U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation
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Contact: Joe Brenckle - Republican Press Office 202-224-3991
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Stevens Introduces Legislation to Increase CAFE Standards
Measure Would Increase CAFE Standards to 40 MPG by 2017
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska), Vice Chairman of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee today introduced legislation to increase Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards to 40 miles per gallon by 2017, if not sooner. 
“America imports almost 11 million barrels of crude oil every day, compared with only five million produced here at home,” said Commerce Committee Vice Chairman Ted Stevens (R-Alaska). “We must increase our domestic production, and Alaska stands ready to fill that role. But increased production and improved fuel economy must go hand in hand. The savings achieved by increasing fuel economy standards for the entire U.S. passenger vehicle fleet is essential if we are to become independent of foreign oil.”
This bill will clarify the Secretary of Transportation’s authority to raise and reform current CAFE standards for passenger automobiles, and allow the Secretary to prescribe standards for different classes of automobiles based on one or more vehicle attributes.  It will require the Secretary to issue CAFE standards for any model year at least 18 months before the beginning of that particular model year.
The bill also will amend existing criteria that the Secretary must consider when promulgating CAFE standards to include motor vehicle safety, the effect of the standard on emissions, and the need of the United States to reduce its dependency on oil.  It prohibits any CAFE regulation that would require a “uniform percentage increase” by manufacturer, and require that any regulation pass a cost/benefit test.  
This legislation also requires the Secretary of Commerce to establish a national registry system for greenhouse gas trading of credits.  Participation in the registry would be voluntary, and any entity conducting business in the United States would be eligible to utilize the services of the registry.  Therefore, automobile manufacturers would be able to contribute or purchase a limited number of emissions credits with other industries that generate greenhouse gases in order to achieve compliance with CAFE standards.
Stevens also noted that increasing CAFE standards will help reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. The transportation sector contributes roughly one third of all greenhouse gas emissions.  “By increasing fuel efficiency, we will reduce greenhouse gases,” Stevens said.
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January 2007 Press Releases  « December | February »   « 2006 | 2008 » 
31st -  Christine Kurth to Become Republican Staff Director for Senate Commerce Committee
30th -  Ocean Policy Report Card Praises Fisheries Conservation Efforts Led by Stevens and Inouye
30th -  Stevens Applauds Announcement by FAA Administrator Blakey to Raise Commercial Pilot Retirement Age to 65
30th -  Statement of Sen. Inouye at Environment and Public Works Committee Members Hearing
30th -  Stevens Congratulates Sen. Smith on Appointment to Lead Republican High Tech Task Force
26th -  Committee to Examine Research Integrity and Public Safety Communications
24th -  Senate Commerce Annouces Subcommittees
24th -  Chairmen Inouye and Stevens Introduce Measure to Improve Emergency Communications
19th -  Commerce Committee to Address Travel Concerns in Upcoming Hearing
18th -  Stevens’ Call Home Legislation Enacted to Assist Military with Affordable Calls to Families
12th -  President Bush Signs Magnuson-Stevens Act into Law
11th -  Stevens Introduces Bill to Protect Consumer Phone Records
11th -  Stevens Introduces Legislation on Price Gouging
9th -  Commerce Committee Announces Airline Mergers, Industry Consolidation Hearing
8th -  Senate Commerce Announces Its First Hearings of the 110th Congress
4th -  Stevens Joins Inouye to Introduce Transportation Security Improvement Act
4th -  Senators Introduce Transportation Security Act
4th -  Stevens Introduces 911 Modernization Act
4th -  Stevens Introduces Legislation to Protect Rural Telephone Service
4th -  current Press Release
3rd -  Senator Stevens Signs Magnuson-Stevens Reauthorization Bill [ listen to Audio Clip ]
2nd -  Senate President Pro Tempore Stevens to Sign Enrolled Magnuson-Stevens Act during Ceremony on Wed. January 3rd
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