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Nutrition & Obesity Publications



Summer 1998 ONRCs and CNRUs Face New Challenges and Opportunities

On March 30 and 31, 1998, the directors of the Obesity/Nutrition Research Centers (ONRC) and Clinical Nutrition Research Units (CNRU) met at the National Institutes of Health to review their progress over the past year and discuss new research opportunities and challenges.

The ONRCs and CNRUs, which were formed to advance obesity and nutrition research, allow multiple investigators to use core resources to increase research efficiencies and promote interaction among investigators with common interests.

Dr. Phillip Gorden, Director, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), announced that NIDDK plans to support two new CNRUs in the next fiscal year. Dr. Gorden stressed the need to pursue clinical advances that can be immediately translated to help the public, with an emphasis on prevention, and the need to invest in science and technology. Despite advances in science, such as in neuroendocrinology, the clinical barriers in treating and managing obesity still exist. Dr. Gorden urged the ONRCs and CNRUs to collaborate to strengthen their research efforts and to ensure their success in obesity prevention and treatment projects.