Program User Group Meeting Minutes
May 4, 2001

eRA Program Official Users Group Meeting
Date: May 4, 2001
Time: 9-11:00 am
Location: Room 6199/6201 Rockledge 2
Next Meeting: Friday June 1, 2001 Time: TBA

Discussion Items

The Role and Function of the eRA Program Official Users Group-The User Group allows for the opportunity to discuss the future development and role of IMPAC II as it pertains to both the similar and divergent needs of each IC within the NIH community. Feedback from Program Officials provides valuable suggestions and ideas to create a system that reflects user needs. This group allows for a window at the NIH level through the eRA project. To best address the issues of improvement, redesign and development it is beneficial to create smaller groups to address specific issues such as implementation design.

Budget Planning and Review- The budget-planning document was reviewed in order to understand the monies available for the next four years. The 35 million-dollar, four-year fiscal allocations allow for the development of modules, as well as system enhancement and tech/ resource support to make IMPAC II the most efficient and beneficial tool it can be. The budget review addressed the new priorities for each year and the enhancement of existing programs. (Example: Portal technology- the ability to pick and choose resources, as you need them. The users will only need one sign in which makes this more efficient and simpler. The idea is to take relevant parts of ICO and incorporate other innovative ideas so as to create a NEW-Program Module. Through portal technology this module will enable users, to have access to all required functions and information right at their fingertips.

Future Goal of IMPAC II Technology-The future goal of IMPAC II technology is to make NIH applications as user friendly for the program staff as possible and to allow decisions to be made electronically; i.e. to sign off on things right there on electronic screens so as to avoid paper. The key is educating the entire community to maximize and understand its capabilities. The long-term solution is to build in all that is possible and allow for potential IC-specific needs. In achieving this goal, a concern was raised whether an entire NIH template could be created. The true challenge is to avoid duplication of functions.

Addressing IC-Specific Program Development Requirements- Concern was raised about reinventing the wheel given that there is no enterprise-wide system with a standard "business practice" policy. The Grants Management module did achieve this in many ways; however it was noted that perhaps the program community should be talking about how practices should be established or eliminated so as to reduce duplication and create more efficiency for user functions. Although setting up common practices may be difficult, achieving common data may not be. It is important for each IC to take ownership of its piece of policy to ensure inclusion in the continuity of practice.

IMPAC II and the Scientific Mission of the NIH- In regard to accomplishing the NIH mission, there is no specific data or access technology to truly prove that it is being accomplished. The IMPAC II program needs to serve this purpose. There is no resource to report on scientific results for the outside community (such as Congress or the press). We have an opportunity here to create a function that allows the mission and science to connect into the business practices. There must be some type of linkage through electronic tools. These tools must go beyond queries and reports. In the initial stage, the scanning of grant applications will be a valuable electronic "scientific" resource. Website linkage to sites such as Medline would also be useful. The availability of Type 2 progress reports was viewed as another beneficial addition. In summation, at the NIH we are tracking the most expansive horizon. We in science are constantly evolving and adapting to the various creative talents and discoveries being brought forth. Our creativity exists in how we analyze our science. How is it possible to make this part of IMPAC II? IMPAC II is an administrative database, but does not address the "scientific" search needs.

Specific Technical Feedback/Concerns Regarding the Demonstration on ICO and other Module Capabilities-

  1. A concern regarding the legal review of the module was mentioned. i.e. code changing etc. It was determined that no legal review has been made to address that concern.
  2. Positive feedback was given in regard to the "sign off" mechanism, but concern was raised as to how to make sure individuals do not sign off prior to reading all necessary content.
  3. Discussion of specific functions such as text searches of IC records, program worksheet reports, and the ability for a PO to "sign off" for any PO if desired. (*Parameters of this were covered. A GM should never sign off before a PO does. It was recommended that this should perhaps be a policy discussion for a future time.)
  4. Re: Program notes, even if sign notes let you put in a certain amount of information, it tends to always flow over into the next section. Program notes written in Word can always be integrated.
  5. Re: to date portfolios.
  6. In essence, Power View takes 8 tables and puts them into 1 or 2 tables.
  7. Concern over multiple codes-will the user be able to put as many as they need? Another business policy issue. Recommended that there be a primary code, but that putting too many may be problematic.
  8. The question was raised regarding what flexibility is needed and how flexibility can be built into the module so that different ICs will use it.
  9. Inherently we all have the same needs because we are all working for the same overall mission.
  10. The bottom line objective is to get this module done over the next year.

Action Items

Members in Attendance:
Anderson, James (GM)   Desbois, Michel (DA)   Strasburger, Jennifer (CA)
Asanuma, Chiiko (MH)   Erickson, Bud (CA)   Tabor, Derrick (GM)
Beisel, Chris (AI)   Finkelstein, David (AG)   Wehrle, Janna (GM)
Caban, Carlos (OER)   Heath, Anne (CA)   Young, Janet (AI)
Collie, Krishna (OD)   Lederhendler, Israel (MH)


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