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Drug Facts Chat Day - The Transcript

107884 from 11/1/07
Moderator - Welcome to the chat. We are receiving your questions and we will be answering them as fast as we can.

Amanda - Cooper High School - How long do drugs stay in your body?

Joe Frascella - Good question! It really depends on which drug you are talking about. Some stay in the body relatively short times while others can stay around for many days. Did you have any specific drugs in mind?

pyro8818 - Ephrata - Can doing drugs at a young age screw up your life?

Eve Reider - There is a lot we still don't know about who becomes addicted, why, and after how much drug exposure. We do know that each person is different, so it's a little like playing "Russian Roulette" if you choose to use drugs. But, if you do, the earlier you stop, the more likely you will be to avoid addiction and the harmful brain changes that lead to it. For more information, see

Tim - Magruder High School - How long do you think the average person can live if they smoke cigarettes?

Ivan Montoya - The lifetime of a person depends on many factors but what is known is that a person who smokes cigarettes has a lower life expectancy. That is, because of all the medical complications associated with smoking, such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory problems, etc., a person who smokes has a chance of a shorter life. For more information about smoking go to:

anniexlovesxuux - Sterling - what is a drug

Nancy Pilotte - That's a great question. A drug is a substance that you put into your body to have a certain effect. For example, some drugs are medicines and you would take them to improve your health. Other kinds of drugs are taken because the person thinks they will change their behavior or make them feel better. Some of these are legal, like alcohol and tobacco, and others, like cocaine and marijuana, are not. The drugs in the last two categories can have seriously bad effects on people who use them. You can find out more about that at:

Monica - JIS - What drug is most dangerous?

Joe Frascella - That's a good question. All drugs can be potentially dangerous. It depends on lots of factors, especially since there is still a lot that we don't know about who becomes addicted and why. We do know that each individual is different, so it is really difficult to determine why one person may have one reaction, and another may have a more severe reaction. Here is a source of free information about the latest science-based drug abuse facts, publications, and teaching materials for parents, teachers and students.

MORGANRAPH92 - Eastern High School - Which drug is most commonly used?

Joe Frascella - Interesting question! Most people use the licit or legal drugs -- nicotine and alcohol. In terms of illicit/illegal drugs, we are seeing an increase in prescription drug abuse, and marijuana is also commonly used. For more information, please visit:

burt_a11 - Marlington high school - why is smoking so bad for people?

Ivan Montoya - It is well established in the medical literature that smoking can produce many health consequences. For example, it is known that smoking is associated with cancer, in particular some types of cancer like lung cancer. Smoking is also associated with respiratory problems like bronchitis and emphysema. In addition, smoking stains the teeth even within just a few years of smoking, and may harm the gums that house them. For more information you may want to visit

ericvon - sleepyhollow - does marijuana cause lung cancer?

Joe Frascella - Good question! There are some indications that continued marijuana smoking could contribute to lung cancer in the same ways as smoking cigarettes. It really depends on how much is used, how long it is used, and whether you might be vulnerable to a disease such as cancer. For additional information, on this topic and other related issues,please visit:

findling_d11 - marlinton - How many kids die from drugs?

Liz Robertson - That is a complicated question because not all drug deaths are identified as drug deaths. Intentional misuse of hazardous materials for example results in a lot of poisoning deaths and they may not be recognized. In general about 17,000 deaths a year are from use of illicit drugs, however this is not broken down by age. In addition, 440,000 die from tobacco related illnesses and 50,00 from alcohol every year.

bader_s11 - Marlington - If someone threatened you to take a drug, but you say no what should you do?

Eve Reider - That is a difficult situation. It is good that you say no to taking drugs and care about your health. No one wants to be threatened in anyway, and think talking to an adult that you trust would be helpful.

cobnra - Msjffg - If you take anabolic steroids at a young age can this mess you up mentally and physically, as your body develops?

Nancy Pilotte - That's is a really good question, because we know that anabolic steroids and substances that people think will improve their performance are a big part of the sports culture and they are a temptation to many young athletes as well. Anabolic steroids are very powerful and some are naturally occurring in your body (like testosterone and hormones like it), and they normally help regulate growth. But this function requires very small amounts of the hormone, and people who use steroids tend to use much greater amounts and this can lead to some side effects that can be permanent. For example, if a young girl who has not stopped growing were to take steroids to improve her athletic performance or as a diet aid, and she took them regularly, these powerful hormones could stop her growth and deepen her voice. These two effects would not reverse when she stopped taking them. We know that steroids can also cause a decrease in breast size in girls, a deepening of the voice and growth and excessive growth of body hair but a loss of scalp hair. Some of these effects can be permanent. Steroids can also cause heart disease and strokes, even in very young people. They have also been found to cause liver tumors, acne, and oily hair and skin. If you want to know more about steroid abuse, go to:

Health Class - EHS - what drug do you feel is most addictive physically

Joe Frascella - This question is hard to answer precisely. There is a lot we still don't know about who becomes addicted, why, and after how much drug exposure. We do know that each person is different with different vulnerabilities to drugs, so it'shard to predict a drug's effects on an individual. It's a little like playing "Russian Roulette" -- if you choose to use drugs. But, if you do, the earlier you stop, the more likely you will be to avoid addiction and the harmful brain changes that lead to it. For more information, see Hope this helps, and thanks for the good question.

grumpybearluver18 - jacksonville high - what is one drug most teenagers get high off of and why that one?

Liz Robertson - The number one drug of abuse for teens is alcohol. For illicit drugs it would be marijuana. If you want to see the data for 8th, 10th and 12th graders click on the link below. That will give you info on 30 day use and lifetime by grade for all of the illicit drugs plus tobacco and alcohol.

M.R - ephrata highschool - when smoking when ur pregnet how bad is it?

Ivan Montoya - Good question! It is well established in the medical literature that when a pregnant woman smokes, she has an increased risk of having a a premature baby with low birth weight. When the mother smokes, nicotine (the active ingredient of tobacco) can enter the brain of the fetus (the unborn baby)or can pass to the baby in the. Nicotine may cause constrictions in the blood vessels of the umbilical cord and uterus, thereby decreasing the amount of oxygen available to the fetus. Nicotine also may reduce the amount of blood in the fetal cardiovascular system. For more information can be found at: Thanks for your question!

Ryan - Ephrata High School - is caffine a drug

Nancy Pilotte - That's a really interesting question, because a lot of people do not think of caffeine in that way. Yet we know that many people depend on caffeine to help them wake up in the morning (like your parents and maybe yourself!) and they are also present in many energy drinks and other sodas that are available to everyone. Caffeine is a drug in that it is taken to provide a certain effect (wakefulness and focusing attention), but is not an illegal substance.

Moderator - Dr. Elizabeth Robertson has just stepped in to answer your questions. Dr. Robertson's research expertise is in the causes and prevention of problem behaviors such as drug abuse and drug-related HIV infection. She is particularly interested in understanding the underlying biological, social, psychological and environmental processes and factors that contribute to problem behaviors. She has a 22-year-old daughter, a 16-pound cat (as well as a smaller one), and enjoys doing crafts and renovating houses. When Dr. Robertson is not at work, she does a lot of volunteer work to raise money for programs for the homeless.

Wiz - Bishop leonard - if you take drugs will you get addictid

Liz Robertson - How can you tell who will become addicted?There is a lot we still don't know about who becomes addicted, why, and after how much drug exposure. We do know that each person is different, so it's a little like playing "Russian Roulette" if you choose to use drugs. But, if you do, the earlier you stop, the more likely you will be to avoid addiction and the harmful brain changes that lead to it. For more information, see

multipule sports and people - Noblesville High School - How many people end up in hospitals because of drugs?

Liz Robertson - A lot:, these date are from the Drug Abuse Warning Network -- this is the emergency room data from across the USA. You can access the entire data set at the Dawn Website Illicit drugs in ED visits For 2005, DAWN estimates that 816,696 (CI: 666,947 to 966,446) ED visits involved an illicit drug. Thus, over half (56%) of all the drug misuse/abuse ED visits during the year involved an illicit drug either alone or in combination with another drug type. DAWN estimates that: Cocaine was involved in 448,481 ED visits (CI: 327,639 to 569,322), Marijuana was involved in 242,200 ED visits (CI: 203,395 to 281,006), Heroin was involved in 164,572 ED visits (CI: 123,613 to 205,531), Stimulants, including amphetamines and methamphetamine, were involved in 138,950 ED visits (CI: 86,163 to 191,737), and Other illicit drugs, such as PCP, Ecstasy, and GHB, were much less frequent than any of the above. Taking the margin of error into account, the stimulants (amphetamines and methamphetamine) may be as frequent as heroin in drug-related ED visits, but the stimulants are less frequent than cocaine or marijuana. After taking population size and the margin of error into account: The rates of ED visits involving cocaine, marijuana, and heroin were higher for males than females, but the rates for stimulants did not differ by gender, For cocaine, the rates for patients aged 18 to 54 were similar,2 with lower rates for younger and older patients, For heroin, the rates were highest for patients aged 21 to 44, For marijuana, the rates were highest for patients aged 18 to 24, and For stimulants, the rates were highest for patients aged 18 to 44.

bmdahmen - West High - What are the possitive effects of steriods on a young devolping adolscent male

Nancy Pilotte - That is an interesting question. You probably already know that your body produces a variety of steroids that help to regulate your growth, and help to maintain balance in your body (water regulation, stress control, suppression of the immune system). Adolescent males need a certain amount of testosterone to help them achieve their full adult height and the right proportion of fat and muscle, but a little goes a long way, and adding more does not add to those normal physiological functions. Adding more, as athletes tend to do, in large amounts has a number of harmful effects, such as possibly stunting your growth because of the hormone's actions on the growth plates in your legs, and suppression of your own natural production of testosterone. Many of the effects of steroids are not reversible. For example, the effect of steroids on growth is not reversible. If you want to know more about steroid abuse, go to:

Pi0trek K4hn - Westhill - what are the effects of crack and cocaine on the human body?

Joe Frascella - Good question. Crack and cocaine are stimulants, so they have particular effects on the body and brain. Physical effects of cocaine use include constricted blood vessels and increased temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure. Users may also experience feelings of restlessness, irritability, and anxiety. Evidence suggests that users who smoke or inject cocaine may be at even greater risk of causing harm to themselves than those who snort the substance. For example, cocaine smokers also suffer from acute respiratory problems including coughing, shortness of breath, and severe chest pains with lung trauma and bleeding. A user who injects cocaine is at risk of transmitting or acquiring diseases if needles or other injection equipment are shared. Cocaine is a powerfully addictive drug and compulsive cocaine use seems to develop more rapidly when the substance is smoked rather than snorted. A tolerance to the cocaine high may be developed and many addicts report that they fail to achieve as much pleasure as they did from their first cocaine exposure. Smoking crack delivers large quantities of the drug to the lungs, producing effects comparable to intravenous injection. These effects are felt almost immediately after smoking, are very intense, but do not last long. For example, the high from smoking cocaine may last from 5 to 10 minutes. The high from snorting can last for 15 to 20 minutes. For more information, please visit:

starsk8er91 - Lower Merion High School - is marijuanna bad for you?

Liz Robertson - Marijuana use has been associated with a number of mental conditions, including schizophrenia (psychosis), depression, anxiety, and suicide attempts. Still, scientists do not yet know whether using marijuana causes mental illness. Evidence does show that frequent use is linked to psychosis (disturbed perceptions and thoughts) in some people, and can make these symptoms worse in patients who already have schizophrenia. Young users and those who are dependent on marijuana may be especially vulnerable. Research also shows greater rates of depression, anxiety, and suicidal thinking in people who smoke a lot. For more, see Also there is a question of whether marijuana use leads to use of other drugs. Scientifically, the jury is still out. But when we look at people who abuse illegal drugs, they tend to have also used marijuana and nicotine and alcohol. Still, it is not true that most marijuana users go on to use other drugs, In and of itself, though, marijuana can pose significant health risks, including the risk of addiction. Check out for more information. In addition, there are health effects associated with chronic marijuana use such as respiratory diseases.

thompson_t11 - marlington - Is smoking cigarettes worse then chewing tobacco?

Ivan Montoya - Interesting question! The ingredient of tobacco that causes addiction is nicotine and whether someone smokes, chews, or sniffs tobacco, he or she is delivering nicotine to the brain. Therefore, the tobacco addiction is the same and the medical consequences associated with nicotine will be the same. The only difference is that a person who smokes is also delivering carbon monoxide and tar to his or her lungs in large amounts which can cause direct damage to the lung. In addition, the person who chews tobacco can have great damage to his or her teeth and be at high risk of getting oral cancer. You can find more information at:

anniexlovesxuux - sterling high school - what is the least harmful drug?

Joe Frascella - This question is hard to answer precisely. There is a lot we still don't know about which drugs are more harmful than others. We do know that each person is different with different vulnerabilities to drugs, so it'shard to predict a drug's effects on an individual. It's a little like playing "Russian Roulette" -- if you choose to use drugs. But, if you do, the earlier you stop, the more likely you will be to avoid addiction and the harmful brain changes that lead to it. For more information, see Hope this helps, and thanks for the good question.

Moderator - We're pleased to have Dr. Nancy Pilotte on the Chat. She is a psychologist whose expertise is in the neuroendocrine aspects of drug abuse (how hormones influence the activity of the brain) and how to identify long-term changes that occur in the brain as a result of repeated exposure to cocaine and its withdrawal. When Dr. Pilotte is not at work, she enjoys making homemade ice cream, sailing, and making colorful quilts.

JEtgrl - Lower Merion - Could LSD kill you? Could ecstasy kill you?

Nancy Pilotte - These are kind of scary questions, but I know the answers are important to you. LSD itself is not likely to kill you. However, it alters your perceptions and your abilities to make good decisions, and when you are under its influence, you may do something that will lead to your own harm. Ecstasy, which is methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA),is another powerful chemical that affects your brain, and, like LSD, can affect your decision-making. In addition, MDMA can also lead to severe dehydration because it has effects on the the part of your brain that regulates temperature and you may not recognize that you need to keep yourself hydrated (drinking water). This can have serious consequences for you. MDMA can also cause nausea, chills, sweating, involuntary teeth clenching, muscle cramping, and blurred vision. MDMA overdose can also occur - the symptoms can include high blood pressure, faintness, panic attacks, and in severe cases, a loss of consciousness and seizures. Here is a source of free information about the latest science-based drug abuse facts, publications, and teaching materials for parents, teachers and students.

Sarah - New Dorp High School - Why are drugs so accessible to young people?

Eve Reider - As you know, some drugs are legal and available for young adults, such as tobacco and alcohol, and under-aged young people are often able to get drugs through older friends. Youth also have easy access to marijuana and prescription drugs. The good news is that teens are taking better care of themselves: illicit drug use declined by 23.2% from 2001 to 2006. It is our hope at NIDA that through continued education and greater awareness, teens will make positive choices for their lives.

Moderator - The teen brain is a work in progress: It undergoes dramatic changes during adolescence and into adulthood.

Moderator - Dr. Eve Reider has been answering your questions. Dr. Reider is a psychologist who joined NIDA in February 2000. Her program areas at NIDA include HIV prevention and interventions for at-risk populations, including children born to drug abusing parents or living in substance abusing environments, children with multiple problem behaviors, child welfare and juvenile justice populations, children with mental health problems who are at risk for drug abuse later in life and street youth. She enjoys doing arts and crafts activities and gardening in her spare time.

Fergalicious - Institute of Notre Dame - How do you know if you're an alcoholic?

Ivan Montoya - Hi good question! A person is considered an alcoholic when they cannot control the amount and frequency of alcohol use. That is, the person uses alcohol in situations that can put him or her at risk or in danger, for example, while driving a car. A person is also considered an alcoholic if they use larger amounts than what they intended to use, when alcohol affects his or her social, family, work, or emotional life, or continues to use alcohol in spite of knowing that it causes them medical or psychiatric (mental) consequences. The American Psychiatric Association publishes the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) which has the diagnostic criteria for alcohol abuse or dependence. You can look at them at For more information on alcohol and resisting peer pressure go to Thanks for your question! Keep them coming!

hukaluk - canada - how is weed harmful?

Joe Frascella - Thanks for the question. We have found that marijuana abuse is associated with many detrimental health effects. These effects can include frequent respiratory infections, impaired memory and learning, increased heart rate, anxiety, panic attacks and tolerance. Marijuana meets the criteria for an addictive drug and animal studies suggest marijuana causes physical dependence and some people report withdrawal symptoms. Someone who smokes marijuana regularly may have many of the same respiratory problems that tobacco smokers do, such as daily cough and phlegm production, more frequent acute chest illnesses, a heightened risk of lung infections, and a greater tendency toward obstructed airways. You may also want to know that cancer of the respiratory tract and lungs may also be promoted by marijuana smoke. Marijuana has the potential to promote cancer of the lungs and other parts of the respiratory tract because marijuana smoke contains 50 percent to 70 percent more carcinogenic hydrocarbons than does tobacco smoke. Marijuana also has been shown to negatively affect short-term memory, and that seems to occur because THC alters the way in which information is processed . For more information about marijuana, go to

swood - Union Springs High School - how do drugs have certian affects

Nancy Pilotte - Great question! Drugs can have many effects on your brain and body. Drugs act on different parts of your brain, and your brain controls your thoughts and your body. All drugs affect affect the dopamine system. Dopamine is a chemical in the brain (also called a neurotransmitter) that has a role in lots of functions. Drugs can also have additional effects on many other parts of your brain. For example, cocaine and marijuana both affect your ability to reason and to remember, but by activating different parts of your brain. So cocaine would directly affect your frontal cortex (the area primarily responsible for decision-making)and marijuana affects an area called the hippocampus, which is responsible for learning and memory. You can find out more at:

Moderator - Wow! What great questions! Our scientists are working as fast as they can to answer everyone. If you don't see an answer to your question soon, in a few days you can search our archive by username or topic. The archive should be posted within a week.

zac - westhill - Can marijuana stunt growth?

Nancy Pilotte - Interesting question, but no, marijuana does not stunt your growth. Growth is controlled by hormones your body normally produces (growth hormone and steroids), and marijuana does not interact with your bodies receptors for those hormones. Marijuana is still harmful, however. It can impair a person's ability to remember things as well as coordination and balance. It can also cause car accidents when a marijuana user drives while under the influence.For more information about marijuana, go to

west3141 - west - Describe the immediate effects of GHB in both the physical and mental areas of one's wellness

Joe Frascella - Thanks for the interesting question! Coma and seizures can occur following use of GHB. Combining use with other drugs such as alcohol can result in nausea and breathing difficulties. GHB may also produce withdrawal effects, including insomnia, anxiety, tremors, and sweating. GHB and two of its precursors, gamma butyrolactone (GBL) and 1,4 butanediol (BD), have been involved in poisonings, overdoses, date rapes, and deaths. If you are interested in more science-based information on MDMA and other club drugs, visit,, and; or call the National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information at 1-800-729-6686.

0002577 - Westhill High School - 1.How many people under 14 are addicted to drugs?

Liz Robertson - We don't know exactly. There is a data set that tells how many kids are treatment but the problem with those data is that they only capture the kids in treatment and who may or may not be addicted. In addition there are no doubt teens who are addicted but are not in treatment. The link for that data set is: . We know that, in 2006, of kids aged 12, 34,000 were diagnosed with substance dependence or abuse. For age 13 it was 67,000and 14 years 153,000.

toodaloo310 - lower merion - how do you know when you've drank too much alcohol?

Nancy Pilotte - That is a great question. One of the problems with drinking alcohol is that it affects your judgement as you drink it, so you are less able to tell how it is affecting you. But you might notice that you more sociable at first, and with continued drinking, you may find yourself talking more loudly or behaving in an inappropriate manner. Some people become sleepy or argumentative or aggressive when they continue to drink, and your ability to make reasonable decisions deteriorates. You can find more information at

kmor - Eastern High School - Why don't some users try and stop and seek help

Ivan Montoya - This is a very good question! In answering your question there is a growing amount of research showing the effects of addictive drugs on the brain. It is known that addictive drugs can affect the brain in ways that causes a person to change their priorities. Drugs can take over the life of an individual and things that were important such as school, family, work, or sports become secondary while seeking drugs, and using or getting over the effects of drugs become their priority. Therefore, the effect of the drug doesn't allow the individual to even consider the possibility of stopping or reducing its use or seeking help. For more information about how drugs change the brain and can produce effects such as addiction, craving, withdrawal syndrome etc, you can visit: Thanks for your question!

ljordan - westhill - what is the most commenly drug used in the U.S?

Liz Robertson - The most commonly abused drug is alcohol. For the illegal drugs it is Marijuana. To see the statistics on all of the illicit (illegal) drugs go to the link below:

anniexlovesxuux - sterling high school - what is the least harmful drug

Joe Frascella - This is a great question, but it is hard to answer. There is a lot we still don't know about how drugs will affect individuals specifically because everyone responds differently to them. For example, it is not predictable as to who can become addicted, why, and after how much drug exposure. We do know that each person is different, so it's a little like playing "Russian Roulette" if you choose to use drugs. But, if you do, the earlier you stop, the more likely you will be to avoid addiction and the harmful brain changes that lead to it. For more information, see

dg - Eastern Regional High School - What prompts drug addicts to start using drugs?

Eve Reider - Good question. There are many reasons why people may choose to use drugs. A major reason for young people is peer pressure, or feeling the need to fit in when those around them who are doing drugs. Most people start using drugs during the teen years. Unfortunately, this is the time when the brain is still developing, and drugs can alter this development, making the person more vulnerable to becoming addicted. Addiction is hard to recover from, because it is a chronic brain disease. Although it is true that for most people the initial decision to take drugs is voluntary, over time the changes in the brain caused by repeated drug abuse can affect a person's self control and ability to make sound decisions--and at the same time send intense impulses to take drugs. So, while we are still learning about the many ways that drugs affect our brains, the best advice is to never start.

Sandman93 - Eastern High School - how is marijuana addictive?

Joe Frascella - Thanks for the interesting question! Long-term marijuana abuse can lead to addiction for some people; that is, some people abuse the drug compulsively even though it interferes with family, school, work, and recreational activities. Drug craving and withdrawal symptoms can make it hard for long-term marijuana smokers to stop abusing the drug. We have found that when people try to quit, they report irritability, sleeplessness, and anxiety. They also display increased aggression on psychological tests, peaking approximately one week after the last use of the drug. You might be interested in learning more by visiting:

ABC1234 - lower merion - How come some people are greatly affected by doing drugs when others arent?

Nancy Pilotte - That is a really great question. You probably already know that individuals have different skills and abilities in other aspects of life, so it is natural to expect that different people respond to drugs differently. The ability of drugs to affect different people in different ways is called vulnerability, and we do not really understand what makes one person more or less vulnerable to drugs than others. We believe that genetics most likely influences how people respond to drugs, but there are other factors, like the social setting and effects of your peers and your expectations that can alter your perceptions of what a drug is doing to you. We are very interesting in learning more about vulnerabilities because that knowledge can help us devise treatment and prevention strategies to reduce drug use. To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

johnny appleseed - lower merion high school - Is pot bad for you?

Eve Reider - Yes. Marijuana affects memory, judgment and perception. It can make you mess up in school, in sports or clubs, or with your friends. If you're high on marijuana, you are more likely to make mistakes that could embarrass or even hurt you. If you use marijuana a lot, you could start to lose interest in how you look and how you're getting along at school or work. Athletes could find their performance is off; timing, movements, and coordination are all affected by marijuana. Also,marijuana can affect judgment and decisionmaking,leaving people more vulnerable to risky sexual behavior. People who start using marijuana are also at risk of addiction. Check out for more information.

dkzjfghjrtr - Eastern - can u die from weed

Nancy Pilotte - That's a really great question. It is not very likely marijuana (weed) use will kill you directly , but its use can affect your decision-making ability which can lead to harm to yourself and others. For example,marijuana makes your reaction time to stimuli longer (it seems like you have a lot more time than you do to do something) . This can lead you to make a poor decision, like driving while under its influence. These two things together may prevent you from responding appropriately while driving and can lead to a traffic accident. You, or someone else, may die as a result of the accident, but not directly from the pharmacological activity of the drug. For more information about marijuana, go to

chelsea - eastern - If someone has done them for abut 2 to 3 years and still does them how do I help them?

Ivan Montoya - This is a very interesting question. There is a lot you can do to help a person who is becoming addicted to drugs. The advice from a good friend is very important and sometimes can have better results than coming from parents or therapists. You can help that person by listening to his/her problems, provide support, invite them to participate in activities that help them stay away from drugs, and, if necessary, encourage the person to seek professional help. There is a lot of information about the medical and psychiatric consequences of drugs that you can offer to the person to see if that helps them to consider seeking help. For more information on how drugs affect your brain and treatment go to Thanks for your question!

nicci13 - eastern - How do you prevent people from smoking and what should that person do to stop smoking?

Liz Robertson - Well there are a lot of approaches to prevent tobacco use. We know that kids who have good social and academic skills and supportive non-smoking home environments are less likely to start smoking. So a lot of prevention programs work with kids and families to develop these skills. Many tobacco interventions are what we call policy interventions. These are things like training clerks in stores to card kids to prevent them from purchasing, and raising taxes on cigarettes so much that they become unaffordable for kids. There are also many approaches for quitting smoking, unfortunately smoking is a very difficult addiction to break. At this point a combination of social support through quit phone lines, quitting clinics and family support in combination with nicotine replacement therapy seems to be the most effective approaches. The best approach of course is to never start smoking.

katelynn - Ephrata High School - does marajuana affect your driving?

Joe Frascella - Great question! We are actually studying that specific question right now using driving simulators. Studies say that drugs are used by 10 to 22 percent of drivers involved in vehicle crashes, often in combination with alcohol. We also know that in a study conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, a moderate dose of marijuana alone was shown to impair driving performance; however, the effects of even a low dose of marijuana combined with alcohol were markedly greater than for either drug alone. Driving indices measured included reaction time, visual search frequency (driver checking side streets), and the ability to perceive and/or respond to changes in the relative velocity of other vehicles. Marijuana users who have taken high doses of the drug may experience acute toxic psychosis, which includes hallucinations, delusions, and depersonalization - a loss of the sense of personal identity, or self-recognition. You might find some interesting information on this very issue at:

Bl4CkJ4cK70 - jawn70 - can u get easily addicted if u smoke weed once?

Joe Frascella - It is not likely, yet it is important for you to know that we really don't enough yet about individual vulnerabilities to different drugs. That is, some drugs can be so reinforcing to some people after a single use that they are "driven" to go back and use again. So - scientifically, the jury is still out. But when we look at people who abuse illegal drugs, they tend to have also used marijuana and nicotine and alcohol. Still, it is not true that most marijuana users go on to use other drugs. In and of itself, though, marijuana can pose significant health risks, including the risk of addiction. If you are interested in more information about marijuana, go to

Moderator - Did you know that abuse of illicit drugs and alcohol contributes to the death of more than 100,000 Americans every year?

bianca - Westhill - what happens when you do two different drugs on the same day?

Nancy Pilotte - That is a great question. The answer depends on which drugs you combine. So for example, a physician may prescribe two medications to help you with a health problem. Then it can be helpful. But when taking illegal drugs, it is almost always harmful when you take more than one drug. One drug often adds to the effect of other drugs so that taking more than one drug may increase the harmful effects of a drug. The precise effects depend on the two drugs that are combined. For information on about the latest science-based drug abuse facts, publications, and teaching materials for parents, teachers and students for to

kp - Eastern - Why do you think most people start taking drugs?

Eve Reider - This is a popular question. People take drugs for a variety of reasons: to feel better, to feel good, and because others are doing it are just some of the reasons. The important thing to realize is that the younger a person begins to use drugs, the more likely he or she will progress to more serious drug abuse. It is also important to know that the earlier you stop using drugs, the more likely you will be to avoid addiction and the harmful brain changes that lead to it. For more information, see

weviston - union - what does crack do to you?

Joe Frascella - Great question. Cocaine is a powerfully addictive stimulant drug. Regardless of how cocaine is used or how frequently, a user can experience acute cardiovascular (heart) or cerebrovascular (brain) emergencies, such as a heart attack or stroke, which could result in sudden death. Cocaine-related deaths are often a result of cardiac arrest or seizure followed by respiratory arrest. Physical effects of cocaine use include constricted blood vessels, dilated pupils, and increased temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure. The duration of cocaine's immediate euphoric effects, which include hyperstimulation, reduced fatigue, and mental alertness, depends on the route of administration. The faster the absorption, the more intense the high. On the other hand, the faster the absorption, the shorter the duration of action. The high from snorting may last 15 to 30 minutes, while that from smoking may last 5 to 10 minutes. Increased use can reduce the period of time a user feels high and increases the risk of addiction. Some users of cocaine report feelings of restlessness, irritability, and anxiety. A tolerance to the "high" may develop many addicts report that they seek but fail to achieve as much pleasure as they did from their first exposure. Some users will increase their doses to intensify and prolong the euphoric effects. While tolerance to the high can occur, users can also become more sensitive to cocaine's anesthetic and convulsant effects without increasing the dose taken. This increased sensitivity may explain some deaths occurring after apparently low doses of cocaine. You might find it interesting to know that the use of cocaine in a binge, during which the drug is taken repeatedly and at increasingly high doses, may lead to a state of increasing irritability, restlessness, and paranoia. This can result in a period of full-blown paranoid psychosis, in which the user loses touch with reality and experiences auditory hallucinations. Other complications associated with cocaine use include disturbances in heart rhythm and heart attacks, chest pain and respiratory failure, strokes, seizures and headaches, and gastrointestinal complications such as abdominal pain and nausea. Because cocaine has a tendency to decrease appetite, many chronic users can become malnourished. Different means of taking cocaine can produce different adverse effects. Regularly snorting cocaine, for example, can lead to loss of the sense of smell, nosebleeds, problems with swallowing, hoarseness, and a chronically runny nose. Ingesting cocaine can cause severe bowel gangrene due to reduced blood flow. People who inject cocaine can experience severe allergic reactions and, as with all injecting drug users, are at increased risk for contracting HIV and other blood-borne diseases. I hope this helps. If you would like more information, check out

swood - Uion Springs High - why does ex dehydrate your body

Nancy Pilotte - That is a really great question. Ecstasy, which is the chemical methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), acts in different parts of the brain to help produce dehydration. It affects centers in the brain that help to regulate body temperature, other areas that affect your ability to make good judgments, and parts of the brain that normally tell you when you are thirsty and to drink more water. When all of these brain areas are impaired by use of MDMA, you may not realize you are thirsty and thus become dehydrated. Additionally, this drug is often taken in club settings where there are lots of people and vigorous activity like dancing, which makes you even warmer and thirstier and presents fewer opportunities for rehydration. You can find out more about that at:

Moderator - We are receiving many of the same questions from different kids. Since we want to be sure we can get to as many new questions as possible, we might not answer all questions on the same topics. If you don't see an answer to your question, search our Chat Archive by username or topic. The archive should be posted within a week.

Moderator - Why do people take drugs?

  1. To feel better
  2. To feel good
  3. To do better
  4. Because others are doing it
  5. All of the above


Moderator - Did you know that tobacco is linked to an estimated 440,000 deaths per year?

hotdog - black neos - is medical marajuana bad for you or just to relieve pain

Joe Frascella - Thanks for the interesting question. The Food and Drug Administration, which is responsible for ensuring the safety of everything from cosmetics to human and animal medications to our nation's food supply has not approved marijuana to treat any medical illness. That is because smoking marijuana can cause serious health and social problems, including the risk of addiction. However, the FDA has approved certain medications that contain ingredients found in marijuana. These medications are usually prescribed to relieve symptoms in seriously ill patients, such as those with cancer or AIDS to help patients eat more or to reduce nausea. See for more information. Also, there is some new and exciting research looking at the class of drugs that marijuana belongs to (cannabinoids) that is being studied in the use of pain.

cookiesrus - lower merion high school - Tell me everything I should know about nicatine...what are the long term effeccts?

Ivan Montoya - Wow!I can sit here all day answering your question! That's a very good one!There is a lot known about the long-term effects of nicotine. Since 1964, 28 Surgeon General reports on smoking and health have concluded that tobacco use is the single most avoidable cause of disease, disability, and death in the United States. Most smokers use tobacco regularly because they are addicted to nicotine. Research has shown how nicotine acts on the brain to produce a number of effects. Nicotine activates reward pathways the brain circuitry that regulates feelings of pleasure. Cigarette smoking produces a rapid distribution of nicotine to the brain, with drug levels peaking within 10 seconds of inhalation. However, the acute effects of nicotine dissipate in a few minutes, as do the associated feelings of reward, which causes the smoker to continue smoking in order to maintain the drug's pleasurable effects and prevent withdrawal. You can find more information at and

Mike - Ephrata Area High School - do drugs affect you sexually

Liz Robertson - Drugs definitely influence your judgment and inhibitions around sex, putting you at risk for sexually transmitted diseases as well as sexual violence. Please go to the following link to learn more about the relationship between drug use and HIV infection:

Juila - Briarcliff High School - What is the deffinition of being addicted to a drug?

Joe Frascella - Thanks for the great question! Addiction is a chronic, often relapsing brain disease that causes compulsive drug seeking and use despite harmful consequences to the individual that is addicted and to those around them. Drug addiction is a brain disease because the abuse of drugs leads to changes in the structure and function of the brain. Although it is true that for most people the initial decision to take drugs is voluntary, over time the changes in the brain caused by repeated drug abuse can affect a person's self control and ability to make sound decisions, and at the same time send intense impulses to take drugs. It is because of these changes in the brain that it is so challenging for a person who is addicted to stop abusing drugs. If you would like more information on the topic, you might check out:

Miss Klein - St. Matthias School - What are the side effects of heroin

Nancy Pilotte - Great question. Heroin is chemically much like morphine and other opiates, like vicodin, which are used to relieve pain but heroin is much stronger. Heroin can cause many problems, including death when a person takes to much. Because heroin abusers do not know the actual strength of the drug or its true contents, they are always at risk of overdose or death. But even if heroin doesn't cause death, it can cause a variety of other problems. For example, it can cause changes in the brain that cause a person to become addicted to heroin - they then need the drug to avoid going through a difficult withdrawal. Most people who use heroin reach a point where they will do anything to get heroin and their interest in other things, such as school, sports etc., disappears. Interestingly, one of the side effects of opiates is that they can cause intense itching. To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

lalalalalalalala - Briarcliff Manor - What are the signs and symptoms of drug abuse?

