KDHE Home - A to Z Topic Listing

A to Z Topic Listing


The following listing offers quick links to the most frequently requested topics, services or programs at the Kansas Department of Health & Environment.

Contact Information
Environmental Service Guide
| Health Service Guide

- A -               A |  B |  C |  D |  E |  F |  G |  H |  I J K |  L |  M |  N |  O |  P |  Q |  R |  S |  T |  U |  V |  W |  X |  Y Z

Abortion Reporting
| Abortion Statistics
| Aboveground Storage Tanks
| Abstinence Education
| Accredited Environmental Laboratory Listing
| Acid Rain
| Adoption Records
| Adult Care Home (Complaint Hotline)
| Adult Care Home (Criminal Record Checks)
| Adult Care Home Administrator Licensing
| Adult Care Home Administrator, Board of
| Agricultural Waste
| Air Construction Permits
| Air Emissions Inventory
| Air Monitoring
Air Operating Permits
| Air Permit Renewals
| Air Pollution Complaints
| Air Quality Information
| Air Regulation
| Air Training Information
| Animal Bites
| Animal Burial
| Animal Carcass
| Animal Incineration
| Aquifer
| Arsenic (Disposal or Illegal Dumping)
| Arthritis
| Asbestos
| Assessment & Restoration
| Audiologist (Licensing)

- B -               A |  B |  C |  D |  E |  F |  G |  H |  I J K |  L |  M |  N |  O |  P |  Q |  R |  S |  T |  U |  V |  W |  X |  Y Z

Battery Disposal (used)
| Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)
| Bicycle Helmets
| Biodiesel Plants (Ethanol)
| Biological Diseases/Agents
| Bioterrorism
| Bioterrorism - Reporting Emergencies
| Birth Certificate Amendments
| Birth Certificate Records
Kansas Cancer Information | Birth Statistics
| Blood Borne Pathogens
| Booster Seat
| Breast/Cervical Cancer Initiative
| Breath Alcohol
| Brownfields Program
| Burn permits
| Burning Complaints
| Bypass Reports & Reporting

- C -            A |  B |  C |  D |  E |  F |  G |  H |  I J K |  L |  M |  N |  O |  P |  Q |  R |  S |  T |  U |  V |  W |  X |  Y Z

Cancer Information
| Capitol Midweek Farmers' Market
| Carbon Monoxide
| Careers at KDHE
| Center for Health Disparities
| Cervical Cancer
| CFC/Freon
| Chanute - SE District Office KDHE
| Chemical Spills
| Chemical Storage/Reporting
| Chemistry Laboratory
| Child Care Licensing
| Child Death Statistics
| Child Health Assessment
| Child Safety Seats
| Children with Special Health Care Needs
| Children's Developmental Services
| Choose Respect
| City Dumps
Clandestine Drug Labs Clean up
| Class I Operator Permit (Air)
| CLIA (Medical Labs)
| CNA/CMA Certification
| Commodity Supplemental Fd Program
| Community Health (Local & Rural Health)
| Community Health Intervention Process (CHIPr)
| Community Right-to-Know
| Community Supplemental Food Program
| Composting
| Comprehensive Cancer
| Computer Disposal / Recycle
| CONRAD 20 Program
| Construction (less than 1 Acre)
| Contaminated Soil Disposal
| Crematoriums
| Criminal Records Check (for Adult Care Home & Health Agencies)
| Cross-Connections
| Crude Oil Spills - Off-site

- D -            A |  B |  C |  D |  E |  F |  G |  H |  I J K |  L |  M |  N |  O |  P |  Q |  R |  S |  T |  U |  V |  W |  X |  Y Z

Day Care Centers Registration & CCL
| Death Certificate Amendments
| Death Certificates, Records
| Death Statistics
| Dental Form
| Dental Professionals
| Diabetes
| Diagnostic Microbiology
| Dialysis Centers
| Did You Wash 'Em?
| Dietary (Health Facilities/Nutritionist)
| Dieticians (Licensing)
| Diphtheria Information
| Disability and Health Program New item
| Disability / Violence Awareness Project
| Disease Control (EPI)
Disease Reporting & Public Health Emergencies
| District Offices / Operations (Environmental)
| Divorce Record Corrections
| Divorce Records
| Divorce Statistics
| Dodge City - SW District Office KDHE
| Dog Bites (EPI Hotline)
| Drinking Water (Lead in it)
| Drinking Water (Public Water)
| Drug Lab, Cleanup
| Dry Cleaners, General
| Dry Cleaners, Registration
| Dry Cleaners Trust Fund
| DSMOA (Superfund Unit)
| Dumps, City

- E -            A |  B |  C |  D |  E |  F |  G |  H |  I J K |  L |  M |  N |  O |  P |  Q |  R |  S |  T |  U |  V |  W |  X |  Y Z

Electronic Waste
| Electronic Recycling
| Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC)
| Emergency Reporting (Bioterrorism)
| Emergency Response (Spills, etc.)
| Employment at KDHE
| EMF's
| Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program
Electronic Waste Recycling | Environmental Microbiology
| Environmental Public Health
| Environmental Radiation
| Environmental Remediation
| Environmental Use Controls
| Epidemiologist (EPI Hotline)
| Ethanol - Biodiesel Plants
| E-Waste (Computers, etc.)

