Pet Services

Information on pet foster care and adoption.

Guardian Angels for Soldier's Pet

Foster home network and financial assistance to provide a caring, loving and safe home environment for Service Members' and Veterans' pets during deployment or an emergency hardship. Submit form for dogs, cats or other pets.

Making Arrangements for Your Pets

Includes a checklist for military pet owners, a sample foster-care agreement form and a pet personality questionnaire designed to help temporary caretakers understand a pet's special needs and habits.

NetPets - Military Pets Foster Project

Assists people in the military find foster care for their pets when they have to leave them behind after deployment.

Operation Noble Foster

Helps Service Members retain ownership of their cats by having them cared for until they return.

Pet Foster Care

Assists people in the military who will have to leave their pets behind after deployment. Apply online if your pet needs a home.

Pets & the Military

Information on dogs that support military operations in Iraq.
  • The White House
  • The U.S. government's official web portal.

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