Eve Reider - Very good question. If a person is compulsively seeking and using a drug despite harmful consequences, such as not doing well at school or at work, having physical or mental problems brought on by drug abuse, or problems getting along with family and/or friends, then he or she is probably addicted. We don't have a perfect screening tool quite yet, but health care professionals who screen for drug use often ask questions like these to detect substance abuse in their young patients: Have you ever ridden in a car driven by someone (including yourself) who had been using alcohol or drugs? Do you ever use alcohol or drugs to relax, feel better about yourself, or fit in? Do you ever use alcohol or drugs when you are alone? Do you ever forget things you did while using alcohol or drugs? Do your family or friends ever tell you to cut down on your drinking or drug use? Have you ever gotten into trouble while you were using alcohol or drugs? Visit our NIDA for Teens website at more information

tcates - union - do drugs affect your memory?

Joe Frascella - Great question! Several drugs have been shown to affect memory. For example, marijuana has been shown to affect some aspects of memory, as well as methamphetamine, cocaine, alcohol, ecstasy. You might find additional information at: Also, prescription drug abuse can impair memory and this website provides an overview of this symptom as well as other symptoms:

afireinside - Eastern Regional Highschool - Can drugs used once kill you?

Nancy Pilotte - That is an interesting question. Did you know that abuse of illicit drugs and alcohol contributes to the death of more than 100,000 Americans every year? People can die from their first use of Illicit drugs such as cocaine and heroin because they affect parts of your brain that control your ability to breathe and maintain your beating heart. Here's NIDA's Website for teens with information on the science behind drug abuse, facts on drugs, questions and answers, real stories and interactive activities.

dg - Eastern Regional High School - Are any drugs okay in moderation?

Liz Robertson - It is very hard to say for several reasons. First, it depends on your individual body. Everyone is different and we don't know who will become addicted at what level of drug use. We do know that the brain is not fully developed until the mid-20's so any drug use is assumed to have the potential to affect your brain development. In adulthood light and moderate alcohol use is assumed to be harmless, but this again depends on the particular person and their life situation -for example, someone who has a very stressful life and starts out drinking occasionally can move on to higher levels of use as a way to self medicate.

ryan - brentwood middleschool - what is crestal meth

Joe Frascella - Crystal meth is also known as methamphetamine hydrochloride. It is a drug that has clear, chunky crystals resembling ice, which can be inhaled by smoking. It is referred to as "ice," "crystal," "glass," and "tina." Meth abuse can lead to medical and psychological problems, including memory loss, aggression, psychotic behavior, heart damage, malnutrition, and severe dental problems. For more information on this drug, you could check out:

jmac - Britton Macon - What is pcp

Nancy Pilotte - PCP is shorthand for phencyclidine and is also called angel dust or dust. This is a drug that was initially developed as an anesthetic but was never used for humans because of its harmful effects. PCP can cause dangerous changes in blood pressure, heart rate, and respiration, often with nausea, blurred vision, and dizziness. It can also cause uncoordinated movements and bizarre postures. When severe, the muscle contractions can result in bone fracture or in kidney damage or failure. At high doses, PCP can cause convulsions, coma, hyperthermia, and death. For more about club drugs go to:

lmgs07 - lower merion highschool - is marijuana worse then ciggerettes?

Ivan Montoya - Good question. Both marijuana and cigarettes have health consequences. It is known that when either one of them is smoked, many chemicals including tar, enters the lung. Both substance have active ingredients that enter the brain and produce changes to make the person addicted. So, I would prefer not having to choose between one or the other because either one of them has its own bad effects. If you want more information about the findings from research done with each one of those drugs you can visit for cigarettes: and marijuana: Thanks for your great question!

pyro8818 - Ephrata - if you use drugs at a young age, does it screw up your life?

Eve Reider - We know from scientific research that the earlier you start, the more likely you are to become addicted and have other problems, such as in school or with your family. Because there's a lot we still don't know about how drugs affect our brains, the best advice is to never start. We do know that drug use affects each person differently, so it's a little like playing "Russian Roulette" if you choose to use drugs. But, if you do, the earlier you stop, the more likely you will be to avoid addiction and the harmful brain changes that lead to it. For more information, see

Lozier_s11 - Marlington High School - Is smoking cigarettes worse for you than marijuana is?

Ivan Montoya - Good question. Both marijuana and cigarettes have health consequences. It is known that when either one of them is smoked, many chemicals including tar, enters the lung. Both substance have active ingredients that enter the brain and produce changes to make the person addicted. So, I would prefer not having to choose between one or the other because either one of them has its own bad effects. If you want more information about the findings from research done with each one of those drugs you can visit for cigarettes: and marijuana:

0002577 - Westhill High School - Why has there been less marijuana abuse for 8th, 10th, and 12th graders?

Liz Robertson - Rates of drug use fluctuate over time and there are trends in which drugs are popular and available at any given time. Fluctuations are due to a number of things, including the perception of harm from a drug, the social norms of the particular school, community or nation, media, fashion, etc. When an important cultural icon dies of a drug overdose, this can spark a reduction in drug use. However it depends on who that person is. When Len Bias, a famous college basketball player, died as the result of cocaine use, there was a big drop in drug use probably because he was young, in great health, and was not an addict. Look at the following link to see how perception of harm and use relate to one another and also trends over time:

Sara - Briarcliff - does marijuana cause lung cancer?

Nancy Pilotte - Great question. Although we know that smoking tobacco is a major cause of lung cancer, we do not have as definitive an answer for marijuana. When you smoke cigarettes, you get a lot of nicotine, but you also ingest a lot of other chemicals that are responsible for the damage to the delicate lining of your lungs. Similarly, when you smoke marijuana, you ingest a lot of other chemicals that you don't think about that can similarly irritate your lungs. It normally takes a long time to develop lung cancer from cigarettes; we do not have the long-term data from smoking marijuana yet, but we think it is reasonable to expect that it will have similar effects. For more information about marijuana, go to

chelsea - eastern - If someone did drugs for about 2 to 3 years and still does them how do I help them?

Ivan Montoya - This is a very interesting question. There is a lot you can do to help a person who is becoming addicted to drugs. The advice from a good friend is very important and sometimes can have better results than coming from parents or therapists. You can help that person by listening to his/her problems, provide support, invite them to participate in activities that help them stay away from drugs, and, if necessary, encourage the person to seek professional help. There is a lot of information about the medical and psychiatric consequences of drugs that you can offer to the person to see if that helps them to consider seeking help. For more information on how drugs affect your brain and treatment go to Thanks for your question!

blake - briarcliff high school - is using a drug once called an addiction?

Eve Reider - Good question. I would say using drug once is not called an addiction. However,some drugs are highly addictive and using them one once can lead to addiction and to brain changes that prompt continued drug use and make it really hard to stop.Cigarettes are a good example. It is also important to know that the younger a person begins to use drugs, the more likely he or she will progress to more serious drug abuse.To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

juan - westhill - what are the nick names of marijuana

Eve Reider - Pot, ganja, weed, grass, and many others. For more information about marijuana, go to

FreIdzIe - Lower Merion High School - Does marajuana have any bad side affects?

Joe Frascella - Thanks for the fantastic question! Scientists have learned a great deal about how one of the key components of marijuana,known as THC, acts in the brain to produce its many effects. When someone smokes marijuana, THC rapidly passes from the lungs into the bloodstream, which carries the chemical to organs throughout the body, including the brain. In the brain, THC connects to specific areas called "cannabinoid receptors" and changes the activity of those cells. Many cannabinoid receptors are found in the parts of the brain that influence pleasure, memory, thought, concentration, sensory and time perception, and coordinated movement. The short-term effects of marijuana can include problems with memory and learning; distorted perception; difficulty in thinking and problem solving; loss of coordination; and increased heart rate. Research findings for long-term marijuana abuse indicate some changes in the brain similar to those seen after long-term abuse of other major drugs. One study has indicated that an abuser's risk of heart attack more than quadruples in the first hour after smoking marijuana. The researchers suggest that such an effect might occur from marijuana's effects on blood pressure and heart rate and reduced oxygen-carrying capacity of blood. Even infrequent abuse can cause burning and stinging of the mouth and throat, often accompanied by a heavy cough. Someone who smokes marijuana regularly may have many of the same respiratory problems that tobacco smokers do, such as daily cough and phlegm production, more frequent acute chest illness, a heightened risk of lung infections, and a greater tendency to obstructed airways. Smoking marijuana possibly increases the likelihood of developing cancer of the head or neck. You might find it interesting that a recent study compared 173 cancer patients to 176 healthy individuals - and the results produced evidence that marijuana smoking doubled or tripled the risk of these cancers, Marijuana abuse also has the potential to promote cancer of the lungs and other parts of the respiratory tract because it contains irritants and carcinogens, In fact, marijuana smoke contains 50 to 70 percent more carcinogenic hydrocarbons than does tobacco smoke. It also induces high levels of an enzyme that converts certain hydrocarbons into their carcinogenic form levels that may accelerate the changes that ultimately produce malignant cells. Marijuana users usually inhale more deeply and hold their breath longer than tobacco smokers do, which increases the lungs' exposure to carcinogenic smoke. These facts suggest that, puff for puff, smoking marijuana may be more harmful to the lungs than smoking tobacco. Some of marijuana's adverse health effects may occur because THC impairs the immune system's ability to fight disease. In laboratory experiments that exposed animal and human cells to THC or other marijuana ingredients, the normal disease-preventing reactions of many of the key types of immune cells were inhibited. In other studies, mice exposed to THC or related substances were more likely than unexposed mice to develop bacterial infections and tumors. If you would like more information, you might want to check out: I hope this information helps!

Moderator - Did you know that risk of drug abuse increases during times of transition, such as changing schools, moving, or divorce?

Moderator - Why do so many people seem to relapse after rehab? Sometimes it takes time to learn how to live without drugs. As with other chronic illnesses, like asthma or diabetes, relapses can occur, and signal a need for treatment to be reinstated or adjusted.

aniah - westhill - what are the other names for cocaine?

Eve Reider - Coke, snow, flake, blow, and many others. If you want to know more about cocaine, go to:

Moderator - Vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death for young people aged 15 to 20.

kfoster - sterling - what is the reason a person loses their teeth when they use meth

Nancy Pilotte - Great question. Methamphetamine lasts a relatively long time in the body and has direct effects on the vascular (blood) system. It is a vasoconstrictor, which means that it makes the blood vessels get smaller while the drug is on board. Your mouth is especially rich in blood vessels, which normally works to keep your teeth healthy. When you restrict the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to your teeth by taking methamphetamine, you increase the risk of loosing your teeth because they aren't getting what they need to remain healthy. You can find out more about that at:

peta2 - brentwood middle school - does doing drugs affect your sleeping habits?

Joe Frascella - Great question! Many drugs do, in fact, affect sleeping habits, sleep patterns, and your ability to get a restful sleep. For example, the stimulants (including caffeine) affect sleep, and even the drugs that people often take to help them sleep, such as marijuana or alcohol, actually negatively affect sleep. We also know that one of the leading reasons that people relapse (start using drugs after trying to quit) is because they experience difficulty in getting a restful sleep. For more information on drugs that negatively impact sleep, check out:

sonia - eastern high school - how do u feel when you don't have your drugs for a long period of time?

Ivan Montoya - Interesting question! What you feel depends on the type of drug. When a person does'nt have addictive drugs for a long time they can experience what is called a Withdrawal Syndrome. The syndrome is often characterized by overactivity of the bodily functions that are suppressed by the drug and/or depression of the functions that are stimulated by the drug. Usually, this syndrome is characterized by signs and symptoms that make the person look like he/she is really sick and sometimes the person has no choice other than to use the addictive drug seeking relief of the syndrome and that way he/she relapses. For more information please go to #someone_keeps_using_drugs Thanks for your question!

McLovin - Briarcliff High School - Do is it easier for a teenage kid to get addicted to a drug then an adult

Nancy Pilotte - Great question! Our latest science shows that the younger a person begins to use drugs, the more likely he or she will progress to more serious drug abuse. This is partly because the teen brain is a work in progress: It undergoes dramatic changes during adolescence and into adulthood. Drugs interfere with this developmental process and can cause permanent changes in the brain.To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

sm - briarcliff high school - what are some common types of remedies for drug addiction?

Eve Reider - Drug abuse treatment is the most common and effective remedy for drug addiction. For more information on treatment and where you can find it, visit the Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator at 1-800-662-HELP or go to their website at

Boris - Briarcliff High School - Is there more drug abuse issues in teens or in adults over 21?

Liz Robertson - Well, good question. But complicated, if you look at lifetime use of drugs, adults will have higher rates of abuse, dependence and treatment. This is because they have had a longer time to be identified and to potentially become drug abusers. However young people are particularly vulnerable to drug abuse for social and physical reasons. If a young person is in a group that is experimenting with drugs there is a huge social pressure pull to use as well. Saying "no" is difficult and kids often feel that they have to use to be accepted by their friends. At the same time different body systems develop at different rates. For example sexual maturation occurs in early to mid adolescence for most kids whereas the brain is not fully developed until the mid 20's. We are not sure of the extent of damage that drug use can have on the brain and whether that damage will self-correct over time. Moreover, being impaired on drugs makes one less inhibited and often results in poor judgment around sexual issues, driving under the influence, expression of aggression and so forth. All in all would say that the period of drug initiation for youth is one that is very complicated because of the social, emotional, sexual, family and academic pressures of adolescence.

kp - Eastern - Are there any drugs that you can't get addicted to?

Joe Frascella - Terrific question! Most, if not all,drugs of abuse have been shown to be addictive. If you would like to read more about addiction, you might want to check out: "The Science of Addiction" at

anthony - brentwood - wat u think about coke

Moderator - I prefer Mountain Dew!

pseudonym28657 - Lower Merion High School - What are the long term effects of alcohol?

Nancy Pilotte - Thanks for asking. Long-term drinking of alcohol can lead to persistent memory problems and poor decision-making. Additionally, it can have bad effects on other systems within your body, like the liver. For more information on alcohol abuse, go to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism at

jaccaboo - briarcliff high school - is it true that the only drug you can die from withdrawl is alcohol?

Nancy Pilotte - Yes

magou - jhs - Why do people do drugs?

Liz Robertson - There are many reasons. Below, the answer is "all of the above," and the answer varies from one person to another. Personality, social influences, family influences, and physical make-up can all influence the use and abuse of drugs.Why do people take drugs?a. To feel betterb. To feel goodc. To do betterd. Because others are doing ite. All of the above e. ALL OF THE ABOVE!

Boris - Briarcliff High School - How can you get off a dependancy?

Eve Reider - Good question. I would say that it is definitely possible to stop being dependent on drugs, but it is a very difficult process that requires help from others.Drug abuse treatment is highly recommended to help with this process.For more on treatment and where you can find it, you can call the Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator at 1-800-662-HELP or go to their website at

rae - newfane highschool - If someone i know is using cocaine and she says that she can go with or with out it does that make her an addict?

Ivan Montoya - Good question! Well... it sounds like the person is showing one of the signs of becoming addicted. When a person can't stay without using a drug for a long time it's possible that their brain is being affected by the drugs and is unable to stop using. Researchers are discovering the mechanisms in the brain that may explain how a person becomes addicted.You can find more information at facts_brain2.asp#someone_keeps_using_drugs. Thanks for your question!

Ryan - Ephrata High School - Is it okay to still be a light drinker.

Nancy Pilotte - Great question. Alcohol, like other drugs, has profound effects on the brain.They work in the brain by tapping into the brain's communication system and interfering with the way nerve cells normally send, receive, and process information. Some people are more vulnerable to the effects of drugs, including alcohol. Scientists estimate that genetic factors account for between 40 and 60 percent of a person's vulnerability to addiction. And we do not know ahead of time who is more or less vulnerable to anyone else. In other words, it is an individual matter, and some people are able to be a light drinker and others are not. But because the brain of an adolescent is still developing, you should not drink until you are 21. For more information on alcohol abuse, go to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism at

Moderator - Wow! What great questions! Our scientists are working as fast as they can to answer everyone. If you don't see an answer to your question soon, in a few days you can search our archive by username or topic. The archive should be posted within a week.

chellzee - eastern - If someone did drugs for about 2 to 3 years and still does them how do I help them?

Eve Reider - Routine use can lead to drug abuse and addiction. You can help someone you know by recommending they get help for this problem. Drug abuse treatment is the most effective way to help someone deal with their addiction.For more information on treatment and where you can find it, you can call the Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator at 1-800-662-HELP or go to their website at

nicolllet - jacksonville high school!!!! - what is the difference between cocaine and crack???????

Nancy Pilotte - Great question. The major difference between cocaine and crack is how they are taken. But both drugs are a form of cocaine. Cocaine is the powdered form, usually the hydrochloride salt, of the drug.Crack is the free base form (and you thought that chemistry class was useless!).

kelly - briarcliff - I know that LCD can have serious psychological effects on a user, including "flashbacks". I've also heard of a similar phenomenon with the use of mushrooms. What would these "flashbacks" be like? When do they occur? Are they a symptom of the use of any other drugs?

Joe Frascella - Thanks for your question. LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) is one of the major drugs making up the "hallucinogen class" of drugs. Hallucinogens cause hallucinations which are profound distortions in a person's perception of reality. Hallucinogens cause their effects by disrupting the interaction of nerve cells and the neurotransmitter known as serotonin. Distributed throughout the brain and spinal cord, the serotonin system is involved in the control of behavioral, perceptual, and regulatory systems, including mood, hunger, body temperature, sexual behavior, muscle control, and sensory perception.You might be interested in knowing that many LSD users experience flashbacks, recurrence of certain aspects of a person's experience, without the user having taken the drug again. A flashback occurs suddenly, often without warning, and may occur within a few days or more than a year after LSD use. Flashbacks usually occur in people who use hallucinogens over a long period of time or if they have an underlying personality problem; however, otherwise healthy people who use LSD occasionally may also experience flashbacks. Bad trips and flashbacks are only part of the risks of LSD use. LSD users may experience relatively long-lasting psychoses, such as schizophrenia or severe depression.At this point in time,it is difficult to determine the extent and mechanism of the LSD involvement in these illnesses. Flashbacks most generally occur with the drug class of hallucinogens. If you would like more information on LSD and Hallucinogens, you could check out::

SuperDude! - ParkRidge High School - are you a computer?

Moderator - No, we are not computers....we are a room full of very fun people, who happen to also be scientists!

mgard - union - does marijuana kill braincells

Nancy Pilotte - Great question. Although we do not have evidence that marijuana can kill brain cells, we do know that it makes brain cells work less efficiently. For more information about marijuana, go to

0002577 - Westhill High School - How many people under 14 are addicted to drugs?

Marsha Lopez - Well, statistics on drug abuse generally begin at age 12. What we can tell you is that in 2006, 254,000 teens from ages 12 through 14 met the criteria for "substance dependence or abuse." That is, 34,000 12-yr olds, 67,000 13-yr olds, and 153,000 14-yr olds. [From

spinds00 - julius west middle school - What is the most frequently abused drug?

Marsha Lopez - Among the general population age 12 and older, the most frequently used "drug" is alcohol and the most frequently abused illegal drug is marijuana. More info can be found at

stephanie - Westhill highSchool - What is the most common used drug with teens?

Marsha Lopez - The most commonly abused "drug" among teens is alcohol. The most commonly abused illegal drug is marijuana. You can find more info about drug trends at and

laura - newfane high school - How can you tell if someone is doing and kind of drug?

Ivan Montoya - Good question!A person may show different signs of using drugs depending on the type of drug, for example, people under the effect of marijuana have red eyes, move slowly and tend to eat a lot. in contrast, people under the effect of cocaine are moving fast, show face movements, have difficulty falling asleep, etc. When people are getting addicted to drugs they usually show changes in their behaviors like lower grades, less care of their appearance, lower interest in things that used to get them excited. For more information on how to tell if someone is using drugs you can visit

jbert - Eastern - How many people die a year from drugs?

Marsha Lopez - That is a complicated question because not all drug deaths are identified as drug deaths. Intentional misuse of hazardous materials, for example, results in a lot of poisoning deaths and they may not be recognized. In general about 17,000 deaths a year are from use of illicit drugs. In addition, 440,000 die from tobacco related illnesses and 50,000 from alcohol every year.

Sal - Ephrata - Does chew or smoking affect your body more

Ivan Montoya - This is a really good question! Both chewing and smoking affect your body. Nicotine is the drug in tobacco leaves. Whether someone smokes, chews, or sniffs tobacco, he or she is delivering nicotine to the brain. Chewing tobacco can cause damage to gum tissue and even loss of teeth. It also reduces a person's ability to taste and smell. Most importantly, smokeless tobacco contains cancer causing-chemicals that can cause cancers of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, and esophagus. This can even happen in very young users of chewing tobacco. In fact, most people who develop these cancers were users of chewing tobacco. While inhaling a cigarette, smokers are pulling more than nicotine into their lungs. Tobacco smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals. Besides nicotine, the most dangerous chemicals in cigarette smoke are tar and carbon monoxide. Tar causes lung cancer, emphysema, and bronchial diseases. Carbon monoxide causes heart problems; smokers are at high risk for heart disease. For more information on smoking or tobacco please go to:

jbert - Eastern high - How many people die a year from drugs?

Marsha Lopez - That is a complicated question because not all drug deaths are specifically identified as such. Intentional misuse of hazardous materials, for example, results in a lot of poisoning deaths and they may not be recognized. In general about 17,000 deaths a year are from use of illicit drugs. In addition, 440,000 die from tobacco related illnesses and 50,000 from alcohol every year.

Moderator - You can find out more about that at:

Moderator - There's no question too tough for Dr. Frank Vocci, who has just entered the Chat. Dr. Vocci directs NIDA's research into medications for the treatment of marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine, nicotine, and opiate dependence. He travels extensively and over the years has ridden in a rickshaw, Jeepjap, helicopter and a camel. Dr. Vocci has also met many interesting people in his travels, including the President of Iceland, the Princess of Thailand, members of the Australian Parliament, movie stars and professional wresters. He has two sons a lawyer and a chef, and two dogs - pugs.

Moderator - New to the Chat is Dr. Marsha Lopez whose experience runs the gamut from preclinical behavioral pharmacology (giving cocaine to rats) to military medical surveillance, but her current focus is drug epidemiology (the incidence, distribution, or control of a disease within a population) with a specific interest in co-occurring psychiatric conditions as they relate to drug use. She has two kids under the age of three (Marco and Gigi), and a nine-year-old yellow lab (Zachy), although most of her extended family lives in Argentina. When not at work, she enjoys baking and cooking.

acman1030 - Lower Merion High School - What are some problems with heroine?

Nancy Pilotte - Great question. Heroin is a powerful opiate, used to help control pain. Compounds similar to heroin are morphine, oxycodone, and vicodin. The biggest problem is that repeated use can lead to dependence. That means that you find it very hard to function normally without it. Like most abused drugs, it alters your ability to make good decisions, and if you have developed patterns of compulsive use, can take over many aspects of your life such that things that used to make you feel happy no longer do. This can also make you change your priorities, so that the drug becomes more important to your than your family, your friends, or your job.You can find out more about that at:

readyset44 - Lower Merion High School - is ANYONE there!!!!!!!!

Moderator - Yes, as a matter of fact, there is an entire room full of people here to answer your questions....and wow are there a lot of questions!

wild wild west - voorhees middle school - How addictive are prescription drugs?

Joe Frascella - Great question! It turns out that prescription drugs, when not taken as prescribed, can be very highly addictive. We have found that long-term use also can lead to physical dependence, a condition where the body adapts to the presence of the substance and withdrawal symptoms occur if use is reduced abruptly. This can also include tolerance, which means that higher doses of a medication must be taken to obtain the same initial effects. You might be interested to know that physical dependence is not the same as addiction, physical dependence can occur even with appropriate long-term use of opioid and other medications. Addiction is defined as compulsive, often uncontrollable drug use in spite of negative consequences. And, prescription drugs can become very addictive when not used properly.For more information specifically on prescription drugs, you might want to check out: Also, to learn more about addiction in general, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

5423352433helo - lower merion - can you get addicted to marijuana

Joe Frascella - This question is hard to answer precisely, especially since there is a lot we still don't know about who becomes addicted, why, and after how much drug exposure. We do know that each person is different with different vulnerabilities to drugs, so it'shard to predict a drug's effects on an individual.You might find it interesting to know that marijuana use has been associated with a number of mental conditions, including schizophrenia, depression and anxiety and in some people, marijuana use can make these symptoms worse. Research also shows greater rates of depression, anxiety, and suicidal thinking in people who smoke a lot. For more, see I hope you find this information helpful.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - Marlington local - Can you get high off of secondhand smoking?

Ivan Montoya - Good question. You can have effects due to secondhand smoking. It has been reported that secondhand smoke exposure causes disease and premature death in children and adults who do not smoke. Secondhand smoke contains hundreds of chemicals known to be toxic or carcinogenic (cancer-causing) and can irritate and damage the lining of the airways. Even brief exposure can result in upper airway changes in healthy persons and can lead to more frequent and more asthma attacks in children who already have asthma. You can find more information about secondhand smoke at: library/secondhandsmoke/factsheets/factsheet6.html

Lozier_s11 - Marlington High School - How come people get so addicted to drugs when started?

Frank Vocci - Drugs affect the brain directly. The effects are as powerful as other types of experiences we enjoy and often much more powerful. All drugs of abuse affect the brain's reward system, causing changes that can disrupt a person's ability to enjoy natural rewards(like good food and music).Once affected by drugs, this system leads a person to repeat the behavior and to go after the drug in place of normal healthy activities they used to enjoy.In some people, such repeated drug use leads to habitual use and addiction. Some people are more likely to become addicted than others. Addiction can run in families. For example, if your parents smoke, you're more than twice a s likely to smoke as someone who does not have smoking parents.

Moderator - Did you know that repeated drug abuse can reduce the pleasure we get from natural "highs?"

stlouisv - south high school - will drugs make you crazy?

Frank Vocci - Methamphetamine and PCP can produce severe mental disturbances that doctors call a psychosis. Marijuana smoking has also been linked to schizophrenia, a serious and often life-long mental disorder. Schizophrenia occurs in 1 % of the population. Young users and those who are dependent on marijuana may be especially vulnerable. Research also shows greater rates of depression, anxiety, and suicidal thinking in people who smoke a lot. For more information, see

Moderator - We'd like to introduce Jennifer Elcano to the Chat. Jennifer has been a professional writer for about 20 years, specializing in making highly technical or scientific jargon accessible by general lay audiences. She began her career as a magazine writer, worked several years with a small communications firm, and in 1994 started her own successful business, Elcano Communications. She joined NIDA in 2005 as a science writer, lending her skills to the variety of publications NIDA develops for different audiences. She has 4 kids, ages 1125, and enjoys playing in a band with her husband and son, and doing triathlons in the summer.

Tim - Ephrata High School - How do drugs effect your body?

David Shurtleff - Drugs of abuse affect your body in many ways. They can affect organs such as the heart but most importantly, they act on the brain where they interact with brain circuits known as neurons. With repeated drug use, these neurons can lead to brain changes that can result in addiction. Also, some drugs of abuse such as "ecstasy" are "neurotoxic," meaning that they can damage or kill nerve cells.

Janine - Briarcliff Highschool - At what point does drug use become drug abuse?

Ivan Montoya - Although initial drug use might be voluntary, drugs of abuse have been shown to alter the brain, which in turn affect human behavior. Addiction develops when these brain changes interfere with an individual's ability to make voluntary decisions, leading to compulsive drug craving, seeking and use. More information can be found at

Trackstar - Jacksonville - Wat actually is huffing

David Shurtleff - Huffing involves the use of inhalants which involves an inhalant-soaked rag stuffed in the mouth and inhaling from balloons (sometimes filled with nitrous oxide). Inhalants are rapidly absorbed through the lungs into the bloodstream and quickly distributed to the brain and other organs. Within seconds of inhalation, you can experience intoxication along with other effects similar to those produced by alcohol including slurred speech, an inability to coordinate movements, euphoria, and dizziness.Huffing, however, can cause irregular and rapid heart rhythms and lead to heart failure and death within minutes of a prolonged session of sniffing. This syndrome is known as "sudden sniffing death." For more information on inhalants, go to: Because intoxication lasts only a few minutes, abusers frequently seek to prolong the high by continuing to inhale repeatedly over the course of several hours, a very dangerous practice. With successive inhalations, abusers can suffer loss of consciousness and death. At the least, they will feel less inhibited and less in control. After heavy use of inhalants, abusers may feel drowsy for several hours and experience a lingering headache.

George - Eastern High School - Is it illegal to kill someone while under the influence of a drug?

Moderator - It would be illegal to kill someone anytime. That is not a very funny question.....

vanessa - Sterling - Is it true that when you are addicted, then get help, then start back up again, will you get addicted faster than the first time?

Frank Vocci - Good question, yes, The best predictor of a full-blown relapse following treatment and abstinence is to re-use the drug soon after treatment. When this happens, the drug user goes back to their previous use pattern more quickly than when they first became addicted.

cait - strling - what chemicals are in shrooms? how is it harmful and what are the long term effects?

Joe Frascella - Great question! The potent hallucinogenic chemical in "shrooms" is psilocybin. It's a hallucinogenic substance obtained from certain types of mushrooms that are native to tropical and subtropical regions of South America, Mexico, and the United States. You might find it interesting to know that the use of psilocybin is associated with negative physical and psychological consequences. The physical effects, which appear within 20 minutes of ingestion and last approximately 6 hours, include nausea, vomiting, muscle weakness, drowsiness, and lack of coordination. The psychological side effects of psilocybin use include hallucinations and an inability to tell fantasy from reality. Panic reactions and psychosis also may occur, particularly if a user ingests a large dose. Another risk associated with ingestion of psilocybin, individuals who abuse psilocybin mushrooms also risk poisoning if one of the many varieties of poisonous mushrooms is incorrectly identified as a psilocybin mushroom. While there is no evidence that users may become physically dependent on psilocybin, tolerance for the drug does develop when it is taken continuously over a short period of time. Please check out this website for additional information: Hope this information helps!

britnimichne - sterling high school - what does crystal meth do to you?

David Shurtleff - Crystal meth is another name for methamphetamine. It is a drug that increases wakefulness and physical activity, and decreases appetite. Chronic, long-term use can lead to psychotic behavior, hallucinations, and stroke. Like other drugs of abuse, methamphetamine produces a sense of euphoria by increasing the release of dopamine in the brain's reward centers, which leads to addiction and need for the drug.

XoLEXiSXo - Westhill - What happens when you overdose on heroin ?

Frank Vocci - It causes you to stop breathing.Death can occur within minutes after you stop breathing. It is important to call 911 and get emergency medical help as quickly as possible.

lalalalalalalala - Briarcliff Manor - How many teens are drug abusers?

Marsha Lopez - There are a couple different ways we figure out how many teens are using drugs in the US. One of the national surveys we use to come up with this number is the Monitoring the Future study, which reported about 15% of teens were current drug users in 2006, meaning they had used in the past month. To read more about the patterns of drug use go to

Moderator - In 2006, one in ten high school seniors reported the non-medical use of the prescription pain reliever Vicodin.

sara - briarcliff high school - how many times do you have to use a drug to abuse it?

Ivan Montoya - Good question! There isn't a set cutoff in the number of times. In fact, it takes one use to run the risk of abusing a drug. Some drugs, for example heroin, can cause addiction in users very quickly. There is still a lot we do not know about who becomes addicted and why, and after how much drug exposure. We do know that each person is different so it's a little like playing "Russian Roulette" if you choose to use drugs. If you do, the earlier you stop the more likely you will avoid addiction and the harmful brain changes that lead to it. For more information on addiction please go to:

Moderator - We welcome Anna Staton, M.P.A. to the Chat. Anna is a public health analyst with the Office of Science Policy and Communications. She is responsible for collecting, analyzing, and reporting data relating to NIDA's research programs. She earned her masters in public administration at the George Washington University School of Business and Public Management in 2002 and during her free time enjoys teaching yoga to babies and toddlers.

royorb - Epping - Hello, and Thanks - Has drug use risen among teens in the last five years or declined?

Marsha Lopez - Over the past five years, the studies we use to monitor drug use in this country have shown a decline among overall drug use in teens. Some individual drugs show a decline while others do not over a five year period, but most have declined over this time. For the most part, teens are are taking better care of themselves: drug use declined by 23.2% from 2001 to 2006.You can see more about trends and statistics about drugs at:

scott - Eastern High School - How many people die from drugs ever year?

Marsha Lopez - That is a complicated question because not all drug deaths are specifically identified as such. Intentional misuse of hazardous materials, for example, results in a lot of poisoning deaths and they may not be recognized. In general about 17,000 deaths a year are from use of illicit drugs. In addition, 440,000 die from tobacco related illnesses and 50,000 from alcohol every year.

gator bit my ass of....ouch - westhill high school - What affects do drugs have on your brain?

David Shurtleff - Drugs of abuse increase the release of neurotransmitter known as dopamine in the brain's reward centers. With continued use and release of dopamine, individuals can become addicted to this effect and start to take the drug "compulsively." With continued use, drugs of abuse can affect decision making and affect your ability to learn new things.

mATHLETE996 - Lower Merion High School - Does marijuana cause cancer and lung problems?

Ivan Montoya - Yes! There is a growing body of research showing that smoking marijuana introduces multiple chemicals into the body and can be a risk factor for both cancer and lung problems. You can find a lot of information about the effects of marijuana at

lilmama - jacksonville high school - how do you know if someone is addicted to alcohol?

Frank Vocci - There are signs. Maybe the easiest one to spot is the person's pattern of use--how much they drink. Most people who are addicted to alcohol drink more than 29 drinks per week, or 4+ drinks a day. A doctor diagnoses alcohol addiction using several criteria, such as tremor (shaking), withdrawal symptoms (such as sweating), assessing whether the person is using more than intended, or spending more time recovering than intended.

john - pilgrim high school - does smoking weed lead to other drugs?

