NIDDK Young Investigators' Workshop: May 10-12, 2006, The Inn and Conference Center, University of Maryland University College, Adelphi, MD NIDDK Young Investigators' Workshop: May 10-12, 2006, The Inn and Conference Center, University of Maryland University College, Adelphi, MD
NIDDK Young Investigators' Workshop: May 10-12, 2006, The Inn and Conference Center, University of Maryland University College, Adelphi, MD NIDDK Young Investigators' Workshop: May 10-12, 2006, The Inn and Conference Center, University of Maryland University College, Adelphi, MD
NIDDK Young Investigators' Workshop: May 10-12, 2006, The Inn and Conference Center, University of Maryland University College, Adelphi, MD
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NIDDK Young Investigators' Workshop: May 10-12, 2006, The Inn and Conference Center, University of Maryland University College, Adelphi, MD NIDDK Young Investigators' Workshop: May 10-12, 2006, The Inn and Conference Center, University of Maryland University College, Adelphi, MD

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Call for Abstracts

Participants in the Young Investigator Symposium sponsored by the Division of Kidney, Urology, and Hematologic Diseases (KUH) at the NIDDK are encouraged to submit abstracts of their research activities. In addition to an opportunity to present their research, conference attendees will find additional career development and networking opportunities with other advanced F32 and K award holders. All submissions should be based on the research supported by the applicant's fellowship or career development award. Submissions will be reviewed for content by KUH staff and will be scheduled for both an oral talk and a poster presentation. Oral presentations will be strictly limited to a 3-minute PowerPoint presentation of the highlights. Presenters will stand by their posters following the talks, and additional discussions may take place there. If desired, abstracts may be submitted for poster presentation only. Oral presentations must have a poster presentation as well.

All abstracts must be submitted electronically no later than midnight (Eastern Daylight Saving Time) on Monday, April 10, 2006. If you are not interested in giving a brief oral presentation, please indicate that you wish to present a poster only. Your acceptance will be confirmed on Friday, April 14, 2006. Abstract submissions should be no longer than 250 words (not including name or affiliation).

Please follow the instructions below to submit an abstract for consideration:
  • To submit your abstract, send it via email to John Hare at with "Young Investigators Abstract" in the Subject line; attach your abstract as an MS Word document to the email along with any commetns.
  • The abstract should include a statement of the problem, purpose, methods, results, and conclusions. Please do not use the headlines in the abstract.
  • Please type the title of abstracts in bold font, Title Case Letters.
  • List the names, degree(s), and institutional affilitation(s) of all authors in order of their contribution to research.
  • Italicize the name of the person presentating the abstract.

Poster Presentations
Poster presentations will be displayed on 4-foot-high by 6-foot-wide poster boards. Pushpins and Velcro will be provided onsite.

All presenters must register for the conference.

PowerPoint Presentations
If you wish to give an oral presentation as well, prepare a title slide and 3 slides that present results, conclusions, and acknowledgements. Time will be strictly limited to 3 minutes. Submit PowerPoint presentaitons via email no later than April 28 to John Hare at with "Young Investigators Abstract Slides" in the Subject line; attach your abstract as an MS PowerPoint document to the email along with any comments.

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