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The 'integrated' Outpatient Code Editor (I/OCE) program processes claims for all outpatient institutional providers including hospitals that are subject to the Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) as well as hospitals that are NOT (Non-OPPS). Claim will be identified as 'OPPS' or 'Non-OPPS' by passing a flag to the OCE in the claim record, 1=OPPS, 2=Non-OPPS; a blank, zero, or any other value is defaulted to 1.

This version of the OCE processes claims consisting of multiple days of service. The OCE will perform three major functions:

  1. Edit the data to identify errors and return a series of edit flags.
  2. Assign an Ambulatory Payment Classification (APC) number for each service covered under OPPS, and return information to be used as input to a PRICER program.
  3. Assign an Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) payment group for services on claims from certain Non-OPPS hospitals.

Each claim will be represented by a collection of data, which will consist of all necessary demographic (header) data, plus all services provided (line items)It is the user's responsibility to organize all applicable services into a single claim record, and pass them as a unit to the OCE. The OCE only functions on a single claim and does not have any cross claim capabilities. The OCE will accept up to 450 line items per claim. The OCE software is responsible for ordering line items by date of service.

The OCE not only identifies individual errors but also indicates what actions should be taken and the reasons why these actions are necessary. In order to accommodate this functionality, the OCE is structured to return lists of edit numbers. This structure facilitates the linkage between the actions being taken, the reasons for the actions and the information on the claim (e.g., a specific diagnosis) that caused the action.

In general, the OCE performs all functions that require specific reference to HCPCS codes, HCPCS modifiers and ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes. Since these coding systems are complex and annually updated, the centralization of the direct reference to these codes and modifiers in a single program will reduce effort and reduce the chance of inconsistent processing.

This integration does not change current logic that is applied to outpatient bill types that already pass through the OPPS OCE software.

Editing that only applied to OPPS hospitals (e.g., blood, drug, partial hospitalization logic) in the past will not be applied to non-OPPS hospitals at this time. However, with the integrated OCE, line items on claims from non-OPPS hospitals will be assigned specific edit numbers and dispositions, where in the past; this type of detail was not provided.



Detailed OPPS Program Edits [PDF 75KB]

Detailed NON-OPPS Program Edits [PDF 32KB]

Appendix F(a) OCE Edits Applied by Bill Type (OPPS flag =1) [PDF 70KB]

Appendix F(b) OCE Edits Applied by Non-OPPS Hospital Bill Type (OPPS flag = 2) [PDF 72KB]

Pub 100-21 [PDF 225KB]

Description of edits/claim reasons Table [PDF 58KB]

Related Links Inside CMS

System Requirements (Shared System Maintainers install OCE updates into their systems. Providers can view OCE edits via Direct Data Entry)

MLN Matters Articles 

Hospital Outpatient Overview PPS

National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) Edits

Transmittal Page

Outpatient PPS Pricer

Related Links Outside CMSExternal Linking Policy

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)


Page Last Modified: 08/25/2008 12:55:46 PM
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