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Selected Publications

Pharmacogenetics Group

Nuclear Receptor CAR

  1. Yeung EY , Sueyoshi T, Negishi M , Chang TK.: Identification of ginkgo biloba as a novel activator of pregnane X receptor. Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals 2008 36(11):2270-2276. [Abstract] (") Exit NIEHS
  2. Sobhany M, Kakuta Y, Sugiura N, Kimata K, Negishi M.: The chondroitin polymerase K4CP and the molecular mechanism of selective bindings of donor substrates to two active sites. The Journal of biological chemistry 2008 283(47):32328-32333. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS
  3. Yamamoto, Y., and Negishi, M.: The antiapoptotic factor growth arrest and DNA-damage-inducible 45 beta regulates the nuclear receptor constitutive active/androstane receptor-mediated transcription. Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals 2008 36(7):1189-1193. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS
  4. Li, L., Chen, T., Stanton, J.D., Sueyoshi, T., Negishi, M., and Wang, H.: The peripheral benzodiazepine receptor ligand 1-(2-chlorophenyl-methylpropyl)-3-isoquinoline-carboxamide is a novel antagonist of human constitutive androstane receptor. Mol. Pharmacol. 2008 74(2):443-453. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS
  5. Konno, Y., Negishi, M., and Kodama, S.: The roles of nuclear receptors CAR and PXR in hepatic energy metabolism. Drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics 2008 23(1):8-13. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS
  6. Inoue, K.: Nuclear receptor CAR requires early growth response 1 to activate the human cytochrome P450 gene. The Journal of biological chemistry 2008 283(16):10425-10432. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS
  7. Hosseinpour, F., Timsit, Y., Koike, C., Matsui, K., Yamamoto, Y., Moore, R., and Negishi, M.: Overexpression of the Rho-guanine nucleotide exchange fractor ECT2 inhibits nuclear translocation of nuclear receptor CAR in the mouse liver. FEBS letters 581(25):4937-4942. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS
  8. Kodama, S., Moore, R., Yamamoto, Y., and Negishi, M.: Human nuclear pregnane X receptor cross-talk with CREB to repress cAMP activation of the glucose-6-phosphatase gene. Biochem J 407:373–381, 2007. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS
  9. Tien, E., Matsui, K., Moore, R., and Negishi, M.: The nuclear receptor constitutively active/androstane receptor regulates type 1 deiodinase and thyroid hormone activity in regenerating liver. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 320: 307-313, 2007. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS
  10. Yamamoto, Y., Moore, R., Goldsworthy, T. L., Negishi, M., and Maronpot, R. R.: The orphan nuclear receptor constitutive active/androstane receptor is essential for liver tumor promotion by phenobarbital in mice. Can. Res. 64: 7197-7200, 2004. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS
  11. Kodama, S., Koike, C., Negishi, M., and Yamamoto, Y.: Nuclear receptors CAR and PXR cross talk with FOXO1 to regulate genes that encode drug metabolizing and gluconeogenic enzymes. Mol. Cell. Biol. 24: 7931-7940, 2004. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS
  12. Kobayashi, K., Sueyoshi, T., Inoue, K., Moore, R., and Negishi, M.: Cytoplasmic accumulation of the nuclear receptor CAR by a tetratricopeptide repeat protein in HepG2 cells. Mol. Pharmacol. 64: 1069-1075, 2003. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS
  13. Ueda, A., Hamadeh, H. K., Webb, H.K., Yamamoto, Y., Sueyoshi, T., Afshari, C.A., Lehmann, J., and Negishi, M.: Diverse roles of the nuclear orphan receptor CAR in regulating hepatic genes in response to phenobarbital. Mol. Pharmacol. 61: 1-6, 2002. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS
  14. Kawamoto, T., Sueyoshi, T., Zelko, T., and Negishi, M.: Phenobarbital-responsive nuclear translocation of the receptor CAR in induction of the CYP2B gene. Mol. Cell. Biol.19: 6318-6322, 1999. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS
  15. Sueyoshi, T., Kawamoto, T., Zelko, I., Honkakoski, P., and Negishi, M.: The repressed nuclear receptor CAR responds to phenobarbital in activating the human CYP2B6 gene. J. Biol. Chem. 274: 6043-6046, 1999. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS
  16. Honkakoski, P., Zelko, I., Sueyoshi, T., and Negishi, M.: The nuclear receptor CAR-retinoid X receptor heterodimer activates the phenobarbital-responsive enhancer module of the CYP2B gene. Mol. Cell. Biol.18: 5652-5658, 1998. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS

Molecular Glycobiology

  1. Sobhany M, Kakuta Y, Sugiura N, Kimata K, Negishi M.: The chondroitin polymerase K4CP and the molecular mechanism of selective bindings of donor substrates to two active sites. The Journal of biological chemistry 2008 283(47):32328-32333. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS
  2. Sobhany, M., Dong, J., and Negishi, M.: Two-step mechanism that determines the donor binding specificity of human N-acetylhexosaminyltransferase. J. Biol. Chem. 280: 23441-23445, 2005. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS
  3. Pedersen, L.C., Dong, J., Taniguchi, F., Kitagawa, H., Krahn, J., Pedersen, L.G., Sugahara, K., and Negishi, M.: Crystal structure of α1, 4-N-acetylhexosaminyltransferase (EXTL2), a member of the exostosin gene family involved in heparan sulfate biosynthesis. J. Biol. Chem. 278: 14420-14428, 2003. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS
  4. Pedersen, L.C., Darden, T.A., and Negishi, M.: Crystal structure of β-1, 3- glucuronyltransferase I in complex with active substrate UDP-GlcUA. J. Biol. Chem. 277: 21869-21873, 2002. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS

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