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 •  Adolescent Brains Show Reduced Reward Anticipation

    Adolescent Brains Show Reduced Reward Anticipation

 •  Alcohol interacts with cell membranes

    Researchers believe alcohol interacts with cell membranes in the brain, which contain relatively large molecules called phospholipids

 •  Alcoholic male subject's PET image is pseudocolored to show areas of increased and decreased metabolic


 •  Animal behavioral paradigms used to explore the positive and negative reinforcing actions of alcohol and other drugs

    Animal behavioral paradigms used to explore the positive and negative reinforcing actions of alcohol and other drugs

 •  Areas of the brain vulnerable to damage by alcohol

    Areas of the brain vulnerable to damage by alcohol

 •  Brain activity during alcohol intoxication

    Brain activity during alcohol intoxication

 •  Cells from patient with hepatic encephalopathy

    Cells from patient with hepatic encephalopathy

 •  Comparison of two female subjects who had volumetric MRIs created in a GE 1.5 Tesla MRI machine

    Comparison of two female subjects who had volumetric MRIs created in a GE 1.5 Tesla MRI machine

 •  Echo planar magnetic resonance images (fMRI)

    Echo planar magnetic resonance images (fMRI)

 •  Effects of selective attention on exogenous ERPs elicited by stimuli in three sensory modalities differ in terms of morphology and scalp topography

    Effects of selective attention on exogenous ERPs elicited by stimuli in three sensory modalities differ in terms of morphology and scalp topography

 •  Electroencephalographic (i.e., brain wave) tracings of the waveform P300

    Electroencephalographic (i.e., brain wave) tracings of the waveform P300 obtained from nonalcoholic (i.e., control) and alcoholic subjects in response to a visual stimulus

 •  Images comparing a healthy control man with an alcoholic man

    Images comparing a healthy control man with an alcoholic man

 •  Interactive effects of alcohol and nicotine on dopamine release in the rat brain

    Interactive effects of alcohol and nicotine on dopamine release in the rat brain

 •  Major Components of a Typical Neuron

    Major Components of a Typical Neuron

 •  Neurotransmitters with discrete localization within the brain

    Neurotransmitters with discrete localization within the brain

 •  Parts of the brain involved in alcohol/nocotine dependence and psychiatric disorders

    Parts of the brain involved in alcohol/nocotine dependence and psychiatric disorders

 •  Performance examples of a control subject and an alcoholic patient on the go/no-go task

    Performance examples of a control subject and an alcoholic patient on the go/no-go task

 •  PET and MRI images of a male alcoholic

    PET and MRI images of a male alcoholic

 •  Pictorial representation of the Himmelsbach hypothesis as it applies to alcohol use

    Pictorial representation of the Himmelsbach hypothesis as it applies to alcohol use.

 •  Schematic drawing of a ligand-gated ion channel (left) showing the confluence of individual subunit proteins that define a pore where the ions flow across the cell membrane

    Schematic drawing of a ligand-gated ion channel (left) showing the confluence of individual subunit proteins that define a pore where the ions flow across the cell membrane

 •  Schematic drawing of a neuron showing dendrites, where neurons receive chemical input from other neurons; soma (cell body); and axon terminal, where neurons communicate information to other cells

    Schematic drawing of a neuron showing dendrites, where neurons receive chemical input from other neurons; soma (cell body); and axon terminal, where neurons communicate information to other cells

 •  Schematic drawing of a synapse between two neurons

    Schematic drawing of a synapse between two neurons

 •  Schematic drawing of the γ-aminobutyric acid receptor (GABAA) ligandgated ion channel complex. The receptor molecule is formed by the confluence of five subunit proteins

    Schematic drawing of the γ-aminobutyric acid receptor (GABAA) ligandgated ion channel complex. The receptor molecule is formed by the confluence of five subunit proteins

 •  Schematic of a lengthwise cross-section through the human brain

    Schematic of a lengthwise cross-section through the human brain

 •  Schematic representation of some of the major neurochemical systems affected by alcohol

    Schematic representation of some of the major neurochemical systems affected by alcohol

 •  Schematic representation of the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABAA) receptor

    Schematic representation of the gamma-aminobutyric acid ( GABAA ) receptor

 •  Schematic representation of the two most common subtypes of nAChRs

    Schematic representation of the two most common subtypes of nAChRs

 •  The NMDA receptor complex

    The NMDA receptor complex. Activation (i.e., excitation) occurs when either glutamate (Glu) or N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) and glycine (Gly) bind to the receptor molecule

 •  Topography of ERP response to tactile stimulus at approximately 50 ms after stimulus presentation

    Topography of ERP response to tactile stimulus at approximately 50 ms after stimulus presentation

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