Frank Vocci - Not necessarily. However, marijuana is itself addictive. One out of ten people who smoke marijuana develop an addiction to it. When we look at people who abuse illegal drugs, they tend to have also used marijuana--and nicotine and alcohol. Marijuana can pose other significant health risks. Check out for more information.

klynch - Knox - is crystal meth more addicting than heroin?

Frank Vocci - Both are highly addictive. We don't have detailed answers yet, but we think that 1 in 4people who try heroin become addicted, whereas about half that number who try meth become addicted. Rates of addiction depend upon many different factors, such as individual biology and background,how the drug is taken, and in what amounts. So it's a little like playing "Russian Roulette" if you choose to use drugs. But, if you do, the earlier you stop, the more likely you will be to avoid addiction and the harmful brain changes that lead to it. For more information, see

Kristin - Sterling - Why do drugs make you feel high?

Joe Frascella - That's a great question!The main reason drugs make you feel high is because they affect particular parts of our brain. Most abused drugs produce intense feelings of pleasure. We know that the high and rush result from the direct effects that drugs of abuse have on the "reward system" in the brain. Drugs cause a quick release of the brain chemical called dopamine. This initial sensation of euphoria is followed by other effects, which differ with the type of drug used. For example, with stimulants such as cocaine, the "high" is followed by feelings of power, self-confidence, and increased energy, yet it is important to know that users often report negative side effects, such as respiratory difficulties, heart problems,strokes, and sometimes seizures. In contrast, the euphoria caused by other drugs, such as heroin (aka opioids) is followed by feelings of relaxation and satisfaction. For some more specific information on the topic, you might want to check out: "The Science of Addiction" at

George - Eastern High School - Is there a prescription for cocaine?

Ivan Montoya - Great question! Cocaine is a local anesthetic and can be administered by physicians to patients who are undergoing certain surgeries.

Zou - Briarcliff High School - How many young people are addicted to drugs?

Marsha Lopez - There are a couple different ways we figure out how many teens are using drugs in the US. One of the national surveys we use to come up with this number is the Monitoring the Future study, which reported about 15% of teens were current drug users in 2006, meaning they had used in the past month. There is a lot we still don't know about who becomes addicted, why, and after how much drug exposure. We do know that each person is different, so it's a little like playing "Russian Roulette" if you choose to use drugs. But, if you do, the earlier you stop, the more likely you will be to avoid addiction and the harmful brain changes that lead to it. For more information, see To read more about the patterns of drug use go to

Greg - Briarcliff Manor High School - what are 3 long term effects of marijuana

David Shurtleff - Long terms effects of marijuana can lead to respiratory problems beacause marijuana is smoked.Marijuana has been shown to cause cancer of the head or neck, and can also lead to addiction where individuals have a "compulsion" to use the drug at the expense of doing other daily activities. For more information, see:

xoxo shivani xoxo - Eastern High School - where in the body does drugs affect the most?

Joe Frascella - Thanks for this question. The simple answer is that drugs of abuse have their main effects on the brain. Since drugs are chemicals, they work in the brain by tapping into the brain's communication system and interfering with the way nerve cells normally send, receive, and process information. This interaction between drug and brain is what sets up the potential for abuse and addiction. If you would like to learn more on the topic of addiction, please check out "The Science of Addiction" at

T - Britton Macon Area School - Why is marijuana so bad?

David Shurtleff - Marijuana can lead to several health problems including addiction and respiratory problems. Marijuana can also affect your memory and your ability to learn .A study has shown that individuals who smoke marijuana as teenagers are at risk for developing "schizophrenia-Like" symptoms by the time they reach their 20s.For more information on marijuana, see:

iMsOPRiisSY - Westhill - Is it true marijuana can help people with their eyesight and other illnesses?

Frank Vocci - Marijuana has been shown to reduce pressure within the eyeball of people with a disease called glaucoma. This has been shown in a few studies. Still, the Food and Drug Administration is responsible for ensuring the safety of everything from cosmetics to human and animal medications to our nation's food supply has not approved marijuana to treat any medical illness. That is because smoking marijuana can cause serious health and social problems, including the risk of addiction. However, the FDA has approved certain medications that contain ingredients found in marijuana. These medications are usually prescribed to relieve symptoms in seriously ill patients, such as those with cancer or AIDS to help patients eat more or to reduce nausea. See for more information.

a - asd - Have most teens used marijuana in their life?

Marsha Lopez - Although it may seem that everyone is doing it, it is probably way fewer that you guess. In a national school survey last year, about 15% of 8th graders, 32% of 10th graders, and 42% of 12th graders reported having used marijuana in their lifetime.

rae - newfane - can i do heroin and not get addicted?

Frank Vocci - Not everyone who uses heroin becomes addicted. However, a single use can and sometimes does result in a fatal overdose. I had a friend who used heroin one time and OD'ed.

wild wild west - voorhees middle school - What are the side effects of Darvon?

Ivan Montoya - Interesting question! The active ingredient of Darvon (R) is propoxyphene, which is an analgesic that can be prescribed by doctors. Some of the side-effects include somnolence, dizziness, lightheadedness, drowsiness, constipation, mood changes and headache.One of the biggest concerns with this medication is that it can produce addiction. You can find more information about this medication at:

apollo 13 - watkinson - if you have an addictive personality, should you stay away from alcohol?

Frank Vocci - If you feel you have an addictive personality , you should definitely stay away from alcohol and other drugs. To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

Nicole - Brentwood Middle School - Does a drug affect differently to different people?

Joe Frascella - This is a great question! Drugs, such as stimulants, tend to affect people the same in general ways. That is, they result in specific brain changes resulting in the high and rewarding effects of drugs. However, different people respond differently to these specific brain changes. For some, the resulting feeling can be so intense and positive, that the individual is "driven" to take the drug again and again, which can lead to addiction. For others, these brain changes may not be as intense and thus the potential to abuse the drug would be much less.There is a lot we still don't know about who becomes addicted, why, and after how much drug exposure. We do know that each person is different, so it's a little like playing "Russian Roulette" if you choose to use drugs. But, if you do, the earlier you stop, the more likely you will be to avoid addiction and the harmful brain changes that lead to it. For more information, see

jaccaboo - briarcliff high school - How many time do you have to use a drug in one day to abuse it?

Marsha Lopez - There is a lot we still don't know about who becomes addicted, why, and after how much drug exposure. We do know that each person is different, so it's a little like playing "Russian Roulette" if you choose to use drugs. But, if you do, the earlier you stop, the more likely you will be to avoid addiction and the harmful brain changes that lead to it. The teen brain is a work in progress: It undergoes dramatic changes during adolescence and into adulthood, so the younger a person begins to use drugs, the more likely he or she will progress to more serious drug abuse. For more information, see

JETgrl - Lower Merion - Which is worse: LSD or Ecstasy?

David Shurtleff - Both are powerful psychoactive substances that can have potentially dangerous side effects. LSD can produce unpredictable psychological effects and there have been reported cases of persistent problems with your senses following the use of LSD. Ecstasy has been shown in animals to produce long-term damage to brain cells that are involved in mood, thinking, and judgment--so both drugs have high risks associated with them.

Allen L. - Newfane High School - What are the symptoms of cocaine overdose?

Ivan Montoya - Cocaine is a powerful stimulant with potent effects on the heart. The symptoms of overdose include enlarged pupils, a feeling of being "high" (euphoria), agitation, increased heart rate and blood pressure. With higher doses the person can have sweating, tremors, confusion, hyperactivity, seizures, irregular heart beats, and at very high doses sudden death can occur. For more information on cocaine please go to:

heidkampc - brentwood - what is the most common question that you get?

Moderator - Wow, that's actually a tough question. A lot of people want to know what are the most commonly used drugs and which are the most dangerous. Read through the chat, you will see how our panel of scientists answered those tough questions!

dg - Eastern Regional High School - How can you tell if someone is addicted?

Frank Vocci - We usually can tell by interviewing the person and checking for particular signs or symptoms. Typically, the person uses more than intended, takes more time recovering from the effects of the drugs, neglects obligations, suffers medical or mental problems,keeps using drugs despite negative consequences,and may show symptoms of withdrawal(such as tremors or sweating) if he or she stops.

soccerstar334 - Lower Merion - What is the most important safety hazard about cocaine

David Shurtleff - Cocaine is a powerfully addictive drug.Common health hazards include heart attacks, respiratory failure, strokes, and seizures. You may recall the famous death of University of Maryland basketball star Len Bias--large amounts of cocaine can cause bizarre and violent behavior, and sudden death can occur on the first use of cocaine. Death can occur unexpectedly with subsequent use as well. For more information about cocaine, see:

erik - aiken - Is marijuana addictive

Ivan Montoya - Yes! There is growing evidence in the scientific literature that marijuana can produce addiction. THC, the active ingredient of marijuana, affects the brain cells, or neurons, with specific kinds of receptors called cannabinoid receptors. Then, it binds to these receptors and interferes with normal communication between neurons including the areas of the brain that are responsible for the mechanisms of addiction. Please go to

Kaitlynn - Kaitlynn - How do you say no?

Frank Vocci - It's really tough, especially when you're a teenager. One of my kids never did drugs. He just told people that he did not want to have to admit to doing something later in life that people would think less of him for.I remember when I was a teenager that people offered me heroin and speed. I just was not interested and told them so. Anybody who persists and keeps bugging you isn't really your friend.

Sailors - Mona Shores High School - I have heard Marijuana is 4 times worse for you than tobacco. Is that true? If so, how is it worse?

David Shurtleff - Both the use of marijuana and tobacco can be hazardous to your health since both are smoked and contain carcinogens that can lead to cancer. For more information, see http://www.smoking.drugabuse.govand

Moderator - Did you know that the human brain is the most complex organ in the body? Treat it well!


Ivan Montoya - El trmino "droga" es utilizado en forma general para describir una substancia que introducida al organismo produce un cambio en una estructura o funcin. Sin embargo, con el fin de diferenciar entre una droga de abuso y una prescrita por el mdico, usualmente se usa el trmino "droga" para las que son de abuso y "medicamento" para las prescritas. Para ms informacin:

zcbxcvb - xbnxb - wth is goin on?

Moderator - Hey, we are really busy here! We've gotten over 16,000 questions already this morning and we are answering as fast as we can!

muranok - Brentwood Middle School - Can doing more than one drug screw up your life more than doing just one kind of drug a lot??

Frank Vocci - It depends on which drugs you do and how much. Using more than one drug is actually a fairly common pattern of use. People with this pattern of use can become addicted to multiple drugs. They are often difficult to treat. Using one kind of drug a lot is bad also. You can become addicted to a drug and waste a lot of time when you're high. Some drugs can produce permanent damage to your brain, heart, and other internal organs. For more information about particular drugs and what they do, see NIDA's website: .

cnagel - Newfane - What is the most popular illegal drug used by high school kids these days, and why?

Marsha Lopez - The most commonly abused "drug" among teens is alcohol. One reason for this is because even though it is illegal for teens, it is legal for everyone over 21 and its legal use is very accepted in our society and it is easy to get. The most commonly abused illegal drug is marijuana, which is probably because it is relatively available and is thought by kids to be pretty harmless compared to many of the other drugs out there.Unfortunately, marijuana is not as harmless as often thought and can pose significant health risks, including addiction.You can find more info about drug trends at (8th, 10th, and 12th grade students) and population age 12 and older).

brittany - west hill high school - What happens to you if you use ecstasy?

Joe Frascella - Thanks for this question. MDMA (3,4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine) is a synthetic, psychoactive drug that is chemically similar to the stimulant methamphetamine and the hallucinogen mescaline. MDMA acts as both a stimulant and psychedelic, producing an energizing effect, as well as distortions in time and perception and enhanced enjoyment from tactile experiences.You might find it interesting to know that MDMA exerts its primary effects in the brain on neurons that use the chemical serotonin to communicate with other neurons. The serotonin system plays an important role in regulating mood, aggression, sexual activity, sleep, and sensitivity to pain. For some people, MDMA can be addictive, as evidenced by continued use despite knowledge of physical or psychological harm, withdrawal effects, and tolerance (or diminished response), and 34 percent met the criteria for drug abuse. Almost 60 percent of people who use MDMA report withdrawal symptoms, including fatigue, loss of appetite, depressed feelings, and trouble concentrating. Chronic users of MDMA perform more poorly than nonusers on certain types of cognitive or memory tasks. Some of these effects may be due to the use of other drugs in combination with MDMA, among other factors. In high doses, MDMA can interfere with the body's ability to regulate temperature. On rare but unpredictable occasions, this can lead to a sharp increase in body temperature (hyperthermia), resulting in liver, kidney, and cardiovascular system failure, and death. Users of MDMA face many of the same risks as users of other stimulants such as cocaine and amphetamines. These include increases in heart rate and blood pressure, a special risk for people with circulatory problems or heart disease, and other symptoms such as muscle tension, involuntary teeth clenching, nausea, blurred vision, faintness, and chills or sweating. Psychological effects have also been reported, and these can include confusion, depression, sleep problems, drug craving, and severe anxiety. These problems can occur during and sometimes days or weeks after taking MDMA. If you would like more information on Ecstasy, you might want to check out:

Rob - Eastern Regional Highschool - Why do they make medicines from drugs?

Frank Vocci - Some drugs have beneficial effects when a doctor prescribes them for a medical condition. For example, morphine is an excellent pain reliever and provides relief to millions of people who have surgery or who suffer from constant painful conditions. Doctors receive training in prescribing drugs with the potential to be abused. This helps to minimize the problems that could occur.

Nick - Tecumseh - what happens when u do pcp?

David Shurtleff - PCP (phencyclidine) was actually developed as general anesthetic for surgery. When someone takes PCP, it can distort perceptions of sight and sound and produce feelings of detachment (dissociation) from the environment and self. Because of this, PCP is known as a"dissociative anesthetic." PCP acts by altering the distribution of the neurotransmitter glutamate throughout the brain. Glutamate is involved in the perception of pain, responses to the environment, and memory. Many PCP users are brought to emergency rooms because of overdose or because of the drug's unpleasant effects. For more information about PCP, see

lmgs07 - lower merion highschool - dear experts, you are not experts. answer MY queshtions not amanda. My teacher is dissapointed in you. please call me to answer my queshtions at 1-56 383 7876. im pissed off GOODBYE

Moderator - Sorry, you're upset, we've been here answering questions non-stop for about 3 hours and we've gotten close to 20,000 questions already. We are doing our best! Read the archives next week, maybe you will see your question and answer posted there!

ItsChrisCrocker - new dorp - how do you tell if someone is on drugs

Frank Vocci - You can't always tell, but some tell-tale signs are red eyes, slurred speech, walking funny, not finishing sentences, seeming too sleepy in the middle of the day ( heroin) or being jumpy (speed or other amphetamines). Also, if a person is compulsively seeking and using a drug despite negative consequences, such as loss of job, debt, physical problems brought on by drug abuse, or family problems, then he or she probably is addicted.T o learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

cheechman07 - eastern highschools - why do people use drugs for stress relief

Frank Vocci - Stress is perceived as a negative emotional state. Most people will try to change that feeling, including by using a drug. Stress also increases impulsive behavior, or the tendency to act before thinking. So, when people are stressed out, they may not think as clearly about the consequences of using a drug.

luvballen32 - Sterling - What in drugs gets your adrenaline pumping?

David Shurtleff - Many drugs known as "psychostimulants" such as cocaine and methamphetamine can lead to increased heart rate and blood pressure, which are related to the effects of adrenaline. You can find out more about that at:

Mike S - Perry - hey how long do ecstacy effects last

Barry Hoffer - Right after you take ecstasy you can feel relaxed and very social for several hours, depending on the dose. Sometimes people feel depressed after using it, and if you use it regularly it may have longer lasting effects, including damaging some nerve cells in your brain because ecstasy can raise your body temperature.

dfssadfhsdk - hfiuhfasu - How long does Oxycontin stay in your system?

Frank Vocci - It depends on how much you've taken and what test is being used to detect it. A sensitive test can pick up a single dose, for instance.

Moderator - We're pleased to tell you that an expert on HIV/AIDS has just entered the Chat. Dr. Jacques Normand is responsible for planning, developing and coordinating all the HIV/AIDS research at NIDA. He and his colleagues oversee research on the role of drug use in the spread of HIV/AIDS -- because drug use and risky sexual behavior are associated with higher numbers of sexually transmitted infections, increasing the risk of contracting and/or transmitting the AIDS virus.

iosdbhb - briarcliff high school - how addictive is marijuana?

Barry Hoffer - There is quite a lot of evidence that regular use of marijuana can cause addiction-that is, you feel an overwhelming urge to use in spite of knowing deep down that it is harmful to you. In fact, more teens in drug treatment are there for using marijuana vs. any other drugs of abuse.For more information about marijuana, go to

kevin - Eastern High School - Is alcohol a drug?

Marsha Lopez - Yes, alcohol is a drug and abuse of alcohol can lead to addiction. Although it is a legal drug for people over 21, it is illegal for those younger because the teen brain is a work in progress: It undergoes dramatic changes during adolescence and into adulthood, and the younger a person begins to use any drug, the more likely he or she will progress to more serious drug abuse.For more information on alcohol abuse, go to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism at

sm - briarcliff high school - What drugs have addictive properties

Frank Vocci - All drugs are potentially harmful and may have life-threatening consequences associated with their abuse.These include amphetamines (or speed), opiates such as heroin,cocaine, PCP, tranquilizers, marijuana, smokeless tobacco products, and cigarettes. How quickly you might become addicted to a drug depends on many factors including the biology of your body.There are also vast differences among individuals in sensitivity to various drugs. While one person may use a drug one or many times and suffer no ill effects, another person may be particularly vulnerable and overdose with first use. There is no way of knowing in advance how someone may react. To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

XoLEXiSXo - Westhill - Would a cigarette still be a cigarette if you took the nicotine out of it ?

Frank Vocci - Yes but it would be less addicting. Still, there are other ingredients in cigarettes (besides nicotine) that can negatively affect the brain and contribute to the addictive properties of cigarette smoking.

Your MOM - behind you - Did you know you cant get addicted to marijuana.

David Shurtleff - In fact,marijuana can be addictive and can lead to compulsive use--individuals who are addicted abuse the drug even though it often interferes with family, school, work, and recreational activities.Marijuana can also produce "withdrawal" symptoms when trying to quit, such as difficulty sleeping and anxiety.You can find out more at:

peach - watkinson - is there a great difference between the brain damage with different drugs?

Barry Hoffer - The answer is yes. For example, methamphetamine is a particularly toxic drug, which causes brain damage and can increase the risk of stroke. Chronic or heavy alcohol use produces loss of brain tissue, which can result in psychotic behavior (e.g., delusions and confused thinking) and neurological impairment. For other drugs we are still learning about their long term effects on the brain.To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

joshB - Eastern High School - Yesterday my friend pulled out a cigarette from his pocket and smoked it. Should i try it?

Frank Vocci - I would not try it. About 1 out of every 3 people who try cigarettes become addicted and smoke for years. Over 440,000 people die each year in the US from cigarette smoking. We estimate that 1 billion people worldwide will die in this century from cigarette smoking. Don't be one in a billion.

Moderator - Please welcome to the Chat one of our youngest scientists, Dr. Gaya Dowling. Dr. Dowling is the Deputy Chief for Science Policy at NIDA. Her job is to make sure the public learns about and understands what the science says about drug abuse and addiction. Although Dr. Dowling's favorite subjects in school were math and science, she never expected that studying science would give her a chance to go to the Emmy's, as she did when NIDA's work on the HBO film Addiction won an award. She has two kids a baby girl and a two-year old boy who loves to play the guitar.

hey hey hey - jacksonville - what is it about cigarettes that get people addicted??

Barry Hoffer - The tobacco leaf contains a chemical called nicotine, which is one of the most addictive substances we know of. Because of the large surface area of the lungs, smoking cigarettes is an extremely effective way of delivering nicotine to your brain, where it can activate many of the same brain circuits as other addictive drugs. For more information about smoking, go to:

rae - newfane - Does one need rehab if they only use drugs once in a while?

Frank Vocci - Maybe not. But the determination should be made by a qualified professional. You should see your doctor. He won't tell your parents why you went.For more on treatment and where you can find it, you can call the go to the Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator at 1-800-662-HELP or go to their website at

dfsaduh - fhdsuia - whats the best way to quit smoking?

Frank Vocci - See your doctor and get a medication to help you quit. Using a medication can double your chances of quitting.Here's a website with resources to help you quit smoking: Good luck.

Groucho - Lower Merion - Could you be affected if you are near someone who is doing drugs?

Barry Hoffer - yes, particularly if the drug is being smoked, there can be second-hand smoke exposure. For tobacco, this has been clearly linked to increased health risks.

Jessica something 1 - Edison Jr. high - What Is Date Rape?

Marsha Lopez - Date rape is a forced, unwanted sexual contact from someone you know and/or thought you could trust. A number of drugs have been used in date rape because they can be slipped into someone's drink and have no taste or smell; some of these are ketamine, rohypnol and gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB).If you have experienced any sexual assault you can call a 24 hour help line for assistance 1-800-333-4444, and some more information on date rape can be found at

LAMM - Ephrata High School - My dad has smoked for a long time, is it possible that he could restore his body to good condition?

Frank Vocci - Yes and No. His risk of a heart attack or stroke goes down to that of a non-smoker in 2 years. His risk of lung cancer is almost that of a non-smoker 15 years after he quits. I know that's a long time but it's still worth quitting. A man who quits smoking at age 50 doubles his chances of living to age 65. For more information about smoking, go to: here's a website with resources to help your dad quit smoking:

brody - Ephrata - why is it bad to drink while youre pregnant

Barry Hoffer - when you drink alcohol it goes right into your bloodstream and large amounts of it will reach the fetus. While the baby brain is forming, alcohol can disrupt the delicate process of brain development and produce Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). This causes, at worst, physical deformations that are obvious at birth and mental retardation.For more information on alcohol abuse, including fetal alcohol syndrome, go to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism at

nicci13 - eastern - when you do drugs do you mess up your sex life?

Jacques Normand - Drugs definitely influence your judgement and inhibition putting you at risk for sexually transmitted diseases as well as sexual violence. Please go to the following link to learn more about the relationship between drug use and HIV infection.

ItsChrisCrocker - New Dorp - what do steroids do to your body?

David Shurtleff - Steroids are actually human-made substances related to male sex hormones. As you probably know, some athletes abuse anabolic steroids to enhance performance. Steroid abuse disrupts the normal production of hormones in the body,and can lead to reduced sperm production and shrinking of the testicles. Other changes include male-pattern baldness and breast development in men-(Yuck!).In the female body, anabolic steroids cause masculinization. This means that females will experience decreases in body fat, coarsening of the skin,and deepening of the voice. Women may also experience excessive growth of body hair(chest, chin, back, etc.) and lose the hair on their head. Examples of other effects are increase of the risk of blood clots and damage to heart muscle. Steroid abuse has also been associated with liver tumors and a rare condition called peliosis hepatis, in which blood-filled cysts form in the liver. Both the tumors and the cysts can rupture, causing internal bleeding.Most important, with continued steroid use, some of these effects become irreversible. If you want to know more about steroid abuse, go to:

Moderator - To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

cs - Watkinson - do drugs change the way you act?

Jacques Normand - Yes, most drugs will affect your brain which in turn will influence the way you behave. For example, marijuana use has been associated with a number of mental conditions, including schizophrenia (psychosis), depression, anxiety, and suicide attempts. Still, scientists do not yet know whether using marijuana causes mental illness. Evidence does show that frequent use is linked to psychosis (disturbed perceptions and thoughts) in some people, and can make these symptoms worse in patients who already have schizophrenia. Young users and those who are dependent on marijuana may be especially vulnerable. Research also shows greater rates of depression, anxiety, and suicidal thinking in people who smoke a lot. For more, see

fef627 - Ephrata - Once you smoke for awhile, can you reverse the damage you have done to your lungs?

Frank Vocci - Not completely. Smoking causes changes in cells that line the lungs. Some of the changes do not reverse. Certainly you breathe better and reduce your chances of getting serious lung diseases. Also,quitting reduces your chances of dying from a smoking-related disorder. It's very worthwhile to quit. Here's a website with resources to help you quit smoking:

zstadler - Marlington - How many people die from marijuana use a year?

Marsha Lopez - Although about 17,000 deaths a year are from use of illicit drugs,the number of these attributable solely to marijuana abuse is likely very, very small. BUT, marijuana is the most prevalent illegal drug detected in drugged driving incidents - in impaired drivers, fatally injured drivers, and motor vehicle crashes.Evidence from both real and simulated driving studies indicates that marijuana can negatively impact a driver's attentiveness, perception of time and speed, and the ability to draw on information obtained through past experiences. NIDA's Monitoring the Future survey indicated that in 2004, 12.7 percent of high school seniors reported driving under the influence of marijuana, and 13.2 percent reported driving under the influence of alcohol in the two weeks prior to completing the survey. In addition the buying and using of drugs, including marijuana, can put you in situations and environments that are very real hazards to your safety.

Bobo - Westhill - Getting bumped off every time my students log on for a question

Moderator - We have been having some trouble handling the volume of questions that we are receiving this morning. Keep trying, and remember to check back next week, we've received and answered a large amount of great questions today and are responding as fast as we can!

weviston - union - How does crack kiil you?

Barry Hoffer - Smoking crack or injecting cocaine can directly affect your heart, producing an abnormal heartbeat. In some people this can make the heart stop. If that happens, death is just minutes away. Now, even if the person is lucky enough to get CPR and get resuscitated, that person is still at risk for brain damage.Seizures and stroke can also result from cocaine abuse.

dabaum512 - West High School - Test 1

Moderator - yes, we are here and are being overwhelmed with questions....

Allen L. - Newfane High School - What does heroin withdrawal look like?

Frank Vocci - It is not pretty.The person in withdrawal looks like someone with a bad case of the flu. They are typically sweaty, have a runny nose, increased respiration, increased heart rate, muscle aches, vomiting, diarrhea, and sometimes goose-flesh. It's the goose-flesh symptom that gives heroin withdrawal the term going "cold turkey"--since the person's skin looks like a plucked turkey.

swood - Uion Springs High - Why does ex dehydrate the body?

David Shurtleff - "Ex" raises body temperature and results in what is known as "hyperthermia." Combined with dancing at raves, many individuals using "ex" become dehydrated, experience hypertension, and could even have heart failure.Increasing body temperature can lead to organ damage and in extreme cases death. For more information about "ex," see

Moderator - Did you know that drugs can contribute to lots of health problems, including lung and cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer, and mental disorders?

0002577 - Westhill High School - How did people come up with the idea for nicotine chewing gum?

Frank Vocci - It came from Sweden. A doctor there knew that people who used smokeless tobacco actually reduced their nicotine withdrawal. So he worked on a chewing gum with nicotine. For more information about smoking, go to: And here's a website with resources to help you quit smoking:

0002577 - Westhill High School - How can snorting cocaine give you nosebleeds or make you lose your sense of smell?

Barry Hoffer - Cocaine affects the blood vessels in the nose by making them narrower. When this happens the membranes in your nose are damaged for lack of oxygen. If that were not bad enough, cocaine increases blood pressure. The two together combine to give the user nosebleeds. In addition, the nerve cells that are responsible for the sense of smell also suffer from lack of oxygen and become impaired in their ability to send proper odor signals to the brain.

g - Briarcliff High School - Can you repair your lungs after smoking for several years?

Frank Vocci - Yes and no. Some changes in cells are probably permanent. However, you can reduce your risk of developing serious lung diseases and other smoking-related disorders by quitting. If you're thinking about quitting see your doctor. There are several medications available that can double your chance of quitting successfully. For more information about smoking, go to:'s a website with resources to help you quit smoking:

justin - edison jr high - is cocaine a fatel drug

Barry Hoffer - Smoking crack or injecting cocaine can directly affect your heart, producing an abnormal heartbeat. In some people this can make the heart stop. If that happens, death is just minutes away. Now, even if the person is lucky enough to get CPR and get resuscitated, that person is still at risk for brain damage.Seizures and stroke can also result from cocaine abuse.For more information see:

cnagel - newfane - Are there any medical benefits of illegal drugs

Frank Vocci - Yes, some drugs can be both legal and illegal, and have medical uses. Opiates include both heroin,and pain relievers--used by physicians to provide relief for millions of people. A doctor who prescribes these drugs are trained to evaluate when a person needs them for pain relief. Also, amphetamine (speed) and methylphenidate (Ritalin) are legitimate treatments for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. These drugs can also be illegal when abused for non-medical reasons, such as to get high.

brittany - Westhill High School - What happens to your body when you use ecstasy?

Barry Hoffer - Right after you take ecstasy you can feel relaxed and very social for several hours, depending on the dose. Sometimes people feel depressed after using it, and if you use it regularly it may have longer lasting effects, including damaging some nerve cells in your brain because ecstasy can raise your body temperature.For more about club drugs go to:

sweet_cuppin_cakes - New Dorp High School - Are you going to answer my question soon??

Moderator - We are answering as fast as we can!

jbrant - gladstone Junior High School - What should middle school students know about marijuana?

David Shurtleff - Marijuana is the most commonly used illegal drug among middle and school age kids.Nearly 45% of U.S. teenagers try marijuana before finishing high. It can lead to addiction and it can affect your ability to learn, which is not good for you when you're trying to keep up with school work.The younger a person is when they try marijuana, the greater the chances that it will lead to changes in the brain that will lead to addiction.For more information about marijuana, go to

apollo 13 - watkinson - is second hand cigar smoke as bad as ciggarette smoke?

Barry Hoffer - probably yes.

Eastern 25 - Eastern Regional High School - What states have the most drugs

Marsha Lopez - I'm not sure I can tell you which states have the most drugs available, but I can give you an idea of which states have the most drug users relative to the number of people who live in that state. Alaska, believe it or not, has the highest proportion of people reporting illegal drug use in the past month, followed by Vermont, Rhode Island, Colorado, Montana, and the District of Columbia, although I can't really say if the numbers are statistically different from one another. For more statistics on substance abuse and treatment, check out the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration at

m.rFieldhockey - ephrata high school - why is smoking bad when your pregnant?

Frank Vocci - Smoking during pregnancy can cause birth defects. Smoking produces carbon monoxide, which reduces the amount of oxygen that is transferred to the baby. Smoking also exposes the baby to nicotine. Babies exposed to nicotine have been reported to have lower IQs, lower birth weight, a higher risk of dying during the first year, and a higher risk of becoming obese. Study findings suggest that girls exposed to nicotine in the womb may also be at higher risk of becoming smokers. For more information about smoking, go to:

Thompsonmi - Brentwood Middle School - what kind of drug can kill you

Barry Hoffer - Nearly any kind of drug can kill you--although this can occur in different ways. Smoking crack or injecting cocaine, for example, can directly affect your heart, producing an abnormal heartbeat. In some people this can make the heart stop.Overdoses of heroin, prescription painkillers can suppress breathing and kill you.Ecstasy can raise body temperature and have deadly effects. And driving while intoxicated--with alcohol, marijuana or other drugs can lead to traffic accidents, which can also kill you.

ward2 - sterling - what happens when a guy takes a birth control pill?

Moderator - We don't really might check with your physician if you've accidently taken a birth control pill

Moderator - The response to our first DRUG FACTS CHAT DAY has been so overwhelming, we are having a tough time getting to all of your questions. If you don't see an answer to your question, search our archive by username or topic. The archive should be posted within a week.

coolcat69 - Briarcliff High School - what are some affects of drugs?

David Shurtleff - One of the most serious consequences of using drugs of abuse is addiction. Addiction is experienced as uncontrollable drug craving, drug seeking, and drug use that persists even in the face of extremely negative consequences such as losing your job, doing poorly in school, and not taking pleasure in the things that used to bring you pleasure. Drug seeking becomes compulsive, in large part as a result of changes to the brain due to prolonged drug use.Drug addiction is a condition that can become chronic, with relapses possible even after long periods of abstinence.Some drugs are "toxic" and can cause damage to organs such as the heart.To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

blackwb - aikenuniversity high school - When do you know when you have a problem with smoking?

Frank Vocci - Some signs of a person becoming addicted include:Needing a cigarette within the first 30 minutes after waking. Being unable to go a period of time without smoking. Feeling you cannot concentrate without cigarettes. Experiencing an increase in irritabliity without cigarettes. Having sleep problems when trying to stop smoking. For more information about smoking, go to: Here's a website with resources to help you quit smoking:

JessIca SOmeTHing - Edison Jr. High - What are Date Rape Drugs??

Marsha Lopez - A number of drugs have been used in date rape because they can be slipped into someone's drink and have no taste, smell, or color; some of these are ketamine, rohypnol and gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB).If you have experienced any sexual assault you can call a 24 hour help line for assistance 1-800-333-4444, and some more information on date rape can be found at

Julia - Briarcliff High School - What is a good way to tell someone that they have a drug-related problem?

Frank Vocci - One of the best ways to tell is if the person seems obsessed with the drug, using more often than they intended and spending more time recovering from the drug use than planned. Also, continuing to use the drug even in the face of medical or mental problems or despite damaging consequences, such as loss of job, home, and support of friends and family.To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

zac - westhill - what drugs can stunt your growth

Barry Hoffer - Abusing steroids (the so called, androgenic anabolic steroids) can cause you not to reach your intended height because they send early signals to the bones to stop growing. Some stimulants have also been reported to stunt growth.

KiRRRAAA - Watkinson - if you do drugs everyday when would you die??

Frank Vocci - It depends on the drug. Cigarettes reduce your life expectancy by as much as 20 years, depending on when you start and how much you smoke. Alcohol addiction can reduce your life expectancy by 15-20 years. Heroin addicts often die young, often before age 50. To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

Biggizzle93 - Eastern High School - how is marijuana addictive?

