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Getting Started at NCI-Frederick

Identification Card, Card Key and Key

Please obtain the ID/Card Key Form from your lab manager or secretary and acquire required signatures from your laboratory administrative representative. Take the completed form to Sharon Fritz in Building 426, Room 5, Monday - Friday, 9 - 11am to acquire your ID and Card Key.

To receive a key, if needed, your lab manager or secretary should complete and send a memo to Roberta Brown, Bldg. 426.

The ID/Card Key form and memo should be completed and obtained within the first two days of your employment.

Visit the EHS web site for more information on campus security.

Personnel Data Sheet

Please check with your lab manager or secretary to be sure a personnel data sheet has been completed for you and turned in to your administrative representative. This form provides the information needed to enter you into systems that are used by the administrative resource center.

Vehicle Registration

Fill out the Non-DOD Vehicle Registration Form.

If you have additional vehicles, this form will also need to be completed.

Take the completed registration form to Protective Services (Bldg. 426) to have it signed. If it is not signed by an authorized individual you will not be able to obtain a decal. The name on the vehicle registration must match the name of the employee. If this is not the case you will need a letter from the owner stating permission to register the vehicle with Fort Detrick. You will also need the following documents in order to obtain the NCI-Frederick decal: valid driver's license, vehicle registration or a copy, proof of insurance, and a valid NCI-Frederick ID card.

Once the registration forms are signed, you may proceed to Bldg. 1500 between the hours of 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM to obtain the NCI-Frederick decal.

Review the Campus map for further details.

If you have any questions, please call 301-619-9624.


The National Cancer Institute at Frederick (NCI-Frederick) Parking Plan is designed to provide parking for employees while maintaining access to buildings for emergency, service, and visitor vehicles. Parking is authorized only in areas designated by a white line on both sides of the parking space.

Occupational Health Services

If you will be working in the laboratory, you are required to schedule a new employee appointment with Occupational Health Services at 301-846-1096 within the first week of your employment. The three forms NCI Medical Surveillance Information Sheet, Employee Information Sheet, and Report of Medical History (SF-93) must be completed and turned into OHS on your appointment. Minors must complete the Authorization of Treatment of a Minor form and turn it into OHS as well. If you are not sure if you should schedule an appointment, please contact OHS.

Scientific Library

New employees are encouraged to attend an Orientation to learn about the Scientific Library and all the services it offers. During Orientation, attendees see a demonstration of the Library's Online Catalog, practice navigating the Library's Web page, learn about Library services, and tour the Library. Attendees should bring NCI-Frederick identification cards to the Orientation, so that barcodes can be attached. Barcodes allow employees to check out Library materials, electronically request document delivery, use Library computers, and access the Library's web page from off-site locations. Orientations are usually the second Wednesday of every month. Call 301-846-1094 or visit for specific dates and times. No registration is required.


E-mail account will be set-up by Administrative Resource Center personnel.

You must complete the Mandatory Information Security Awareness Training and submit a copy of your certificate of completion to your lab manager or secretary within the first 3 days of employment.

To have your computer set-up, borrow "site-licensed" software, or request other computer support contact Computer and Statistical Services (C&SS) at 301-846-5115. You can also submit service requests to C&SS via the web.

If you need assistance activating LAN port, contact the Advanced Biomedical Computing Center (ABCC) Helpdesk at 301-846-5555 or via e-mail at

NIH Orientation

If you are a new NIH staff member, you are required to complete the NIH Online Orientation within 3 weeks of your arrival. A copy of your certificate of completion should be printed and submitted to your lab manager or secretary.

Safety Training

As a new employee (non-administrative) you are required to attend the New Employee Safety Orientation (NEO) where you will receive required information. You will also receive a safety manual and a safety checklist. The checklist is to be returned to EHS within 2 weeks of your start date. Orientations are held every other Tuesday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm in the building 426 Conference room.

Please check the training matrix to see which trainings are required for your position. If you are uncertain, please check with your supervisor or the Safety Office at 301-846-1451.

If you will be working with blood borne pathogens, you are also required to attend the afternoon session of the NEO.

Individuals that will be manipulating Radioactive Materials at the NCI-Frederick must first become authorized to do so. If you are unaware if you should have this training, please see your supervisor for guidance. To become authorized, one must take the following steps:

  1. Complete the Online Radiation Training for New Users.
  2. Fill out a Radiological Training and Experience Form.

Read and sign the Protocol Specific Training Document (Working Safely with Radioactive Materials) for the Radiological Program. Have the Radiological Program Principal Investigator sign your Training and Experience form and forward it along with a copy of the signature sheet, from the Protocol Specific Training Document, to the Radiation Safety Office. Once you are approved, you will receive a film badge (if applicable), and the program PI will receive a confirmatory memo listing any further requirements or restrictions.


All NIH employees are required to complete New Employee Ethics Orientation. At the end of the training, view and print the certificate and provide a copy to your lab manager or secretary. Contractors and non-FTEs (CRTAs, Special Volunteers/Guest Researchers, Visiting Fellows) are exempt from this requirement, but are welcome to take the training if they so desire.

If you are a new NIH scientific staff member, you are required to complete NIH Research Ethics Training within 60 days of your arrival.

Summer Students are required to take the NCI-Frederick Scientific Ethics Training.

For additional information on Ethics policies, please refer to the NIH Ethics Website.

Animal Care and Use Training

The NCI-Frederick Animal Care and Use Committee (ACUC) are required by Federal Law to provide training to all individuals working with animals. Prior to working with live animals, individuals must be listed on an investigator’s approved Animal Study Proposal and must complete the New Employee Animal Care and Use Introductory Training Course.

Technology Transfer

The NIH On-line Technology Transfer Training is mandatory for the following groups:

All Principal Investigators (Senior Investigators, Investigators, Adjunct Investigators, and Senior Scientists/Clinicians) are required to complete all six subjects, i.e. MTAs, CRADAs, Patents and Inventions, Licensing, Royalties, and Ethics.

All Fellows, Graduate Students, and Staff Scientists/Staff Clinicians are required to complete MTAs, Patents and Inventions, and a portion of the Ethics module. Although all six subjects are not required, this group is encouraged to complete all subjects.