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'Share the Health' Expo Set, Apr. 24

"Share the Health: NIH's Premier Health and Fitness Expo" will be held on Saturday, Apr. 24 from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Montgomery Blair High School, 51 University Boulevard East, Silver Spring.

Expo events will include interactive exhibits and health seminars led by NIH scientists, free health screenings, the 2004 NIH Healthy Games — NIH's own version of the summer Olympics, sports clinics, wellness workshops and a wealth of free health information for all ages. Activities for children and teens such as hands-on lab experiments, competitive games and a moon bounce will also be featured.

Sponsored by the NIH Office of Community Liaison, the event promotes community health through the prevention of disease. Share the Health allows people of all ages to learn, experience and discover new ways to lead a healthier life.

NIH physicians and scientists will speak about obesity and nutrition, the benefits of strength training, the effects of drugs and alcohol on the brain, dental hygiene, diabetes, bone health, eye anatomy, music therapy, preventing sports injuries and infectious disease prevention. Robot "Holly Heart" offers health tips on keeping your heart healthy. Other workshops and presentations include the art of relaxation, acupuncture, Tai Chi exercise and Reiki therapy.

Special guest speaker Mattie Stepanek, a local 13-year-old best-selling poet and the Muscular Dystrophy Association's national goodwill ambassador, offers an inspirational message for people of all ages. Stepanek, who suffers from a rare form of muscular dystrophy, has been featured on shows such as Oprah, Larry King Live and Good Morning America.

Local hospital staff will offer free health screenings to help community members discover if they are at risk for stroke, high blood pressure, skin problems, osteoporosis or obesity. And NIH information officers will provide the latest in health research through a variety of fun and interactive exhibits.

For more information or to register for this free event, call (301) 650-8660 or visit

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