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Our Science – Rosenberg Website

Steven A. Rosenberg, M.D., Ph.D.

Selected Publications

1)  Heemskerk B, Liu K, Dudley ME, Johnson LA, Kaiser A, Downey S, Zheng Z, Shelton TE, Matsuda K, Robbins PF, Morgan RA, Rosenberg SA.
Adoptive cell therapy for patients with melanoma, using tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes genetically engineered to secrete interleukin-2.
Hum. Gene Ther. 19: 496-510, 2008.
2)  Rosenberg SA, Restifo NP, Yang JC, Morgan RA, Dudley ME.
Adoptive cell transfer: a clinical path to effective cancer immunotherapy.
Nat. Rev. Cancer. 8: 299-308, 2008.
3)  Yang S, Cohen CJ, Peng PD, Zhao Y, Cassard L, Yu Z, Zheng Z, Jones S, Restifo NP, Rosenberg SA, Morgan RA.
Development of optimal bicistronic lentiviral vectors facilitates high-level TCR gene expression and robust tumor cell recognition.
Gene Ther. 2008.
4)  Palmer DC, Chan CC, Gattinoni L, Wrzesinski C, Paulos CM, Hinrichs CS, Powell DJ, Klebanoff CA, Finkelstein SE, Fariss RN, Yu Z, Nussenblatt RB, Rosenberg SA, Restifo NP.
Effective tumor treatment targeting a melanoma/melanocyte-associated antigen triggers severe ocular autoimmunity.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 105: 8061-6, 2008.
5)  Klapper J, Downey S, Smith F, Yang J, Hughes M, Kammula U, Sherry R, Royal R, Steinberg S, Rosenberg S.
High-dose interleukin-2 for the treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma.
Cancer. 113: 293-301, 2008.
6)  Hinrichs CS, Spolski R, Paulos CM, Gattinoni L, Kerstann KW, Palmer DC, Klebanoff CA, Rosenberg SA, Leonard WJ, Restifo NP.
IL-2 and IL-21 confer opposing differentiation programs to CD8+ T cells for adoptive immunotherapy.
Blood. 111: 5326-33, 2008.
7)  Breunis WB, Tarazona-Santos E, Chen R, Kiley M, Rosenberg SA, Chanock SJ.
Influence of cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 (CTLA4) common polymorphisms on outcome in treatment of melanoma patients with CTLA-4 blockade.
J. Immunother. 31: 586-90, 2008.
8)  Powell DJ, Attia P, Ghetie V, Schindler J, Vitetta ES, Rosenberg SA.
Partial reduction of human FOXP3+ CD4 T cells in vivo after CD25-directed recombinant immunotoxin administration.
J. Immunother. 31: 189-98, 2008.
9)  Wargo JA, Robbins PF, Li Y, Zhao Y, El-Gamil M, Caragacianu D, Zheng Z, Hong JA, Downey S, Schrump DS, Rosenberg SA, Morgan RA.
Recognition of NY-ESO-1+ tumor cells by engineered lymphocytes is enhanced by improved vector design and epigenetic modulation of tumor antigen expression.
Cancer Immunol. Immunother. 2008.
10)  Robbins PF, Li YF, El-Gamil M, Zhao Y, Wargo JA, Zheng Z, Xu H, Morgan RA, Feldman SA, Johnson LA, Bennett AD, Dunn SM, Mahon TM, Jakobsen BK, Rosenberg SA.
Single and dual amino acid substitutions in TCR CDRs can enhance antigen-specific T cell functions.
J. Immunol. 180: 6116-31, 2008.
11)  Abad JD, Wrzensinski C, Overwijk W, De Witte MA, Jorritsma A, Hsu C, Gattinoni L, Cohen CJ, Paulos CM, Palmer DC, Haanen JB, Schumacher TN, Rosenberg SA, Restifo NP, Morgan RA.
T-cell receptor gene therapy of established tumors in a murine melanoma model.
J. Immunother. 31: 1-6, 2008.
12)  Rosenberg SA.
Why perform sentinel-lymph-node biopsy in patients with melanoma?.
Nat Clin Pract Oncol. 5: 1, 2008.
13)  Powell DJ, Felipe-Silva A, Merino MJ, Ahmadzadeh M, Allen T, Levy C, White DE, Mavroukakis S, Kreitman RJ, Rosenberg SA, Pastan I.
Administration of a CD25-directed immunotoxin, LMB-2, to patients with metastatic melanoma induces a selective partial reduction in regulatory T cells in vivo.
J. Immunol. 179: 4919-28, 2007.
14)  Dudley ME, Rosenberg SA.
Adoptive cell transfer therapy.
Semin. Oncol. 34: 524-31, 2007.
15)  Hsu C, Jones SA, Cohen CJ, Zheng Z, Kerstann K, Zhou J, Robbins PF, Peng PD, Shen X, Gomes TJ, Dunbar CE, Munroe DJ, Stewart C, Cornetta K, Wangsa D, Ried T, Rosenberg SA, Morgan RA.
