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Drug Abuse Prevention Research meeting.. details in text2nd National Conference on Drug Abuse Prevention Research:
A Progress Update

This Conference was held at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington D.C., August 9-10, 2001.

Biographies (continued)

David P. MacKinnon, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-1104
(480) 727-6120
(480) 727-6176 fax

Dr. MacKinnon is Professor in the Department of Psychology at Arizona State University. His interests include statistical methods in prevention research and applied psychology. Much of Dr. MacKinnon's research examines methodologies to determine how prevention programs achieve their effects.

Lynn McDonald, M.S.W., Ph.D.
Wisconsin Center on Education Research
University of Wisconsin-Madison
1025 West Johnson Street
Madison, WI 53706
(608) 263-9476
(608) 263-6448 fax

Dr. McDonald is Director of the Families and Schools Together (FAST) Project and Senior Scientist at the Wisconsin Center on Education Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison. She started a nonprofit, FAST International, to disseminate results from the FAST Project, a preventive intervention involving family therapy programming for low-income populations with adolescent addicts, including multifamily groups. Dr. McDonald is a mother of two youths and was recently appointed to the President's Advisory Council on Youth Drug Use.

Stephanie McGencey, M.P.H.
Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America
901 North Pitt Street, Suite 300
Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 706-0560, ext. 222
(703) 706-0565 fax

Ms. McGencey is Senior Vice-President for Training and Research at the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America. She oversees development of curricula and publications, convenes training sessions across the country, establishes strategic partnerships with other agencies, and offers satellite broadcasts and computer-based training and technical assistance services.

Carol W. Metzler, Ph.D.
Oregon Research Institute
1715 Franklin Boulevard
Eugene, OR 97403
(541) 484-2123
(541) 484-1108 fax

Dr. Metzler is Research Scientist at Oregon Research Institute, where she conducts research to evaluate the efficacy of family-, school-, and community-level interventions for improving child outcomes, including the prevention of substance use, aggression, delinquency, and other youth problem behaviors.

Richard A. Millstein
National Institute on Drug Abuse
National Institutes of Health
6001 Executive Boulevard
Room 5274, MSC 9581
Bethesda, MD 20892-9581
(301) 443-6481
(301) 443-9127 fax

Mr. Millstein is Deputy Director of NIDA. He has been instrumental in planning, developing, and implementing NIDA's programs in basic, clinical, epidemiological, and applied scientific research aimed at reducing the burden of drug abuse. Mr. Millstein has served in a variety of roles throughout his career in Government service, including a dual role both as Principal Advisor to the Director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy and as the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Liaison on drug demand-reduction activities. He is a recognized expert in the legal, ethical, and policy areas of mental health and addictive disorders. Mr. Millstein has authored and edited a number of key articles on a variety of public health issues. He has twice received the Presidential Executive Rank Award, the highest performance award bestowed on career civil servants.

Lucinda L. Miner, Ph.D.
Office of Science Policy and Communications
National Institute on Drug Abuse
National Institutes of Health
6001 Executive Boulevard
Room 5230, MSC 9591
Bethesda, MD 20892-9591
(301) 443-6071
(301) 443-6277 fax

Dr. Miner is Chief of the Science Policy Branch, which coordinates legislative, research planning, and evaluation activities, in the Office of Science Policy and Communications at NIDA. Previously, she worked at NIDA's Intramural Research Program in Baltimore, Maryland. Dr. Miner has published numerous papers and book chapters on the genetic and biochemical bases of addiction.

Virginia Molgaard, Ph.D.
Prevention Program Development
Institute for Social and Behavioral Research
Iowa State University
2625 North Loop Drive, Suite 500
Ames, IA 50010-8296
(515) 294-8762
(515) 294-3613 fax

Dr. Molgaard is Professor Emerita in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies at Iowa State University. She is the first author of the Strengthening Families Program: For Parents and Youth 10-14 and has trained facilitators to deliver the program in more than 30 States across the country. Dr. Molgaard is the Co-Principal Investigator in three federally funded research projects designed to test this program.

Philip Palmgreen, Ph.D.
Department of Communication
University of Kentucky
Building 0042
Lexington, KY 40506-0042
(859) 257-7801
(859) 257-4103 fax

Dr. Palmgreen is Professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Kentucky. He has been Principal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator on several projects investigating the targeting of televised antidrug public service announcements to at-risk, high-sensation-seeking populations. Dr. Palmgreen is a Scientific Advisor for the Office of National Drug Control Policy's National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign.

