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19 found
Methods for Promoting Stem Cell Proliferation and Survival
Method for Promoting Stem Cell Proliferation and Survival
Genetic Fingerprint of Acute Stroke
Method for Convection Enhanced Delivery of Therapeutic Agents
Methods and Devices for Intramuscular Stimulation of Upper Airway and Swallowing Muscle Groups
Methods of Identifying and Treating Tumors that Express Erythropoietin Receptor Protein (EPO R)
Methods and Materials for Controlling Stem Cell and Cancer Cell Proliferation and Differentiation
Gene Chip Technology for Vascular Risk Assessment
Enhanced Distribution of Therapeutic Agents After Local Delivery
HeadWave Clinical Coil Designed for Magnetic Resonance Elastography
Genes For Niemann-Pick Type C Disease
Methods for Preventing Strokes by Inducing Tolerance to E-selectin
Efficient Generation of Midbrain Neurons from Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells
Convection-Enhanced Drug Delivery System
Two- and Three-Dimensional Autoradiographic Imaging Utilizing Charge Coupled Devices
Cell Expansion System For Use In Neural Transplantation
Method to Reduce the Bias in the Mean and Variance of Indices of Water Diffusion Anisotropy as Measured by Diffusion Tensor MRI
Compositions and Methods for Diagnosis and Treatment of Chemotherapy-Resistant Neoplastic Disease
The Application Of Induction Tolerance By Oral Feeding Of Myelin Basic Protein To The Generation Of Increased Resistance To Stroke


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