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#958QUOSA Virtual Library - Lab and Team Sharing, Annotating and Alerting
The seminar will cover the basic functionality of QUOSA Virtual Library (QVL) software for organizing and sharing all of your group's articles and documents. This includes your full-text article PDFs, Word, PowerPoint, image slides, experimental data, web pages, etc. You will learn how to leverage full-text search capabilities, combined with meta-data and annotation indexing and search, to enhance your group efficiency. The scope will include: typical ways to organize a QVL for your lab or team, types of documents supported by QVL, adding documents to your QVL, annotating documents in QVL, finding the needed documents in QVL and configuring Alerts. We will also cover types of QVL folders and how to keep them synced with the content of QVL, as well as how you and your team can access your QVL via either a browser or a desktop application.
Train participants how to:
  • publish to, and locate and retrieve documents as they collaborate using QVL
  • Discuss what is involved in setting up a QVL for team sharing and group curation and annotation - in a copyright compliant environment
Who should attend:
NIH researchers and professionals who need to collaborate on proposals and other internal documents; maintain lab, and department level document collections; search and annotate scientific literature
Dr. Eszter Hars, QUOSA
Time Required:
0.75 hours
Sections Available:
-- Concluded -- 958-09F November 17 10:30 - 11:15 Building 12A, Room B51
NOTE: Although this course has already taken place, we'll put you on a waiting list for the next available session.

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