Welcome to Healthy Kansas

Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius

We want all Kansans to get involved with this site and commit to make changes that improve your physical well-being through:

  • Increasing your physical activity levels to at least 30 minutes five days each week
  • Eating a healthy, nutritious diet (including five daily servings of fruits and vegetables)
  • Stop using tobacco products, or significantly reduce your consumption

To take that first step toward becoming a Healthy Kansan, I invite you to Take the Healthy Kansas Pledge on this site. It’s easier than you think to make changes in your health by using the activities above to make positive health changes in your life.

Come back often to this site as we announce resources, and events across this great state to bring children, adults and seniors together to make a Healthy Kansas.

Announcing the HealthyKansas/Sunflower State Games Essay & Photovoice Contest

Kansas students Grades 1-6 are invited to submit a photo image of their favorite healthy meal and an essay describing why the photo depicts food that helps them live a healthy lifestyle. Submissions are due by April 3, 2009.

Learn more about photovoice, contest rules, and prizes:

Visit our partner website at http://www.sunflowergames.com/ for more information on the Sunflower State Games and how you can be a part of the action!