
Advantage Medical Transport

Provides non-emergency medical and non-medical transportation for people of all ages and ability levels to any type of medical appointment, for direct inpatient hospitalization or discharge and for transfer between facilities and home.

Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) in Missouri

Provides information about home buying, rental options and other topics related to housing in Missouri.

Directory of Local Homeless Service Organizations in Missouri

List of organizations in Missouri that provide programs and services for people who are homeless.

Help for Homeless Veterans

Select your city and state from the drop down menu on the page to find a list of organizations that offer programs and services for homeless Veterans in your area.

Jefferson City, MO Handi Wheels

A "curb to curb" transportation service for people with disabilies.

Metro Bus Accessibility Programs

Information on accessible buses, reduced fares and other transportation services for people with disabilities in Kansas City, MO.

Missouri Centers for Independent Living (CILs)

List of Missouri CILs, which are private, non-profit organizations that provide services relating to employment, health care and living skills that support the independence of individuals with disabilities.

Missouri Department of Revenue - Disability Placards

Information about the permanent and temporary disabled placards.

Missouri Department of Transportation Transit Links

Links to transit organizations and training throughout the state of Missouri.

Missouri Developmental Disability Resource Center Transportation Information

Information on transportation options and programs for people with disabilities.

Missouri Housing Development Commission

Provides information on affordable housing, home loans, rental programs and more.

Missouri State Summary of VA Programs & Services

Fact sheet that describes the full range of VA programs, benefits and services available to Veterans and their families in Missouri. Resources include information on health care facilities, counseling centers and vocational rehabilitation. Download the VA's Missouri fact sheet.

Missouri Veterans Homes Program

Provides medical and skilled nursing care, recreational and rehabilitative therapy, social services and pastoral services for Missouri Veterans.

National Resource Center on Supportive Housing & Home Modification - Missouri State Resources

Provides information and resources on modifying and/or repairing a home in Missouri.

On My Own, Inc.

A non-residential Center for Independent Living in Missouri. Programs include home modification, assistive technology loan programs, scholarships, support groups and advocacy.

Operation Homefront - Missouri / SW Illinois Chapter

Provides emergency assistance and morale to Service Members, Veterans and their families residing in Missouri and Southwest Illinois.

St. Louis Regional Transit Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility Information

Information on accessible transportation for people with disabilities in St. Louis.

United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) of Greater St. Louis - Residential Services

Provides the supports necessary for individuals to live as independently as possible in homes of their own, including personal assistance and training in the activities of daily living.

VA St. Louis Regional Office

Provides contact information for the St. Louis Regional Office which administers VA benefits to eligible Veterans and family members. VA benefits include education, home loans, compensation and pension, vocational rehabilitation, life insurance and survivor benefits.
  • The White House
  • USA.gov: The U.S. government's official web portal.

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