- F -            A |  B |  C |  D |  E |  F |  G |  H |  I J K |  L |  M |  N |  O |  P |  Q |  R |  S |  T |  U |  V |  W |  X |  Y Z

Family Health (WIC)
| Family Planning
| Feedlots (Dairy, Swine, Poultry)
| Feedlots (Runoff Control)
| Fetal Death Stats (Stillborn)
| Fiberglass
| Fire Injury Prevention
Fish Kill
| Fluorescent Light Disposal
| Foodborne Illness
| Formaldehyde
| Foster Care Homes
| Freon (CFC)
| FUDS (Superfund Unit)

- G -            A |  B |  C |  D |  E |  F |  G |  H |  I J K |  L |  M |  N |  O |  P |  Q |  R |  S |  T |  U |  V |  W |  X |  Y Z

| Get Caught Recycling!
| Global Impacts (Warm/Ozone)
| Grain Elevators (Air Permits)
| Grocery Stores
Groundwater (Cleaning It Up)
| Groundwater (Protecting)
| Groundwater Action Levels
| Groundwater Monitoring at Solid Waste Management Facilities

- H -            A |  B |  C |  D |  E |  F |  G |  H |  I J K |  L |  M |  N |  O |  P |  Q |  R |  S |  T |  U |  V |  W |  X |  Y Z

| Hays - NW District Office KDHE
| Hazardous Waste Transporting
| Hazardous Materials Spill
| Hazardous Waste
| Hazardous Waste Manifest
| Head Lice
| Health Facilities Regulations
| Health Occupations Credentialing Program
| Health Risk Studies & Surveys
| Health Services (Local)
| Health, Family, School
Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Prevention Program
| Hearing Screening
| Heart Disease & Stroke Prevention
| Hepatitis B
| HIV Test
| Home Health Agencies
| Home Health Aides (Certification & Licensing)
| Homeless Shelters - Consumer Health Inspections
| Hospitals/Patient Records
| Hospitals/Surgical Centers (License)
| Household Hazardous Waste

- I -            A |  B |  C |  D |  E |  F |  G |  H |  I J K |  L |  M |  N |  O |  P |  Q |  R |  S |  T |  U |  V |  W |  X |  Y Z

ICF (Intermediate Care Facilities)
| Identified Sites List
| Immunization
| Incineration (Municipal Solid Waste)
| Incinerators
| Indoor Air
| Industrial Gauges (Radiation)
| Infant Death Statistics
| Infant Toddler Program
Safe Kids Kansas | Infectious Diseases Information (EPI Hotline)
| Infectious Diseases Summary (Reportable)
| Infectious Disease Surveillance
| Influenza Information
| Information Media
| Injury Prevention Program
| Institutional Review Board (IRB)
| Insulation

- K -            A |  B |  C |  D |  E |  F |  G |  H |  I J K |  L |  M |  N |  O |  P |  Q |  R |  S |  T |  U |  V |  W |  X |  Y Z

KDHE Center for Health Disparities
| KanBeHealthy
| Kansas Booster Seat
| Kansas Child Health Assessment & Monitoring Project (KCHAMP)
Kansas Don't Spoil It!
| Kansas Information for Communities (KIC)
| Kansas Kids Fitness & Safety Day
| Kansas LEAN

- L -            A |  B |  C |  D |  E |  F |  G |  H |  I J K |  L |  M |  N |  O |  P |  Q |  R |  S |  T |  U |  V |  W |  X |  Y Z

Lab Certification & Improvement
| Lab Supplies (Water Bottles)
| Labs - Environmental Chemistry
| Labs - Reporting/Test Results
| Labs - Sample & Data Management
| Labs - Specimens
| Laboratory Improvement Program Office (LIPO)
| Lagoons (Industrial)
| Lagoons (Livestock)
| Lagoons (Municipal)
| Lagoons (Septic)
| Lakes (Designated Uses)
| Lakes (Monitoring, Design, Watershed Protection)
| Landfills (Environmental Remediation)
| Landfills (Solid Waste)
| Lawrence - NE District Office KDHE
| Lead (Medical) EPI Hotline
Lead Abatement - Certification
| Lead Emissions
| Lead in Drinking Water
| Lead Paint (Industrial)
| Lead Paint Disposal
| Lead Screening
| Lead Testing
| Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUST)
| Legal Office
| Livestock (disposal)
| Livestock Waste Management
| Local Environmental Protection Plans
| Local Health Services
| Low Level Radioactive Waste
| LUST (Leaking Underground Storage Tanks)
| Lyme Disease (Public)
| Lyme Disease Media Info

