NINDS Technology Transfer Office NINDS Technology Transfer Office NINDS Technology Transfer Office
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What We Do

What We Do
The NINDS Technology Transfer Office (TTO) is a resource to NINDS investigators and program managers, providing five main areas of service:
bullet Agreement Negotiation
  Contractual, regulatory, policy and legal guidance, education and assistance in executing appropriate agreements for the exchange of materials with academia and the marketplace in order to enhance the basic, translational or clinical research projects and goals of NINDS. Transactional agreements, including Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) and Confidentiality Disclosure Agreements (CDA) provide mechanisms to transfer materials, data and information.
bullet Collaboration Facilitation
  Assist researchers in finding collaborators for the development and commercialization of research discoveries. The NINDS TTO promotes the translation of research into treatment and commercial product by working with investigators to effect communication and collaboration with qualified companies in the market place. As investigators initiate contact with a commercial company or begin searching for contact with a qualified commercial company, involvement of the NINDS TTO staff should be initiated early on in the process. This team work will ensure the policy, legal, and regulatory correctness of any agreements, and assure the rights of the NINDS researcher and the company are acknowledged and protected. These agreements include Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADA), Material Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (MCRADA) and Clinical Trial Agreements (CTA).
bullet Commercial Sector Liason
  Work in conjunction with executive and administrative offices of NINDS to assure appropriate communication and relationship with the commercial sector.
bullet Promotion & Marketing of Patented Technologies
  Promote patented technologies, working in conjunction with the NINDS investigator and NIH Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) to license NINDS patented technologies and research materials. The NINDS TTO supports and advances the development of “discoveries” as reported by NINDS research staff including review and approval for patenting, marketing of commercially viable opportunities and promoting discoveries for licensing. For the technologies that are licensed, the NINDS TTO facilitates the review and reporting of royalties.
bullet Educational Programs
  The NINDS TTO educates scientific, administrative, and executive staff regarding the legal and regulatory policies surrounding transfer of materials and exchange of intellectual property. Successful research requires open exchange and interaction and it is the job of the NINDS TTO to assure the transfer of materials and development of discoveries to be executed as effectively and efficiently as is possible.


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