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Disability Benefit Specialist Program

What are Disability Benefit Specialists?

Disability Benefit Specialists operate as an integral part of the Aging and Disability Resource Centers. They provide confidential assistance at no charge to adults ages 18 to 59 with physical disabilities, developmental disabilities, mental illness and/or substance abuse disorders. Individuals age 60 and older can contact the Elderly Benefit Specialist Program.

The goal of the program is:

  • to provide current, accurate information about public and private benefit programs;

  • to counsel individuals about eligibility for various programs and benefits; and

  • to help people apply for benefits or appeal a denial of benefits.

Statistics about  the Disability Benefit Specialist program are available for 2003 through 2007.

Brochure describing Disability Benefit Specialist Program also available in Hmong and Spanish. (PDF, 62 KB)


Where can I find a Disability Benefit Specialist?

Find a Disability Benefit Specialist at the Aging and Disability Resource Center serving your county.


Do you have questions about public benefits? 

Visit our Frequently Asked Questions about Benefits. Answers are available in text and in American Sign Language.

Training on benefits topics is available for interested persons.


Are you interested in going to work? 

People who want to return to work, or who are interested in working but not sure how it will affect their benefits, may wish to speak with a work incentives benefit specialist (exit DHS).


Send questions to the Office for Resource Center Development

Last Revised: April 21, 2009