- M -            A |  B |  C |  D |  E |  F |  G |  H |  I J K |  L |  M |  N |  O |  P |  Q |  R |  S |  T |  U |  V |  W |  X |  Y Z

MACA (Superfund Unit)
| MACT Standards
| Mammography
| Marriage Certificates /Amendments
| Marriage Records
| Marriage Statistics
| Maternal & Child Health
| Maternal & Child Nutrition
| Mausoleums (BWM)
| Measles Information
| Media Relations (Public Info) (KDHE)
| Medical Solid Waste Incinerators Info
| Medical Waste Incinerators Info
| Medical Waste Incinerators Permits
| Medicare Hospitals
Kansas Don't Spolit It! | Medication Aide
| Mercury Disposal
| Mercury Spills
| Meth Lab Cleanup
| Meth Watch Program
| Microbiology (Diagnostic)
| Microbiology (Water, Environment)
| Mined Land Reclaim Info
| Miscarriages (Burial/Age)
| Mobile Source Emissions
| Mobile Web New Item
| Monitoring Wells (Permits)
| Mosquitoes (EPI Hotline)
| Mumps

- N -            A |  B |  C |  D |  E |  F |  G |  H |  I J K |  L |  M |  N |  O |  P |  Q |  R |  S |  T |  U |  V |  W |  X |  Y Z

Natural Gas Storage
| Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM)
| Neonatal Screening
| Newborn Hearing Screening Program
| Newborn Screening Program
| News Releases
| Newsletter (Monthly)
| Nitrate (Public Water Supply)
| Noise Pollution
Nurses Aide
| Nurses Aide Education
| Nurses Aide Registry
| Nursing Home Administration (Licensing)
| Nursing Home Statistics
| Nutrition & Physical Activity
| Nutrition Services
| Nutrition/Dietary (Health Facility)

- O -            A |  B |  C |  D |  E |  F |  G |  H |  I J K |  L |  M |  N |  O |  P |  Q |  R |  S |  T |  U |  V |  W |  X |  Y Z

Oil Spills (Off-Lease)
| Open Burning
| Operator Training (Water/Wastewater)
Oral Health
| Orphan Sites/Contamination/Remedial
| Outbreak Investigations |

- P -            A |  B |  C |  D |  E |  F |  G |  H |  I J K |  L |  M |  N |  O |  P |  Q |  R |  S |  T |  U |  V |  W |  X |  Y Z

Pedestrian Safety
| Perinatal Casualty Stats
| Pertusis (Whooping Cough) Information
| Physical Activity and Nutrition Program
| Physical Therapists
| PKU Results
| PKU Testing
| Playground Safety
| Pneumococcal Information
| Poison Control
| Polio Information
Kansas Meth Watch Program | Pollution Prevention (P2)
| Ponds
| Population Statistics
| Preschools
| Pretreatment - Water
| Prevention Works Program
| Private Wastewater Treatment Systems
| Property Development
| Public Advocate (Environment)
| Public Water Supplies

- Q -            A |  B |  C |  D |  E |  F |  G |  H |  I J K |  L |  M |  N |  O |  P |  Q |  R |  S |  T |  U |  V |  W |  X |  Y Z

Quarries - KDHE Permits
| Quarries - KDHE Water

- R -            A |  B |  C |  D |  E |  F |  G |  H |  I J K |  L |  M |  N |  O |  P |  Q |  R |  S |  T |  U |  V |  W |  X |  Y Z

| Radiation Chemistry
| Radiation Control
| Radiation Emergencies
| Radiation Fees
| Radioactive Material Licenses
| Radiological Technicians
| Radon Printed Materials
| Radon Questions
| Reciprocity (Radiation)
| Recreational Water Illness (RWI)
| Recycling/Electronic Wastes
| Refugee Program
Regulations - Legal Office
| Reportable Disease
| Reporting Bioterrorism Emergencies
| Research/Statistics Information
| Restaurant Licensing
| Retailers Meth Watch Program
| Retirement Homes
| Right-to-Know (Air)
| Right-to-Know (Women's)
| Riparian Protection & Restoration
| RSS News Feeds
| Rubella Information
| Rural Health
| Ryan White

