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NTP Study Reports

Abstract for TR-22 - Dieldrin

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Bioassay of Dieldrin for Possible Carcinogenicity
(CAS No. 60-57-1)

two dimensional chemical structure

Chemical Formula: C12H8Cl6O - 3D Structure*
*To view structure, download free Chemscape Chime Plug-in

Dieldrin is a chlorinated cyclodiene pesticide. It is also a metabolic conversion product of aldrin, another pesticide, and can be expected to appear in the environment following the use of either chemical. Dieldrin was first introduced in the 1950's for use by cotton growers when the chemical was found to be more effective than aldrin, and later, was used as an insecticide for other crops, for public health pest control, and for mothproofing woolen goods.

A bioassay of purified technical-grade dieldrin for possible carcinogenicity was conducted by administering the test chemical in feed to Fischer 344 rats.

Groups of 24 rats of each sex were administered dieldrin at one of three doses, either 2, 10, or 50 ppm, for 104-105 weeks. Matched controls consisted of groups of 24 untreated rats of each sex. All surviving rats were killed at 104-105 weeks.

Body weights of the rats were essentially unaffected by the treatment, but typical signs of organochlorine intoxication including hyperexcitability, tremors, and coma were observed in high-dose males beginning in week 76 and in high-dose females beginning in week 80. Survival was not adversely affected, and adequate numbers of rats were available for meaningful statistical analyses of the incidences of tumors.

A variety of neoplasms occurred in control and treated rats; however, the incidences were not related to treatment.

It is concluded that under the conditions of this bioassay, dieldrin was not carcinogenic in Fischer 344 rats.

Levels of Evidence of Carcinogenicity:
Male Rats:Negative 
Female Rats:Negative 

Note: Dieldrin was also studied in feed in Osborne-Mendel rats and B6C3F1 mice (See TR-21, reported 1978).

Report Date: 1978

Target Organs from 2-year Studies

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