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Genetic Fingerprint of Acute Stroke
Institute : National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
Description of Invention :
Stroke is the third leading cause of death and the leading cause of adult disability in developed countries. Despite the prevalence and burden of this disease, stroke precipitants and pathophysiological mechanisms in individual patients are often unknown. It is also difficult to accurately predict whether a stroke will lead to only minor neurological sequelae or more serious medical consequences. Although animal experiments in focally ischemic brain tissue have indicated that there are alterations in gene expression following a stroke, gene expression profiling has not yet been applied to clinical human stroke, primarily because brain tissue samples are inaccessible and rarely justified.

The present provisional patent application discloses methods of determining whether a subject had an ischemic stroke, methods of determining the prognosis of a subject who had an ischemic stroke, as well as methods of determining an appropriate treatment regimen for a subject who had an ischemic stroke.
In addition to licensing, the technology is available for further development through collaborative research opportunities with the inventors. The NINDS Stroke Neuroscience Unit is seeking statements of capability or interest from parties interested in collaborative research to further develop and commercialize an acute stroke “genetic chip” utilizing microfluidics technology. The “genetic chip” could be used to evaluate an individual's status as having an acute stroke condition by emergency medical staff in the field, reducing the time of evaluation once at a medical facility and thereby increasing the window of opportunity for treatment with present or future treatment regimen and to monitor treatment selections which follow. In addition, the chip could be utilized in clinical trials of new stroke treatments, thereby improving patient population selection and reducing costs.
Inventors :
Alison E. Baird (NINDS)
Patent Status :
U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/575,279 filed 27 May 2004

PCT Application No. PCT/US05/18744 filed 27 May 2005
NIH Reference Number:
E-306-2003/0-US-01 and E-306-2003/0-PCT-02
Portfolios :
Internal Medicine-Diagnostics-Other
Internal Medicine-Diagnostics
For Additional Information Please Contact:
Fatima Sayyid M.H.P.M, NIH Office of Technology Transfer
Phone: (301) 435-4521 Email:
For Additional Information Regarding Collaboration with the Investigator Please Contact:
Heather Gunas, Technology Transfer Specialist
Phone: 301-496-0477 Email:
Last Updated: 8/18/2006
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