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caBench-to-Bedside (caB2B ) —
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caBench-to-Bedside (caB2B )
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Product Summary
Intended Audiences:
bench scientists, translational researchers, and clinicians
Area of Focus: Translational Research Primary Workspace: ARCH
Product Description:

caB2B is a caGrid client that permits scientists to leverage caBIGTM compatible data services through a user friendly GUI.  A metadata-based query interface enables end user to search virtually any caGrid data service.  The ultimate goal of the tool is to aid translational researchers in combining data from tools like a caBIGTM biospecimen repository service, caTissue Core/Suite, with data from a microarray data repository like caArray and use the analytical services to analyze and visualize the results.  caB2B has two modules, the administrative module and the end user client. 

The administrative module of caB2B is a GUI where the administrator can customize a particular instance for end users.  For example, an administrator can select models and service instances that may be queried, curate paths between classes in models, and create joins across models or applications. 

The end user client is a Java application that enables end users to query for and persist data available on the caGrid.  It also allows for the analysis and visualization of this information.  The query component consists of a diagrammatic view that allows the user to create a directed acyclic graph of the query that is to be executed and also helps the user to connect two or more classes to be searched.  The data obtained from the query may be saved as a ‘virtual experiment’ and analyzed further.  The end user may also visualize data in the experiment by using various graphical components.  Thus, caB2B is a caGrid client capable of querying and analyzing available data on the caGrid.  The complex combinatorial, visual, and statistical analyses that it currently enables and will facilitate in the future will result in a better understanding of the complex pathophysiology of polyfactorial diseases and will accelerate the identification of potential diagnostic markers and therapeutic targets for these illnesses.

Current Version Number: 2.0 Release Date of Current Version: 08/2008
Currently caGrid Enabled? Yes caBIG™ Compatibility Level: Not yet determined
Learn more about compatibility levels
Tool Maturity Assessment: Stable Release (Adoption in Progress)
Installation Level:
Basic - Wizard or web browser application; minimal technical assistance required
Architecture Type:
Desktop Application, Web Application - Remote application with data uploads/downloads through web interface, Enterprise System/Infrastructure - Server/Network Dependent
System Requirements:

JRE version > 1.6.3
Windows, Linux, Mac
Recommended Memory 512MB

Server and Administrative Module
JDK 1.6.3
JBoss 4.0.4
MySQL 4.1.10
Ant 1.6.x
Recommended Memory 1GB


End User Support Resources


Related caBIG™ Tools:


Related Articles



Demo Files & Exercises

You may demo caB2B by clicking on this link. This will install the client and launch caB2B.


Documentation & Training


Tool Download Files

caB2B Server Installer  Last updated on 18 July 2008

caB2B Client Setup  Last updated on 18 July 2008

caB2B Admin Installer  Last updated on 18 July 2008

For older / other downloads visit caB2B v2.0 on G-Forge page


Developer Institution(s)

Washington University in St. Louis
Alvin J. Siteman Cancer Center
Bioinformatics Core
Nagarajan Lab


Adopter Institution(s)