NINDS Neuroscience Funding Announcements

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New Information from NINDS Application processes at NIH are changing. Applicant organizations are encouraged to start preparing for this transtion by registering with and NIH eRA Commons now.

Notice of Limited Competition Request For Competing Applications: Institutional Research Training Programs: Increasing Diversity
Release Date: September 9, 2004
Announcement Number: NOT-MH-04-009

Funding Contact: NINDS Funding
Program Area: Office of Training and Career Development

Brief Description:
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), and the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) are requesting competing renewal applications from the NIMH Diversity Training Programs. These programs were awarded as a result of a Request for Applications, Institutional Research Training Programs: Increasing Diversity (RFA MH-01-009). The RFA was issued to promote diversity in the mental health, neurological sciences, and drug abuse research workforce by supporting national and/or regional training programs that will recruit, train, and retain individuals from ethnic and racial minority groups, as well as individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds, in the relevant biomedical, behavioral, and clinical sciences.

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