National Cancer Institute

Health Communication and Informatics Research

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Previously Funded Grants

Cancer Control Research Initiatives:

Centers of Excellence in Cancer Communication Research (CECCRs)

Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS)

Multimedia Technology Health Communication Grants for Small Businesses

Cancer Information Service Research Consortium (CISRC)

Health Communication Intervention RFA Research Projects

HRSA/NCI Cancer Health Disparity Collaborative

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Cancer Control Research: Previously Funded Grants

Centers of Excellence in Cancer Communications Research (CECCRs)

This initiative will create centers focused on large-scale interdisciplinary studies in cancer communications. From theory to application, the research will encourage development of new health communication technologies, programs, message strategies, and interventions for reducing the cancer burden throughout the nation.

Visit the CECCRs Web site

Active Grants

This list contains grants carried over from prior fiscal years and new grants awarded in the current fiscal year.

Grants 1 to 1 of 1

Tip: Quickly search the list for a word or words by choosing "Find..." from the "Edit" menu of your browser (or typing Ctrl+F). Then insert the search word(s).

PI Name
Organization Name
Project Title
(click for Abstract)
Grant Number
(click for Publications)**
Hornik, Robert C.

** Includes all publications listed in PubMed authored by the Principal Investigator and supported by the specified grant. Please note that not all grants have publications listed in PubMed, and the listing of publications in PubMed may not be complete.

DCCPSNational Cancer Institute Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health