acrobat Reader can be obtained by clicking here.

Disclosure Agreement

This agreement outlines conditions under which a drug sponsor provides detailed confidential information to NIAID staff in order for them to adequately discern the Institute's interest in assisting the sponsor with development of the proposed therapy.

To make use of this agreement, follow these steps:

  1. Download a copy of the Disclosure Agreement and print a single copy.
  2. Fill in the appropriate blanks on page 1 of the printed copy.
  3. Fill in and sign the leftmost signature block on page 2 of the copy.
  4. Submit the document to the DAIDS contact person with whom you're interacting. Your information package can be submitted at the same time if you so choose.
  5. The intended recipients of your information package will countersign the document and return it to you.
Screening Agreement

This agreement outlines the conditions under which a drug sponsor provides compounds to NIAID for evaluation by one or more of its testing contracts. This document would be signed only after NIAID had evaluated the sponsor's request for assistance and indicated its willingness to proceed with testing.

To make use of this agreement, follow these steps:

  1. Download a copy of the Screening Agreement and print two copies.
  2. Fill in the appropriate blank on page 1 of both printed copies.
  3. Fill in and sign the rightmost signature block on page 3 of both copies.
  4. Submit the documents to the DAIDS contact person with whom you're interacting.
  5. The documents will be countersigned by DAIDS and one copy returned to you.

Overview | Index | Requesting Use of Contract Resources | DAIDS Home

Last updated July 11, 2006 (alt)