Public Health

Report on Carcinogens

Committee Recommendations: Nickel (Metallic) and Certain Nickel Alloys

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  • Motion to list Metallic Nickel and Certain Nickel alloys as reasonably anticipated to be human carcinogen passed by a vote of 6 yes to 2 no. Negative votes (2) cast because members did not agree with the use of term "certain" in the listing of Nickel alloys.

RG 2:

  • Motion to list Metallic Nickel as reasonably anticipated to be human carcinogen passed by a vote of 7 yes to 1 no. Negative vote (1) cast because member felt that animal data not persuasive to list in the Report as reasonably anticipated human carcinogens because of inappropriate routes of exposure.
  • Motion not to list Certain Nickel Alloys in RoC was passed by a vote of 6 yes to 2 no. Negative votes (2) cast because members felt data meets criteria to list as reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen.

BSC RoC Subcommittee:

  • Motion to list Metallic Nickel as reasonably anticipated to be human carcinogen passed by a vote of 7 yes to 3 no. Negative votes (3) cast because members felt that the human and animal data not persuasive to list in the Report as reasonably anticipated human carcinogens.
  • Motion to list Certain Nickel Alloys as reasonably anticipated to be human carcinogen was defeated by a vote of 3 yes to 7 no. in RoC. Negative votes (7) cast because members felt available data not persuasive to list in the Report as reasonably anticipated human carcinogens.
  • Motion not to list Certain Nickel Alloys in RoC was passed by a vote of 9 yes to 1 no. Negative votes (1) cast because member felt data meets criteria to list as reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen