Topic: diabetes (dm)
Title: Dealing Day-to-Day With Diabetes: A Whole Family Experience.
Author: Giles-Smith, K.
Source: Today’s Dietitian. 9(11): 44-48. November 2007.
Abstract: This article reminds dietitians of the importance of considering the whole family when working with a child who has been diagnosed with diabetes. The author begins with a description of what families of children with diabetes go through as they cope with the diagnosis and their “new normal.” Parents of children newly diagnosed with diabetes are given all the facts about managing diabetes from a clinical standpoint but are left with many questions about the social and emotional aspects of diabetes. The author uses the story of one family’s journey through diagnosis and adjustment to their son’s diabetes as a case example of the positive role that a dietitian can play on the patient’s care team. The mother of the family under discussion is a dietitian herself, and she speaks clearly to her readers. She shares her feelings of being overwhelmed by how much she had to learn about her young son’s disease and about diabetes management. Two sidebars outline a typical day in the family’s busy life and list readings recommended by the dietitian mother, some of which focus on coping with diabetes in the school setting. Another sidebar lists strategies that parents can use to help educate school personnel. 2 references.

Format: Journal Article
Language: English.
Major Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus. Adolescents. Children. Family. Parenting. Parent-Child Relations. Diagnosis. Adjustment. Self Care. Patient Care Management.
Minor Keywords: Communication. Psychosocial Factors. Coping. Blood Glucose. Attitude. School Health Services. Allied Health Personnel. Diet Therapy. SMBG. Nutrition. Insulin. Activities of Daily Living.
Publication Number: DMJA13245
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