Cytokine-independent growth and clonal expansion of a primary human CD8+ T-cell clone following retroviral transduction with the IL-15 gene.
Blood. 109: 5168-77, 2007.
16)  Cohen CJ, Li YF, El-Gamil M, Robbins PF, Rosenberg SA, Morgan RA.
Enhanced antitumor activity of T cells engineered to express T-cell receptors with a second disulfide bond.
Cancer Res. 67: 3898-903, 2007.
17)  Zhao Y, Parkhurst MR, Zheng Z, Cohen CJ, Riley JP, Gattinoni L, Restifo NP, Rosenberg SA, Morgan RA.
Extrathymic generation of tumor-specific T cells from genetically engineered human hematopoietic stem cells via Notch signaling.
Cancer Res. 67: 2425-9, 2007.
18)  Wrzesinski C, Paulos CM, Gattinoni L, Palmer DC, Kaiser A, Yu Z, Rosenberg SA, Restifo NP.
Hematopoietic stem cells promote the expansion and function of adoptively transferred antitumor CD8 T cells.
J. Clin. Invest. 117: 492-501, 2007.
19)  Zhao Y, Bennett AD, Zheng Z, Wang QJ, Robbins PF, Yu LY, Li Y, Molloy PE, Dunn SM, Jakobsen BK, Rosenberg SA, Morgan RA.
High-affinity TCRs generated by phage display provide CD4+ T cells with the ability to recognize and kill tumor cell lines.
J. Immunol. 179: 5845-54, 2007.
20)  Ahmadzadeh M, Antony PA, Rosenberg SA.
IL-2 and IL-15 each mediate de novo induction of FOXP3 expression in human tumor antigen-specific CD8 T cells.
J. Immunother. 30: 294-302, 2007.
21)  Powell DJ, de Vries CR, Allen T, Ahmadzadeh M, Rosenberg SA.
Inability to mediate prolonged reduction of regulatory T Cells after transfer of autologous CD25-depleted PBMC and interleukin-2 after lymphodepleting chemotherapy.
J. Immunother. 30: 438-47, 2007.
22)  Rosenberg SA.
Interleukin 2 for patients with renal cancer.
Nat. Clin. Pract. Oncol. 4: 497, 2007.
23)  Yang JC, Hughes M, Kammula U, Royal R, Sherry RM, Topalian SL, Suri KB, Levy C, Allen T, Mavroukakis S, Lowy I, White DE, Rosenberg SA.
Ipilimumab (anti-CTLA4 antibody) causes regression of metastatic renal cell cancer associated with enteritis and hypophysitis.
J. Immunother. 30: 825-30, 2007.
24)  Paulos CM, Wrzesinski C, Kaiser A, Hinrichs CS, Chieppa M, Cassard L, Palmer DC, Boni A, Muranski P, Yu Z, Gattinoni L, Antony PA, Rosenberg SA, Restifo NP.
Microbial translocation augments the function of adoptively transferred self/tumor-specific CD8 T cells via TLR4 signaling.
J. Clin. Invest. 117: 2197-204, 2007.
25)  Shen X, Zhou J, Hathcock KS, Robbins P, Powell DJ, Rosenberg SA, Hodes RJ.
Persistence of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes in adoptive immunotherapy correlates with telomere length.
J. Immunother. 30: 123-9, 2007.
26)  Downey SG, Klapper JA, Smith FO, Yang JC, Sherry RM, Royal RE, Kammula US, Hughes MS, Allen TE, Levy CL, Yellin M, Nichol G, White DE, Steinberg SM, Rosenberg SA.
Prognostic factors related to clinical response in patients with metastatic melanoma treated by CTL-associated antigen-4 blockade.
Clin. Cancer Res. 13: 6681-8, 2007.
27)  Smith FO, Goff SL, Klapper JA, Levy C, Allen T, Mavroukakis SA, Rosenberg SA.
Risk of bowel perforation in patients receiving interleukin-2 after therapy with anti-CTLA 4 monoclonal antibody.
J. Immunother. 30: 130, 2007.
28)  Paulos CM, Kaiser A, Wrzesinski C, Hinrichs CS, Cassard L, Boni A, Muranski P, Sanchez-Perez L, Palmer DC, Yu Z, Antony PA, Gattinoni L, Rosenberg SA, Restifo NP.
Toll-like receptors in tumor immunotherapy.
Clin. Cancer Res. 13: 5280-9, 2007.
29)  Kershaw MH, Westwood JA, Parker LL, Wang G, Eshhar Z, Mavroukakis SA, White DE, Wunderlich JR, Canevari S, Rogers-Freezer L, Chen CC, Yang JC, Rosenberg SA, Hwu P.
A phase I study on adoptive immunotherapy using gene-modified T cells for ovarian cancer.
Clin. Cancer Res. 12: 6106-15, 2006.
30)  Gattinoni L, Powell DJ, Rosenberg SA, Restifo NP.
Adoptive immunotherapy for cancer: building on success.