Barry Hoffer - There is quite a lot of evidence that regular use of marijuana can cause addiction-that is, you feel an overwhelming urge to use in spite of knowing deep down that it is harmful to you. In fact, more teens in drug treatment are there for using marijuana vs. any other drugs of abuse.For more information about marijuana, go to

Eastern 25 - Eastern Regional High School - Why are drugs so addictive

David Shurtleff - All drugs of abuse target the brain's reward system by flooding it with dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter present in regions of the brain that regulate movement, emotion, cognition, motivation, and feelings of pleasure. Dopamine is released when you do something pleasurable such as eat ice cream for example, but drugs cause a much more powerful release. This "overstimulation" of this dopamine system produces the euphoric effects sought by people who abuse drugs and can create an overwhelming urge to repeat the behavior.Our brains are wired to ensure that we will repeat life-sustaining activities by associating those activities with pleasure or reward. Whenever this reward circuit is activated, the brain notes that something important is happening that needs to be remembered, and teaches us to do it again and again, without thinking about it. Because drugs of abuse stimulate the same circuit, we learn to abuse drugs in the same way. Unfortunately, this can lead to drug addiction. To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

Antonelli - Brentwood - How many People in the U.S are on drugs?

Marsha Lopez - The way we determine how many people in the U.S are on drugs is by doing big national surveys where we ask people to report whether or not they have used drugs. In 2006, the National Survey on Drug Use and Health estimated 20.4 million Americans aged 12 or older were current (past month) illicit drug users, meaning they had used an illicit drug during the month prior to the survey interview. This represents about 8.3 percent of the population 12 years old or older. Now this estimate is among people in HOUSEHOLDS, so it doesn't include the homeless or people in prison, among whom drug use is much more common than in the general population.

aniah - westhill - what are the other names for cocaine?

Frank Vocci - nose candy, brain tabasco, blow, flake, coke, "C", snow .You can google slang terms for cocaine and come up with a lot of names. For more information, click on "Cocaine" on NIDA's website:

ABC1234 - lower merion - What kinds of affects does smoking pot have to your body?

Barry Hoffer - Smoking any drug is problematic because it damages the lungs and may increase the risk of lung cancer and vascular disease. Marijuana intoxication causes measurable impairments in your ability to think clearly and perform certain tasks like driving.Marijuana use has also been associated with a number of mental conditions, including schizophrenia (psychosis), depression, anxiety, and suicide attempts. Still, scientists do not yet know whether using marijuana causes mental illness. Evidence does show that frequent use is linked to psychosis (disturbed perceptions and thoughts) in some people, and can make these symptoms worse in patients who already have schizophrenia. Young users and those who are dependent on marijuana may be especially vulnerable. There is also quite a lot of evidence that regular use of marijuana can cause addiction-that is, you feel an overwhelming urge to use in spite of knowing deep down that it is harmful to you. In fact, more teens in drug treatment are there for using marijuana vs. any other drugs of abuse.For more information about marijuana, go to

watkinson - watkinson - Is crystal meth the worst drug for you?

Marsha Lopez - Crystal meth can have devastating effects to the use, but all drugs can cause problems for people.Each person is different, so it's a little like playing "Russian Roulette" if you choose to use drugs. But, if you do, the earlier you stop, the more likely you will be to avoid addiction and the harmful brain changes that lead to it. For more information, see [For info specific to meth, see]

dg - Eastern - How do drugs affects ones common sense?

Jacques Normand - Most drugs will affect your brain which in turn will influence the way you behave. Drugs can alter your judgment and inhibitions and may lead you to do things you would not normally do.

sammay bay bay - bms - what is the effects of cocaine?

David Shurtleff - Cocaine is an addictive drug that is snorted, sniffed, injected, or smoked. Crack is cocaine that has been processed from cocaine hydrochloride to a free base for smoking. Cocaine use can lead to drug addiction, which is a complex brain disease. Addiction is compulsive,and is experienced as uncontrollable drug craving and drug seeking that persists even in the face of extremely negative consequences such as poor school performance and loss of friendships.For many people, drug addiction becomes chronic, and many can relapse to drug taking after very long periods of abstinence.See more information about cocaine.

eva - lower merion - does marijuana cause cancer

Barry Hoffer - This is still an open question that scientists are actively studying. Smoking any drug is problematic because the smoke damages the lungs and many chemicals in smoke can increase the risk of cancer of the lungs and other exposed organs.

rae - newfane - does drinking at a young age make you more likely to become an alcholic?

Marsha Lopez - Alcohol is a drug, and the younger a person begins to use drugs, the more likely he or she will progress to more serious drug abuse. The teen brain is a work in progress: It undergoes dramatic changes during adolescence and into adulthood.There is a lot we still don't know about who becomes addicted, why, and after how much drug exposure. We do know that each person is different, so it's a little like playing "Russian Roulette" if you choose to use drugs. But, if you do, the earlier you stop, the more likely you will be to avoid addiction and the harmful brain changes that lead to it. For more information, see

DizzDaShizz - Lower Merion - what are some other names for marajuana?

Jacques Normand - There are many slang terms for marijuana.While they change from city to city and neighborhood to neighborhood some common names are pot, grass, herb, weed, Mary Jane, reefer, skunk, boom, gangster, kif, chronic, and ganja.

zac - wsthill high school - Can marijuana stunt growth?

Barry Hoffer - We have no evidence of that

Meow mix - Ephrata - Does Marijuanna Effect driving?

Barry Hoffer - most definitely, Your ability to drive safely is one of the first things to go when somebody is high on marijuana. for more information,

Moderator - Someone new to challenge with your great questions has just entered the Chat Dr. Wilson Compton. He is a psychiatrist who directs NIDA's Division of Epidemiology, Services and Prevention Research, which researches the interactions between individuals and their environments that contribute to drug use. Dr. Compton has managed multiple federally funded grants focusing on the epidemiology of drug abuse, HIV prevention and co-occurring mental and drug use disorders. He loves the beach, and likes to spend nearly every weekend at his house in Bethany Beach, Delaware. He also enjoys playing games such as bridge, scrabble, crosswords, and sudoku.

MSHS - Mona Shores - Is smoking marijuana four times worse than smoking cigarettes?

Frank Vocci - No. Both are addicting and both are bad for your lungs. Cigarettes are proven to cause 15 different types of cancer. Although, we have less data on marijuana, research shows that it causes pre-cancerous changes in the lining of the lungs. Sometimes, these comparisons are made on the basis of one particular type of damage that is observed or measured. For example, after smoking a cigarette or a marijuana joint, carbon monoxide or some other chemical from the cigarette of joint could be measured in the blood. For more information about smoking, go to: For more information about marijuana, go to

AR90210 - WesthillHighSchool - What is Acid?

David Shurtleff - Acid is LSD.It can result in unpredictable effects such as delusions and visual hallucinations. It can also increase body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure. LSD is also known to cause sleeplessness and loss of appetite. LSD can result in psychotic-like episodes that can occur long after a person has taken the drug, such as dramatic mood swings from mania to profound depression, and hallucinations.You can find out more at:

trae - Sterling - why do most people use drugs?

Wilson Compton - Thanks for your question. People use drugs for many reasons. Basically, people use drugs to change the way they feel. Sometimes they are trying to get high and feel intoxicated. Sometimes they feel bad and want to feel better. The problem is that drug use has serious consequences and in the long run causes many, many problems. Even though someone may start out trying to get high, they may end up addicted or may develop other serious consequences. You can find out more at:

Eastern 25 - Eastern Regional High School - How else do drugs affect your body other then your health

Jacques Normand - Drugs primarily impact the brain which therefore influences the way you behave. So, while under the influence of drugs people do things they would not normally do. For, example they may take chances by engaging in risky behaviors that may harm them.


David Shurtleff - Weed is marijuana.Marijuana is the most commonly used illegal drug in the U.S. Nearly 45% of teenagers try marijuana before finishing high school. It can be addictive, and can affect learning and memory, which is not good if you're trying to do well in school.Marijuana can also cause cancers associated with using inhalants. For more information see

Trackstar - Jacksonville - Wat kind of affects does drugs have on your body

Jacques Normand - There are direct adverse health effects depending on the drug. Individuals who suffer from addiction often have one or more accompanying medical issues, including lung and cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer, and mental disorders. Imaging scans, chest x-rays, and blood tests show the damaging effects of drug abuse throughout the body. For example, tests show that tobacco smoke causes cancer of the mouth, throat, larynx, blood, lungs, stomach, pancreas, kidney, bladder, and cervix. In addition, some drugs of abuse, such as inhalants, are toxic to nerve cells and may damage or destroy them either in the brain or the peripheral nervous system. In addition, drugs will impair your judgment which can lead people to engage in all kinds of risky behaviors and these behaviors may impact your health. Please go to for more information.

YeraBeara - sterling high school - wat is meth

David Shurtleff - "Meth" is methamphetamine--an addictive stimulant drug that can have long-lasting toxic effects on the brain. It causes wakefulness and physical activity, which over time can be exhausting and detrimental to the body and brain. Long-term use can lead to hallucinations, stroke, and psychosis (when a person has difficulty recognizing reality, thinking rationally, or communicating with others).For more information on methamphetamine, go to

polly - martin middle school - do drugs have anything to do with acne?

Barry Hoffer - Acne is one the unintended consequences of anabolic steroid abuse. For more information on the long list of steroids side effects you can visit

tttttayxo - Eastern High School - What is the most addictive drug.

Barry Hoffer - All drugs can be addictive, and it is impossible to give you a straight answer because it will very much depends on the specific vulnerabilities of each user, how the drug is taken and how much. Having said that, most addicted people are addicted to nicotine. To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

McLovin - Briarcliff High School - What Are The most Addicting Drugs

Barry Hoffer - All drugs can be addictive, and it is impossible to give you a straight answer because it very much depends on the specific vulnerabilities of each user, how the drug is taken and how much. Having said that, most addicted people are addicted to nicotine. To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

asdfjkl; - Newfane High School - How many high school kids each year start taking illegal drugs?

Wilson Compton - Great question! According to the Monitoring the Future study , nearly half (48%) of 12th graders, over one third (36%) of 10th graders and 20.9% (one in five)of 8th graders have used drugs at some time in their life. There is additional information about this topic and related questions at this website: Hope this helps!

Moderator - We welcome Dr. Petra Jacobs to the Chat. Dr. Jacobs is a psychiatrist and a recognized expert in the field of substance abuse prevention and treatment. She is responsible for the planning, scientific management, and evaluation of clinical trials for drug abuse and treatment at NIDA. She enjoys traveling and learning about other cultures, which includes doing "adrenaline sports for sensation seekers" in Iceland, and camping in Botswana. She is the mother of a 10-month-old son.

Moderator - These questions are so good we are bringing in a scientist who can answer just about anything about drug abuse Dr. Nora D. Volkow. Dr. Volkow is the Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Her work has been instrumental in demonstrating that drug addiction is a disease of the human brain. As a research psychiatrist and scientist, Dr. Volkow pioneered the use of brain imaging to investigate the toxic effects of drugs and their addictive properties. Dr. Volkow was born in Mexico, and earned her medical degree from the National University of Mexico in Mexico City, where she received an award for best medical student of her generation. She was recently named one of Time Magazine's "Top 100 People Who Shape our World", and was included as one of the 20 people to watch by Newsweek magazine in its "Who's Next in 2007" feature. Dr. Volkow is also an artist and avid runner---logging dozens of miles a week.

Jessica - Union High School - What is the most comman age when people star drugs.

Wilson Compton - Thanks for your question. We have found that people generally start abusing drugs in their teens or early 20s. This is really dangerous because the brain is going through great development and changes at this same time. Since drugs are chemicals, they work in the brain by tapping into the brain's communication system and interfering with the way nerve cells normally send, receive, and process information.We know that the earlier someone starts using drugs the more likely they are to go develop addiction.You might be interested in learning more by checking out:

michelle - Newfane High School - what is the average percentage of teens that use drugs in the US?

Wilson Compton - According to the Monitoring the Future study 48.2% of 12th graders, 36.1% of 10th graders and 20.9% of 8th graders have used drugs at some time in their life.

brittany - west hill high school - how many people in highschool use drugs in 2007?

Wilson Compton - According to the Monitoring the Future study 48.2% of 12th graders, 36.1% of 10th graders and 20.9% of 8th graders have used drugs at some time in their life.

vanessa - Sterling - what are the affects of shrooms?

Barry Hoffer - These types of substances mostly cause hallucinations. Some of the specific active chemicals in shrooms (as you call them) are peyote, mescaline, and psyilocibin.We don't know what the long-term effects of abusing shrooms are, mainly because it's so difficult to do research on them in humans, but as you can imagine, driving or performing other such demanding tasks would be very dangerous, and some people have had bad reactions to these drugs.

sm - briarcliff high school - what age group uses drugs the most?

Wilson Compton - We have found that for most drugs, young adults have the highest rate of drug abuse. This means that the age group from about 18 to 25 have the highest rate of drug abuse however,it is important to keep in mind that people of any age can abuse drugs. As a physician, I've seen patients with drug abuse as old as 80 and as young as 12. For more information, check out:

olsone - Brentwood - do drugs harm a baby if your pregnat?

Nora Volkow - Drugs can harm the baby in many different ways.For example,many drugs (including cigarettes and alcohol) decrease blood flow to the placenta which is the main source of nutrition to the baby. Also, drugs activate proteins in the brain that are involved in the construction of the communication systems between cells thus affecting this process.Drugs can also impact organs other than the brain. For example smoking can increase the risk of obesity in the newborn.

cutiepie15 - eastern regional high school - what are depressents?

David Shurtleff - Barbiturates and benzodiazepines are "depressants."Pentobarbital and phenobarbital are examples of barbiturates. Both barbiturates and benzodiazepines are useful in treating anxiety, insomnia, agitation, and seizures--but they are also abused and can cause serious heath consequences and risk of addiction if taken without a prescription. For more information about depressants, see

Ben - New Dorp HS - is it possible to stop doing drugs with pure will

Nora Volkow - yes some people are able to do this. however most people addicted to drugs are unable to quit on their own and that is why we always emphasize the importance of getting treatment for drug abuse.

Bobo - Westhill - How do we know that Marijuana destroys brain tissue?

Barry Hoffer - We do not have evidence that marijuana destroys brain cells--although it does interfere with thinking and learning while someone is high and sometimes for a few days after. Marijuana use has also been associated with a number of mental conditions, including schizophrenia (psychosis), depression, anxiety, and suicide attempts.Scientists do not yet know whether using marijuana causes mental illness. Evidence does show that frequent use is linked to psychosis (disturbed perceptions and thoughts) in some people, and can make these symptoms worse in patients who already have schizophrenia. Young users and those who are dependent on marijuana may be especially vulnerable. For more information about marijuana, go to

Pablo - Monroe Woodbury - What are the long term effects of heroin?

Petra Jacobs - Heroin is very addictive. Death from overdose, early death (most heroin addicts die before age 50), and lung disease are a few of the major long term effects that are more likely to happen as use continues. Also, although heroin users often start with snorting heroin, they often end up with injecting heroin, which can lead to serious diseases and conditions such as hepatitis, bacterial infections, HIV/AIDS, etc. A drug using lifestyle damages person's relationships with friends and family and ultimately, drug users can end up with people and in places that they wouldn't want to be. The sooner the person enters drug abuse treatment, the better.For more on treatment and where you can find it, you can call the go to the Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator at 1-800-662-HELP or go to their website at

ruthie - New Dorp - what makes drugs soo harmful?

Nora Volkow - The harmful effects of drugs depends on what type of drugs you refer to, and their adverse effects can be extensive and diverse. for example, alcohol increases the deaths from accidents, and smoking increases deaths from cancer. Illicit drugs increase criminal behavior and the cost to society associated with these activities.Marijuana interferes with learning and memory and thus its use can disrupt your performance at school. Marijuana also interferes with motivation and can lead to apathy. it also can produce psychosis and can trigger schizophrenia in those who are vulnerable.Cocaine and methamphetamine can induce strokes in your heart and brain. This can kill you, but could also leave you alive with damage such as paralysis or difficulty reading . So the effects as you can see are very varied and the extent to which a person can suffer them is dependent on how much drugs they take, how they combine them, and how sensitive your body is to these effects

marie - jacksonville high - why do people enjoy drugs?

Wilson Compton - Thanks for your question. You might be interested to know that drugs stimulate the brain regions that are responsible for reward and reinforcement. This means that drugs affect the same parts of the brain as food or sex. Our brains are designed to respond positively to natural rewards so that we remember them and repeat them. It's essential for survival that we remember to eat and it's essential for reproduction that we enjoy sex. These same brain regions that are responsible for how we respond to natural reinforcers are also affected by drugs. The problem is that drugs can take over this system and people end up addicted. You can get more information about this and related topics at

Jasmine - Edison Jr High - WHAT THE HECK ARE SHROOMS?!

David Shurtleff - "SHROOMS" contain the compound psilocibin, which is similar in its effect to LSD in that it causes hallucinogenic effects. Hallucinations are distortions in a person's perceptions of reality. For many, these hallucinations are experienced as disturbing and troubling.For more about "shrooms" see

Moderator - Now available to answer your questions is Elisabeth Davis, who works on science policy issues for NIDA. A lot of her work involves translating complex science into educational information that is understandable and meaningful to non-scientists. She views drug addiction as a very personal public health issue, one that truly changes the lives of every person that struggles with the disease of addiction and she believes that education and smart policies can make a difference. Elisabeth is originally from Kalamazoo, Michigan. She has lived with her husband in Washington, DC for just over a year and though the apples aren't nearly as good as in Michigan, she loves it in the nation's capital.

john - eastern high school - Does rehab really help?

Nora Volkow - yes, rehabilitation has been shown to help many individuals who are addicted to drugs and who seek help for it. it also helps individuals who have been told by the courts to seek treatment. however not every single person responds at first and some people may need to seek treatment multiple times during their lifetime to help them with their drug problems.

carroll - park ridge high school - how addictive is heroin?

Barry Hoffer - Heroin, like many other opiates,is a very addictive drug, as anyone trying to come off of it could tell you. It can cause severe withdrawal symptoms in someone trying to stop taking it, and, when heroin is smoked or injected, it gets into the brain very rapidly, contributing to its addictive potential.You can learn a lot more about heroin abuse and addiction by visiting

angelgurl_194 - Jacksonville High School - Is it common for Crack babys to become addicted on Crack again when they get older?

Nora Volkow - a baby born to a mother who takes cocaine during pregnancy can be smaller at birth and more likely to be premature. these two factors can put them at risk of cognitive disadvantages later in life.however with proper treatment they can recover significantly.we don't know if they are at greater risk of becoming addicted to cocaine as they grow older.

angelgurl_194 - jhs - Are drug addictions all over the world?

Wilson Compton - Thanks for your interesting question - and yes,drug addiction is an international problem. I have visited countries all over the world to learn about their problems with drug abuse. Every country has people with drug problems. On the other hand, the rates of drug abuse vary a lot from country to country. Even in the U.S. problems with drug abuse vary in different cities and regions. NIDA has an international program that you may be interested in learning more about:

HOMO - Westhill - What does crack do to you?

David Shurtleff - Crack is cocaine that has been processed from cocaine hydrochloride to a free base for smoking.Crack cocaine is addictive and can make people who use it feel euphoric and energetic.It can also result in serious health effects such as heart attacks, respiratory failure, strokes, and seizures. Large doses can cause bizarre and violent behavior. In rare cases, sudden death can occur on the first use of cocaine or unexpectedly thereafter. --not good.For more information about cocaine, visit

cs - Watkinson - what happens when you overdose?

Nora Volkow - it depends on what drug you overdose on. if you overdose on heroin or alcohol your respiratory centers in your brain stop working and that is why people die. if you overdose on cocaine or amphetamine you can develop a severe seizure that can kill the person.

Vincent - Ephrata High School - Is there a drug that pumps your adrenaline

Nora Volkow - yes, all of the stimulant increase adrenaline in your body. in fact your body will react as if you were in a situation of great stress and danger.

newman120 - BMS - Hola, c`omo estas usted? Me llamo Ramiro. C`omo te llamas? Soy de Brentwood. De donde t`u? !Hasta Luego!

Moderator - Somos un grupo de cientificos. Estamos cerca de Washington DC y con gusto responderemos a sus preguntas.

sgagnon - Watkinson - What are physical signs of abuse or addiction?

Nora Volkow - the signs of addiction can include the loss of control in the intake of drugs and the inability to stop even when someone wants to do so

ruthie - New Dorp - what do drugs do to your brain

Barry Hoffer - The simple answer is that drugs of abuse have their main effects on the brain. Drugs are chemicals that can tap into the brain's communication system and disrupt the way nerve cells normally send, receive, and process information. This interaction between drugs and the brain is what sets up the potential for abuse and addiction. And although different drugs can have different effects on the brain, most can disrupt motivation, sensitivity to natural rewards or pleasures, and control over behavior. If you would like to learn more on the topic of addiction, please check out "The Science of Addiction" at

snatchkoe - brentwood - what was the youngest person you ever heard of smoking

Wilson Compton - Fascinating question! We have found that smoking usually starts among teenagers. I've personally heard of children before age 10 starting to smoke, even as young as 6 or 7, but that's very unusual. You might find it interesting to know that since the brain is developing so much at this time, smoking and drug use is especially risky for early teens. The earlier someone starts using drugs, including tobacco, the greater the chance of becoming addicted. For more information about smoking, go to:


Nora Volkow - science has shown that you can do this voluntarily or involuntarily. voluntarily, the person needs to be motivated to stop taking the drug and seek treatment. involuntary treatment also works as when individuals are ordered into treatment by the court system. in this case they are assigned to a treatment program and monitored very carefully. during treatment it is very helpful to have the family involved in the process and supporting the person while they go through the treatment process.

sgagnon - Watkinson - How do doctors know what a good amount of medicine is to be prescribed for a person?

Nora Volkow - how much medicine a person needs depends on the disease they are suffering from. in the case of addiction we have medication for 2 types of drugs heroin and nicotine. the doses are determined on the characteristics of the person (weight and gender) and their histories of drug use.

amar2193 - new dorp high school - Who is sponsoring this chat?

Moderator - This chat is being sponsored by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. We are part of the National Institutes of Health. We support most of the worlds research on the health effects of drug abuse and addiction and we have many of our scientists here today answering your questions.

Hi - Monroe Woodbury - is drug abuse hereditary

Nora Volkow - the vulnerability for drug abuse, and also for addiction, is determined half by a person's genes and half by their environment (for example their neighborhood or what their home is like).

katelynn - Ephrata High School - does marajuana affect your driving?

Petra Jacobs - Yes. It does. Marijuana slows everything down which means that it slows your reaction time, your ability to make rapid critical judgments and discriminate shapes--figure out what you are looking at, it impairs perceptual-motor coordination and motor performance (there is a delay between thinking about doing an action, like putting your foot on the brake and actually braking), impaired short-term memory, attention, knowing what color the traffic signal is and it slows your time perception (you think something will take you a few seconds but it actually takes much longer). Marijuana is the most prevalent illegal drug detected in impaired drivers, fatally injured drivers, and motor vehicle crash victims. Look at: for more information.

xocsxo - watkinson - if you get addicted to drugs, can you ever quit?

Nora Volkow - yes, you can and many people have in the past .Drug treatment works but it is important to recognize that a person that has been addicted in the past to a drug will be in most cases at risk of relapsing if exposed to the drugs again. For more on treatment and where you can find it, you can call the go to the Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator at 1-800-662-HELP or go to their website at

Tractor Trailer - Briarcliff High School - What drug is the worst one for you and has the highest mortality rate?

Wilson Compton - Great question - I suspect you are a potential scientist! We have found all drugs can cause medical, psychological and social problems. As a doctor, I've seen people with terrible trouble quitting their use of marijuana, even though it was causing them a lot of trouble. I have also worked with patients who abused heroin and cocaine who quit using the first time they tried. On average, tobacco smoking (cigarettes) cause the most deaths around the world. For additional information, check out:

s - aiken - how can you get addicted to coke...?

David Shurtleff - Drug addiction is a complex brain disease.Addiction is described as an uncontrollable urge or craving to seek and use drugs.When addicted, a person's drug use can persist even in the face of extremely negative consequences such as loss of friends and family relationships, and poor performance in school. Drug seeking becomes compulsive,mostly because of the effects of prolonged drug use on brain functioning and on behavior. For many people, drug addiction becomes chronic, with relapses possible even after long periods of abstinence. For more information visit

heavymetal - Eastern High School - how many douses does it take to fully addicted to any drug

Barry Hoffer - There is no precise answer that can be given to your question, because it all depends on things like: what drug?, who is using?, how frequently? and factors related to the individual taking the drug, etc.

Dealer_of_teh_drugs. - Middlesex High School - What body parts besides the brain are affected by drugs?

Nora Volkow - well it depends on the drug that's being abused. some body parts that may be impacted include the heart, skin, teeth, lungs,and reproductive organs. for more information on the consequences associated with specific drugs please go to

julianna - Jacksonville High - What is the one drug most teenagers get high off of? why that one?

Wilson Compton - Interesting question! Other than tobacco and alcohol, marijuana is the most commonly abused drug. It is the most available and many students don't realize how many problems marijuana can cause. You can find out more about this at:

XoLEXiSXo - Westhill - What makes a steroid help someone's performance ?

David Shurtleff - Steroids are human-made substances related to male sex hormones. As you probably know, some athletes abuse anabolic steroids to enhance performance by boosting muscle size and reducing body fat . But the down side is steroids disrupt the normal production of hormones in the body,and can lead to reduced sperm production and shrinking of the testicles. Other changes include male-pattern baldness and breast development in men-(Yuck!).In the female body, anabolic steroids cause masculinization. This means that females will experience decreases in body fat, coarsening of the skin,and deepening of the voice. Women may also experience excessive growth of body hair(chest, chin, back, etc.) and lose the hair on their head. Examples of other effects are increase of the risk of blood clots and damage to heart muscle. Steroid abuse has also been associated with liver tumors and a rare condition called peliosis hepatis, in which blood-filled cysts form in the liver. Both the tumors and the cysts can rupture, causing internal bleeding.Most important, with continued steroid use, some of these effects become irreversible. If you want to know more about steroid abuse, go to:

Jimmy D. - Edison Jr High - what is ecstacy

Nora Volkow - is a drug that has stimulant effect as well as hallucinogen properties. ecstasy is also a drug that may damage serotonin cells in your brain. these are cells involved with mood and that is why it is believed that the repeated use of ecstasy can result in depressive symptoms

Ashley - James Wood High School - What drugs are most likely to kill you?

Nora Volkow - all drugs can kill in various ways. their lethal effects will depend on doses, combinations and a person's unique genetics. the drugs that are most frequently associated with death are heroin because of respiratory depression from overdose, alcohol from intoxication and increases in car accidents, and cigarettes from lung and other cancers

health class - Emmaus High School - what are physical risks of marijuana

Barry Hoffer - Marijuana increases heart rate immediately after it is smoked-which can be dangerous for some people. And someone who smokes marijuana regularly may develop some of the same respiratory problems that tobacco smokers do, such as daily cough and phlegm production, more frequent acute chest illnesses, a heightened risk of lung infections. Marijuana can also effect judgement and decision making leading to dangerous behaviors, such as driving while intoxicated, thus increasing the risks for accidents and other problems. If you want to learn more about the negative effects of marijuana abuse please visit

Moderator - Here's NIDA's Website for teens with information on the science behind drug abuse, facts on drugs, questions and answers, real stories and interactive activities.

deigana - brentwood - What kind of people are more likely to die from drugs?

Nora Volkow - There are no specific characteristics that can predict who is more likely to die from drugs. it could be a teenager who dies in a car crash during alcohol or marijuana intoxication, a cocaine abuser who has a heart attack, or a heroin abuser who overdoses. Men and women are equally susceptible.

Katelynn - Ephrata High School - About how many people in the world do drugs???

Wilson Compton - Thanks for your question. The truth is that we don't know about the use of drugs in all of the countries throughout the world. In my travels while visiting countries in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Australia, South America and Asia, I've learned that the rates of drug abuse vary from country to country. Opiates (like heroin)are common in some countries and stimulants are common in others. Also - you might be interested to know that including alcohol and tobacco, many people in all countries use drugs. NIDA has an International Program and you can visit the website at:

rae - newfane - will drinking make me unpretty?

Barry Hoffer - Drinking, particularly heavy drinking, can make you unattractive because of your behavior while intoxicated. And it can also lead to impaired decision making and even dangerous behaviors that could have long lasting physical consequences.For more information on alcohol abuse, go to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism at

MENDIZZY - Eastern - can drugs make you do bad on a test?

Nora Volkow - yes drugs that impair your memory such as marihuana will make you not remember if you are intoxicated; alcohol decreases the function of your thinking brain if you are intoxicated; cocaine speeds you up too much so that you can no longer concentrate properly

bmdahmenisdrugfree - West HIgh sChool - Hello, i had a question regarding the positive effects of steriods on a devoloping adolscence is someone is kind enough to help

David Shurtleff - Steroids are actually human-made substances related to male sex hormones. As you probably know, some athletes abuse anabolic steroids to enhance performance by boosting muscle size and reducing body fat .High school athletes,for example, have also been known to use steriods to enhance performance on the field. But the down side is that steroids disrupt the normal production of hormones in the body,and can lead to reduced sperm production and shrinking of the testicles.Other changes include male-pattern baldness and breast development in men-(Yuck!).In the female body, anabolic steroids cause masculinization. This means that females will experience decreases in body fat, coarsening of the skin,and deepening of the voice. Women may also experience excessive growth of body hair(chest, chin, back, etc.) and lose the hair on their head. Examples of other effects are increase of the risk of blood clots and damage to heart muscle. Steroid abuse has also been associated with liver tumors and a rare condition called peliosis hepatis, in which blood-filled cysts form in the liver. Both the tumors and the cysts can rupture, causing internal bleeding.Most important, with continued steroid use, some of these effects become irreversible. If you want to know more about steroid abuse, go to:

angie - edison jr. - whats the most common date rape drug??

Wilson Compton - Thanks for your question. Date rape drugs include substances that sedate someone and make them forget what happens to them. These drug sinclude Rohypnol and GHB, which are predominantly central nervous system depressants and can be very dangerous, even fatal. To learn more about the side effects and medical consequences of these drugs, visit:

sam - briarcliff high school - in what ways can you help yourself recover from an addiction without your family knowing anything or helping you?

Nora Volkow - it's always helpful to have the support of your family. however if you don't want them to know it would be important to have someone that will help you through the process. this could be a therapist or a mentor from a group treatment program.

kelly - monroe woodbury - what are the long term effects of pot

Nora Volkow - marihuana impairs your memory and learning and decreases your motivation the long term effects are an impairment in your educational and professional achievements

==>B-r-Y-a-N - westhill high school - what does marijuana do to your body?

Barry Hoffer - Marijuana increases heart rate immediately after it is smoked-which can be dangerous for some people. And someone who smokes marijuana regularly may develop some of the same respiratory problems that tobacco smokers do, such as daily cough and phlegm production, more frequent acute chest illnesses, a heightened risk of lung infections. Marijuana can also effect judgement and decision making leading to dangerous behaviors, such as driving while intoxicated, thus increasing the risks for accidents and other problems. If you want to learn more about the negative effects of marijuana abuse please visit

Hi - Monroe Woodbury - is drug abuse heriditary?

Nora Volkow - yes half of your risk of addiction is hereditary and the other half is environmental

thompsonmi - Brentwood Middle School - What do drugs do to you

David Shurtleff - All drugs of abuse target the brain's reward system by flooding it with dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter present in regions of the brain that regulate movement, emotion, cognition, motivation, and feelings of pleasure. Dopamine is released when you do something pleasurable such as eat ice cream for example, but drugs cause a much more powerful release. This"overstimulation" of this dopamine system produces the euphoric effects sought by people who abuse drugs and can create an overwhelming urge to repeat the behavior.Our brains are wired to ensure that we will repeat life-sustaining activities by associating those activities with pleasure or reward. Whenever this reward circuit is activated, the brain notes that something important is happening that needs to be remembered, and teaches us to do it again and again, without thinking about it. Because drugs of abuse stimulate the same circuit, we learn to abuse drugs in the same way. Unfortunately, this can lead to drug addiction, which can affect your life in negative ways including loss of friend and family relationships, loss of job, poor performance in school.To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

StarCraft - Iowa city west high school - What are the potential risks of excessive amounts of caffeine?

Nora Volkow - excessive caffeine can lead to restlessness and insomnia. if you have heart problems it could make them worse. otherwise there is no evidence that it is per se harmful to your brain

loufuszplayer23 - Sacred Heart in Valley Park - what age do most people start drinking?

Nora Volkow - most often in their early teens

cheechman07 - eastern highschools - why do people use drugs for strees relief

Nora Volkow - people do drugs for many reasons. some to have a good time, others to feel better including decrease from stress or depression, the problem is that with time the use of drugs make these initial symptoms worse

suaveeeeee!!! - jacksonville - why do people get addicted to drugs?

David Shurtleff - Drug addiction is a complex brain disease.Addiction is described as an uncontrollable urge or craving to seek and use drugs.When addicted, a person's drug use can persist even in the face of extremely negative consequences such as loss of friends and family relationships, and poor performance in school. Drug seeking becomes compulsive, mostly because of the effects of prolonged drug use on brain functioning and on behavior. For many people, drug addiction becomes chronic, with relapses possible even after long periods of abstinence. For more information visit

Trackstar - Jacksonville - Wat are the new new drugs that are out right now that are dangerous and popular

Wilson Compton - We have found that the most commonly abused drugs are tobacco, alcohol and marijuana. These three drugs are still very dangerous and popular. In addition, key drugs that we've become concerned about because they appear to have increased in popularity are prescription drugs (painkillers such as vicodin and oxycontin) stimulants (ritalin and adderal),sedatives and methamphetamine.These drugs are used by a lot of teenagers who may not realize how dangerous they can be. Did you know that drugs can contribute to lots of health problems, including lung and cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer, and mental disorders? For more information, check out:"The Science of Addiction" at I hope this information helps!


Nora Volkow - depends on the drug and your age. adolescents appear to get addicted faster than adults. methampethamine is the drug that appears to make you addicted faster and there are reports of people becoming addicted in less than one year

Apel99 - Stone Middle School - How can a person die from drugs?

