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#928Writing Scripts for MIPAV
MIPAV is a platform-independent image processing and visualization program that assists researchers with the 3D segmentation, registration, and the visualization of biomedical imaging modalities. This class covers how to record/write scripts for MIPAV. Scripts, sometimes referred to as macros in other programs, record a series of commands or actions performed within MIPAV. Using scripts can increase productivity and improve efficiency in performing repeated actions or a series of actions on a single image or a group of images. Calling MIPAV from a command line shell or other programs will also be discussed and demonstrated.
Upon completion of this course, the student will be familiar with the following topics in Scripts:
  • Recording scripts
  • Modifying scripts
  • Executing scripts
    • From the MIPAV graphical user interface
    • From a command line interface or other programs
Who should attend:
NIH staff that want to learn more about using MIPAV scripts and plugins to automate the processing and analysis of their biomedical imaging data
Dr. Matthew McAuliffe, Division of Computational Bioscience, CIT
Time Required:
3 hours
Sections Available:
-- Concluded -- 928-09F October 22 9:00 - 12:00 Building 12A, Room B51
NOTE: Although this course has already taken place, we'll put you on a waiting list for the next available session.

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