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Summary  of Methodology & Data Analysis Workgroup

July 18-19, 2002, Washington, DC


Steve Belle, University of Pittsburgh
Rosemary Breger, OHSU
Mary Charlson, Cornell University
Laurie Hellsten, University of Hawaii, Manoa
Trish Jordan, Behavior Change Consortium
Abby King, Stanford University
Holly McGregor, University of Rochester
Melissa Napolitano, Stanford University
Claudio Nigg, University of Hawaii, Manoa
Marcia Ory, SRPH, Texas A&M

1. Collection of Aggregate BCC Site Data
  • Ongoing discussion about the creation of a data repository for BCC project sites. The data would then be available for cross-site data analyses, and various workgroup initiatives. Although the idea of this data bank has met with interest, there remains some question as to the value of such a complex endeavor. At this point in time, we cannot identify any research questions that we would like to answer with the collective data; nor can we guarantee that complete data will be ready for use before 2005. There seems to be no enthusiasm for a make-work project if we cannot articulate the value in such an undertaking.

Action Items: The workgroup will make every effort to draft various research questions that can be addressed using cross-site data. Our first step will be to draft a plan for creating a framework under which to collect baseline data. We need to poll BCC PI's to find out what they would like to see happen with the BCC after April, 2003.

2. Data Sharing/Archiving (Lisa Klesges)
  • Lisa Klesges drafted an excellent plan/proposal for a BCC data sharing cooperative. The proposal was ready for distribution to the BCC membership at the meeting. We are still facing a "chicken and egg" dilemma (i.e., we need to be able to provide a plan for data sharing before we can apply for funding; but, we need funding before we can create a plan for data sharing).Given that the discussion revealed some reticence on the part of BCC members to immediately go ahead with a data sharing plan, the document has been tabled for the time being.

Action Items: See above. The workgroup will strive to seek funding for future activities in the hopes that its goals are realized.

3. Conference Calls
  • The workgroup remains dedicated to monthly conference calls to further explore the options available.

Action Items: Next conference call will be held at the end of the summer.