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Reaching Out Regionally

The goal of GMR’s outreach programs is to expand partnerships and implement activities with network members and other institutions and organizations to improve awareness of and access to health information resources for health professionals, the public health workforce, and members of the public. So how do network members find one another to form these partnerships? How do institutions and organizations who have providing health information as part of their mission become GMR members? The answers to both questions can be found on the GMR’s website.

A Quick Link on the National Network of Libraries of Medicine Greater Midwest Region’s home page goes directly to an advanced search form of the Network Membership Directory. From this link, searches of network members may  be made by person or library Name; Location (by City, State, Zip Code, Region, County or Area Code);  NN/LM Membership Level and Library Type; Other Restrictions or Services Offered. Librarians may also search by Interlibrary Identifiers if known.

GMR homepage image of state links

Another way to find who is a member in your area is by following the state name link from the GMR home page as shown in the image to the left. Click on a state name to find information about state and local groups and partners. For example, clicking on Iowa brings up the option of selecting Iowa GMR Members. The real-time pull of members from the Directory lists Iowa members alphabetically by city. Clicking on the NN/LM MAPS icon brings up a real-time map with member name, address and library type. For example, the University of Iowa Hardin Library for the Health Sciences is named as Iowa’s Resource Library and Primary Access Libraries are also identified.

If your organization is not a network member and would like to be, simply go to the GMR website and click on the Join the Network image to be taken to the GMR’s Online Membership Application. To find out who can become a member, see the  following link:

For more information about the GMR’s outreach initiatives and tools to provide outreach, see the GMR’s  Provide Outreach including a GMR Toolkit for GMR-Funded Outreach.

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