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Archive for the ‘SCRConnections’ Category

NN/LM SCR PubMed Update Webinar Recording Available

Wednesday, January 28th, 2009

The January 21st SCR CONNECTions Webinar recording is now available at

Next session will be held on February 18th.
What: Downloadable Medical Applications on iPhones.
Time: February 18th, 10:30-11:30 AM Central Time

See you then!

NN/LM Funding Web Conference December 17

Friday, December 12th, 2008

Do you have a great health information outreach or technology idea but don’t know how to find the money to implement the project?   Have you ever wanted to apply for NN/LM SCR funding but didn’t know where to begin?  Have you ever wondered what types of projects the NN/LM SCR has funded in the past?

If so, join us on Wednesday for the next SCRCONNECTions web conference on December 17, 2008 at 10:30 – 11:30 CT (9:30 – 10:30 MT).  This month’s topic will be NN/LM SCR Funding Opportunities.  This session will cover the awards available from the NN/LM SCR office, including the Express Outreach, Course Development, Mobile Health Education, DOCLINE Library Improvement, Access to Electronic Health Information, Partners in Public Health Information Outreach, Library Technology, Professional Development and Information Access Improvement Project awards.  We will provide you with an overview of the award process and information on the types of projects previously funded from NN/LM SCR.  You’ll also receive some tips for applying for funding so that you can turn your project ideas into reality.

We look forward to seeing you on the 17th!   To join the conference, follow the instructions at: