Biowulf at the NIH
Gromacs on Biowulf

GROMACS ( is a versatile package to perform molecular dynamics, i.e. simulate the Newtonian equations of motion for systems with hundreds to millions of particles. It is primarily designed for biochemical molecules like proteins and lipids that have a lot of complicated bonded interactions, but since GROMACS is extremely fast at calculating the nonbonded interactions (that usually dominate simulations) many groups are also using it for research on non-biological systems, e.g. polymers.

GROMACS manual, downloadable in several formats.


The following versions of Gromacs are available on Biowulf.
Gromacs Version To be used on Add this to path Parallel executable
3.3.3 all gige nodes /usr/local/gromacs/bin
3.3.3 IB nodes /usr/local/gromacs/bin-ib mdrun_mpi
3.3.1 all gige nodes /usr/local/gromacs-3.3.1/bin
3.3.1 Myrinet /usr/local/gromacs-3.3.1/bin
3.3.1 IB nodes /usr/local/gromacs-3.3.1/bin-ib mdrun_mpi
Submitting a GROMACS job

For basic information about setting up GROMACS jobs, read the GROMACS documentation. A collection of sample jobs is in /usr/local/gromacs/share/tutor.

All Biowulf nodes have 2 processors on each node. For greatest efficiency, GROMACS jobs should be run on both processors of each node. i.e. the job should be submitted with the -np=# parameter (no. of processors) equal to twice the -nodes=# parameter (no. of nodes). Note that non-Myrinet Gromacs does not scale beyond 2 processors, or 1 node.

Sample script for a GROMACS run:

#  This is file Run_Gromacs
#PBS -k oe
#PBS -m be
set path = (/usr/local/mpich/bin /usr/local/gromacs/bin $path .)
cd /data/username/my_gromacs_runs/xyz/

grompp -np $np -shuffle -f md -c cpeptide_b4md  -p cpeptide \
      -o cpeptide_md >& !

mpirun -machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE -np $np /usr/local/gromacs/bin/mdrun_mpi \
      -np $np -s cpeptide_md -o cpeptide_md -c cpeptide_after_md -v >>& !

Note that you need the '-np $np' flag in two places on the last line; one for the mpirun command and one for the mdrun program. This job would be submitted with:

qsub -v np=2 -l nodes=1:p1400 Run_Gromacs
Gromacs on Infinipath

Before submitting jobs to the Infinipath nodes, you must copy a file to your ~/.ssh directory:

% cd ~/.ssh
(If you get an error that the .ssh directory does not exist, type mkdir ~/.ssh to create the directory)
% cp /usr/local/etc/ssh_config_ib config
% chmod 600 config
(If you already have a ssh config file, you should append the contents of /usr/local/etc/ssh_config_ib to it). This ssh config needs to be done only once, before submitting your first IB job.

Sample script for a Gromacs job submitted to the Infinipath/Opteron nodes:

# This is file Run_Gromacs
#PBS -N Gromacs
#PBS -k oe
#PBS -m be
set path = (/usr/local/gromacs/bin-ib /usr/local/bin $path .)
cd /data/user/my_gromacs_dir

grompp -np $np -shuffle -sort -f Grompp.mdp -c Conf.gro  -p \
       -o topol.tpr >>&! output

mpirun -machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE -np $np /usr/local/gromacs/bin-ib/mdrun_mpi \
       -np $np -s topol.tpr -o traj.trr  -c out.after_md -v >>&! output

This script would be submitted with:

qsub -v np=16 -l nodes=8:ipath Run_Gromacs
Gromacs on Myrinet

All Biowulf nodes have 2 processors on each node. For greatest efficiency, GROMACS jobs should be run on both processors of each node. i.e. the job should be submitted with the -np=# parameter (no. of processors) equal to twice the -nodes=# parameter (no. of nodes). Sample script for a Myrinet GROMACS run:

#  This is file Run_Gromacs
#PBS -k oe
#PBS -m be
set path = (/usr/local/mpich-gm2k/bin /usr/local/gromacs-3.3.1/bin /usr/local/bin $path .)

grompp -np $np -shuffle -sort -f Grompp.mdp -c Conf.gro  -p \
       -o topol.tpr >>&! output1

mpirun -machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE -np $np /usr/local/gromacs-3.3.1/bin/mdrun_mpi_myr \
       -np $np -s topol.tpr -o traj.trr  -c out.after_md -v >>&! output1

This job would be submitted with:

qsub -v np=4 -l nodes=2:o2200:myr2k Run_Gromacs
Optimizing your Gromacs job

It is critical to determine the appropriate number of nodes on which to run your job. As shown in the benchmarks below, different jobs scale differently. Thus, one job which scales very well could be submitted on up to 10 nodes, while another job may scale only up to 2 nodes. For some jobs, if you submit to more nodes than is optimal, your job will actually run slower. (e.g. the d.villin benchmark runs slower on 6 Myrinet nodes than on 2 Myrinet nodes).

To determine the optimal number of nodes: