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South Carolina “I Believe” Plates Halted
Boy in the striped pajamas = good & tragic
@EricE51 it was a good film = link to this show
FIT = fire interruption technology = awesome
insomnia linked to diabetes interesting
watching "Brink" with Josh Zepps an interesting show
may go and see "the boy in the striped pyjamas" anyone else seen it?
I now have some tit in a dish network shirt on a continuous loop on my channel 2 WTF!?
been dead lately in my gmail
@wkrn whats the deal with dish network and them claiming "unreasonable rates"?
how does a man attain the age of 50 and still not know its bad to chew food with your mouth open?
Colin Powell slams "polarizing" Palin
I need some coffee to get me going
I just want to say I didn't vote for Corker in 2006
Full moon is bright. going to bed looks like a frosty night
bill nye= brilliant
watching "stuff happens" sports
watching dirty jobs "gourd maker"
traffic looks bad be careful out there


Biz Stone Noah Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton Mack D. Male Nitin Borwankar  m Dave McClure Brad Davis Seal Nick Douglas Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt E.T.Cook Robert Occhialini Kathy Johnson Dion Hinchcliffe Derek Gathright Martin Hall Scott Beale Johan Denoyer Manuel Viloria (jeff)isageek Dan Patterson Brett Petersel Lynn Wallenstein Chris Prakoso caleb Jay Jonathan Wight Vijayendra Mohanty Randy Matthew Gifford Brittany Bohnet Dave Winer Jason Calacanis
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