- S -            A |  B |  C |  D |  E |  F |  G |  H |  I J K |  L |  M |  N |  O |  P |  Q |  R |  S |  T |  U |  V |  W |  X |  Y Z

| Safety Belt Office KS (Car Seats)
| Salina - NC District Office KDHE
| Salt water on Roads
| SARA Title III Program
| School Health
| School Waste Disposal
| Septic Tanks
| Serology
| Sewage Pre-Treatment Plants
| Sewer - Industrial
| Sewer - Municipal
| Sewer - Restaurant
| Sewer - Sanitary
| Sewer - Storm
| Sewer Extensions
| Sexual Violence Prevention Education
| Sexually Transmitted Diseases
| Shot Records
| Smoking
| Soil & Water Clean (Spills)
| Solid Waste (Landfills, Trash)
| Sound Beginnings
| Special Waste / Disposal
Speech Language Pathologists (Licensing)
| Spills, after hours
| Kansas Abstinence Education Program | Spills, Liquid
| Spills, Mercury
| SRF Low Interest Loans
| Stack Tests (AQ)
| State Cooperative Unit
| State Emergency Response Comm
| State Trauma Program
| State Water Plan Program
| Stillbirth (Fetal Death Statistic)
| Stool Sample Containers
| Storage Tanks, above ground
| Storage Trust Fund
| Storage Wells
| Storm Water (Construction)
| Storm Water (Municipal Runoff)
| Streams
| Streams (Designated Uses)
| Suicide Prevention
| Superfund Unit
| Surface Mining
| Surface Water Regulations
| Surface Water Treatment Rule

- T -            A |  B |  C |  D |  E |  F |  G |  H |  I J K |  L |  M |  N |  O |  P |  Q |  R |  S |  T |  U |  V |  W |  X |  Y Z

TB Skin Tests
| Teen Pregnancy Data
| Telephone Surveys
| Tetanus Information
| Tire (Grants)
| Tire Disposal (Solid Waste)
| Title V (MCH Grant)
| Title V Questions (Air Permits)
Tobacco Use Prevention Program
| Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs)
| Toxicology
| Transfer Stations
| Trash Fires
| Trauma Program
| Trauma Registry Data
| Tuberculosis (TB)

- U -            A |  B |  C |  D |  E |  F |  G |  H |  I J K |  L |  M |  N |  O |  P |  Q |  R |  S |  T |  U |  V |  W |  X |  Y Z

Ulysses Satellite SW Office for Dodge City
| Underground Hydrocarbon Storage
| Underground Injection Control
Underground Storage (UST)
| Universal Wastes
| Used Oil

- V -            A |  B |  C |  D |  E |  F |  G |  H |  I J K |  L |  M |  N |  O |  P |  Q |  R |  S |  T |  U |  V |  W |  X |  Y Z

Vaccines For Children Program
| Viral Hepatitis
| Virology & Serology
Prevention Works! | Vital Records
| Voluntary Cleanup Unit

- W -            A |  B |  C |  D |  E |  F |  G |  H |  I J K |  L |  M |  N |  O |  P |  Q |  R |  S |  T |  U |  V |  W |  X |  Y Z

Waste Management
| Wastewater - General
| Wastewater - Industrial
| Wastewater - Industrial Pretreatment
| Wastewater - Municipal
| Wastewater - Municipal Sludge
| Wastewater - Permits
| Water - Agricultural
| Water - Lakes
| Water - Open Wells
| Water - Pollution
| Water - Public
| Water - Public Water Supply
| Water - Recreational Guidelines
| Water - Recreational Water Illness (RWI)
| Water - Soil Cleanup (Spills)
| Water - Waste
| Water Bottles - Lab Test
| Water Drinking Test Results
| Water Quality Standards
| Water Protection
Water Regulations (Drinking)
| Water Waste - Permits
| Water Well - Private
| Water Well Contractors Licenses
| Water Well Exam Testing
| Water Well Industrial Records
| Water Wells - Abandoned
| Water Wells Testing - Bacteria (Labs)
| Water/Wastewater Treatment Certification
| Waterborne Illness
| Watersheds
| Wellhead Protection
| Wells - Injection
| West Nile Virus
| Wetlands - Quality or Conditions
| Whooping Cough Information
| WIC (Women,Infants, Children)
| Wichita - SC District Office KDHE
| Wolf Creek Nuclear Facility Questions
| Women, Infants & Children Nutrition Program (WIC)

- X -            A |  B |  C |  D |  E |  F |  G |  H |  I J K |  L |  M |  N |  O |  P |  Q |  R |  S |  T |  U |  V |  W |  X |  Y Z

X-Ray Inspection
| X-Ray Machine Registration
Get Caught Recycling! |

- Y -            A |  B |  C |  D |  E |  F |  G |  H |  I J K |  L |  M |  N |  O |  P |  Q |  R |  S |  T |  U |  V |  W |  X |  Y Z

Yard Wastes