Mary Ann Pentz, Ph.D.
Center for Prevention Policy Research
Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center
Department of Preventive Medicine, School of Medicine
University of Southern California, MS-44
1441 Eastlake Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90089-9176
(323) 865-0327
(323) 865-0134 fax

Dr. Pentz is Director of the Center for Prevention Policy Research and Professor in the Department of Preventive Medicine at the University of Southern California. Her research has focused on community and policy approaches to drug abuse prevention among youth. Findings from her longitudinal prevention trials contributed to the formulation of a U.S. Senate bill and use of evidence-based criteria for appropriating funds for prevention under the Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act. Dr. Pentz has served on various Federal projects, including chairing the NIDA Epidemiology and Prevention Study Section and The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Fighting Back Project. She has published widely in psychology, public health, and medical journals on the use of multicomponent approaches to community-based prevention.

Suman A. Rao, Ph.D.
Office of Science Policy and Communications
National Institute on Drug Abuse
National Institutes of Health
6001 Executive Boulevard
Room 5230, MSC 9591
Bethesda, MD 20892-9591
(301) 443-6071
(301) 443-6277 fax

Dr. Rao is Health Scientist Administrator in the Science Policy Branch, Office of Science Policy and Communications at NIDA. Her interests include prevention research, developmental psychopathology, and juvenile justice issues. Dr. Rao received her doctoral degree in clinical psychology with an emphasis on children, adolescents, and families at the University of Oregon.

John B. Reid, Ph.D.
Oregon Social Learning Center
160 East Fourth Avenue
Eugene, OR 97401
(541) 485-2711
(541) 485-7087 fax

Dr. Reid is Executive Director of the Oregon Social Learning Center (OSLC), where he and his colleagues are carrying out an integrated program of basic developmental research and intervention development with families of delinquent adolescents and high-risk children. Over the past 30 years, OSLC scientists have studied more than 5,000 families and published more than 400 reports on their research findings.

Eve E. Reider, Ph.D.
Division of Epidemiology, Services and Prevention Research
National Institute on Drug Abuse
National Institutes of Health
6001 Executive Boulevard
Room 5153, MSC 9589
Bethesda, MD 20892-9589
(301) 443-6504
(301) 443-2636 fax

Dr. Reider is Health Scientist Administrator in the Prevention Research Branch in the Division of Epidemiology, Services and Prevention Research at NIDA. Her areas of focus include selected and indicated populations, HIV prevention in the context of drug abuse prevention, health services research, and gender issues in prevention research. Dr. Reider received her doctoral degree in child/family clinical psychology at Michigan State University.

Christopher Ringwalt, Dr.P.H.
Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation
104 South Estes Drive, Suite 206
Chapel Hill, NC 27514-2866
(919) 967-8998, ext. 13
(919) 968-1498 fax

Dr. Ringwalt is Director of the Chapel Hill Center of the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation. His research interests focus on the prevention of adolescent and adult risk behaviors, particularly violence and drug abuse. Dr. Ringwalt has directed evaluations of the Drug Abuse Resistance Education program and is now conducting a national study of middle-school-based drug prevention programs and an assessment of teachers' adaptation of an effective prevention curriculum. He is also evaluating a State Incentive Grant and is conducting an assessment of Governors' spouses.

Elizabeth B. Robertson, Ph.D.
Division of Epidemiology, Services and Prevention Research
National Institute on Drug Abuse
National Institutes of Health
6001 Executive Boulevard
Room 5153, MSC 9589
Bethesda, MD 20892-9589
(301) 443-6504
(301) 443-2636 fax

Dr. Robertson is Chief of the Prevention Research Branch in the Division of Epidemiology, Services and Prevention Research at NIDA. Her priorities for the Branch have been to create a developmental focus from early childhood to adulthood, to expand intervention contexts (e.g., the family and the media), and to develop basic prevention and prevention services research. Future directions for the Branch include the integration of HIV prevention into standard prevention paradigms and interventions for selective and indicated populations.

Sue Rusche
National Families in Action
Century Plaza II
2957 Clairmont Road, NE, Suite 150
Atlanta, GA 30329
(404) 248-9676
(404) 248-1312 fax

Ms. Rusche is Co-Founder and Executive Director of National Families in Action. Under her direction, the organization has helped parents form drug use prevention groups, lead the parents' drug prevention movement, and contribute to the two-thirds reduction in regular drug use among adolescents and young adults. Ms. Rusche has been Principal Investigator on several grants, served on numerous public and private boards, testified before many congressional committees, given speeches throughout the world, and made numerous appearances in the national media.

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