SBIR and STTR Success Story for
dbaza, inc.

(Information Posted/Updated on 10/19/2004)

dbaza, inc.
5001 Baum Blvd., Suite 676
Pittsburgh, PA  15213

Contact:    Sergey V. Sirotinin, M.Sc., MSME
Phone:      (412) 682-1233
Fax:          (412) 681-1106
Web Site:

Related Award(s):  R43 DK55445, R44 DK55445
Technology Developed:
Interactive computer program entitled dbaza Diabetes Education for Kids for children with type 1 diabetes. This multimedia educational tool helps children and their families understand the basic principles of self-care and learn about the skills necessary for self-management.

Key Words:  diabetes education, interactive learning, children with diabetes, pediatric diabetes care, diabetes self-management, CD-ROM.
Uses of Technology/Products/Service:
dbaza Diabetes Education for Kids is an educational tool that covers the four basic areas of diabetes self-management, including blood glucose monitoring, insulin injections, dietary management, and physical activity. The CD-ROM presents an age-appropriate story line, using animated characters (created by the child or caregiver) to engage the child in the learning process. It offers opportunities to apply the information in an interactive format; and provides feedback and positive reinforcement for correct choices. The learning experience encompasses interactive exercises, pop quizzes, and guided and unguided practices of diabetes-related skills.

The interactive program keeps track of all activities throughout the CD-ROM, recording the number of correct and incorrect answers, which can be printed out for a later review. As part of learning process, the child creates pages of a book based on what was learned. The book then can be printed out providing a personalized diabetes reference.

dbaza Diabetes Education for Kids is available for both home and clinical use. The detailed product information is available on line at

Benefit to Company:
Since the launch of a new version in 2003, over 4000 copies of the CD-ROM were distributed to children and their families. The educational program has received “Favorably Reviewed” status from the American Association of Diabetes Educators. More than one hundred children’s hospitals and clinics have been using the CD-ROM as an adjunct to their traditional diabetes education.

How Product Was Commercialized:
The primary commercialization strategy evolved publicity among health care professionals (pediatric endocrinologists and diabetes educators) and professional member organizations (American Association of Diabetes Educators and American Diabetes Association).

Other Comments Related to Company's Success Story:
dbaza unique approach to developing interactive health communication applications has been highly acknowledged by research and professional organizations such as the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, the American Diabetes Association, and the American Association of Diabetes Educators. Company products have been featured among the Top 20 innovative health promotion and interactive health communication applications presented at the 2nd Annual National Steps to a HealthierUS Summit.