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Testing for Abuse Liability of Drugs in Humans

NIDA Research Monograph, Number 92 [Printed in 1989]

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Table of Contents


Testing and Abuse Liability of Drugs in Humans-----1
Charles R. Schuster

The Necessity and Utility of Abuse Liability Evaluations in Human Subjects: The FDA Perspective-----7
Frank J. Vocci, Jr

The Role of Abuse Liability Testing in Drug Control Procedures-----21
Howard McClain, Jr. and Frank Sapienza

Historical Perspectives on the Use of Subjective Effects Measures in Assessing the Abuse Potential of Drugs-----43
Jerome H. Jaffe and Faith K. Jaffe

Drug Identification and Classification

Human Abuse Liability Assessment by Measurement of Subjective and Physiological Effects-----73
Donald R. Jasinski and Jack E. Henningfield

Drug Discrimination: Methods for Drug Characterization and Classification-----101
George E. Bigelow and Kenzie L. Preston

Assessment of the Reinforcing Properties

Abuse Liability of Anxiolytics and Sedative/Hypnotics: Methods Assessing the Likelihood of Abuse-----123
John D. Roache and Roland R. Griffiths

Drug Self-Administration Procedures: Alcohol and Marijuana-----147
Nancy K. Mello

The Use of Choice Procedures for Assessing the Reinforcing Properties of Drugs in Humans-----171
Chris E. Johanson and Harriet de Wit

Relationship Between Self-Reported Drug Effects and Their Reinforcing Effects: Studies with Stimulant Drugs-----211
Marian W. Fischman

Epidemiologic Assessment of Drug Abuse of Drugs

Case Reports and the Assessment of Drug Abuse Liability-----231
Edward C. Senay

United States Epidemiologic Data on Drug Use and Abuse: How are They Relevant to Testing Abuse Liability of Drugs?-----241
James C. Anthony and Alison M. Trinkoff

Current Approaches to Measurements of Drug Use and Abuse in Sweden-----267
Ulf Bergman and David Lee

Evaluation of the Abuse Liability of Drugs in Humans: Issues and Future Directions

Pharmacokinetic and Phartnacodynamic Drug Interactions: Implications for Abuse Liability Testing-----287
Edward M. Sellers, Usanda Busto, and Howard L. Kaplan

Promising New Biologic and Behavioral Correlates of the Reinforcing Properties of Drugs-----307
Jack H. Mendelson, Nancy K. Mello, Scott E. Lukas, Bryan T. Woods, and Siew K. Teoh

Drug Abuse Liability Testing: Human Subject Issues-----341
Herbert D. Kleber

Issues in Human Drug Abuse Liability Testing: Overview and Prospects for the Future-----357
Joseph V. Brady

Conference Summary and Perspectives on Human Drug Abuse Liability Testing-----371
Mary Jeanne Kreek


List of NIDA Research Monographs-----393

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