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Pushing out the plan

Last week was a busy one for Dan Wilson, Coordinator of NN/LM’s Emergency Preparedness & Response Plan.  At the Annual Meeting of the Mid-Atlantic Chapter (MAC) of the Medical Library Association in Morgantown, WV (October 20-22), Dan spoke about the accomplishments and the continuing activities of the plan as part of the NLM/NNLM update to the meeting.  He highlighted the forming of the standing committee for Emergency Preparedness & Response for the Southeastern Atlantic Region of NN/LM, several of whom are MAC members.  He also presented the plan to the Hospital Librarians’ Symposium at the MAC meeting, noting that assisting hospital librarians to develop emergency preparedness plans is a focus of the national plan for this year. 

Dan participated, as an inivited speaker, in the first University of Virginia Emergency Preparedness Forum, held Thursday, October 23.  He addressed a group of UVA faculty and administrators, representing all departments of the university, showcasing the UVa Health Sciences Library’s efforts in emergency preparedness, but also highlighting his work with the NN/LM project nationwide.  We are pleased to be able to expand our interest in emergency preparedness to the larger university community here at UVa, and see it as a way to begin extending assistance outside health sciences librarianship.  Check out UVA’s new poster that gives an excellent quick view of what to do in an emergency:  Emergency Procedures

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