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This checklist is based on Part 2. Game Plan of NIAID's NIH Grant Cycle: Application to Renewal. Find more checklists at Checklists for the NIH Grant Cycle.

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See NIAID Glossary of Funding and Policy Terms and Acronyms for more.

Table of Contents

  • Your Game Plan
  • Choosing a Topic
  • Choosing a Hypothesis
  • Submitting Electronically
  • Application Approaches
  • Funding Opportunity Announcements

Your Game Plan

Checkbox: Do you know how long it will take to write your application and get funded? Find out in Start to Finish: How Long Will It Take?

Checkbox: Do you know what can delay funding? See examples at Why You May Not Get Funded Right Away.

Checkbox: Have you started mapping a long-term strategy? Learn how in What's Your Game Plan?

Checkbox: Are you maintaining your image by publishing and by presenting and interacting at scientific meetings? Read What's Your Game Plan?

Checkbox: Have you talked to your program officer and experienced investigators in your institution before choosing a grant type? Read more in Which Award Type Suits You Best?

Choosing a Topic

Checkbox: Have you decided what project to pursue for the next three to five years? For more information, see About Picking a Topic.

Checkbox: Have you considered scope and goals, e.g., writing several smaller, highly focused applications rather than one big one? Read About Picking a Topic.

Checkbox: Are you an expert in the science area? Read more in About Picking a Topic.

Checkbox: Can you tie your science to the cause, diagnosis, prevention, or cure of a human disease? See About Picking a Topic.

Checkbox: Have you made sure your topic is unique? Read more in About Picking a Topic.

Checkbox: Is your idea focused (not too broad)? For more information, see About Picking a Topic.

Checkbox: Can you create a hypothesis that is provable during your award period with the level of resources appropriate for you to request? See About Picking a Topic.

Checkbox: Are you considering an important, testable question that can make a significant impact on your field and public health? For more information, see About Picking a Topic.

Checkbox: Did you read NIH's five standard initial peer review criteria for R01s to understand how peer reviewers gauge merit and feasibility? Read more in About Picking a Topic.

Checkbox: Do you know what steps to follow to choose a topic? Find out in Steps to Choose a Topic.

Choosing a Hypothesis

Checkbox: Do you know how to create a strong hypothesis, the conceptual underpinning of your research?

Checkbox: Do you have only one hypothesis?

Checkbox: Is your hypothesis important, testable, and focused?

Checkbox: Does it increase understanding of biologic processes, diseases, treatments, or preventions?

Checkbox: Is your hypothesis based on previous research?

For more information, read Create a Solid Hypothesis.

Submitting Electronically

Checkbox: Did you request an eRA Commons account at least a month before you want to apply?

Checkbox: Did you find out about your institution's procedures and timelines?

Checkbox: Will you apply electronically?

For more information, read Get Ready Now to Apply Electronically.

Application Approaches

Checkbox: Do you know the two application approaches: investigator-initiated or a response to an NIAID initiative?

Checkbox: Do you understand the advantages and disadvantages of each approach?

Checkbox: Do you know how you can blend the two approaches?

For more information, read Application Approach: What Are Your Choices?

Funding Opportunity Announcements

Checkbox: Do you know the types of funding opportunity announcements (FOA)? See Compare FOAs, Institute-Specific PA, and Requests for Applications.

Checkbox: Do you understand when to use a parent program announcement? See Parent PA.

Checkbox: Do you know the standard receipt dates for investigator-initiated applications? See When Will You Apply?

Checkbox: Are you aware that AIDS, small business, renewal, and certain other applications are due on different dates?

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Find more checklists at Checklists for the NIH Grant Cycle. For more information, see NIAID's NIH Grant Cycle: Application to Renewal and the All About Grants tutorials.

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DHHS Logo Department of Health and Human Services NIH Logo National Institutes of Health NIAID Logo National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases August 22, 2008
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