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    Johnson, Patricia
    Miller, Mark

DNA Minicore: A Small, Localized DNA Sequencing Core Facility

Research: The mini-DNA sequencing core facility is designed to provide investigators of the Center for Cancer Research with rapid and accurate sequencing of DNA samples. The facility has been in operation since April 1997 and has processed over 65,000 samples submitted by over 390 investigators in 24 separate laboratories. Sequences are determined on ABI Prism 377 or 3100 automatic sequencers. In addition, computer equipment and software is provided to aid investigators in analysis of data. The facility provides expertise in the use of this software as well as consulting in experimental design and help in troubleshooting sequencing reactions. A major emphasis has been placed on maximizing the use of the sequencer and minimizing the time between sample submission and processing. We accept samples where the reaction has been done by the users as well as samples that are ready for the sequencing reaction. As many as 300 samples can be run per day. Nevertheless, the average turnover time has steadily decreased over the years and is currently less than one day. A locally developed database helps us to keep track of sample submission and processing, the order in which samples may most efficiently be processed and the costs. It is also used to control distribution of the finished data sets and to inform users that their sample data is ready for analysis.

Use of the DNA Minicore has grown at a rate close to 50% per year for several years. Nevertheless, we have been able to function as if we were a small localized facility catering to only a few users. This is due to the highly competent technical staff assigned to the facility and their dedication. In particular, we can tailor electrophoresis runs to the needs of an investigator for a particular project, including microsatellite analysis. We expect that this facility will represent a model for future small, localized core facilities providing cost-effective support for investigators at the NIH.


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