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#438Introduction to MetaCore for Pathway Analysis
GeneGo's bioinformatics technology for systems biology enables complete reconstruction of mammalian cellular functionality from interactions data at the level of ligand-receptor interactions, cell signaling and regulation and core metabolism. Whether you are working with one gene or an extensive list from high throughput data, learn how to tweak out the associated cellular functionality.
Students will be able to
  • upload their gene list or build the list using MetaCore search tools
  • exploit the functional enrichment of a data set
  • build a network to depict these functional interactions
  • learn how MetaCore allows for the comparison (1-2-3 step workflow) of several data sets to determine what biology is shared or unique to each
  • overlay and visualize expression levels of objects from the same data to help you formulate more applicable hypotheses
Who should attend:
NIH staff with an interest in the topic; bioinformaticians, biologists, specific diseases, bench scientists
GeneGo staff
Time Required:
3 hours
Sections Available:
-- Concluded -- 438A-09F October 10 1:00 - 4:00 Building 12A, Room B51
438B-09F March 20 9:00 - 12:00 Building 12A, Room B51

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