National Cancer Institute National Cancer Institute
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National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet
Fact Sheets: Cancer Type

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Children 1
(Posted: 07/11/2002) - A fact sheet about acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) - a cancer of the white blood cells, the cells in the body that normally fight infections.

Bone Cancer: Questions and Answers 2
(Reviewed: 03/13/2008) - A fact sheet about the diagnosis and treatment of cancers that develop in the bones. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 6.26

Cancer of Unknown Primary Origin 3
(Reviewed: 01/22/2004) - A fact sheet about cancer that has spread but whose original site in the body has not been found (unknown primary). National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 6.19

Cancer: Questions and Answers 4
(Reviewed: 06/06/2005) - A fact sheet about prevention, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 6.7

Childhood Cancers: Questions and Answers 5
(Reviewed: 01/10/2008) - A fact sheet about trends in childhood cancers in the United States and NCI's current research on childhood cancers. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 6.40

Head and Neck Cancer: Questions and Answers 6
(Reviewed: 03/09/2005) - A fact sheet about the risk factors, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, follow-up, and rehabilitation for cancers of the head and neck. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 6.37

Inflammatory Breast Cancer: Questions and Answers 7
(Reviewed: 08/29/2006) - A fact sheet about the diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory breast cancer, an uncommon type of cancer in which the breast becomes red, swollen, and warm. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 6.2

Merkel Cell Carcinoma: Questions and Answers 8
(Reviewed: 01/02/2007) - A fact sheet about the diagnosis and treatment of Merkel cell carcinoma, a rare type of cancer that develops just beneath the skin and in hair follicles. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 6.11

Mesothelioma: Questions and Answers 9
(Reviewed: 05/13/2002) - A fact sheet about the risk factors, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of mesothelioma. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 6.36

Metastatic Cancer: Questions and Answers 10
(Reviewed: 09/01/2004) - A fact sheet about metastasis, the spread of cancer to other parts of the body. Discusses the diagnosis and treatment of cancer that has spread. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 6.20

National Cancer Institute Brain Tumor Study in Adults: Fact Sheet 11
(Posted: 12/20/2000) - In 1994, researchers at the National Cancer Institute initiated a comprehensive study on the causes of brain tumors in adults.

Paget Disease of the Nipple: Questions and Answers 12
(Reviewed: 06/27/2005) - A fact sheet about Paget disease of the nipple, an uncommon type of breast cancer that is sometimes called mammary Paget's disease. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 6.39

Soft Tissue Sarcomas: Questions and Answers 13
(Reviewed: 05/24/2007) - A fact sheet about soft tissue sarcomas, cancers that develop in tissues that connect, support, or surround other structures and organs of the body. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 6.12

Synovial Sarcoma: Questions and Answers 14
(Reviewed: 06/29/2005) - A fact sheet about synovial sarcoma, a rare type of cancer that occurs in tendons, bursae, or the cavity that separates the bones of certain joints. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 6.1

Testicular Cancer: Questions and Answers 15
(Reviewed: 05/24/2005) - This fact sheet provides information about the treatment, detection, risk factors, and prevention of testicular cancer. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 6.34

Waldenström Macroglobulinemia: Questions and Answers 16
(Reviewed: 09/25/2007) - A fact sheet about Waldenström macroglobulinemia - a rare, chronic cancer that affects plasma cells and is classified as a low-grade, or indolent, type of lymphoma. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 6.4

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