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#731ECB Data Administration - Basic
The class is a must for anyone charged with managing council data for their IC.

Participants will learn how to use the ECB Council Administration Module of the ECB to configure and manage their IC council meeting data. This class covers all basic ECB topics, including: creating meeting assignment data, configuring and managing conflict of interest data, managing council member user accounts, using ECB saved queries and customizing the ECB configuration for a specific IC. There will also be a brief introduction to the Council Information Page and Document Attachment features, which are covered in much greater detail in the Advanced class (732).

Class includes hands-on labs with a live training database.
Who should attend:
NIH staff charged with managing council data for their IC.
Paul R. Jordan, NIH/OD eRA Project
Time Required:
5 hours
Sections Available:
731B-09F March 10 9:00 - 3:00 Fernwood Building, Lower Level Classroom - 1NW02
731A-09F Moved to December 8 9:00 - 3:00 Fernwood Building, Lower Level Classroom - 1NW02

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