Nora Volkow - there are many ways a person can die from drugs:they can overdose and die from respiratory depression or from seizures;they can die because drugs interfere with their reflexes so they end up in an accident;one can die from medical consequences such as lung caner or prostate cancer from smoking; or they can die from an infection contracted while injecting drugs. these are just a few examples. for more information on the consequences associated with drug abuse please go to

jkingma - West Sioux - who has a harder time quieting adults or kids?

Nora Volkow - the longer you have been abusing a drug the harder it is to quit and depends on the drug and how it has been taken. To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

Sarah - Westland Middle School - Do steriods give you a high, or do they just increase your strenght?

Nora Volkow - they increase strength and can make you feel better.

Nd CoUgArS 55 - New Dorp Highschool - How will steroids effect your body and health in the long run ?

David Shurtleff - Steroids are human-made substances related to male sex hormones. As you probably know, some athletes abuse anabolic steroids to enhance performance by boosting muscle size and reducing body fat .High school athletes,for example, have also been known to use steriods to enhance performance on the field. But the down side is that steroids disrupt the normal production of hormones in the body,and can lead to reduced sperm production and shrinking of the testicles.Other changes include male-pattern baldness and breast development in men-(Yuck!).In the female body, anabolic steroids cause masculinization. This means that females will experience decreases in body fat, coarsening of the skin,and deepening of the voice. Women may also experience excessive growth of body hair(chest, chin, back, etc.) and lose the hair on their head. Examples of other effects are increase of the risk of blood clots and damage to heart muscle. Steroid abuse has also been associated with liver tumors and a rare condition called peliosis hepatis, in which blood-filled cysts form in the liver. Both the tumors and the cysts can rupture, causing internal bleeding.Most important, with continued steroid use, some of these effects become irreversible. If you want to know more about steroid abuse, go to:

Samantha - Marlington High School - Why is Marijuana a gateway drug?

Wilson Compton - Your question about marijuana as a "gateway" drug has been debated a lot. The term "gateway" is the idea that an early drug leads to other drugs later in life. marijuana, tobacco and alcohol are generally the first drugs used.Scientifically, the jury is still out. But when we look at people who abuse illegal drugs, they tend to have also used marijuana and nicotine and alcohol. Still, research has shown that it is not true that most marijuana users go on to use other drugs. In and of itself, though, marijuana can pose significant health risks, including the risk of addiction. Check out for more information. I hope you find this information helpful.

robster - capon bridge - How can I tell if someone is on drugs?

Nora Volkow - not always. people that have taken drugs for long periods of time can hide the effects very well

Micheal - Westland ms - I heard that men grow women parts when they take anabolic steroids, is that true?

Nora Volkow - their breasts can grow and that has to do with the fact that steroids will decrease the production of testosterone

Cubdude11 - SHVP - Which illegal drug(s) damages your organs the most

Nora Volkow - methamphetamine and cocaine

greg - James Wood High School - what is crack

David Shurtleff - Crack is cocaine that has been processed from cocaine hydrochloride to a free base for smoking.Crack cocaine is addictive and can make people who use it feel euphoric and energetic.It can also result in serious health effects such as heart attacks, respiratory failure, strokes, and seizures. Large doses can cause bizarre and violent behavior. In rare cases, sudden death can occur on the first use of cocaine or unexpectedly thereafter. --not good. For more information about cocaine, visit

west hill - deez nuts - how does marijuana get you high?

Barry Hoffer - Smoking marijauna delivers a chemical to the brain called THC, which binds to specific targets on nerve cells (called receptors)triggering the release of signals that cause the sensation of high or euphoria. This brain systems affected by marijuana are normally involved in motivation, pleasure in response to things like sex and food, memory, etc. Drugs like marijuana take over this system and override the normal mechanisms of control.For more information about marijuana, go to

johnk - stone - How long would you smoke crack to get high even a little

Nora Volkow - you can smoke for 30 seconds and that will make someone very high but it can also harm their brain and heart

hotdog - blackneos(adam steiner):D - is medical marajuana bad for you or good for relieving your pAIN?

Petra Jacobs - Currently, the FDA has not approved medical marajuana for pain management. There are some research studies looking in to this, but there is not enough information to know for sure right now. Only the pill form is FDA approved, which means that this medication contains ingredients found in marijuana and can legally be prescribed to relieve some of the symptoms of seriously ill patients, such as those with cancer or AIDS - to help them eat more by reducing nausea. This medication has very serious adverse effects, for example drowsiness, dizziness, fainting,overdoses, mental or mood changes (eg, anxiety, confusion, depression, feeling disoriented or "high") and addiction. Therefore, if it is not indicated and supervised by prescribing physician, it shouldn't be used.

adeegan - Paris Elementary - is it possible to quite drinking when you start at a young age?

Nora Volkow - yes it is possible and many have been able to do it. there are treatment programs and medications that can help a person stop drinking. please visit the following web site for more information on getting treatment for alcohol abuse

DAVID_DUDE - capon bridge middle school - how does drugs cause weight loss?

Nora Volkow - stimulant drugs make you lose weight because they decrease your appetite-nicotine helps you lose weight also because it decreases your appetite and increases energy utilization by your cells

Marie - Jacksonville - can smoking casually still have bad effects on your body?

Barry Hoffer - We would need to define the word "casually" first, but regardless, nicotine is so addictive that it is like playing russian roulette with your body. Nobody can predict whether he or she will remain a casual smoker forever, and those addicted to tobacco were usually casual smokers at some point. To learn more about smoking and nicotine addiction please visit

jgannaway - Childress High School - Why are drugs so addicting?

Nora Volkow - drugs are addicting because they increase the concentration of a chemical that allows us to perceive pleasure but they also trigger changes that create strong memories. for more information on how drugs impact the brain please visit

grandslam3852 - Sacred Heart Valley Park - What state has the most meth?

Wilson Compton - Fascinating question! Interestingly, drug use varies a lot across the different states. We have found that meth use has been seen at higher rates in the west, midwest and in rural area. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health: For youths aged 12 to 17, rates of past year methamphetamine use were among the highest in South Dakota (2.3%), Montana (2.2%), North Dakota (1.6%) and Wyoming (1.6%). Methamphetamine use was the lowest among youth in the District of Columbia (0.1%), New York (0.2%), and Maryland (0.2%). Young adults aged 18 to 25 were the most likely to use methamphetamines in the past year. For adults aged 18 to 25, rates of past year methamphetamine use were among the highest in Wyoming (4.6%), Arkansas (4.4%), Minnesota (3.8%) and Nevada (3.8%). Methamphetamine use was the lowest among young adults in New York (0.3%), Connecticut (0.4%), and Vermont (0.4%). If you are interested in learning more about the drug use in each state, you can learn more by visiting: and

robster - capon bridge - Can cough drops hurt you?

Nora Volkow - any medication taken in excessive can have harmful effects but in general, when taken as directed, cough drops should not hurt someone.

eskimo - alaska U - what is up wht is cocaine and wht r the effects

David Shurtleff - Cocaine is a powerfully addictive drug that usually makes the user feel euphoric and energetic.However, there are serious health effects include heart attacks, respiratory failure, strokes, and seizures. Large amounts can cause bizarre and violent behavior. In rare cases, sudden death can occur on the first use of cocaine or unexpectedly thereafter.For more information about cocaine, see

Irving Health Class - Nimitz - What is cocaine made of?

Barry Hoffer - Cocaine is a natural chemical derived from the leaves of the coca plant.

articfrost1564 - sacred heart - what birth effects do drugs have on babies

Nora Volkow - it depends on the drug and the time at which the fetus is exposed to them. Alcohol can produce organ malformations and mental retardation, nicotine and MJ can interfere with normal brain development, cocaine and methamphetamine can affect blood delivery to the fetus and interfere with overall growth.

Mayor Manson - Capon Bridge Middle School - What can the drug oxicontent do to the body?

Nora Volkow - oxycontin is an opiate drug used to treat pain but it acts on the same proteins that heroin does so it can produce addiction and can also like heroin lead to death from overdose

angelgurl_194 - Jacksonville High School - When parents are addicted to drugs, how likely is it for their children to become addicted to the same drug?

Kevin Conway - This is a pretty complicated question, but a good estimate is that children of addicts (of alcohol or drugs) are about 2-3 times more likely to become addicted compared to children of parents who are not addicted. Of course, the risk is zero if the children don't use drugs at all!!!

Moderator - Please welcome Dr. Kevin Conway. Dr. Conway is the deputy director of NIDA's Division of Division of Epidemiology, Services, and Prevention Research, and studies the epidemiology and genetics of drug abuse. His scientific interests include the causes of drug addiction, as well as psychopathology and violence. When he is not chasing his two little kids, he likes to play basketball, tennis, and ultimate Frisbee.

tinkerbell - Columbia High School - What is in Rohypnol that will make you lose your memory?

Nora Volkow - rohypnol is a benzodiazepine used for anxiety and insomnia that can interfere with your memory as do other drugs in that class. this is because the proteins affected by them interfere with activity in hippocampus which is were memories are formed in the brain

iosdbhb - briarcliff high school - What is the most addictive drug?

Kevin Conway - Nicotine (the drug in tobacco) is probably the most addictive drug. This means that cigarette smokers have a really hard time quitting once they start.Here's a website with resources that can help people quit:

Brad - Eastern High School - What is the average age goup that gets affected by HIV/AIDS

Nora Volkow - all ages are impacted. but a large portion of the new hiv cases are in those less than 25 years old. please go to for more information on the linkages between drug abuse and HIV.

Maria - Eastern High School - Can you be addictive to over the counter drugs like advil?

Nora Volkow - there is no evidence that you can become addicted to advil

Brittany. - Capon Bridge Middle School - Why do drugs make you feel good and then like an hour later it makes you feel like crap?

Nora Volkow - because they increase the concentration of a chemical that activates pleasure centers, but when the drug leaves your body the production of your own chemicals have gone down so the pleasure centers have less stimulation

iosdbhb - briarcliff high school - How hereditary is alcohol abuse?

Kevin Conway - Alcoholism is indeed heriditary,which means that the disease tends to "run in families." Scientists estimate that genetic factors account for between 40 and 60 percent of a person's vulnerability to addiction.Social factors in alcoholic families also play a role, such as stress levels and the amount of drinking that goes on.Here's NIDA's Website for teens with information on the science behind drug abuse, facts on drugs, questions and answers, real stories and interactive activities.

BLAH....BLAH.....BLAH...... - Columbia High School - If a person has smoked about 7 years and they decide to quit, do their lung(s) still look bad but are getting better or do they stay the same as if they were still smoking but don't get worse?

Nora Volkow - they get better

aniah - westhill - how does the cocaine make you feel?

Petra Jacobs - Cocaine usually makes one feel euphoric, energetic,hyperstimulatized, and mentally alert.It can also increase sensitivity to touch, sight, and sound. Some users of cocaine report feelings of restlessness, irritability and anxiety. The short term physical effects include constricted blood vessels, dilated pupils, increased heart rate and blood pressure. Large amounts can lead to violent behavior and users may experience tremors, vertigo, muscle twitches, and paranoia. The high from snorting may last 15 to 30 minutes, while smoking may last 5 to 10 minutes. Increased use can reduce the period of time a user feels high, and once the 'high' is over, users can feel very tired and depressed. Cocaine is a powerfully addictive drug, while it can make you feel good the first couple of times, addiction is a very real feeling and is a very high risk when taking this drug of abuse. See for more information.

tmills - Childress High School - How much dose your life decrease from smoking?

Wilson Compton - Good question. We have found that smoking causes a lot of medical problems, including mortality (death). You might find it interesting to know that smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer and for people who develop lung cancer, their life ends quickly and early. Smoking also causes emphysema (long-term trouble breathing and lung damage), cancer of the mouth and tongue and can make heart disease worse. While not everyone who smokes gets these diseases, many unfortunate people do develop major medical problems, and often die much earlier. For more information, see:

md9098 - bullard - what is the difference between dna and rna?

Nora Volkow - DNA is where your genes are located in the nucleus on the cell and where they are stored. when you need a DNA piece to be read and translated into protein that is when you create the "RNA," which will be a mirror of the DNA. the RNA will leave the nucleus and go to the cytoplasm of the cell where it will deliver the message to code the protein.

briyah - westland middle school - what are some ways kids can get help

Nora Volkow - kids can get help getting off drugs from their parents, their doctors, their siblings, other relatives, or teachers For more on treatment and where you can find it, you can call the go to the Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator at 1-800-662-HELP or go to their website at

hockeyplayer15 - ShVP - does any drug affect your growth

Nora Volkow - yes stimulant sand steriods have been shown to retard your growth

Alexis - Saint Stephen - Why is it that after just one cigarette, you become addicted?

Kevin Conway - Well, we don't know that this is really what happens. We do know that nicotine (the drug in cigarettes) is very addictive -- perhaps more so than any other drug. So, it is dangerous to start smoking because it could quickly become an addiction.For more information about smoking and its effects, go to:

267951 - roy martin - How does marijuana effect the male reproductive system?

Nora Volkow - we're still not really sure. in fact this is an area that we are currently researching.

Kim and Ang - Columbia High School - What are some long term effect of using exstasy or what is known as the X pill?

Nora Volkow - the x pill is ecstasy- ecstasy can damage serotonin cells in your brain which are cells that regulate mood and as a result it can increase the risk for depression

Carly - West Sioux - why do teenagers get caught most with inhalants, and why do they do it.

Nora Volkow - inhalants are very easy to get . they are accessible at home and at school and therefore widely available and cheap. they can make a person feel high but they are also very toxic

Watkinson - Watkinson - what makes drugs so bad for you?

Kevin Conway - Drugs can be bad for you in lots of ways. They can cause all sorts of medical problems -- like lung cancer, heart disease, liver disease. And, drugs are addictive . For addicted people,drugs become the most important thing in their lives and cause major problems at school, home, and work.Addiction is a disease of the brain and causes brain changes that disrupt people's ability to enjoy natural rewards (like food and good music), and to use good judgment and self-control over their behavior. Frequently, this means that a person will go after the drug in place of the normal healthy activities they used to enjoy. Because of the brain changes that occur with addiction, treatment is often needed to stop drug use and regain control over behavior. For more information and student activities, see

healthtchr - Gilford high School - hi, why are prescription drugs dangerous?

Nora Volkow - prescription drugs when used inappropriately can be dangerous since they can produce addiction and can also trigger an overdose

loufuszplayer23 - Sacred Heart in Valley Park - what percent of americans are alcholics?

Wilson Compton - Good question! Alcohol is a drug that causes addiction, just like other drugs. We call someone who abuses or is addicted to alcohol an "alcoholic." According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, in 2006, an estimated 22.6 million persons aged 12 or older were classified with substance addiction or abuse in the past year (9.2percent of the population aged 12 or older). Of these, 3.2 million were addicted to or abused both alcohol and illicit drugs, 3.8 million only illicit drugs but not alcohol, and 15.6 million only alcohol but not illicit drugs. If you want to learn more about the numbers of people with substance abuse, check out the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration at And if you want more information on alcohol abuse, go to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism at

homefry_07 - CBMS - what's your job?...and is it fun?

Nora Volkow - i love my job. i do research and try to understand what drugs do to the brain. also try to educate people about what we learn from science on the effects of drugs on the human body and brain.

bleach - grc - are steroids really bad for your body

Barry Hoffer - Yes, they are. In fact, many professional athletes who have taken steroids to enhance their performance have died from heart failure, liver failure and cancers like lymphomas. Teenagers who abuse anabolic steroids might never grow as tall as they would have, and may experience emotional problems and suicidal thoughts. if you want to learn more about steroid abuse please visit

geltz_c11 - marington - How many different kinds of durgs are there?

Nora Volkow - stimulants like cocaine and methamphetamine; sedatives like alcohol and benzodiazepines; opiates like heroin; cannabinoids like marihuana; hallucinogens like LSD and PCP; nicotine like cigarettes. You can find out more about that at:

cgonzales - ChildressHighSchool - could household cleaning supplies be considered as drugs since some teens sniff them?

Nora Volkow - yes and they are called inhalants.some can make a person high but they are also very toxic. please go to for more information on the dangerous effects of these drugs.

wrca - Columbia High School - How big of an effect does cough med. have on people that use is a lot to get high?

Nora Volkow - there's a chemical in many cough syrups called dextromethorphan that can negatively impact a person's health. some of the effects include distorted perceptions of sight and sound and it can produce feelings of detachment - dissociation - from the environment and self.

ken b - scpa - is cocaine a fatel drug?

Nora Volkow - it can be and it can kill a person in the following ways: heart attack, seizures, stroke

md9098 - bullard - what do you think science is?

Nora Volkow - science is a method used to extract objective information to help understand a process in nature

dg - Eastern Regional High School - Are drugs the leading cause of death?

Wilson Compton - That is a complicated question because not all drug deaths are identified as drug deaths. Intentional misuse of hazardous materials, for example, like sniffing glue, results in a lot of poisoning deaths and they may not be recognized. In general about 17,000 deaths a year are from use of illicit drugs. In addition, 440,000 die from tobacco related illnesses and 50,000 from alcohol every year.

Antonell - Brentwood - Why are people so tempted to smoke crack?

Kevin Conway - People can be tempted to smoke crack for lots of reasons, but perhaps the biggest reason is that they want to experience an intense "rush" from the drug, which happens very quickly after smoking it. But people sometimes don't think about how fast they can become addicted to crack, and once this happens, crack can quickly cause serious problems. Crack addicts often give up everything (friends, family, jobs) just to get more of the drug. For more information, see

13cauds - west yadkin - what are some immediate effects of using steriods

Nora Volkow - it can make you feel good and strengthen your muscles and stamina. in the long term it will decrease your hormones and can make you feel depressed and even suicidal, and there are a variety of other health effects as well. If you want to know more about steroid abuse, go to:

Ally N - Westland Middle School - What are the symptoms of withdrawel???

Nora Volkow - it depends on the drug. some generate much stronger symptoms of withdrawl than others. One of the drugs that produces the worst withdrawal is heroin--it can present with severe cramps, sweating, heart racing and seizures. Alcohol and other CNS depressants also can produce seizures and increase heart rate.You can find out more about that at:

Fenrir - Newfane High School - why are drugs addicting?

Barry Hoffer - Addictive drugs alter the way brain cells communicate with each other. With continued use, these alterations can lead to addiction. If you would like to learn more on the topic of addiction, please check out "The Science of Addiction" at


Nora Volkow - it depends on the drug,the way it is taken,your age and other factors. methamphetamine can produce addiction rapidly, and if you are younger you may become addicted faster than if you are older.To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

Brad - Eastern High School - What is the average age goup that gets affected by HIV/AIDS

Wilson Compton - Thanks for your interesting question. HIV/AIDS can affect all ages. We have found that In the United States, teens and young adults are the most likely to be exposed to HIV/AIDS and a lot of this exposure is related to drug abuse. People who use drugs may make bad decisions where they have risky sex.NIDA recently produced a brief video titled: "Learn the Link" to educate people about the link between drug abuse and HIV. Also, we have more information that you might find helpful at:

peterson - LCWM - Ater you have been smoking how long does it take before the smoking affects your body?

Nora Volkow - it depends on your genetics and age- some people are more vulnerable to the effects of smoking also some effects occur faster . for example, smoking affects your skin wrinkling it before it increases your risk for cancer. in between, it can affect the function of your lungs decreasing your athletic capacity even when you are young

cameron - Westland Middle School - will taking herioin once get you addictied?

Nora Volkow - its unlikely that a person would get addicted after a single exposure to heroin--although people do overdose even after a single use.

13salar - west yadkin school - how do medicines work differantly than drugs?

Nora Volkow - all drugs of abuse increase dopamine in the brain which is a chemical involved with pleasure. Very few medications increase dopamine but there are some that do. When a medication increases dopamine it can also produce addiction.

briyah - westland middle school - what drugs make you commit scuiside

Wilson Compton - Thanks for your question. The main issue to keep in mind is that all drugs can affect someone's mood. Some drugs cause people to make very bad decisions, including wanting to kill themselves. Working in an emergency room as a doctor, I often took care of people who attempted suicide while they were drunk or high on many different substances. Almost always, when the person sobered up, they didn't feel so bad and didn't want to die.If you are concerned about someone and want to help him/her, please let them know that treatment is available and can be found at the Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator at 1-800-662-HELP or go to their website at

DIVA - Eastern High School - whats the difference between prescription drugs and illegal substnaces

Kevin Conway - Prescription drugs are permitted by law as long as they come from a medical doctor. They are prescribed to people for medical problems to help them get well or to ease their suffering.Illegal substances are generally not prescribed by physicians. However, prescription drugs can be used illegally when people take them in a way they were not intended, or if they were prescribed for someone else. It is important to use the prescription drugs as your doctor told you to -- and not to share them or use them for other purposes. Using these drugs to get "high" is unhealthy and dangerous, and some prescription drugs are addictive -- just like illegal drugs.

Dar - Capon Bridge Middle School - What is the percent of people who do drugs and alcohol in other countries?

Wilson Compton - Thanks for your question. The truth is that we don't know about the use of drugs in all of the countries throughout the world. In my travels while visiting countries in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Australia, South America and Asia, I've learned that the rates of drug abuse vary from country to country. Opiates (like heroin)are common in some countries and stimulants are common in others. Also - you might be interested to know that including alcohol and tobacco, many people in all countries use drugs. NIDA has an International Program and you can visit the website at:

volleyball54 - Sacred Heart Valley Park - What percent of people in the world do drugs?

Wilson Compton - Thanks for your question. The truth is that we don't know about the use of drugs in all of the countries throughout the world. Not all countries measure and monitor their drug use as closely as the United States. In my travels while visiting countries in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Australia, South America and Asia, I've learned that the rates of drug abuse vary a lot from country to country. Opiates (like heroin)are common in some countries and stimulants, cocaine are common in others. Also - you might be interested to know that including alcohol and tobacco, many people in all countries use drugs. NIDA has an International Program and you can visit the website at:

briyah - westland middle school - are all drugs addctive

Barry Hoffer - We worry about all drugs that act on the brain, particularly those that activate its reward system. The reward system is the part of the brain that helps motivate us to repeat healthy activities, but drugs can alter it so that normal pleasures--such as eating--no longer provide satisfaction,and people feel compelled to keep taking drugs.

nelson - LCWM - If you use drugs for a long period of time, does it affect your IQ?

Nora Volkow - it depends on the drug and the age at which you start . there are drugs that can affect your IQ- for example cocaine and methampethamine, which can produce small strokes in your brain could affect your IQ if the strokes occur in those areas of the brain involved in calcuation, language processing or abstract thinking. on the other hand there are no data to show a detrimental effect of nicotine on your IQ

gracie343 - noblesville highschool - how do i encourage a friend to stop taking drugs

Petra Jacobs - This is a very important question. The first thing you can do is listen to what they have to say, about their drug use and about why they are using. If they don't know about the negative health effects of using drugs on their body, brain and life, visit NIDA's website ( and there is a lot of information you can share with him/her. If they are already aware of most of the negative consequences their drug taking has on their health, school, family, etc and they may be prepared to make a change. If that is a case, you can help him to find a treatment that is suitable for him/her by going on to If they are not ready to get help, don't give up on them. Find times to reach out and hopefully some day soon they will be ready. Helping them to go through the process of getting in to treatment, keeping in touch with them while they are in treatment and then supporting and encouraging them when they are in recovery are the best things you can do for your friend struggling with addiction.

Sarah - Westland Middle School - Why do drugs change your behavior?

Nora Volkow - because they artificially activate networks in your brain that control your emotions and behavior

sydney - bullard - when will u answer my question

Moderator - We are answering questions as fast as we can. If you don't see your question answered here today, check back next week, we will try to answer as many as we can!

volleyball54 - Sacred Heart Valley Park - Why is Missouri the biggest state for Meth? Why do so many people make it?

Wilson Compton - Fascinating question! It turns out that, drug use varies a lot across the different states. We have found that meth use has been seen at higher rates in the west, midwest and in rural area. Missouri does not have the highest rates of methamphetamine overall, though rates in the boot heel area and other rural regions have been terrible. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health: For youths aged 12 to 17, rates of past year methamphetamine use were among the highest in South Dakota (2.3%), Montana (2.2%), North Dakota (1.6%) and Wyoming (1.6%). Methamphetamine use was the lowest among youth in the District of Columbia (0.1%), New York (0.2%), and Maryland (0.2%). Young adults aged 18 to 25 were the most likely to use methamphetamines in the past year. For adults aged 18 to 25, rates of past year methamphetamine use were among the highest in Wyoming (4.6%), Arkansas (4.4%), Minnesota (3.8%) and Nevada (3.8%). Methamphetamine use was the lowest among young adults in New York (0.3%), Connecticut (0.4%), and Vermont (0.4%). If you are interested in learning more about the drug use in each state, you can learn more by visiting:

Dokurai - Capon Bridge Middle School - Can babys get addicted to drugs while a parent is addicted, and when in birth.

Nora Volkow - yes for some drugs they can. in particular heroin can produce severe dependence in the newborn baby that if not attended to can lead to drug withdrawal

dude - newfane high - is hiv forever?

Nora Volkow - as of now we don't know how to cure hiv. however it can be treated and you can lead a normal life even when the virus is still present in some cells in your body

ted - bobbalang high - which drugs are considered club drugs

Wilson Compton - Good question. As the name implies "club drug" is a category includes any substances that are used at the same time as people go out and party. This includes ecstasy, speed (methamphetamine), GHB, and ketamine (special K). Each of these drugs can have very serious health effects, for example, coma and seizures can occur following use of GHB. To help you better understand how "club drug" effect the body and brain, go to

crazyblondegal12 - Sacred Heart Valley Park - What drugs affect many different parts of your body? For example, some drugs only affect one place of your body....which drugs will be effecting your whole body?

Nora Volkow - all drugs are distributed to all the body and thus all drugs in principle can affect more than your brain. for example, alcohol affects brain and liver. cocaine affects brain and heart. nicotine affects brain, lung and heart. And marijuana affects brain and lungs. You can find out more about that at:

michaelandrew - grc - Are some drugs more addicting than others?

Nora Volkow - yes some are more addicting than others. drugs like methamphetamine are believed to be among the most, but more people are addicted to nicotine than any other drug To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

Dederocs! - Westland Middle School - What helps to cure your drug habbits?

Nora Volkow - Drug treatment is the best way. getting involved in non drug related activities will help a person cut down their drug use. For more on treatment and where you can find it, you can call the go to the Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator at 1-800-662-HELP or go to their website at

Kim and Ang - Columbia High School - What are some long term effect of using exctasy or what is known as the X pill?

Barry Hoffer - Right after you take ecstasy you can feel relaxed and very social for several hours, depending on the dose. Sometimes people feel depressed after using it, and if you use it regularly it may have longer lasting effects, including damaging some nerve cells in your brain because ecstasy can raise your body temperature; this can have deadly effects. For more about club drugs go to:

Marie - Jacksonville - can smoking causually still have really bad effects on your body?

Barry Hoffer - What is casual? Everyone who smokes started out as a casual smoker. Nicotine is highly addictive, and no one who starts can be sure of being able to continue to control his or her smoking forever. In fact,not many do. To learn more about smoking and nicotine addiction please visit

articfrost1564 - sacred heart - why do people do drugs

Nora Volkow - for many reasons, including wanting to get high and have a good time, because they are shy and drugs make it easier for them to interact with others, because they are depressed and drugs make them feel better, some times because they are bored and don't have anything else to do. To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

kloter - Childress High School - How much damage to the brain does drugs do?

Gaya Dowling - It depends on many factors including the drug, your age, and your genetics. There are drugs that are more harmful than others such as ecstasy which can produce damage to neurons in your brain at relatively low concentrations.Also when you are young and your brain is still forming the effects of drugs will be longer lasting than when you are old.Your genes also affect your sensitivity to drugs and there are people that are more sensitive to the toxic effects of drugs than others.

katgirl718 - shvp - which ilegal drug is most adictive?

Nora Volkow - heroin and cocaine and methampethamine are thought to be some the most addictive illegal drugs. To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

herbst - LWCM - What does speed do to your body?

Barry Hoffer - Speed (aka methamphetamine) is a particularly toxic drug, which causes brain damage and can increase the risk of stroke. There is a long list of really bad consequences of meth abuse, to learn more about them please visit

Strawberry Shortcake - Columbia High School - How can amphetamine affect your body?

Nora Volkow - amphetamine decreases blood flow in your body and thus can hurt the function of any organ in your body but particularly your heart and brain. amphetamine also produces addiction

CH2080 - BULLARD MIDDLESCHOOL - if you took steroids what are the affects on woman

Barry Hoffer - They can include bigger muscles, enlargement of the clitoris, acne, excessive body hair, male-pattern baldness, stunted growth, and emotional problems. If you want to learn more about steroid abuse, please visit:

jabuller - University of NC- Greensboro - Do you find that different areas of the US use different types of drugs more than others?

Wilson Compton - Absolutely! Drug use varies a lot in the different states and regions. For example, methamphetamine is common in Hawaii, the west and in rural areas but not so common in the northeast, especially in urban areas. This is shown in data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health: For youths aged 12 to 17, rates of past year methamphetamine use were among the highest in South Dakota (2.3%), Montana (2.2%), North Dakota (1.6%) and Wyoming (1.6%). Methamphetamine use was the lowest among youth in the District of Columbia (0.1%), New York (0.2%), and Maryland (0.2%). Young adults aged 18 to 25 were the most likely to use methamphetamines in the past year. For adults aged 18 to 25, rates of past year methamphetamine use were among the highest in Wyoming (4.6%), Arkansas (4.4%), Minnesota (3.8%) and Nevada (3.8%). Methamphetamine use was the lowest among young adults in New York (0.3%), Connecticut (0.4%), and Vermont (0.4%). If you are interested in learning more about the drug use in each state, you can learn more by visiting:

Conichiwah - Japan Han - Do anabolic steroids mess you up at a young age as your body develops?

Nora Volkow - yes because they interfere with your body's production of hormones which are indispensable for the growth of your body

footballplaya74 - grc - Whats the difference between crack and cocaine?

Nora Volkow - crack is cocaine which has been combined with a base so it can be smoked. but what gets in your body is cocaine. To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

george - Meadowbrook High School - If you are an alcoholic but you stop drinking because you are pregnant, will it still affect the baby?

Nora Volkow - if you drink during pregnancy it will affect the baby. if you do not drink then it will not have any effect since the fetus will not be exposed to alcohol

Brush - Braden River High School - What happens when you mix ectasy and alcohol, what are the affects?

Wilson Compton - This is a good question. Alcohol is a sedative and mixing alcohol with other drugs can be very dangerous and unpredictable. Instead of getting a little drunk, someone may become completely intoxicated and unable to function. You just don't know the effects.

amar2193 - new dorp high school - what happens if you inhale smoke?do your cilia get paralyzed for 20minutes?

Nora Volkow - it depends on the amount you inhale, the temperature in the air, and your respiratory function

nomoredrugies - noth carroll middle school - how fast can drugs effect you?

Nora Volkow - depends on the drug and the way you take it. if you smoke drugs they get into your brain faster and you can perceive the effects in 30 seconds. Injecting drugs into a vein or snorting them also gets them very rapidly to the brain.You can find out more about that at:

jmiller - martinsburg north middle school - can drugs affect your athletisism or will you stay the same

Nora Volkow - steroids can strengthen muscles and improve performance but in the long term, steroids can deteriorate your performance. drugs that are smoked like nicotine and marijuana can interfere with pulmonary function and thus deteriorate your performance.If you want to know more about steroid abuse, go to:

vboutsidehitter32 - Lower Merion - what are the long term effects of smoking pot

Kevin Conway - There are many long-term effects of smoking marijuana. The use of marijuana can produce adverse physical, mental, emotional, and behavioral changes, and,contrary to popular belief,it can be addictive. Marijuana smoke, like cigarette smoke, can harm the lungs. The use of marijuana can impair short-term memory, verbal skills, and judgment, and also distort perception. Marijuana has been associated with a number of mental conditions, including schizophrenia (psychosis), depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. It also may weaken the immune system and possibly increase a user's likelihood of developing cancer.For more information about marijuana, go to

The High-Heeled Avenger - Watkins Glen - The only negative effect of shrooms that I have found (aside from overdose) thus far is a bad trip... could you give me more of an insentive not to use?

Barry Hoffer - The key words in your question are "thus far" Using drug, any drugs, can lead to unpredictable effects. A bad trip is only the tip of an iceberg. By assuming that this is the only thing happening in your body, particularly after long term use, is really like playing russian roulette with your body.

SK8TER - PORTOLA MIDDLE SCHOOL - How many brain cells do we have?

Nora Volkow - The human brain holds about 100 billion nerve cells

Lucdizzle - Capon Bridge Middle School - How come the nigatine in drugs make it so addictive?

Barry Hoffer - When you smoke, nicotine gets into your brain very quickly--in fact, smoking gets drugs into the brain more rapidly than injecting them. Research has shown that the faster a drug gets into the brain, the more addictive it is likely to be.

AMBER! - LCWM - Is it true that if you smoke a ciggerette it takes 7 days off you life?

Barry Hoffer - We can't match any specific number of cigarettes with any exact reduction in life span. We do know that the more someone smokes, the greater will be his or her chances of illnesses, such as lung cancer and heart disease, that shorten life. The average smoker reduces his or her life expectancy by 10 years.

briyah - westland middle school - are all drugs addctive

Nora Volkow - drugs that increase dopamine in your brain are addictive this includes alcohol, nicotine, marihuana, cocaine, heroin, methampethamine, ecstasy and some prescription medications like stimulants and pain killers

yaba-babba - edison jr high school - what is yaba

Wilson Compton - Good question. Yaba is another word for methamphetamine and usually refers to the pill form. It's pretty typical that drugs have many names and these names change all the time. In addition, just because someone is told that a pill is yaba it could include all sorts of other dangerous substances. You just never know! If you are interested in more information about methamphetamine, please visit:

jessica - eastern - How does your body get addicted to drugs?

Nora Volkow - drugs change the way neurons connect with one another strengthening pathways involved in memory and habits. over time, this can lead to automatic behaviors that make the person take the drugs in a reflexive way. drugs also affect reward and motivation, and can make natural rewards such as food less pleasurable. To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

S3MAreso.stu - ncms - What are mental and physical effects of using heroin?

