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Agent Name Phosphorus pentasulfide
CAS Number 1314-80-3
Formula P2-S5
Major Category Other Classes
Synonyms Diphosphorus pentasulfide; Pentasulfure de phosphore [French]; Phosphoric sulfide; Phosphorus pentasulfide (P4S10); Phosphorus persulfide; Phosphorus sulfide (P2S5); Sirnik fosforecny [Czech]; Sulfur phosphide; Tetraphosphorus decasulfide; Thiophosphoric anhydride; [ChemIDplus] UN1340
Category Phosphorus Compounds
Description Greenish-gray to yellow, crystalline solid with an odor of rotten eggs; [NIOSH]
Sources/Uses Used to make lubricant additives, insecticides, matches, and other organic chemicals; [ACGIH]
Comments Hepatic and renal failure are prominent in deaths due to acute phosphorus poisoning. Eye and respiratory irritation occur due to the hydrolysis products hydrogen sulfide and phosphoric acid. The TLV and STEL recommended correspond to those of phosphoric acid. [ACGIH] If left on clothing, can cause reddening of skin; [CHRIS] A skin, eye, and respiratory tract irritant; [ICSC]
Exposure Assessment
Skin Designation (ACGIH) No
TLV (ACGIH) 1 mg/m3
STEL (ACGIH) 3 mg/m3
PEL (OSHA) 1 mg/m3
IDLH (NIOSH) 250 mg/m3
Excerpts from Documentation for IDLHs Phosphorus pentasulfide (P2S5) rapidly hydrolyzes to hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and phosphoric acid on contact with water or with moisture present in the air [ACGIH 1991].
Odor Threshold Low 0.0047 ppm
Explanatory Notes An odor threshold of 0.0047 ppm for phosphorus pentasulfide has been reported. [ACGIH] VP = 1 @ 572 degrees F;
Flammability (NFPA) 1: must be preheated
Adverse Effects
Toxic Pneumonitis Yes
Dermatotoxin Skin Burns
Hepatotoxin Hepatotoxin, Secondary
Nephrotoxin Yes
Links to Other NLM Databases
Health Studies Human Health Effects from Hazardous Substances Data Bank: PHOSPHORUS SULFIDE  
Toxicity Information Search TOXNET
Chemical Information Search ChemIDplus
Related Information in Haz-Map
Diseases Occupational diseases associated with exposure to this agent:
Processes Industrial Processes with risk of exposure:

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Last updated: January, 2009