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Electroneurodiagnostic Technologist
Summary Job Description Education Skills, Abilities and Interests More Information

ActivitiesAccording to the AMA Health professions description, electroneurodiagnostic (END) technology is the medical diagnostic field devoted to the recording and study of electrical activity in the brain and nervous system.

OutlookFaster-than-average-job growth

Median Income$47,674 per year average in 2006

Work Context & ConditionsEND personnel work primarily in neurology-related departments of hospitals, but many also work in clinics and the private offices of neurologists and neurosurgeons.

Minimum Education RequirementsTechnical Program
Academic High School Program

SkillsMonitoring, Critical Thinking, Operation and Control, Quality Control Analysis, Active Listening, Time Management, Troubleshooting, Equipment Maintenance, Active Learning, Complex Problem Solving, Operation Monitoring, Reading Comprehension, Science

AbilitiesOral Expression, Manual Dexterity, Deductive Reasoning, Problem Sensitivity, Written Comprehension, Near Vision, Information Ordering, Inductive Reasoning