Nora Volkow - mental effects include dependence and addiction. dependence symptoms that will emerge when you stop the drug can include cramping, seizures, sweating, racing heart. addiction is the changes that occur when you lose control over the drug taking and can not stop even when you want to

Antonell - Brentwood - Why are steroids so bad for a person's body?

Kevin Conway - Anabolic steroids are dangerous drugs, and when used inappropriately, they can cause a many severe, long-lasting, and often irreversible negative health consequences. These drugs can stunt your growth,cause masculine traits in girls (e.g., unwanted hair growth), and alter sex characteristics of boys (e.g.,breast growth). Some steroid abusers report that they have committed aggressive acts, such as physical fighting or armed robbery, theft, vandalism, or burglary. Anabolic steroids can lead to premature heart attacks, strokes, liver tumors, kidney failure, and serious psychiatric problems. In addition, because steroids are often injected, users risk contracting or transmitting HIV or hepatitis. If you want to know more about steroid abuse, go to:

jonasbrothers - bullard middle school - can doing drugs make you crazy and possibly dangerous?

Nora Volkow - some drugs can make a person psychotic such as cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamine, LSD. when a person is psychotic they can become dangerous if they believe someone is trying to hurt them.You can find out more about that at:

kyle - Ridgewood Middle School - hey can all drugs make yo mentall ill

Wilson Compton - This is an excellent and complicated question. Drug abuse in general is associated with higher rates of many mental illnesses, like depression, schizophrenia and manic depressive illness. However, one can look at this from either direction:persons with mental illness may use more drugs than other people and early drug use may lead to later mental illness. The reasons why addiction and other mental disorders coincide so frequently are not fully understood. Children and adolescents with psychiatric conditions (conduct disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and learning disabilities) are at higher risk of abusing drugs than other youth. Also, you might find it interesting to know that there is evidence that drug abuse early in life may increase the risk of psychiatric disorders or accelerate their course. NIDA-supported investigators are using neuroimaging, genotyping, statistical modeling, and other tools to parse the interplay of risk factors in the development of such disorders. For further information see:

Bush - Portola - do you know why cocane affects peoles hearts

Nora Volkow - because it decreases the blood flow to the heart so it can produce a heart attack. it also can make the heart contract abnormally which can kill them by an arrhythmia

thompson_t11 - marlington - Is smoking cigarettes worse then smoking marajana?

Gaya Dowling - Smoking is dangerous, whether you smoke cigarettes or marijuana. Marijuana is not safer than cigarettes, as both can cause serious damage to your lungs and can impair your brain, for example. Nicotine is one of the most heavily used drugs in the U.S. and one of the most addictive. The tar in cigarettes increases a smoker's risk of lung cancer, emphysema, and bronchial disorders. The carbon monoxide in smoke increases the chance of cardiovascular diseases. Secondhand smoke causes lung cancer in adults and greatly increases the risk of respiratory illnesses in children. Marijuana has many potentially negative effects as well. For example, studies indicate an association between marijuana and a number of mental conditions, including schizophrenia (psychosis), depression, anxiety, and suicide attempts. Young users may be especially vulnerable. For more, see For more information about smoking, go to:

j quintana x - Park Ridge High School - how can you tell if someone is on drugs

Nora Volkow - it depends on the drug and you can not always tell. people that are intoxicated with alcohol or marijuana can have uncoordinated movements. people that take heroin may have contracted pupils. people that are on cocaine or methamphetamine may seem to be moving or talking rapidly. someone that takes marihuana may appear to mellow. However people that take drugs regularly may be able to mask some of the effects of the drug, and appear normal.

Paige - Hicksville High School - Does a person have to go to rehab or to a therapy type of class when they are addicted to an illegal drug?

Nora Volkow - if a person who is addicted and wants to stop taking drugs it will help them to get treatment, however some people are able to stop by themselves with the help of friends or relatives. Others have physicians help them. For more on treatment and where you can find it, you can call the go to the Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator at 1-800-662-HELP or go to their website at

Eomere - Ephrata High School - Is Maiiajauna addictive?

Nora Volkow - yes- For more information about marijuana, go to

footballplaya74 - grc - is there a difference between perscription drugs and street drugs?

Barry Hoffer - I imagine you mean prescription drugs such as Ritalin, that work on the brain--not antibiotics, for example. In fact, some prescription drugs have effects in the brain that are very similar to street drugs. However, when they are taken in prescribed doses to treat a health condition--rather than for kicks--they are safe. Ritalin is a good example: although it shares some main effects with cocaine, it does not cause addiction when taken as directed by people with ADHD.

S3MAreso.stu - ncms - What does addiction feel like? Does other people know you are using by how you look?

Nora Volkow - addiction feels bad, you want to control your behavior but you can't. not everyone can tell when a person is addicted and may need help and may not be able to tell by looking.For more on treatment and where you can find it, you can call the go to the Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator at 1-800-662-HELP or go to their website at

EricVon - briarcliff - are you able to get lung cancer from smoking marijuana?

Nora Volkow - smoking is bad for the lungs and we are still studying Mj's effects on lung cancer

mclovin:-)342 - Bullard ms - how many people die from drug overdoses a year?

Wilson Compton - That is a complicated question because not all drug deaths are identified as drug deaths. Intentional misuse of hazardous materials, for example, results in a lot of poisoning deaths and they may not be recognized. In general about 17,000 deaths a year are from use of illicit drugs. In addition, 440,000 die from tobacco related illnesses and 50,000 from alcohol every year.According to a recent report, deaths from accidental overdoses increased to 19,838 in 2004, from 11,155 in 1999, which was based on death certificate information (which does not detail which drugs were used). However, researchers believe the increasing misuse of prescription drugs by those ages 15 to 24 accounts for the majority of the statistic. I hope you find this helpful.

Dale Sr. - knoxjr.High - how quick do people get addicted

Nora Volkow - depends on the drug,the way it is taken,your age and other factors.methamphetamine can produce addiction rapidly, and if you are younger you may become addicted faster than if you are older.To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

suprasteve - cashmere highschool - what effects do vicadin have on the body??

Nora Volkow - Its is an opiate analgesic so it can decrease pain. However it can also make a person feel high and with repeated use can produce addiction. For more information:

Dozer767 - Bullard Middle school - How come people trie to kill them selves after taking drugs

Wilson Compton - Thanks for your question. The main issue to keep in mind is that all drugs can affect someone's mood. Some drugs cause people to make very bad decisions, including wanting to kill themselves. Working in an emergency room as a doctor, I often took care of people who attempted suicide while they were drunk or high on many different substances. Almost always, when the person sobered up, they didn't feel so bad and didn't want to die.If you are concerned about someone and want to help him/her, please let them know that treatment is available and can be found at the Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator at 1-800-662-HELP or go to their website at

aburriss - franklin central - What are some of the symptoms of someone that is doing drugs?

Nora Volkow - it depends on the drug and you can not always tell. people that are intoxicated with alcohol or marijuana can have uncoordinated movements. people that take heroin may have contracted pupils. people that are on cocaine or methamphetamine may seem to be moving or talking rapidly. someone that takes marihuana may appear to mellow. However people that take drugs regularly may be able to mask some of the effects of the drug, and appear normal.

steve - north carrol middle - what is the spanish name for cokaine?

Nora Volkow - cocaina

winterwolf - grc - is alcohol a drug or someting else????

Barry Hoffer - Alcohol is definitely a drug. It affects the same nerve cells as other drugs of abuse.Alcoholism is a form of addiction that comes about in the same way as addiction to other drugs.

jwphealth - Janesville High School - how do you get depressed?

Nora Volkow - we do not know exactly but believe that there is a chemical imbalance that triggers depression--chronic use of certain drugs can also lead to depression

kia - eastern highschool - can drugs break dow organs in the body???

Nora Volkow - some drugs can since they decrease blood to the organs which can damage them

jwphealth - janesville high school - can drus cause stds

Nora Volkow - when you are intoxicated with drugs you are much more likely to have unprotected sex and thus increase your risk for a sexually transmitted disease including HIV. You can find information for young people, parents and teachers about the link between drug abuse and HIV infection, with links to the latest research findings and news updates at

jwphealth - janesville high school - Do drugs affect your driving skills?

Barry Hoffer - Most drugs do, Marijuana, cocaine, alcohol, ecstasy and any of the many hallucinogenic drugs are notorious for their ability to impair driving. If you would like to learn more about drugged driving, please visit

Jcup - Cashmere High School - What are some effects of taking meth?

Nora Volkow - it accelerates your heart, decreases your need for sleep and food , can make you very anxious and paranoid. with repeated use it can make you addicted

asdfasdf - asdfasdf - can i get addicted to steroids?

Kevin Conway - Every user has different feelings and experiences when using steroids and coming off the drug. When someone stops using, they can experience a variety of withdrawal symptoms linked to addiction. Symptoms can include mood swings, fatigue, restlessness, loss of appetite, insomnia,the desire to take more steroids, and depression. Evidence for steroid addiction is certainly not as strong as it is for other drugs like cocaine or heroin. Still,it is clear that people develop a tolerance and dependence on steroids and willingly experience negative consequences when using steroids,both of which are signs for drug dependence. If you want to know more about steroid abuse, go to:

Koas - CASHMERE HIGH SCHOOL - How long does it take to get of drugs ?

Nora Volkow - depends on the drug, how long have you been taken it, your age, your genetics, and your ability to get treatment.for more information on treatment:

leapinfiercebuny - Sacred Heart Valley Park - What substances would be considered inhalents?

Wilson Compton - Great question! in general, inhalants are substances that are in gas form so they can be breathed into the lungs. they include liquids like paint thinner or gasoline that give off vapors that are inhaled. it also includes canned products like air freshener and others. these are very dangerous substance and can cause sudden death as well as long tern problems when used over time. we have a lot of information about inhalants on our website. see:

Jessucka :) - Brentwood Middle School - what are some of the effects that could happen to you if you smoke marajauna?

Kevin Conway - There are many long-term effects of smoking marijuana. The use of marijuana can produce adverse physical, mental, emotional, and behavioral changes, and,contrary to popular belief,it can be addictive. Marijuana smoke, like cigarette smoke, can harm the lungs. The use of marijuana can impair short-term memory, verbal skills, and judgment, and also distort perception. Marijuana has been associated with a number of mental conditions, including schizophrenia (psychosis), depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. It also may weaken the immune system and possibly increase a user's likelihood of developing cancer.For more information about marijuana, go to

Stop Kickin Me OUT! - Leo D. - what is the health risk of marijuana?

Kevin Conway - There are many long-term effects of smoking marijuana. The use of marijuana can produce adverse physical, mental, emotional, and behavioral changes, and,contrary to popular belief,it can be addictive. Marijuana smoke, like cigarette smoke, can harm the lungs. The use of marijuana can impair short-term memory, verbal skills, and judgment, and also distort perception. Marijuana has been associated with a number of mental conditions, including schizophrenia (psychosis), depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. It also may weaken the immune system and possibly increase a user's likelihood of developing cancer.For more information about marijuana, go to

RikuT3hDarkone - Franklin Central High School - Hypothetically, I have a family member that has been on drugs and got help. But, she is now abusing prescription drugs. Would it be alright to tell her that I hope she takes something that's gonna get her out of my life for good?

Nora Volkow - if this person is your friend or relative you want to help them stop taking prescription drugs.For more on treatment and where you can find it, you can call the go to the Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator at 1-800-662-HELP or go to their website at

blake - briarcliff high school - what are the long-term effects of marijuana?

Kevin Conway - There are many long-term effects of smoking marijuana. The use of marijuana can produce adverse physical, mental, emotional, and behavioral changes, and,contrary to popular belief,it can be addictive. Marijuana smoke, like cigarette smoke, can harm the lungs. The use of marijuana can impair short-term memory, verbal skills, and judgment, and also distort perception. Marijuana has been associated with a number of mental conditions, including schizophrenia (psychosis), depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. It also may weaken the immune system and possibly increase a user's likelihood of developing cancer.For more information about marijuana, go to

johnny appleseed - lower merion high school - Is pot bad for you?

Kevin Conway - There are many long-term effects of smoking marijuana. The use of marijuana can produce adverse physical, mental, emotional, and behavioral changes, and,contrary to popular belief,it can be addictive. Marijuana smoke, like cigarette smoke, can harm the lungs. The use of marijuana can impair short-term memory, verbal skills, and judgment, and also distort perception. Marijuana has been associated with a number of mental conditions, including schizophrenia (psychosis), depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. It also may weaken the immune system and possibly increase a user's likelihood of developing cancer.For more information about marijuana, go to

FreezIe BabII - Lower Merion High School - Are there any bad side affects to marijuana

Kevin Conway - Marijuana affects memory, judgment and perception. The drug can make you mess up in school, in sports or clubs, or with your friends. If you're high on marijuana, you are more likely to make mistakes that could embarrass or even hurt you. If you use marijuana a lot, you could start to lose interest in how you look and how you're getting along at school or work. Athletes could find their performance is off; timing, movements, and coordination are all affected by THC, the active ingredient in marijuana. Also, since marijuana can affect judgment and decisionmaking, its use can lead to risky sexual behavior, resulting in exposure to sexually transmitted diseases like HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.For more information about marijuana, go to

michael - ridgewood middle shool - my moms dad died of lung cancer, he never smoked or did drugs.why did he die???????????????:(

Nora Volkow - I'm sorry for your loss and for each person the causes are different--we know that genes can make a person get cancer even when they don't smoke. there are also toxins in the environment that can produce lung cancer.

50cent - newfane - how is weed harmful?

Kevin Conway - There are many long-term effects of smoking marijuana. The use of marijuana can produce adverse physical, mental, emotional, and behavioral changes, and,contrary to popular belief,it can be addictive. Marijuana smoke, like cigarette smoke, can harm the lungs. The use of marijuana can impair short-term memory, verbal skills, and judgment, and also distort perception. Marijuana has been associated with a number of mental conditions, including schizophrenia (psychosis), depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. It also may weaken the immune system and possibly increase a user's likelihood of developing cancer.For more information about marijuana, go to

mclovin:-)342 - Bullard ms - can people get mental problems from doing drugs?

Wilson Compton - This is an excellent and complicated question. Drug abuse in general is associated with higher rates of many mental illnesses, like depression, schizophrenia and manic depressive illness. However, one can look at this from either direction:persons with mental illness may use more drugs than other people and early drug use may lead to later mental illness. The reasons why addiction and other mental disorders coincide so frequently are not fully understood. Children and adolescents with psychiatric conditions (conduct disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and learning disabilities) are at higher risk of abusing drugs than other youth. Also, you might find it interesting to know that there is evidence that drug abuse early in life may increase the risk of psychiatric disorders or accelerate their course. NIDA-supported investigators are using neuroimaging, genotyping, statistical modeling, and other tools to parse the interplay of risk factors in the development of such disorders. For further information see:

starsk8er91 - Lower Merion High School - is marijuana bad for you?

Kevin Conway - There are many long-term effects of smoking marijuana. The use of marijuana can produce adverse physical, mental, emotional, and behavioral changes, and,contrary to popular belief,it can be addictive. Marijuana smoke, like cigarette smoke, can harm the lungs. The use of marijuana can impair short-term memory, verbal skills, and judgment, and also distort perception. Marijuana has been associated with a number of mental conditions, including schizophrenia (psychosis), depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. It also may weaken the immune system and possibly increase a user's likelihood of developing cancer.For more information about marijuana, go to

go nc - north carroll middle school - how can u get addicted to food if the are not drugs

Nora Volkow - we are not certain that food can produce addiction but we know it can produce very strong habits that are very difficult to break. this is because food like drugs increases dopamine in brain producing pleasure

lilbits828 - Sacred Heart Valley Park - What are possible recovery methods for tobacco withdrawal?

Petra Jacobs - In tobacco, nicotine is responsible for tobacco withdrawal symptoms. Clinical trials have shown that the combination of pharmacotherapy (medication)and behavioral interventions (therapy) is the most helpful in people quit smoking and manage their nicotine withdrawal. Pharmacological interventions could include nicotine replacement therapies (nicotine gum, patch, nasal spray, etc.). Behavioral intervention teaches people how to deal with craving, avoid high risk situations and prevent relapse.If your doctor thinks its a good idea, you might also receive certain kind of antidepressants to increase the success of your effort. Additional information is at

richboy5678 - North Carroll Middle School - why should I stop using drugs?

Nora Volkow - because you don't want to get addicted to them, because even if you don't get addicted to them they can harm your brain and body--To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

Zach - Zane Trace - what were the first intentions for barbituates?

Nora Volkow - barbiturates were first developed to help people sleep better and to decrease anxiety.

Kristin - bullard - What happens when you take an overdose of ADHD meddication?

Nora Volkow - it can make you paranoid, it can produce seizures, it can also produce heart arrhythmias

julie&adrirock - cohenj - what does marajuna do to your brain??

Nora Volkow - it can make you feel high and mellow. with repeated use it can change how the areas involved with memory work. it can also make you paranoid and you can become addicted

sky - zanetrace - what is the main abused drug in the us

Aria Crump - Interesting question! Among the general population age 12 and older, the most frequently used "drug" is alcohol and the most frequently abused illegal drug is marijuana. More info can be found at If you're talking about illegal drugs, the most commonly abused is marijuana.

Moderator - Dr. Lisa Onken has just walked into the Chat Room. She is a psychologist and runs a program of research to develop treatments for people with drug dependence and associated mental disorders. This program has resulted in many new, effective psychosocial, behavioral, and pharmacological treatments for drug addiction. Dr. Onken is married and has two daughters (ages 17 & 19). Lisa's main hobbies involve food: reading cooking magazines, watching cooking shows, baking, and experimenting with new desserts. Her favorite television show is the "Daily Show," and her favorite type of music is rock n roll (old & new).

get money - knox jr. high - What is THC?

Larry Stanford - THC stands for delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. It's the major active ingredient in marijuana and is responsible for its intoxicating effects.

aburriss - franklin central - how can drugs affect your social life

Kevin Conway - Drugs can affect your social life when they become so important that you give up social things that are important to you. Drugs can also lead to problems at school (like getting bad grades) and with the police(like driving while intoxicated), which could limit your freedom to have a good social life. When you're high, you are generally more likely to make mistakes that could embarrass or even hurt you.Here's NIDA's Website for teens with information on the science behind drug abuse, facts on drugs, questions and answers, real stories and interactive activities.

holley - bullard middle school - Is it possible to quit drinking when you start at a younge age?

Lisa Onken - That's an excellent question! Yes- it is possible to quit, even if if you start at a young age. There are many treatment options available, and there are many treatment programs that can help. Behavioral treatments,such as relapse prevention, can teach people how to avoid situations where you may be likely to drink, and they can also provide skills to help deal with craving. There are also groups like SMART Recovery and Alcoholics Anonymous that can help. In addition, there are several medications that can be beneficial. If you want to learn more about treatment programs, you can find some at this website: Good luck!

jwphealth - Janesville High School - Dr. Kevin Conway what's the newest drug on the market?

Kevin Conway - The drug scene is always evolving, so it's hard to provide a direct answer to your question. But recent surveys of teenagers show that prescription drugs are being used more than ever before. This is a concern because many of these drugs are addictive, and they are being used without a doctor's permission. This combination makes us very concerned about how this trend will affect the health of young people and society as a whole. Our website has the latest information on drug abuse and related resources:

Archibald - Yonkers High School - Why do people get into drugs in the first place?

Aria Crump - That's a great question. Many young people are influenced by others that they interact with, like friends and relatives (peer pressure). Others just want to try because they are curious. Sometimes people feel very depressed and they take the drugs to feel better, or they may just be bored. What's clear is that reasons for starting may be very different from reasons for continuing, and many other factors, such as your physiological responses, affect your decision to continue--or stop.

Moderator - We'd like to introduce Dr. Aria Crump who helps develop drug prevention programs for NIDA. She also is an expert on substance use prevention programs in ethnic minority communities, and educates teens on the link between drug abuse and HIV. Dr. Crump once worked as an Assistant Professor at University of Maryland, where she conducted drug abuse research in the community and taught students in health communications and minority health. She believes that families can help kids make good health choices in their lives. She enjoys spending time with family, including her husband, six year-old daughter, and 13 year-old dog.

Moderator - Dr. Larry Stanford is now participating in the Chat. He is the deputy director of NIDA's Division of Clinical Neuroscience and Behavioral Research, which supports studies of the development of the human brain and behavior. Prior to coming to NIDA, Dr. Stanford ran a research program in visual neurobiology at the University of Wisconsin. His hobbies are motorcycling and working on motorcycles and cars.

amber - ridgewood middle school - If one parent does drugs, will the child of the couple become addicted?

Kevin Conway - Drug abuse is indeed heriditary,which means that the disease tends to "run in families." Scientists estimate that genetic factors account for between 40 and 60 percent of a person's vulnerability to addiction.Social factors in families of drug abusers also play a role, such as stress levels and the amount of drinking that goes on.So, to answer your question as directly as possible, children of addicts are at increased risk of developing addiction themselves -- but this can be avoided entirely if the child never uses drugs. Here's NIDA's Website for teens with information on the science behind drug abuse, facts on drugs, questions and answers, real stories and interactive activities.

jimmy b - edison jr. high - wat is opium ,wat is opium, wat is opium,?...?wat is opium

Larry Stanford - That's a great question. Opium is a white liquid that is found in a plant known as the poppy plant. Opiates are drugs that are made from opium. Some opiates that you may have heard of include heroin, morphine and codeine.

Dsl;jafl;k - briarcliff high school - What percent of students in high school drink?

Aria Crump - As many as 70% of high school students have used alcohol(at some point in their lifetime). However, it's important to realize that all drinking is not equal. This 70% figure includes everyone who ever tried alcohol even once. Many fewer students drink on a regular basis, and even fewer drink many alcoholic beverages over a short period of time (binge drinking), which is particularly dangerous.

jwphealth - janesville high school - how many questions do you usually get per day?

Moderator - This is the first time we've done far we've gotten over 30,000 questions and we still have several hours to go!

Number Six - Knox Junior Highschool - What is codeine?

Larry Stanford - That's a great question. Codeine is a type of drug that belongs to the opioid family. Opioid drugs are are commonly prescribed because of their analgesic, or pain relieving, properties. Codeine is also sometimes prescribed to reduce coughing.

taylor - River View - does rehab really work?

Lisa Onken - That's a very good question. "Rehab" can mean a lot of different things, and can involve many different types of drug abuse treatment. But, in general, drug abuse treatment can really work. Of course, whether or not it works depends upon many things. For example, the type of treatment received and the effectiveness of that treatment is important. Once a person is receiving high quality treatment, the longer the person stays in treatment is very much related to whether or not they are successful.Behavioral treatments, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, teach people skills that they can use to avoid drugs and reduce urges to take drugs, and they can be very powerful treatments, but it is important that people do their treatment "homework" to maximize their chances of successful recovery. And medications may be very important, especially in the treatment of heroin addiction. Rehab can involve many different forms of treatment,depending upon the drugs a person is using, but in general, good drug abuse treatment can work very well. Even so, it is important for the person who recovers from drugs to understand that they are vulnerable to relapse, and so keeping their relapse prevention skills sharp - perhaps even with "booster" sessions -may be vital in ensuring long-term success.

peace_chicky - The Grammar School - my friend has parents that used to be alcoholics and were addicted to drugs. she's worried that she will become addicted to the same things as they were, or get a disease from them since her parents used them before she was born and while her mom was pregnant. is there any risk of her getting a disease?

Kevin Conway - This is a good question, but a tricky one to answer. Addiction is indeed hereditary,which means that the disease tends to "run in families." Scientists estimate that genetic factors account for between 40 and 60 percent of a person's vulnerability to addiction.Social factors in families of drug abusers also play a role, such as stress levels and the amount of drug use or drinking that goes on. So,your friend is likely at increased risk of developing the disease of addiction, but her risk can be avoided entirely if she never uses drugs or alcohol. The same would apply to your friend's children, should she have any. Here's NIDA's Website for teens with information on the science behind drug abuse, facts on drugs, questions and answers, real stories and interactive activities.

shlangbang44 - Briarcliff High School - How will ridillen affective you if you do'nt have a.d.d.

Aria Crump - Ritalin is a stimulant that can affect your heart rate, blood pressure and other vital functions.It can cause nervousness and insomnia.Because it is such a strong medication, it must be prescribed by a physican who can monitor how it is working for their patient. The important thing to remember is that for people with ADD, it can correct imbalances in brain chemistry and is less likely to cause side effects and because it is being taken under a doctor's supervision any problems that arise can be treated effectively--this is not the case if you take it without a doctor's prescription.

Addie (Is.:.Awesome) - Cawley Middle School - Are some drugs more addicting/harmful than others? If so, which ones are worst? Which ones are least addictive?

Kevin Conway - Well, many drugs are addictive, and nearly all can be harmful. We do know that nicotine (the drug in cigarettes) is very addictive -- perhaps more so than any other drug. But crack cocaine is also highly addictive. Even marijuana can be addictive. So, it is dangerous to start using drugs of any kind because use could quickly become an addiction.We also know from scientific research that the earlier you start, the more likely you are to become addicted and have other problems, such as in school or with your family. But, if you do, the earlier you stop, the more likely you will be to avoid addiction and the harmful brain changes that lead to it. For more information, see

soccerfreak - East Leyden - HOW COME IT'S SO HARD 2 QUIET SMOKING

Lisa Onken - It is hard to quit smoking because cigarettes are addictive - and it isn't just the nicotine in the cigarettes that is habit-forming. People get very used to smoking at certain times of the day, and in certain situations, and this habit is hard to break, even when the nicotine addiction is diminished (that may be why it is hard to quit smoking, even with nicotine replacement therapy!). But there are behavioral interventions that can help quite a bit. There are methods that people can learn, that are specific to their situation, about how to avoid the urge to smoke, and what to do when that urge is unavoidable. It is very important to learn these behavioral techniques - even if medications are also being used. For more information, check out And most importantly, please don't get discouraged!

yoecoach15 - Yoe High - Why do different drugs affect people differently?~Gaylia

Kevin Conway - The effects of drugs vary among individuals,but we really don't know exactly why this happens. In general,an individual's response to a drug can vary by his or her biology(genetic makeup, for example), personal history (such as prior us of drugs or alcohol), and even family history of addiction. So,multiple reasons can influence the different effects people experience-- and as scientists we're learning more about this every day. To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

Moderator - Dr. Cora Lee Wetherington is now available to answer your questions. Dr. Wetherington serves as NIDA's coordinator for research aimed at promoting the study of women and sex and gender differences into all areas of drug abuse. Dr. Wetherington also oversees a program of extramural research focusing on a variety of animal and human laboratory areas, including vulnerability to drug abuse, the behavioral effects of exposure to drugs during lifespan development, and sex and gender differences and issues unique to females. She has two children (both in college), two black & white cats, and a boxer, and particularly enjoys gardening, reading, and trying new restaurants.

gothope820 - Eastern High School - How do drugs effect your performance in sport???

Kevin Conway - Drugs can affect sport performance in a lot of ways, and the effect differs by the type of drug that is used. The most common drug associated with sport performance is anabolic steroids. While anabolic steroids can enhance sport performance, they are dangerous drugs and, when used inappropriately, they can cause many severe, long-lasting, and often irreversible negative health consequences. These drugs can stunt your growth,cause masculine traits in girls (e.g., unwanted hair growth), and alter sex characteristics of boys (e.g.,breast development). Some steroid abusers report that they have committed aggressive acts, such as physical fighting, vandalism, or burglary. Athletes who use marijuana could find their performance is off; timing, movements, and coordination are all affected by THC. If you want to know more about steroid abuse, go to:

I-AM-ME!!! - Arcadia Vally R-11 High - Are you police officers?

Moderator - No we aren't. Right now I have about 20 of my colleagues from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, which is part of the National Institutes of Health,here with me helping to answer the over 30,000 questions that have come in. Most of us are research scientists with Ph.D.'s in a variety of fields, biology, chemistry, psychology and other sciences. There are also public health professionals, science writers and communications specialists here....all of us working together to try to answer as many questions as we can!

emily - briarcliff high school - how do can you stand up to pure pressure if all your friends are pressuring you to smoke

Aria Crump - Peer pressure can really be difficult to handle. Here are a few tips. First be assertive about what you want (for them to back off).Remember that it's your body and at the end of the day, you live with the consequences of your choices. Feel free to state reasons, for example--"that stuff makes your clothes stink" or"I don't want to be addicted to cigarettes". Finally, be prepared to ask yourself if your friends are really acting like "friends" if they keep asking you to do something that you don't want to do--especially when it is something that's harmful to you. Stay strong.

faris - Manhattan jr.high - Both of my parents smoke am I at risk of lung cancer?

Larry Stanford - That's a very good question. That both of your parents smoke probably means that you are being exposed to what is termed as "second-hand smoke" and there is some scientific evidence that such exposure can lead to health problems in the people that are exposed. How serious those problems might be,are going to depend on a lot of things, though, including how much exposure there might be and for how long, For more information about smoking and its health effects, you might want to look at

shoffner - Westland Middle School - Which one tends to help more smokers quit, the patches or the gum?

Lisa Onken - Both things are types of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) - What is more important than what type of NRTa person chooses, is that they also use behavioral techniques to help break the habit of smoking. This is because addiction to nicotine is only a part of the habit of cigarette smoking that is difficult to break. People get used to having cigarettes in particular situations, and at regular times, and with certain people. If these "habits" are ignored, stopping smoking is much more difficult. Please take a look at this website for more information: Best of luck to you!

nelson_z11 - marlington high school - Don't some doctors prescribe marijuana if the person has an eating disorder and the drug dosage makes you hungry?

Cora Lee Wetherington - The Food and Drug Administration responsible for ensuring the safety of everything from cosmetics to human and animal medications to our nation's food supply has not approved marijuana to treat any medical illness. That is because smoking marijuana can cause serious health and social problems, including the risk of addiction. However, the FDA has approved certain medications that contain ingredients found in marijuana. These medications are usually prescribed to relieve symptoms in seriously ill patients, such as those with cancer or AIDS to help patients eat more or to reduce nausea. See for more information.

COOLPPL - CLAGGET MIDDLE SCHOOL - whats worse smoking or sniffing?

Kevin Conway - Hmm. I'm not sure what drug you're referring to, so I'll assume you are asking about cocaine. Basically,there is no safe way to use cocaine. Both smoking and sniffing cocaine can cause addiction and dangerous side effects, so it's best not to use cocaine at all. Use can cause heart attacks, respiratory failure, strokes, and seizures. Large amounts can cause bizarre and violent behavior. In rare cases, sudden death can occur on the first use of cocaine or unexpectedly thereafter. Smoking cocaine (such as crack) is particularly dangerous and can quickly turn into an addiction.For more information, click on "Cocaine" on NIDA's website:

Daley:] - bullard middleschool - How does cocaine affect boys and girls differently?

Gaya Dowling - What a great question. Unfortunately, at this time we have very little information on whether cocaine affects girls and boys differently, but there is evidence that girls may be much more vulnerable to developing addiction to cocaine than boys. For more information on cocaine, see

11_lacey_11 - Arcadia Valley High School - How often do you do a chat day?

Moderator - this is our very first chat day. We've certainly gotten a much greater response than we thought we we will probably being doing this again!

Eastern 25 - Eastern High School - Do drugs affect relasionships?

Lisa Onken - Absolutely, yes, drugs can affect relationships.It isn't possible to list ALL the ways that drugs can affect relationships, but we know that drugs increase risky behavior, and may reduce people's ability to control their behavior. One result of this is that diseases like AIDS are spread among drug users more readily. (See We also know that sometimes people start using drugs because they are around people who use drugs. And it is often very hard for someone to stop using drugs if the person they are involved with is using drugs.

skaggsk - bellmont - what are the most commonly abused antidepressents ?

Kevin Conway - Antidepressants do not cause the same kinds of effects in the brain as drugs like marijuana and cocaine. For that reason, they are not typically abused.

Erin - Harrington Elementary School - How do drugs affect growth?

Cora Lee Wetherington - The teen brain is a work in progress: It undergoes dramatic changes during adolescence and into adulthood. Drug use during this time can cause brain changes that can make a person more vulnerable to addiction. Research is just beginning to help us understand how adolescent and adult brains brains differ in response to drug use. We know that some drugs, especially steroids, affect physical growth. For more information on steroids, see

Druggie - Somers High School - Can having sex with someone who is a heroine addict increase your chance of getting HIV.

Aria Crump - It could, particularly if you are engaging in sex without a condom. Many people who are addicted to heroin may have shared needles when injecting the drug. Sharing needles is one of the primary ways to give or get HIV. Also, people who addicted to heroin are more likely to have unprotected sex and to have multiple partners. Since you can get or give HIV by having sex with someone, you could be at serious risk if your partner is infected. It's important to remember that unprotected sex with anyone can put you at risk for HIV, but unprotected sex with someone that is living a high-risk lifestyle is even more dangerous.

Daley:] - bullard middleschool - If you are older are you more or less able to be affected by drugs?

Larry Stanford - A very good, and very important,question. How much you might be affected by drugs is dependent on many, many factors, and your age is one of them. There is a lot of evidence that the earlier that a person begins to use drugs the more likely that they are to abuse them later on.This might very well reflect the harmful effects that drugs can have on the developing brain - an area of research that the National Institute on Drug Abuse is very interested in and in which a number of NIDA scientists are actively working. We know that the developing brain can be more affected by drugs. Since your brain does to fully develop until you are a young adult, drugs can have a greater affect on you than on someone who is older. For more information, please see To learn more,please take a look at"The Science of Addiction" at

Kartkid03 - caponbridgemiddleschool - Can drugs make you go crazy?

Kevin Conway - Many drugs can make you "go crazy." Heavy doses or chronic use of many drugs can cause violent behavior, suicidal thoughts, extreme mood swings, and even psychosis.To learn more about the effects of specific drugs,go to

terrica - new dorp high school - are girls more likely to get addicted to drugs than boys?

