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Diabetes: The Numbers - Slide 7

Slide 7

Obesity Trend* Among Adults

Obesity trends among adults comparison map from 1990 to 1998 and to 2007



On these maps of the US, you can see the color changes from lighter blue in 1990, to darker blue in 1998, to red and orange in 2007, the colors demonstrate the % of the population that is considered obese - you can clearly see that the percentage of our adult population that is considered obese has increased dramatically. Obesity increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.

In 2007, only one state (Colorado) had a prevalence of obesity less than 20%. Thirty states had a prevalence equal to or greater than 25%; three of these states (Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee) had a prevalence of obesity equal to or greater than 30%.



CDC Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.


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