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Summary of Motivational Interviewing Workgroup

December 06-07, 2001, Dallas, TX


Rosemary Breger, OHSU
Chantal Levesque, University of Rochester
Santhi Periasamy, Emory University
Ken Resnicow, Emory University
Deborah Sepinwall, Brown University/Miriam Hospital


Cross-site collaboration projects

We generated ideas and research questions for cross-site collaboration projects, which include:

·        Development of training kit for MI health promotion interventions.  We would share protocols and strategies to package in print as tools to use in different settings.  We discussed that this would not be able to take the place of formal MI training.

·        How does person’s ability to make changes affect depression levels?

·        Gender relationships

·        Does intervention work better for males or females?

·        Does the counselor/participant gender match effect outcomes?

·        Does counseling work better for participants with intrinsic or extrinsic motivation?

·        Look at depression as a mediator or moderator of behavior change

·        Look at dose/response of MI interventions (length of intervention, # of visits, phone vs. in person visits, # and quality of providers).

·        What is the impact of linking core values to health goals (or identification) on health behavior change outcomes? OHSU and Emory are using forms of the values sore and Rochester is using identification or internalization.

·        Does intervention increase intrinsic motivation as mediator to health behavior change?

 Rochester, Emory and OHSU are administering the TSRQ.  University of Tennessee, Stanford and Illinois Institute are measuring intrinsic motivation and/or depression.

Action Items: Please let me know what cross-site projects you would be interested in working on.  The next steps would be to decide on which project(s) to move forward with and submit a proposal.


Upcoming training’s (Ken Resnicow)

  • Jan 12 –13 Taped training for CDC

  • June 5 Video conference training

  • Ken Resnicow and Jacki Hecht will be doing training at SBM.


Update on Supplement Funding: Ken gave an update on the status of supplement funding for a coding project. $50,000 is going to NICHD from NCI for the coding project.  It is happening, but still in process.

4. Next meeting: We will share intervention tapes, protocols and tools for demonstration at the next meeting.
Forms request: We decided it would be helpful to compile the following assessments:
  • Counselor questionnaires

  • Rochester self determination coding form (would this be helpful to put on the web?)

  • Post intervention questionnaires (items specific to counseling relationship or intervention)

Please send to: Rosemary Breger, OHSU, 3181 SE Sam Jackson Park Road Portland, OR 97201


Next Conference Call: February 2002 (date and time tba)