Cora Lee Wetherington - That is an excellent and important question and one that research is just beginning to address. We have learned that girls develop symptoms of nicotine dependence much faster than boys. In one study, symptoms of nicotine dependence in boys occurred after 6 months of use, but in girls, symptoms occurred after 3 WEEKS of use. In another study of girls of boys who used cocaine, girls were 3-4 times more likely to become addicted than boys. For more information about females and drug abuse and male-female differences in drug abuse, you may find this site helpful:

loufuszplayer23 - Sacred Heart in Valley Park - what percent of americans smoke?

Aria Crump - About 20% of Americans smoke.Interestingly, cigarette smoking kills an estimated 440,000 U.S. citizens each year more than alcohol, cocaine, heroin, homicide, suicide, car accidents, fire, and AIDS combine. Since 1964, more than 12 million Americans have died prematurely from smoking, and another 25 million U.S. smokers alive today will most likely die of a smoking-related illness. For more information check out:

Tweety101 - Columbia High School - Why do so many people go to rehab and it doesn't help some of them?

Lisa Onken - It is important, before entering rehab, to find out what kinds of treatment are offered, and what the success rates of the treatment program are. That way you can ensure that you're getting the best treatment possible. But sometimes, even if a treatment program is offering terrific treatment, it doesn't work the first time, or even the second time a person tries to get better. People need to stay in treatment for a long enough time, and do the work required of the treatment, for the treatment to work. Drug addiction is a chronic, relapsing disorder,and people need to learn the skills to prevent relapse, and cope with it when it occurs. And often, the more they practice these skills, the better they get - but it may take a few setbacks until continued success is achieved.

Betterthanyou - Knox Jr High - What is AIDS?

Aria Crump - AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. This is a disease that can develop when an individual is infected by a virus called the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, or HIV. HIV destroys a certain kind of white blood cell that is crucial to the normal function of the human immune system, which is important for fighting infections that can make us sick and in some cases kill us. HIV can be transferred if an infected person's blood or other bodily fluid comes in contact with the blood, broken skin, or mucous membranes of an uninfected person. Scientists have discovered treatments that can dramatically extend the lives of people with AIDS. Still, with about 40,000 people being diagnosed EACH YEAR this is a devastating disease and research on vaccines, treatments and prevention are a high priority for scientists.For more information go to:

Moderator - We're pleased to have Dr. Joni Rutter join the Chat. She manages NIDA's programs related to human genetics research. Dr. Rutter oversees research in human and population genetics, pharmacogenetics, epigenetics, bioinformatics, and molecular epidemiology, as they relate to vulnerabilities to drug abuse and addiction. Dr. Rutter has two cats, Winky and Dobby, named after the house elves in "Harry Potter. " When she's not at work, she likes to play volleyball, softball and golf. Her favorite class in high school was physics.

Moderator - The response to our first DRUG FACTS CHAT DAY has been so overwhelming, we are having a tough time getting to all of your questions. If you don't see an answer to your question, search our archive by username or topic. The archive should be posted within a week.

Moderator - Scientists estimate that genetic factors account for between 40 and 60 percent of a person's vulnerability to addiction.

jcr180 - Switzerland County High School - are boys or girls more likely to use drugs?

Cora Lee Wetherington - Thank you for your question. You might be interested to know that data from the very large National Survey on Drug Use or Health shows that girls and boys in the age group 12-17 are equally likely to have used illicit drugs.Findings from that study also indicate that girls are more likely than boys to be first-time users of marijuana,cigarette, and alcohol, and that girls are more likely than boys to misuse prescription drugs. When it comes to dependence, we are learning the girls and boys may not be equally likely to become dependent. For example, research shows that girls develop symptoms of nicotine dependence much faster than boys. In one study, symptoms of nicotine dependence in boys occurred after 6 months of use, but in girls, symptoms occurred after 3 WEEKS of use. In another study of girls of boys who used cocaine, girls were 3-4 times more likely to become addicted than boys. For more information about females and drug abuse and male-female differences in drug abuse, you may find this site helpful:

Super Mario - Eastern Regional Highschool - How can you fail a drug test by eating poppy seeds

Cora Lee Wetherington - You can test positive for opiates by eating poppy seeds, but we do not know how many seeds you'd have to eat because seeds vary in size and level of opiate.

crystal - Iberia Middle School - Is using drugs heriditary?

Joni Rutter - Drug abuse and alcoholism have strong heriditary components,which means they tend to "run in families." Scientists estimate that genetic factors account for about 50 percent of a person's risk of becoming addicted.Many other factors, such as stress levels and family environment also contribute heavily. We even have identified particular gene variants that are linked to higher risk of alcoholism, but even if you have the high risk form of these genes,alcoholism can be entirely avoided if alcohol is not used. Here's NIDA's Website for teens with information on the science behind drug abuse, facts on drugs, questions and answers, real stories and interactive activities.

grand theft auto master - portola middle school - What is ketamine,rohypnol,and gamma hydoxybutyrate?

Larry Stanford - Ketamine, rohypnol and gamma hydroxybutyrate are drugs that are sometimes called "club drugs" because they are often used in nightclubs, bars, or raves. Ketamine is actually an anesthetic that is most commonly used in veterinary medicine. Ketamine is also known as "special K" or "vitamin K".Rohypnol belongs to a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines. When Rohypnol is mixed with alcohol it can prevent a person from resisting sexual assault. It can also cause someone not to remember events they experienced while under the effects of the drug.Rohypnol is sometimes called"rophies," "roofies," "roach," and "rope. "Gamma hydroxybutyrate is a central nervous system depressant that is sometimes called "liquid ecstasy," "soap," "easy lay," "vita-G," and "Georgia home boy." GHB can cause coma and seizures and combining GHB with other drugs can result in nausea and breathing difficulties. You can find lots of information about club drugs at

Elmo!! - Sacred Heart - Can you list some drugs that are depressants?

Aria Crump - Sure. Depressants slow down your nervous system. Examples of these include alcohol, valium, xanax, librium, and sleeping pills. For more information see:

shaner - Sterling - how long does marijuana stay in your system?

Cora Lee Wetherington - If one uses marijuana occasionally, then it (and its metabolites) will leave the body after 1 to 2 days. If one is a heavier user, it can stay in your body as long as 30 days. For more information about marijuana, go to

toridawomen - sacred heart valley park - What is the genetic link of passing on of an acoholic?

Joni Rutter - Drug abuse and alcoholism have strong heriditary components,which means they tend to "run in families." Scientists estimate that genetic factors account for about 50 percent of a person's risk of becoming addicted. Many other factors, such as stress levels and family environment also contribute heavily. We even have identified particular gene variants that are linked to higher risk of alcoholism, but even if you have the high risk form of these genes,alcoholism can be entirely avoided if alcohol is not used. Here's NIDA's Website for teens with information on the science behind drug abuse, facts on drugs, questions and answers, real stories and interactive activities.

soccerman - Home - If someone in your family has had problems with drugs, how do you talk to them about it? He is a great kid and I wish I could help.

Lisa Onken - It is hard to watch someone you care about in this situation - Many people wonder what they can do.It might help at first just to listen to this family member. It can be helpful for him just to know that someone cares. It can also be helpful to let them know that you are concerned about the ways in which this might be harmful to him. For more information about the harmful effects of drugs,you can look at, and you can let him know about this website too. If he's interested in getting some help to quit,you can find out about treatment programs near where you live at If things don't change, it could be helpful to talk to an adult you trust.In any case, please don't get discouraged - there is help available.

TEJ418 - jared eliot middle school - i have freinds that smoke but i dont know how to get them to stop. what should i do?

Joni Rutter - I'm glad to hear that you are concerned about your friends who smoke and would like to do something to help them quit. You should know that young people are much more likely to take advise from their peers than from health professionals or adults in general, so you have a better than average chance of making an impact. Here is a website with resources that will give you a lot of good information to help your friends quit smoking:

Hollywoodgirl721 - Lundahl Middle school - When you take steroids or any other drug, what does it affect in the female reproductive system?? Or the male.

Cora Lee Wetherington - You might be interested to know that steriods can have many effects on the body, including liver tumors and cancer, jaundice, high blood pressure, kidney tumors, severe acne, and trembling.In teenagers, steroids can stunt growth or stop it prematurely and permanently. And yes, effects may be different in males and females. In males, effects may include shrinking of the testicles and breast development. In females, effects may include growth of facial hair, menstrual changes, and deepened voice. To learn more about steroid use, check out

BoBo - Westhill - Does Marijuana really stunt your growth?

Joni Rutter - I'm really short, but I have never used marijuana. I don't think it does stunt your growth, but there are worse harmful effects of marijuana, for example it can impair your ability to form memories and recall events. It can also decrease your reaction time, and cause delusions and hallucinations that can be dangerous.For more information about marijuana, go to

alenamaggie - manhattan junior high school - How do you get your parents to stop smoking?

Lisa Onken - I can relate to this, because when I was young, I wanted to get my mother to stop smoking! In those days, there wasn't much available in terms of effective treatments to help stop smoking. Now, there is so much help available!Smoking involves addiction to nicotine, but it also involves breaking strong habits. People get very used to smoking at certain times of day, in certain situations.Behavioral treatments help people learn to break the habit of smoking, and medications can help with the nicotine addiction. So combined behavioral treatment and medication can be very effective. For more information about how to stop smoking, take a look at this website: Perhaps if you let your parents know that you're concerned,and that there are effective treatments available, they might be willing to try to stop. If they're not quite ready, or if they fail, you can let them know that many people fail, or even fail repeatedly before they succeed, but that success is possible. Good luck!

toridawomen - sacred heart valley park - Why does meth cause teeth to rought?

Joni Rutter - The oral effects of methamphetamine use can be devastating. Reports have described rampant cavities and periodontal disease, referred to as"meth mouth."" A distinct and often severe pattern of decay can often be seen on the area near the gums. These effects of meth are probably caused by a combination of drug-induced psychological and physiological changes resulting in dry mouth, extended periods of poor oral hygiene, frequent consumption of high calorie, carbonated beverages and tooth grinding and clenching. If you would like to learn more about the health consequences of methamphetamine abuse you can visit

Dane - Ridgewood Middle School - How do drugs like methamphetamine and cocaine affect large and highly populated areas such as...New York City or Beijing, China? And why do people use drugs as an escape to another world? Don't some of these affect the way you live your life in a very serious way?

Aria Crump - Drugs, like meth have had a devastating impact on rural areas whereas crack is more of a problem for urban areas. No matter where you live, however, Illicit drugs cause lots of problems, not the least of which is addiction--a medical condition in which an individual changes their normal patterns to accommodate their need to obtain a drug. This may mean that family responsibilities are neglected and ability to work is affected. Because addicted people are not able to function normally this has an affect on society at large. The cost of drugs to society is staggering when you take into account individuals who end up in prison and youth who need services because of affected parents. So why do people want to escape? There are many reasons.They can be depressed, hopeless, or just bored.As you pointed out,turning to drugs as an escape can have seriously devastating consequences and getting treatment for depression or finding a healthy way to spend your time is a much better alternative.

Rashonda - Northern Middle School - Does drugs habits run in the family?

Joni Rutter - Drug abuse and alcoholism have strong heriditary components,which means they tend to "run in families." Scientists estimate that genetic factors account for about 50 percent of a person's risk of becoming addicted.Many other factors, such as stress levels and family environment also contribute heavily. We even have identified particular gene variants that are linked to higher risk of alcoholism, but even if you have the high risk form of these genes,alcoholism can be entirely avoided if alcohol is not used. Here's NIDA's Website for teens with information on the science behind drug abuse, facts on drugs, questions and answers, real stories and interactive activities.

Shanequa - EPCHS - I believe my mom is addicted to vicodin. How do I get her to stop?

Cora Lee Wetherington - I am sorry to hear about your mom's possible addiction to vicodin. It's great that you want to help her.Many women are having this problem. You might want to let her know of your concern that there are many effective treatments. Hopefully, she has discussed this with her doctor or someone else who can help her.For more on treatment, you mom can call the Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator at 1-800-662-HELP or go to their website at Also, for more information on prescription drug abuse, this site may be helpful:

kgaudreau - manchester high school west - can you get addicted to prescripotion drugs or no

Joni Rutter - Yes, you can. One of the common prescription drugs that is abused is oxycodone.

crazy clown - lundahl - wouldn't steroids as a doctor prescription give you the same effects as using it illegaly?

Larry Stanford - This is actually a very complex question. The effects of anabolic steroids is going to depend not only on the exact type and amount of drug that is used, but, very importantly, on the person that is taking them. Steroids are usually prescribed to treat conditions that occur when the body produces abnormally low amounts of testosterone, such as delayed puberty and some types of impotence. In other words, they are prescribed to correct low levels of the hormone.Steroid effects will be different in someone in which the levels of hormone are not abnormally low and, in this case,their use can affect the normal production of hormones in the body. This disruption will have different effects in males and females. You can find a lot of information on the effects of steroids at

rinehartm - Bethel High School - Is meth a problem in Ohio?

Aria Crump - Meth is a problem in many locations in the US, including Ohio. Recent statistics suggest that 7% of Ohio youth surveyed report lifetime use of meth. This number is frightening since meth use and addition can have serious consequences. Use of meth can lead to aggression, memory loss, and other serious health problems.

Moderator - We are receiving many of the same questions from different kids. Since we want to be sure we can get to as many new questions as possible, we might not answer all questions on the same topics. If you don't see an answer to your question, search our Chat Archive by username or topic. The archive should be posted within a week.

Moderator - Vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death for young people aged 15 to 20.

big pappa - New Dorp HS - How did you find so much things about drugs?

Lisa Onken - Through scientific research. I work at the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) - part of the National Institutes of Health, and NIDA provides support to scientists to study the effects of drugs on the brain and body, how to prevent people from using drugs, and how to provide effective treatment to people who are addicted to drugs, among other things. These scientists conduct research studies that provide all of this information. For more information on the National Institute on Drug Abuse, please look at the website:

*.....breanna....* - CBMS - Does rehab really help?

Lisa Onken - Yes, rehab can help. Of course, the word rehab can refer to many different things. If a person has a drug problem, they should look into different treatment options, and choose treatment programs or providers that have good success rates. But the bottom line is that there are many forms of treatment -involving behavioral interventions, and sometimes involving medications, that can be very helpful to people who are addicted to drugs. Sometimes, though, it takes more than one "treatment episode" for a person to be able to stay drug-free for good.

jwphealth - Janesville High School - If 5 out of 8 my dad's siblings are alcoholics but my dad isn't, would i be more likely to be an alcoholic too

Joni Rutter - Wow, you have lots of aunts and uncles!! This is a tricky question. We know that alcoholism runs in families. Since your dad is not an alcoholic, your risk may be somewhat reduced, but the science would suggest that your risk is not zero. There are many factors that play a role in alcoholism, so it would be smart in your case not to start using alcohol.For more information on alcohol abuse, go to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism at

Libbs - Sacred Heart - What age to people start drinking?

Aria Crump - There's a wide range of ages over which youth start to drink. Some start while still in middle school, while others wait until high school. By 10th grade, about half of youth report alcohol use in the past year.

shaila - sulphur high - what drug is the most commonly used illegal drug among middle school and high school students?

Aria Crump - The most commonly used 'illegal' drug is marijuana. However, that's only if you don't count alcohol--which is illegal for middle school and high school students because they are underaged.

Vincent - Ephrata High School - Is Caffeine a drug?

Lisa Onken - Good question! Yes -caffeine is a drug. As I'm sure you know, it can be found in coffee, tea, and it is added to many other beverages. Of course, it has stimulant properties. One thing that not everyone knows is that it can stay in your system for a many hours. Some people who have sleep problems find that stopping caffeine use improves their sleep. And some people with anxiety problems find that stopping caffeine makes them feel less anxious.

jwphealth - Janesville High School - My grandpa died 2 years ago from lung cancer, and he only smoked for about 20 years and then he stopped, can you still get lung cancer till after you smoke then you stop smoking?

Joni Rutter - I'm sorry to hear about your grandpa. My grandpa died of cancer, too. To answer your question, there a lots of ways to get lung cancer, but smoking is a very common one, and yes, you can still get lung cancer after you stop smoking. Lung cancer takes a long time to develop, so even if you smoke for a little while and quit, you are still at a higher risk for developing lung cancer.We know now that if you never start to smoke you will reduce your risk for lung cancer significantly. But if you are a smoker already, quitting now is your best chance of minimizing the damage. For more information about smoking, go to:

alyssajane. - Watkins Glen High School - How meny teenagers in the US do drugs?

Aria Crump - If you're talking about illicit drug use 17% of 10th graders have used any illicit drug in the past month. This includes marijuana, cocaine, opiates, etc., but does not include smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol.

starz58 - St. Joseph - HOW CAN I TELL IF MY FRIEND IS DOING DRUGS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? WORRIED

Cora Lee Wetherington - From you question, I am guessing that you have observed signs or changes in your friend's behavior that lead you to suspect they are using drugs. I suggest that you talk with you friend about your concerns. NIDA's website has many resources for teens to help them learn about the effects of using drugs and how they can find help.You can find out more about that at: You can also find information about specific drugs and their unique effects, e.g. For more information about marijuana, go to more about club drugs go to:

Moderator - The response to our first DRUG FACTS CHAT DAY has been so overwhelming, we are having a tough time getting to all of your questions. If you don't see an answer to your question, search our archive by username or topic. The archive should be posted within a week.

Moderator - The younger a person begins to use drugs, the more likely he or she will progress to more serious drug abuse.

kkkkkkkkkkkkkk - park ridge high school - im on drugs ....................... what shuld i do?

Lisa Onken - From the sound of your question, it sounds like you want to stop, but aren't sure how? If this is the case, it can help to know that treatment for drug abuse can be very helpful- that people can and do stop using drugs. If you need to speak with someone immediately, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (they don't just talk about suicide, they cover a lot of issues and will help put you in touch with someone close by). If you'd like to find out about treatment programs that are close to where you live, please look at wish you the best of luck!

jwphealth - janesville high school - how can new born babies be addicted to crack at birth

Larry Stanford - When a mother takes a drug, like crack or nicotine, that drug can be passed on to the baby through the placenta. The level of the drug in the baby can be high enough for the baby to show signs of withdrawal from the drug when they are born. Some babies born to mothers who have have abused crack during pregnancy are born prematurely and are smaller than babies born to mothers that didn't use the drug. For more information on the effects of crack, see

Moderator - Dr. Nicolette Borek is now available to answer your questions. Dr. Borek is a psychologist who oversees research on how exposure to drugs of abuse during the prenatal period affects a baby's brain and behavioral development. She also does research on the long term health and development of children and adolescents exposed to or living with HIV. Prior to her job at NIDA, Dr. Borek worked with teenagers and adults with substance use and mental health disorders -- including mothers and their young children. When she's not at work, Nicolette can be found on her yoga mat, running, hiking, traveling, and spending time with family and friends.

Moderator - Dr. Steven Grant will now join in. Dr. Grant is a neuroscientist with a background in biology, chemistry, and physics. Although his favorite subjects in high school were English and History, he developed a liking and aptitude for science in college and went on to do post-doctoral work in brain systems and drug withdrawal. The study he is most proud of is a brain imaging study of cocaine craving which demonstrated that substance abuse involved more than the brain areas traditionally thought to be part of drug use, and opened the door to investigating the contribution of other cognitive processes in addiction. In his spare time, he likes to read a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction books and is interested in the performing arts. He has two daughters, one just starting college and one who graduated last year.

Moderator - Did you know that risk of drug abuse increases during times of transition, such as changing schools, moving, or divorce?

Matty B=) - Lexington - What does anabolic mean? Like steroids?

Steve Gust - "Anabolic" is usually used in the context of steroids--anabolic steroids. Anabolic steroids are synthetic substances related to male sex hormones. The term "anabolic" means that it induces muscle growth.To learn more about anabolic steroids, see

XxhoundgirlxX - Bullard MS - How do people get addicted to drugs?

Joni Rutter - Thanks to scientific advances, we know quite a lot about how different drugs act on the brain. All drugs of abuse increase the release of a neurotransmitter (a brain chemical used to send signals between nerve cells) known as dopamine in the brain's pleasure centers. With continued use the release of dopamine becomes totally out of control. Individuals are then at risk of becoming addicted to this effect and start to take the drug without even thinking about it. Eventually, drugs of abuse can affect your capacity to make good decisions and learn new things. In many cases, the drugs can mess with your brain so much that you can literally lose control of your life.This is why we say that drug addiction is a brain disease, and stopping drug abuse after you start is hardly a simple a matter of will power. To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

hank - River View Highschool - What is the most abused drug?

Nicolette Borek - For legal drugs - alcohol and nicotine are the most abused. For illegal - it's marijuana.

morgan - stone middle - what are some physical signs of drug abuse?

Steve Gust - There are many different signs of drug use depending on the type of drug taken.Stimulants cause behavior like talkativeness, sleeplessness, or general "hyper" activities. Depressant drugs like tranquilizers or sedatives make people sleepy, drowsy, and unable to think clearly. If someone is addicted to drugs, the individual will exhibit overwhelming or uncontrollable urges to seek and use the drug, regardless of consequences such as poor performance in school, loss of friends, and loss of pleasure in things that used to bring pleasure.For more information about addiction, visit "The Science of Addiction" at

Groucho Marx - Lower Merion - How can drugs affect your body?

Steve Grant - Drugs affect your body in many ways. You can find out more about that at:

Moderator - Most drugs affect the front part of the brain (pre-frontal cortex), the thinking center that powers our ability to plan, solve problems, and make decisions.

toridawomen - sacred heart valley park - Why is acohol a depresent?

Steve Grant - Alcohol decreases the activity of nerve cells, so the brain becomes more sluggish. You can find out more about alcohol and its effects at

Moderator - For more on treatment and where you can find it, you can call the go to the Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator at 1-800-662-HELP or go to their website at

kloter - Childress High School - Will someone still have urges after years after getting off drugs?

Lisa Onken - Excellent question! People can have urges to use drugs, years after they have stopped. Sometimes a stressful event or a familiar place will trigger an urge to relapse--use drugs after having stopped. Sometimes these urges come up for no particular reason. I'm sure you've known people who have stopped smoking, and many years later they still say they get the urge to smoke. I do. To help people remain drug-free, there are behavioral techniques--strategies--that people learn to use when these urges arise. For example, "urge surfing" is the practice of recognizing that you are having an urge, accepting it, and not act ing on it. There are also techniques that help peolple to avoid having the urges (leaving situations where an urge is likely), and there are also strategies if people do relapse. The more these techniques are practiced, the more skilled people get.And the longer they have been drug-free, the more likely it is that they will continue to be drug-free!

AHS - Alexander - what exactly is dopamine?

Joni Rutter - Dopamine is a neurotransmitter similar to adrenaline. Dopamine is connected to the thought process, it affects a person's movement, emotional response, and the capacity to feel pleasure and pain. Shortages or Excessive Dopamine levels can impair your ability to think clearly, to remember things, or to control muscle movements, and can also affect your personality in many different ways. Drugs of abuse increase the release of dopamine in the brain's reward centers. With continued use and release of dopamine, individuals can become addicted to this effect and start to take the drug without even thinking about it. With continued use, drugs of abuse can affect decision making and affect your ability to learn new things. Eventually, the drugs can mess with your brain so much that you can lose control of your life.

Angel_Thinkspink - Avalon mIddle School - Do crash victims usually use marijuana?

Steve Gust - Marijuana definitely affects the skills necessary for driving. Recent studies suggest that just as many young people involved in crashes use marijuana as alcohol, so it is definitely a dangerous drug to use while driving. You can find out more about that at:

jellybean - Bullard - do drugs mess with your brain

Joni Rutter - Absolutely. All drugs of abuse increase the release of a neurotransmitter (a brain chemical used to send signals between nerve cells) known as dopamine in the brain's pleasure centers. With continued use the release of dopamine becomes totally out of control. Individuals are then at risk of becoming addicted to this effect and start to take the drug without even thinking about it. Eventually, drugs of abuse can affect your capacity to make good decisions and learn new things. In many cases, the drugs can mess with your brain so much that you can literally lose control of your life.

Jennifer - Eastern Regional Highschool - Can drugs make people violent

Joni Rutter - Drugs can lead to violence in several ways, depending on the type of drug and the individual circumstances. Certain drugs, such as PCP, have been reported to induce aggressive and violent behavior. Also, some addicts who experience withdrawal (the feelings that occur when addicts crave drugs but don't have any to use) can become very agitated and hostile, which can trigger violence. Finally, violence is also a common secondary effect of addiction, since many addicts will sometimes engage in criminal activities in order to get their next fix.

Kierra - Iberia Middle School - Do they have more drugs in middle school or high school?

Nicolette Borek - More high schoolers report using drugs than middle schoolers. For the latest stats on drug abuse in 8th, 10th, and 12th graders, check out NIDA's Monitoring the Future survey at

Angel_Thinkspink - Avalon mIddle School - what is the average perentage that people use and do drugs around the whole world?

Steve Gust - Drugs are abused by people in all countries of the world.The particular drugs that people abuse tend to be the ones that are available close to where they live, although the drug smugglers are very good at making many different drugs available. Without a doubt, marijuana is the most prevalent drug used around the world. If you would like additional information on patterns of drug use in other countries, look at the website

PresenceDominique - Iberia Middle School - Why do different drugs affect people differently?

Joni Rutter - The effects of drugs vary among individuals,but we really don't know exactly why this happens. In general,an individual's response to a drug can vary as a function of his or her biology(genetic makeup, for example), personal history (such as prior us of drugs or alcohol), and even family history of addiction. So,multiple reasons can influence the different effects people experience-- and as scientists we're learning more about this every day. To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

breamber - Iberia Middle School - can drugs cause short-term memory

Steve Grant - i assume you mean can drugs cause short-term memory loss. Yes, some drugs do weaken memory. For example, marijuana impairs short term memory while you are under its influence. People who use marijuana regularly also have impairments in memory for a week or so after they stop.However, if they refrain from using marijuana for about a month, then their memory abilities recover. You can find out more about that at:

SEAMANkurczewski - MJHS - What causes people to be affected differntly???? I know age is a factor, but what else??????

Joni Rutter - You are right, age is a factor! There are other things, too. In general,an individual's response to a drug can vary by his or her biology(genetic makeup, for example), personal history (such as prior us of drugs or alcohol), and even family history of addiction. So,multiple reasons can influence the different effects people experience-- and as scientists we're learning more about this every day. To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

hi - Stjs - Why do drugs increase your likeliness of having unprotected sex?

Nicolette Borek - Drugs can increase your likelihood of having unprotected sex since drugs impact the brain circuitry associated with decision making...we sometimes say drugs can 'hijack' the circuitry. You can find information for young people, parents and teachers about the link between drug abuse and HIV infection, with links to the latest research findings and news updates at

akelly09 - columbia high school - how many chemicals are in marijuana?

Steve Gust - Marijuana has hundreds of different chemical components, but the main active chemical is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).THC is a type of cannabinoid, and scientists estimate that there are over 60 of this type of chemical in the marijuana plant.Some of the other harmful components include carbon monoxide and various kinds of cancer causing compounds.For more information about marijuana, go to

Tetra crew - Tetra Academy - What will happen if I smoke pot while on my adhd meds

Steve Gust - That is hard to predict.ADHD meds are stimulant drugs with their own set of effects, and marijuana has different effects.To my knowledge, there aren't any studies that have measured the effects of these types of drugs when combined--there is a possibility that the combined effects are dangerous, and if the effects counteract each other, it is not likely to help with your ADHD..For more information about marijuana, go to

krobison - El Dorado Spings - Is it true that drugs kill your brain cells?

Gaya Dowling - Some drugs do kill brain cells, inhalants do, but most drugs do not.. You can find out more about individual drugs at:

Treed - Park Rapids High School - if you use marijuana once a week will effects build up?

Steve Grant - Marijuana is an addictive drug, and anyone who uses an addictive drug, no matter how infrequently, runs a risk of losing control sooner or later. Part of what makes a drug addictive is that it becomes harder and harder to not take it.Even while a person is using marijuana once a week, he or she can have cumulative effects. Some of the chemicals in marijuana get stored in the body's fat cells.Once the person stops smoking, those chemicals can be released from the fat cells and go back into the blood and eventually end up in the brain. For more information about marijuana, go to

MiddleSchoolTetra - Tetra Academy - What does crystal meth do to your body?

Steve Grant - Meth does a lot of things to your body as well as your brain. Your heart and breathing rates and blood pressure go up. Meth acts like adrenalin, the hormone that makes you feel the way you do when you're scared or highly stressed--and the effects last for hours. That's not good!You can find out more about that at:

Tweety101 - Columbia High School - If I was interested in this career, what would be some of the things that are required?

Joni Rutter - I'm assuming you are referring to what's required to become a scientist. I am a geneticist by training and I took biology, chemistry, computer sciences, and statistics courses. Most scientists start with very general courses in college and then go on to graduate school for an additional period of more intense training in a particular area, such as genetics (or some other area you might be interested in). After graduate school, most scientists continue with their training. I spent another 4 years "in training" to do research on my own.It's a long, hard process, but it is incredibly rewarding and a lot of fun.Imagine the moment just after you make a discovery when you know you are the only person in the world that actually knows about it!!! and then you get to use that information to help people.It's a really wonderful feeling. Now I have a great job and I get to talk to smart students like you on drug facts chat day! Here is a website that you might find helpful:

AHS - Alexander - HIV can be trasmitted by sharing of the needles using drugs obvisouly and other things ex: sex etc.... however what is missing? why cant they find a treatment? What do they need are they anywhere close to finding a cure?

Steve Gust - That is a great question.Tremendous advances have been made in treating HIV infection and AIDS, which has become a chronic disease and can be managed for many years. Some of the latest medications actually reduce the levels of HIV below detectable levels, so there is great hope for curing AIDS. There is a lot of research still going on to find a vaccine for HIV which would prevent the disease. Until then, more needs to be done to reduce the risky behaviors that you mentioned, like sharing needles and having unsafe sex with an infected person.You can find information for young people, parents and teachers about the link between drug abuse and HIV infection, with links to the latest research findings and news updates at

taylor - River View - what steps does it take to make someone quit drugs?

Lisa Onken - It depends on the drug someone is using, how much they've taken, how long they've taken it... and it depends on other things as well, such as whether or not the person has additional problems, like depression or other mental illnesses.For those that are seriously addicted, medical detox is the first step. Next, people will go through behavioral therapy which can provide support, and can also help a person to learn the skills to prevent relapse, avoid urges to take drugs, and cope with urges or lapses if they occur. Medications may also be prescribed, and are considered very helpful in the treatment of nicotine, alcohol, and heroin addiction. Following up treatment with support or self-help groups, or treatment booster sessions can also help.For more information, please look at the ( Thanks for your question!

emma - Carolina Forest - Why do a lot of teens get addicted to drugs?

Nicolette Borek - That's a good question and I know of a bunch of researchers who are trying to figure it out. Addiction is a developmental disease that usually begins in adolescence or even childhood.We've learned that the teen brain is still developing...(the brain isn't completely finished developing until age 25!) and while it's developing it is especially vulnerable to drug addiction.If you want to learn more about what happens to the brain when it gets addicted, I would recommend checking out "The Science of Addiction" at

Ashley - Iberia Middle School - how do you study drugs

Joni Rutter - We can study abusable drugs from many different angles. I am a geneticist, that means that I study how the use and abuse of drugs is affected by genetic differences among different people. There is actually a lot of research in the area of genetics of drug abuse. For a good resource on this, check out:

Moderator - Just entering the Chat Room is Dr. Melissa Riddle, a psychologist with training in family and couples therapy. She currently helps researchers develop drug abuse treatments. Dr. Riddle grew up in Venice, California, cheering on the Venice High School Gondoliers, the UCLA Bruins in college, and the Arizona Wildcats in graduate school. Melissa's basement is the home of a make-shift rock studio, where her 11-year-old daughter plays drums and her husband plays electric guitar.

spartan8224 - bullard - yall are cool what do you do and what is your salary :)

Joni Rutter - thanks! you are cool, too! To answer your question, I am a geneticist. Genetics researchers make anything from $40,000 to hundreds of thousands of dollars/year, depending on what kind of work they do, how much experience they have, and where they work.

Moderator - In the Chat Room is Dr. Steve Gust who directs NIDA's international program, where he is responsible for coordinating the institute's international research and training activities. He has experience in the development, management and evaluation of many types of research programs in the substance abuse field--including laboratory research on the behavioral and cognitive effects of drugs, studies of the effects of drug use on workplace performance, the development and evaluation of workplace drug policies and programs, and the relationship between drug abuse and HIV/AIDS.

Moderator - For more on treatment and where you can find it, you can call the go to the Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator at 1-800-662-HELP or go to their website at

Amber - Iberia Middle School - Is cigarettes the leading cause of death?

Steve Gust - Cigarette use is related to many of the leading causes of death - primarily cancer and heart disease - which are the top two causes of death. To learn more about tobacco and nicotine, go to

cowgirlUP - Alexander High School - why do meth users have sores on their faces?

Steve Grant - One reason is that meth users keep picking at their skin, which causes sores, and then they don't let sores heal. Meth users pick at their skin because the drug causes you to want to keep moving, plus meth makes you feel strange sensations on your skin.Heavy meth users feel like they have bugs crawling under their skin ! Here's NIDA's Website for teens with information on the science behind drug abuse, facts on drugs, questions and answers, real stories and interactive activities.

BKH - Narrows High School - Can you HiV with a person that doesnt have it?

Steve Gust - You cannot get HIV from an uninfected person.However, you should know that even when a person says they are uninfected, they may have HIV.A large majority of people do not know their HIV status.Also, it is possible to test negative for HIV but still be infected, especially the first few weeks after infection.You can find information about the link between drug abuse and HIV infection, with links to the latest research findings and news updates at

Moderator - Tobacco smoke causes cancer of the mouth, esophagus, larynx, blood, lungs, stomach, pancreas, kidney, bladder, and cervix.

lexiepooh714 - clay chalkville high school - how much drugs do you have to take in order for the drugs to affect your baby while you are pregnant

Steve Grant - Not much, but it depends on which drug and how early or late in pregnancy you take it. In general, the earlier in pregnancy you take a drug, and the longer you keep taking drugs the more your baby will be affected. Alcohol is particularly harmful and opioid drugs (heroin, oxycotin and other prescription pain killers) might lead your baby to have withdrawal symptoms after birth. To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at For more information on alcohol abuse, go to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism at

bronxboi96 - avalon middle school - Could babies get addicted 2 drugs if their parents take it?

