Topic: endocrine & metabolic diseases (en)
Title: Graves Disease.
Author: Bahn, R.; Levy, E.; Wartofsky, L., eds.
Source: Chevy Chase, MD: Hormone Foundation. 2007. 1 p.
Availability: Available from Hormone Foundation. 8401 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 900, Chevy Chase, MD 20815. Phone: 1-800-467-6663. Email: Website: Price: Available free of charge on website.
Abstract: This brief fact sheet provides an overview of Graves’ disease, an immune system disease that causes the thyroid gland to enlarge and results in hyperthyroidism. Written in nontechnical language, the fact sheet answers common questions about Graves’ disease, covering topics including the anatomy and function of the thyroid gland, possible symptoms of Graves’ disease, risks associated with untreated Graves’ disease, diagnostic tests used to confirm the condition, and the role of the endocrinologist. Readers are referred to the Hormone Foundation ( or 1–800–HORMONE) for more information. The fact sheet is also available in Spanish. 1 figure.

Format: Factsheet
Language: English.
Major Keywords: Endocrine Diseases and Disorders. Thyroid Gland. Graves’ Disease. Complications. Hyperthyroidism. Symptoms. Diagnosis. Patient Care Management.
Minor Keywords: Patient Education. PTH. Diagnostic Tests. Autoimmune Diseases. Risk Factors. Immune System. Patient Care Team.
Publication Number: ENDC10112.
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