Nicolette Borek - Great question. It's a complex question because addiction is a complex disease -- no single factor can predict who becomes addicted to drugs (it's a mix - genes, environment, age of first use). We have a bunch of researchers who are trying to figure out whether or not exposure to drugs in the womb makes you more susceptible to addiction once the babies become teenagers. I've heard of one study where prenatal exposure to nicotine was related to nicotine use in adolescence...studies are underway to see if marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine exposure is related to risk for addiction as a teenager. We do know that babies exposed to opiates in the womb (such as heroin) exhibit something we call the neonatal abstinence syndrome when they are born. Just like adults who stop using heroin, these babies have symptoms of withdrawal. Withdrawal symptoms have also been observed in fetuses whose mother's are smoking.

User - Legacy - What is the real name 4 angel dust?

Moderator - PCP (Phencyclidine)

Colei....Cody - Creekside - What would happen if you give dogs drugs?

Joni Rutter - As a rule, drugs (medications) should only be taken under the supervision of and as prescribed by a doctor. This is true regardless of the "species" of the patient. Giving your dog a drug of abuse is a very dangerous experiment that I would urge you not to perform. We know that non-medical use of drugs is bad for humans; you can bet that it is also bad for dogs.

The Colombian - Stone Middle School - for what illnessess do doctor's legally give their patients marijuana or any other drug, and why?

Steve Gust - The Food and Drug Administration is the organization in the US that approves medicines, and it has not approved marijuana for any medical use.That is because smoking marijuana can cause serious health and social problems, including the risk of addiction. However, the FDA has approved certain medications that contain ingredients found in marijuana. These medications are usually prescribed to relieve symptoms in seriously ill patients, such as those with cancer or AIDS to help patients eat more or to reduce nausea. See for more information.

toodaloo310 - lower merion - what does stress do to your body

Melissa Riddle - The effect of stress on your body depends on lots of things, like how long you've been stressed and where the stress is coming from and how sensitive you are to stress. In general, the body responds to stress first by gearing up to deal with it. Things like increases in heart rate and breathing can help give you energy to get through the stress.In extreme circumstances, if the stress is severe or lasts a long time,your body can react by getting sick, such as headaches or ulcers or you may be more likely to get a cold.

Doris - AlWood Middle/High School - When does something turn into an addiction?

Steve Grant - I guess you mean when does drug use turn into drug addiction. The short answer is when you lose control of using the drug, like taking more and more, taking more than you want, and taking it even though you are having bad consequences like losing friends, doing poorly in school, or harming your health. To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

bronxboi96 - avalon middle school - Is it true ketamine, rohypnol and gamma hydroxybutyrate are drugs that are sometimes called "club drugs" because they are often used in nightclubs, bars, or raves?

Nicolette Borek - Yep - these drugs have been called 'club drugs'. They are used at clubs, but also in people's homes and on the streets - wherever people use. For more about club drugs go to:

Moderator - To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

dm5003 - bms - how does diping give you gum and lip kansur

Steve Gust - There are many cancer causing substances in tobacco and having them in contact with your gums over time can cause cancer.Tobacco is also addictive.Did you know that tobacco is linked to an estimated 440,000 deaths per year?For more information about tobacco, go to

kw5332 - Bullard Middle School - what causes the adiction

Steve Grant - Part of what causes addiction is that drugs increase the amount of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain. Dopamine tells the brain that something important has happened and that the brain needs to pay attention and learn more about what just happened. So the more you use drugs, the more the brain focuses on them,until they become the thing you care most about. And that is addiction. To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

bronxboi96 - avalon middle school - wat is a way kids can get off drugs

Melissa Riddle - There are lots of ways that kids can get off drugs. Most kids do better getting off drugs when they have help, like from a therapist, support group, and their family. For more on treatment and where you can find it, you can go to the Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator at 1-800-662-HELP or go to their website at If you need to speak with some immediately, call 1-800-273-TALK. It's the National Suicide Prevention line, but they can also help you find the help you need.

Shanequa - Signature - Why do you do this when you know people like us are gonna get on here and not ask you serious questions?

Gaya Dowling - Because, we know that there are many very serious questions that people have out there and we want to try to answer as many of those that we can. For the crazy questions....we just delete them and move on!

Robert - Pike Central - How does a drug test work?

Steve Gust - There are several types of drug tests, but the most common uses a urine sample. In these tests, a sample is exposed to various antibodies for drugs. If a drug is present,usually an indicator on the test will change color or give some other visual sign that you have tested positive.You can find out more about drug testing at:

babymishell - Briarcliff High School - What are the most common drugs used?

Nicolette Borek - The most common drugs used in the US are alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana.

soulja boy - AlWood - What is the major reason most scientists go into the reasearch of drugs

Joni Rutter - I went into this research for two reasons: 1. because I know people who have lost their lives from using drugs, and 2. I am a geneticist and I find it interesting and challenging to understand how your genetic background might make someone more or less vulnerable to drug abuse, and also how genes influence the way someone responds to treatments for drug abuse. For the most part, scientists go into the research of drugs because it is a fascinating field and scientists love challenges! Plus, drug abuse and addiction cost society nearly $534 billion in preventable health care, law enforcement, crime, and other costs. The best way to reduce these costs is to learn more about the causes of addiction. To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

User - Legacy - hey how long is this goin on?

Gaya Dowling - We are going to be doing this for about another hour. But we do plan on answering as many questions that we can over the next few days and posting them to our website next check back, if you don't see your question answered today, it might get answered next week.....

34spy - cscs - do people use drugs in the bible?

Steve Grant - After the Flood, the Bible says that Noah got so drunk that he passed out naked, which was very embarrassing for him. So people have long recognized the dangers of drug abuse.You can find out more drug abuse at:

jwphealth - janesville high school - what does thc stand for

Steve Gust - THC stands for tetrahydrocannabinol and is one of hundreds of chemicals in marijuana.For more information about marijuana, go to

4300184 - lakeside - what is the percentig of people to recover from meth

Steve Grant - That is hard to answer. Like everything to do with drugs, personal physiology and circumstances make a difference. We do know that the longer someone takes meth the harder it is to quit, and the sooner someone starts treatment the likelier they are to recover faster and more fully.This is true of all addictive drugs.You can find out more about that at: For more on treatment and where you can find it, you can call the go to the Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator at 1-800-662-HELP or go to their website at

Carry - Portola - What are the functions of your brain?

Steve Grant - The brain does so much, that's a hard question to answer in just a few words. Your brain co-ordinates everything that happens inside of your body including thinking and feeling, breathing and digesting food. It also coordinates your external behavior, like...well, everything you do.You might want to take a course in Psychology or Neuroscience to learn more about how the brain works and what it does.To learn more about how drugs affect the brain, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

Moderator - We are working as fast as we can to answer your questions. If you don't see an answer to your specific question, you can always search our Chat Archive by username or topic. The archive should be posted within a week.

Moderator - Teens are taking better care of themselves: illicit drug use declined by 23.2% from 2001 to 2006.

baseballman91 - Sacred Heart Valley Park - Which country uses drugs the most?

Steve Gust - Drugs are abused by people in all countries of the world. The particular drugs that people abuse tend to be the ones that are available close to where they live, although the drug smugglers are very good at making many different drugs available. Without a doubt, marijuana is the most prevalent drug used around the world. If you would like additional information on patterns of drug use in other countries, look at the website:

needs to know - roy martin middle school - what does adderall do to you

Steve Grant - Adderall is a brand name for amphetamine. Amphetamine is a stimulant, but it has different effects depending on whether you have a medical disorder or not. Doctors prescribe Adderall to people diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Adderall helps ADHD patients focus and not get distracted, But when a person who doesn't have ADHD takes Adderall, they feel "high" and stimulated, which can lead to them taking Adderall again just for fun, which puts them on the pathway to addiction. You can find out more about that at: and "The Science of Addiction" at

user - Legacy - This is an odd question, but I was reading that some of you work at the NIDA that does research on drugs and brain effects by drugs. Does the NIDA pay people to sit around and do 'drugs' so you can observe them??

Steve Gust - Thanks for a great question.We support a lot of different kinds of research and some of the studies do in fact involve the administration of various drugs to people in controlled laboratory situations.The people involved (subjects) always have prior experience with the drug being studied, doses are generally small, and subjects are well informed about the study and possible effects. No one who works at NIDA can be a subject of one of these studies.

playboy gurl - broadway - does crystal meth affect you in any way

Steve Grant - Crystal methamphetamine affects you in a lot of ways. The most important is that it can change your brain so that you become addicted. To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at and at

JULIE BUG!! - bullard ms - how can you help a person that drinks or smoked or that does drugs?

Melissa Riddle - One of the best things to help a person stop using drugs is to get treatment from a doctor or therapist or support group.For more on treatment and where you can find it, you can call the Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator at 1-800-662-HELP or go to their website at Because talking with someone about their drug use can be uncomfortable, it might be helpful to ask someone you trust to help, like a teacher or coach to help you figure out how best to help your friend.If your friend isn't interested in getting help,don't give up on them...just look for opportunities to let them know that when they are ready to stop you will be there for them.

Tetra crew - Tetra Academy - Do drugs affect the color of your pee?

Steve Gust - Although there are some drugs such as pyridium that turn your urine orange, I am not aware of any drugs of abuse that affect the color of urine.

lalalollipop - St. Joseph - whats the deal with people making new drugs like cheese and crush?

Steve Grant - The deal is Dealers. Drug dealers repackage and combine old drugs in new ways so that people will be fooled into taking drugs that they would not otherwise take. Usually a drug with a strange name is actually one (or a combination) of the same drugs that you have been warned about. Here's NIDA's Website for teens with information on the science behind drug abuse, facts on drugs, questions and answers, real stories and interactive activities.

R.Pierce - Pike Central - What is the best way to break the addiction to drugs?

Melissa Riddle - The best way to break the addiction to drugs is to get help from a doctor or therapist or support group. For more on treatment and where you can find it, you can call the Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator at 1-800-662-HELP or go to their website at

barry - jwp - Are there any symptoms for HIV?

Steve Gust - HIV infection itself may or may not have symptoms.The main thing about HIV infection is that the virus can be in your system for a while before there are any measurable symptoms.The usual first symptoms are flu-like symptoms, headache, fever, fatigue, etc. After some time, HIV infection can develop into AIDS. AIDS is really several different diseases, but all are caused by HIV. You can find information for young people, parents and teachers about the link between drug abuse and HIV infection, with links to the latest research findings and news updates at

Kay Kay - Pembroke Pines Charter Middle - Do drugs affect your growth and social life?

Steve Grant - Yes, in many ways. People who use drugs tend to socialize mainly with other people who use drugs, so they wind up with a narrower circle of friends and activities.If you think part of growing is doing well in school, setting goals in life, and achieving them, drugs make these things harder. If you're just thinking of growing tall, steroids can keep you shorter than you otherwise would become Here's NIDA's Website for teens with information on the science behind drug abuse, facts on drugs, questions and answers, real stories and interactive activities.

Shanequa - Signature - I think my friend is on drugs ... he won't talk to me. What do I do?

Nicolette Borek - It's hard to be in this situation, seeing a friend and not being sure what you can do.It can be helpful for your friend to know that someone cares about him. You can let them know you are concerned and let them know that there are people he can talk with. There are some resources for him that are anonymous - for example the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (they don't just talk about suicide but about a lot of issues and can connect him with a person close by). There is also a website to learn about treatment programs where you live You may want to talk with an adult you trust about this too.

Moderator - To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

swerdlow - Walter Johnson - Is it true that we only use a fraction of our brains? (I mean in general). are there some drugs that you use more or less of your brain when your high or addicted?

Joni Rutter - I like to think that I use 100% of my brain! I hope you do, too.But, you are right on the second point. Most drugs of abuse do affect specific regions of the brain--especially the regions that are really important for normal functioning. There are parts of your brain that are hard at work whenever you feel pleasure and these are the areas that tend to be affected first by drugs of abuse. Because the drug "tricks" your brain into thinking that using is now the most or only important thing to do. because of this they can quickly take over your life. Through brain imaging, scientists have seen physical changes in parts of the brain that help you to make good decisions, to learn, and to control your impulses. To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

mcfarlandesmael - Pike Central - Is United States one of the countrys that have most teens using drugs today or not?

Steve Gust - The United States has one of the highest rates of drug abuse by teens.Several other countries in Europe and Asia also have high rates of abuse of particular drugs. For more information on worldwide patterns, you can look at

luvsmusic4life - portola middle school - At what ages does our brain develop or does it come developed once were born?

Nicolette Borek - Brain development is a very hot topic right now. We've learned a lot in the past few years about when the brain develops....and have learned that the brain keeps developing up through age 25! The part of the brain that handles decision making, planning, and other complex cognitive abilities develops last. Pretty amazing!

Kylan - Iberia Middle School - If you are healthy and play sports and you smoke weed will you have a better chance to passing out while your playing your sport?

Steve Gust - One of the effects of marijuana is that it increases heart rate. In a sport like football, this could definitely cause light headedness and possibly fainting.For more information about marijuana, go to

swerdlow - Walter Johnson - why is crak so much worse than cocaine?

Steve Grant - Crack and cocaine are basically the same chemical. The main difference is that when you smoke crack, the drug gets into your brain faster and so it has a bigger effect, but then it also leaves your brain faster so you crash harder. This leads a rapid cycle of taking crack, crashing, and taking smoking more crack to get rid of the crash. You can find out more about that at:

TZ107 - Clay-Chalkville High School - Is it harder to get off drugs the longer your on them

Steve Gust - For many drugs, the longer you take them and the more you take, the harder it is to stop using because of changes in the brain due to prolonged use. Also, physical and psychological dependence can develop--the physical dependence will cause unpleasant withdrawal symptoms when you try to quit. You can find out more about that at:

desibby01 - claychalkvillehigh - young people and older adults react different to the same drugs why is that?

Steve Grant - One reason is that young people are smaller, so the same amount of drug has a bigger effect. A second reason is that young people's brains are still developing, and differ in a lot of ways from older brains. To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

Moderator - We are receiving many of the same questions from different kids. Since we want to be sure we can get to as many new questions as possible, we might not answer all questions on the same topics. If you don't see an answer to your question, search our Chat Archive by username or topic. The archive should be posted within a week.

plbaby - Point Loma high school - how effective is drug treatment? why do celebrities go back to rehab again and again?

Melissa Riddle - There are lots of different kinds of treatments for drug abuse, and some work better than others. Research has shown some treatments work well, helping people stop using drugs and helping them with other problems that tend to go along with drug use. It's hard to say why celebs like Britney and Lindsay keep going back to rehab. What we do know is that people who finish the entire treatment tend to do better getting off drugs. And people who find friends who aren't involved with drugs tend to do better. Living drug-free often means changing where you hang out and who you hang out with...if people aren't willing to make those changes they can easily fall back into using drugs.

Yung-F@b0 - Clay-Chalkville High School - hOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO GET DRUGS OUT OF YOUR SYSTEM?

Steve Gust - It depends on the drugs and the part of the body you are talking about. Most drugs will be detectable in several different parts of the system. Marijuana for example can stay in the urine for several days up to several weeks depending on how much is smoked and for how long. Marijuana and other drugs can be detected in the sweat, saliva, and hair as well. In the hair, drugs and drug metabolites (components of the drug broken down by your body) can be detected for a very long time.You can find out more about drug testing at:

Bullet-Hog - East Peoria High School - If pot is legal in Canada, and used for some medical purposes, why is it illegal in the US?

Steve Gust - Marijuana is not legal in Canada. In some countries, there are reduced penalties for illegal marijuana use and even some small legal programs for medical use, but these are experimental and not the national law.

alexan.qtpie - Portola Middle School - How are fertirnal and identical twins made? I am a sixth grader, so i am sorry for the spelling.

Joni Rutter - I not a 6th grader and I mispel all the time! Fraternal twins are twins resulting from two different sperm cells fertilizing two different eggs. Identical twins result from a single fertilized egg that then splits into two. The identical twins have the same exact DNA; not so the fraternal twins.

vamooshgirl - portola - my dad said that marawana makes you light headed im not quite sure what he means. Can you explain what marawana does to your head?

Steve Gust - Marijuana can have many effects, including making you feel dizzy or "lightheaded," which can make it difficult for you to think and act in a normal way.This is because marijuana affects your heart rate.There is a lot more information on our website at that might be of help to you.

plbaby - Point Loma high school - some of my friends drink a lot of cough medicine to get high? is that dangerous?

Nicolette Borek - It is dangerous - dextromethorphan, which is often abbreviated DXM, is the drug in cough syrup that gives the high and abusing it can lead to various negative side effects especially if it is used along with alcohol.

mimmynikks-Wika Nika Nerdilious!!! - Portola Middle School - If you start drugs, how can you stop and where can you get help?

Melissa Riddle - The first thing to remember is that you CAN stop....with the proper treatment. The best way to stop using drugs is to get help from a doctor or a therapist or a support group. For more on treatment and where you can find it, you can call the Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator at 1-800-662-HELP or go to their website at A trusted family member, teacher, or coach might be able to help make contact with a treatment provider.

alec - cms - If someone takes drugs when they have bipolar disorder do the effects differ?

Steve Grant - Definitely ! Drugs that might otherwise have minor effects could have very strong and long-lasting bad effects if you have bipolar disorder. If you or someone you know has bipolar disorder, go to a doctor to find out about the many treatments that are available. Don't try to treat it yourself by taking drugs. You can find out more about that at:

Bill - AlWood - How big of an impact do drugs have on your mind, if only used once or twice?

Steve Grant - Usually taking a drug only once won't have long-lasting effects, but taking drugs is always risky. The impact of taking a drug once depends on the drug, how much you take,and the circumstances under which you take it. Drugs like LSD and other hallucinogens have had profound effects on people's lives even after only one dose. Even if you have never taken an opiate drug, like oxycotin or heroin, if you take too much it can shut your brain down completely--and kill you.You can find out more about that at:

watermelanie - portola - what part of your brain controls your addiction?

Steve Grant - Great question ! A number of brain areas have been linked to drug addiction, most prominently the mesolimbic reward system and frontal cortex.To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

alexan.qtpie - Portola Middle School - HOw caN YOU GET AIDS?

Steve Gust - AIDS is really several different diseases, but all are caused by infection from HIV (human immunodeficiency virus).The virus is transmitted through the sharing of drug needles that are contaminated with HIV, or though having sex with a person who is infected with HIV.You can find information about the link between drug abuse and HIV infection, with links to the latest research findings and news updates at

13decke - west yadkin elementry - how can you help someone who smokes?

Melissa Riddle - Nicotine is VERY addictive. It's not easy to quit on your own, so one of the best ways for someone to stop smoking is to get help from a doctor, therapist, or support group. Call one of these quit lines and they should be able to help you: 1-800-QUITNOW, 1-877-44U-QUIT, or visit For more on treatment and where you can find it, you can call the Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator at 1-800-662-HELP or go to their website at Because talking with someone about their smoking can be uncomfortable, it might be helpful to ask someone to help you, like a trusted family member, teacher or coach. Remember, people are not always ready to stop smoking even if they know how bad it is for their health...all you can do is keep reminding them and be there for them when they decide it's time to stop their addiction.

mustang - portola middle school - when you drink does it cause pregnancy problems ?

Nicolette Borek - Drinking during pregnancy can cause a lot of problems ....You may have heard about fetal alcohol syndrome. Here's a link to some more information.

carz428 - Bullard Middle School - How Can Presriotions Drugs Be So Addictive If They Are For Your Health?

Steve Grant - Prescription drugs have been tested to establish what good and bad effects the drug has, and how much of the drug you can take before the drug starts having bad effects. That is why prescription drugs have to been given under a doctor's supervision. Prescription drugs can be addictive when taken in amounts greater or more frequently than a doctor would permit. You can find out more about that at: "The Science of Addiction" at

JWPhealth - Janesville High School - Most of my mothers cousins have had extremely serious drug and alcohol addictions am in greater danger of beeing an alcoholic

Joni Rutter - Scientists have found that drug and alcohol addictions do run in families. You may be at higher risk given your family history, but you can do many things to reduce your risk of becoming an alcoholic. For example, you can avoid alcoholic beverages, avoid going to bars, and hanging out at drinking parties. You may have to work a bit harder than your friends to handle the peer pressure.For more information on alcohol abuse, go to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism at

ditziwt - SpringGrove Public Schools - Is airduster a type of inhalant and if so what effects does it have on the human body?

Steve Grant - You bet.Airduster contains the gas difluoroethane, which some people inhale--or "huff"--high and which is habit-forming. The brain damage these drugs cause can be severe and long-lasting. If you want to learn more about inhalant abuse, please visit

rockgod12 - CCHS - Why do drugs effect different sexes differently?

Steve Gust - The main reason that drugs might affect the sexes differently is the relationship between drugs and the different set of hormones of men and women. It is well known that women react differently to drugs at various stages of the menstrual cycle. Certain drugs, such as steroids, may react differently in men because of their higher levels of testosterone.

ryudo_66 - fox middle - hi i have a question from the heart if you have a friend who smokes pot and hes been smoking for seven years and cant stop what should i do? i am serious i dont know what to do can you help me in my time of need please big bad doctor? so can you please help me thank you if you can and if you can darn it. so please help me in my time of need ohh wait i already said that sorry i like to type a lot and i am trying to get all five hundred spaces filled up and i have 31 to go bbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyeeee

Melissa Riddle - I can tell that you really care for your friend and want to help. The best way for someone to stop smoking pot is to get treatment from a doctor, therapist, or support group. For more on treatment and where you can find it, you can call the Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator at 1-800-662-HELP or go to their website at Because talking with someone about their drug use can be uncomfortable, it might be helpful to ask someone for help, like a trusted family member, teacher or coach. Remember, all you can do is help your friend learn the facts and find treatment and be supportive to them when they are ready to get help and stay healthy. Don't give up! For more information about marijuana, go to

Yolanda - Reading High School - Can drepresion be a reason to use drugs????

Steve Grant - People who are depressed may turn to using illicit drugs to feel better, but that's a bad solution.Illicit drugs can make you feel high for a little while after you take them, but when they leave your body you won't feel any better--and maybe worse--than before you took them. With continued use, the period of feeling good grows shorter and the subsequent bad feelings worse. If you or someone you know feels depressed, talk to a doctor. There are many treatments for depression. There are medications that have been tested and approved by the FDA, and there are many treatments that do not involve taking medications.

Moderator - For more on treatment and where you can find it, you can call the go to the Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator at 1-800-662-HELP or go to their website at

SmartGirl - Portola Middle School - Do our genes contribute to how smart we are?

Joni Rutter - Genes definitely contribute to how smart we are, but genes aren't the whole story, nor even the biggest part. Intelligence is a very complex thing,in addition to genes we need to consider whether one's childhood has been spent in a rich and stimulating environment, whether the person plays sports, enjoys healthy activities with friends, eats healthy foods, and constantly challenges his or her brain in school and at home. None of this will matter much, however, if somebody expose his/her brain to drugs, Drugs have an uncanny ability to mess up the brain and prevent people from being as smart as they could have been had they stayed away from them in the first place.

Marisa - Iberia Middle School - How can you help someone who is badly addicted to meth?

Melissa Riddle - The best way for someone to stop using meth is to get treatment from a doctor, therapist or support group. The sooner they get treatment the better are their hopes for recovery. For more on treatment and where you can find it, you can call the Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator at 1-800-662-HELP or go to their website at Because talking with someone about their drug use can be uncomfortable, it might be helpful to ask someone to help you, like a trusted family member, teacher or coach.

james_R - de pere - can i smoke meth once and not be addicted

Steve Grant - You can smoke meth once and not be addicted, but smoking meth even once greatly increases the likelihood that you will take meth again and again and again until you do become addicted. You can find out more about that at:

Morgan - Narrows High - What is the best way to get someone to stop smoking?

Steve Gust - There is no single best way to stop smoking. Most of the research suggests that every person is different and will need a plan that is tailored to their need. There is lots of help available through the National Cancer Institute ( and the National Cancer Association ( I encourage you to check these sites for some specific advice that might help you or a friend.

270275 - Roy Martin Middle School - Can a baby be born with HIV if the father has it, but not the mother?

Nicolette Borek - The key for transmission seems to be the mother-child transmission whether in the womb, during delivery, or while breastfeeding. Even if the mom has HIV, there are medications to prevent transmission to the child.

dj jay - Portola - how many braincells does a brain have

Joni Rutter - a brain has about 100 billion cells.If I only had a dollar for every brain cell...The really amazing thing is that each of those can receive thousands of connections, so you do the math to find out how incredibly complex our brain really is. Something worth taking good care of.

Candy Guy - PORTOLA MIDDLE SCHOOL - Is there a different effect when different ages of poeple take the same drugs ?

Nicolette Borek - That's an interesting question - there do seem to be developmental differences in how drugs effect people and how people become addicted.

cheyenne - Wetumka - I heard that lsd is the worst drug to take. i heard that it can kill you on the first time trying it. is that true?

Steve Grant - LSD can have very profound effects even on the first time you take it. But it is highly unlikely that the drug itself will kill you. It takes an enormous amount of LSD to kill a person. But LSD greatly distorts your perceptions and judgement, so people have died under the influence of LSD by falling off cliffs, getting hit by a car, or doing other dangerous things that they would not otherwise do.

JWP health - Janesville High School - If you were once addicted to a drug and then stopped will you always have the urge to go back to that drug again? or does the urge go away?

Melissa Riddle - Not everyone has the same feelings after stopping drugs, but many say that they have an urge to use, especially in the early days after quitting. One of the things that treatment does is help people to deal with any urges to use, and over time, urges to use become less bothersome.

mattw - cawley middle - Can you predict how drugs will personally affect you?

Joni Rutter - There is no way to predict how drugs will personally affect you-- at least after the first time of using a drug. It is in a sense like playing russian roulette with your body. However, we can learn from examples of how drugs affect others who have taken them and have ended up losing their jobs, losing their money, and losing control of their life.

dj jay - Portola - What chemicals does tobbaco chewing gum have?

Gaya Dowling - It sounds like you are talking about nicotine gum that is used to help people quit smoking. Because it has nicotine, which is the main chemical in cigarette smoke that is addicting, it makes it easier for people to quit smoking.For more information on tobacco, visit

krodriguez - Thomas Edison - Dose marijuana make u stupid?

Steve Grant - Marijuana impairs your memory and judgement. So you can end up acting more stupid than you are.You can find out more about that at:

amberdog - IAA - What re some good ways to help a friend that is struggling with an addiction?

Melissa Riddle - The best way for someone to stop abusing drugs is to get treatment from a doctor, therapist or support group. The sooner they get treatment the better are their hopes for recovery. For more on treatment and where you can find it, you can call the Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator at 1-800-662-HELP or go to their website at Because talking with someone about their drug use can be uncomfortable, it might be helpful to ask someone to help you, like a trusted family member, teacher or coach.

prittypuff123 - portola middle school - i am intrested in this carrer what should i do?

Joni Rutter - I hope by "this career" you mean genetics of drug abuse! If so there are many ways to get into a career that involves genetics. An important thing to do is take classes in biology, chemistry, physics, and computer science to build up your basic knowledge in the areas. Here is a good website:

luvsmusic4life - portola middle school - I once saw on a show that if a kiss someone on the cheek or hug them you can't get HIV from them. Is that true?

Steve Gust - In order for HIV to be transmitted there needs to be the exchange of bodily fluid. It is not possible to spread HIV through casual contact like hugging or kissing on the cheek, as long as blood, saliva, or other bodily fluids are not shared. For more information on HIV, visit

Sloane - Westland Middle school - How do you help someone who uses drugs stop?

Melissa Riddle - The best way for someone to stop using drugs is to get treatment from a doctor, therapist or support group. The sooner they get treatment the better are their hopes for recovery. For more on treatment and where you can find it, you can call the Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator at 1-800-662-HELP or go to their website at Because talking with someone about their drug use can be uncomfortable, it might be helpful to ask someone to help you, like a trusted family member, teacher or coach.

ZeppelinLover2.0 - LCWM - Can pot make you write better music??

Steve Grant - I don't write music. However, pot slows down your thinking and motor co-ordination and impairs your memory, so I don't think it's likely to help.

ERIC VID - kimbrough - what steps do i yous'e to help my friend quite doing pot

Nicolette Borek - You can try talking to your friend and tell them you are concerned...letting them know you care can be helpful. You can let them know there are people that they can talk with who can help them. For example, they can call the National Suicide Prevention number - 1-800-273-8255 (they talk about a lot of stuff, like drugs) and they can connect your friend to someone to talk with in your local area. There is also a website that lists treatment programs If you want some support to better help your friend, you might want to talk with an adult you trust.

crackhead11 - Catholic High School of Baltimore - can over taking prescriptions kill you?

Joni Rutter - Yes, it can. in fact anything at a given dose can kill you, even water!! For more information on prescription drugs,

Nancy - Galax middle school - What kind of drug can damage your brain

Steve Grant - People abuse drugs because of the effects that drugs have on the brain. All of these drugs can cause long term changes to brain. To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

remo...kid08 - ignacio high - what is morphine???

Moderator - Morphine is a drug from the opiate family of drugs. It can be very addictive but can also be a very good pain medication if prescribed by a doctor and used properly.

Curious George - L.M.S - Would a kid get drunk or high faster than a adult?

Steve Grant - You bet. A drug can have a larger effect on a child for many reasons. One reason is that children's and adults' brains are different. To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

fordyboy - Stone Middle School - Is it safer to inject drugs?

Gaya Dowling - There is no safe way to use drugs. And in fact, injecting drugs is extremely dangerous. Not only is it the fastest way of getting the drug into the brain resulting in its harmful effects including addiction, but when you inject drugs you risk getting HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

SmartGirl - Portola Middle School - Are certain drugs worse for you than others?

Nicolette Borek - Different drugs can effect the body in different ways so in some ways it depends on what part of your body or brain you are talking about...heroin has different effects than alcohol or cocaine and all can be harmful to the body. For more info, check back at

R.Pierce - Pike Central - If a parent used drugs when they were a teen whould you be more likely to use as a teen?

Joni Rutter - It's possible, and we know that your genes can influence the chances of becoming addicted to drugs. But there are lots of other reasons that teens would use drugs. That's why we are using the chat day to try to educate teens on the dangers of trying drugs. here's a good website to check out for teens with information on the science behind drug abuse, facts on drugs, questions and answers, real stories and interactive activities.

georgeypoo - sterling - can you live a healthy normal lifestyle after beinhg addicted for so many years

Melissa Riddle - Yes. There are lots and lots of people who have recovered from using drugs and have gone on to live wonderful lives. Most people find that they need to make some changes in their lifestyle once they stop using drugs, like doing activities that don't involve drugs or hanging out with people who don't use drugs. All in all, there are lots of reasons to stop using drugs!

Coolio The Great IIV - Sacred Heart - What in methamphetamine makes it so addictive and dangerous?

Steve Grant - Methamphetamine is so addictive because it sticks around in the body for such a long time, so it has a much stronger effect than other stimulants. To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

Bea_0421 - West Sioux - Can drugs cause disases such as A.D.D or A.D.H.D, if so, Why?

Nicolette Borek - The relationship between drugs and mental or psychiatric disorders such as ADHD can be complex...we're still learning how they are related. Some drugs can effect attention which is also effected by ADHD.

Brady - Iberia Middle School - do drugaddicts really die from drugs????????????

Steve Grant - Absolutely.The drug that causes the most deaths is nicotine, since smoking promotes cancer and heart disease. Morphine kills many addicts who take too much, because it stops their breathing. Cocaine triggers heart attacks. Drugs can also kill by impairing judgement so that a person gets into an accident or does something dangerous that he or she would never do otherwise. For information on drug-related hospital emergency department visits and deaths, go to the Drug Abuse Warning Network

orcas - portla - What aer the signs of drugs?

Steve Gust - There are many different signs of drug use depending on the type of drug taken. Stimulants cause behavior like talkativeness, sleeplessness, and general "hyper" activities. Depressant drugs like tranquilizers or sedatives make people sleepy, drowsy, and unable to think clearly. If someone is addicted to drugs, that individual will exhibit overwhelming or uncontrollable urges to seek and use the drug, regardless of the consequences such as poor performance in school, loss of friends, and loss of pleasure in things that used to bring pleasure.For more information about drug abuse, visit To learn more, check out "The Science of Addiction" at

browniez - ignacio - why do you get addicted to cigerettes?

Moderator - Cigarettes and other tobacco products contain many harmful compounds. Nicotine is one of the main addictive substances in these products and nicotine is a highly addictive drug.

bsmith - El dorado Spings - Could people who do drugs get lung disease, heart attack or stroke?

Steve Grant - Absolutely.Nicotine is a drug, and smoking causes lung diseases including emphysema and cancer. Cocaine and other stimulants cause heart attacks and strokes.Drugs can also cause many other disorders and more. You can find out more about that at:

Can-Can - Ignacio High School - What are the effects of crystal meth?

Gaya Dowling - Crystal meth can increase attention, decrease fatigue, decrease appetite, increase breathing, increase heart rate, cause irregular heart beats, causes paranoia and hallucinations, memory loss, aggressive or violent behavior, mood disturbances, severe dental problems, and addiction.

corynne - lakeside - What is the recovery percentage for people addicted to methamphetamine?

Joni Rutter - Good question. There's really not a simple answer. We do know that treatment works and that some people need multiple courses of treatment before they fully recover.

Moderator - THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!! We received over 36,000 questions today. While we couldn't possibly answer every question, our scientists tried to answer as many as they could. We hope that you learned a lot about what science is teaching us about drug abuse and addiction. Check our website next week, we will post many of the questions and answers there. Team NIDA


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National Institutes of Health logo_Department of Health and Human Services Logo The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) , a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Questions? See our Contact Information. Last updated on Friday, June 20, 2008. The U.S. government's official web portal