Nat. Rev. Immunol. 6: 383-93, 2006.
31)  Powell DJ, Dudley ME, Hogan KA, Wunderlich JR, Rosenberg SA.
Adoptive transfer of vaccine-induced peripheral blood mononuclear cells to patients with metastatic melanoma following lymphodepletion.
J. Immunol. 177: 6527-39, 2006.
32)  Rosenberg SA, Sherry RM, Morton KE, Yang JC, Topalian SL, Royal RE, Kammula US, Restifo NP, Hughes MS, Schwarz SL, Ngo LT, Mavroukakis SA, White DE.
Altered CD8(+) T-cell responses when immunizing with multiepitope peptide vaccines.
J. Immunother. 29: 224-31, 2006.
33)  Morgan RA, Dudley ME, Wunderlich JR, Hughes MS, Yang JC, Sherry RM, Royal RE, Topalian SL, Kammula US, Restifo NP, Zheng Z, Nahvi A, de Vries CR, Rogers-Freezer LJ, Mavroukakis SA, Rosenberg SA.
Cancer Regression in Patients After Transfer of Genetically Engineered Lymphocytes.
Science. 314: 126-129, 2006.
34)  Gattinoni L, Ranganathan A, Surman DR, Palmer DC, Antony PA, Theoret MR, Heimann DM, Rosenberg SA, Restifo NP.
CTLA-4 dysregulation of self/tumor-reactive CD8+ T cell function is CD4+ T cell-dependent.
Blood. 2006.
35)  Cohen CJ, Zhao Y, Zheng Z, Rosenberg SA, Morgan RA.
Enhanced Antitumor Activity of Murine-Human Hybrid T-Cell Receptor (TCR) in Human Lymphocytes Is Associated with Improved Pairing and TCR/CD3 Stability.
Cancer Res. 66: 8878-86, 2006.
36)  Beck KE, Blansfield JA, Tran KQ, Feldman AL, Hughes MS, Royal RE, Kammula US, Topalian SL, Sherry RM, Kleiner D, Quezado M, Lowy I, Yellin M, Rosenberg SA, Yang JC.
Enterocolitis in patients with cancer after antibody blockade of cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated antigen 4.
J. Clin. Oncol. 24: 2283-9, 2006.
37)  Lindsey KR, Gritz L, Sherry R, Abati A, Fetsch PA, Goldfeder LC, Gonzales MI, Zinnack KA, Rogers-Freezer L, Haworth L, Mavroukakis SA, White DE, Steinberg SM, Restifo NP, Panicali DL, Rosenberg SA, Topalian SL.
Evaluation of prime/boost regimens using recombinant poxvirus/tyrosinase vaccines for the treatment of patients with metastatic melanoma.
Clin. Cancer Res. 12: 2526-37, 2006.
38)  Johnson LA, Heemskerk B, Powell DJ, Cohen CJ, Morgan RA, Dudley ME, Robbins PF, Rosenberg SA.
Gene transfer of tumor-reactive TCR confers both high avidity and tumor reactivity to nonreactive peripheral blood mononuclear cells and tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes.
J. Immunol. 177: 6548-59, 2006.
39)  Ahmadzadeh M, Rosenberg SA.
IL-2 administration increases CD4+ CD25(hi) Foxp3+ regulatory T cells in cancer patients.
Blood. 107: 2409-14, 2006.
40)  Rosenberg SA, Sportès C, Ahmadzadeh M, Fry TJ, Ngo LT, Schwarz SL, Stetler-Stevenson M, Morton KE, Mavroukakis SA, Morre M, Buffet R, Mackall CL, Gress RE.
IL-7 administration to humans leads to expansion of CD8+ and CD4+ cells but a relative decrease of CD4+ T-regulatory cells.
J. Immunother. 29: 313-9, 2006.
41)  Muranski P, Boni A, Wrzesinski C, Citrin DE, Rosenberg SA, Childs R, Restifo NP.
Increased intensity lymphodepletion and adoptive immunotherapy--how far can we go?.
Nat. Clin. Pract. Oncol. 3: 668-81, 2006.
42)  Grover A, Kim GJ, Lizée G, Tschoi M, Wang G, Wunderlich JR, Rosenberg SA, Hwang ST, Hwu P.
Intralymphatic dendritic cell vaccination induces tumor antigen-specific, skin-homing T lymphocytes.
Clin. Cancer Res. 12: 5801-8, 2006.
43)  Maker AV, Yang JC, Sherry RM, Topalian SL, Kammula US, Royal RE, Hughes M, Yellin MJ, Haworth LR, Levy C, Allen T, Mavroukakis SA, Attia P, Rosenberg SA.
Intrapatient Dose Escalation of Anti-CTLA-4 Antibody in Patients With Metastatic Melanoma.
J. Immunother. 29: 455-463, 2006.
44)  Romeo MJ, Wunderlich J, Ngo L, Rosenberg SA, Steinberg SM, Berman DM.
Measuring tissue-based biomarkers by immunochromatography coupled with reverse-phase lysate microarray.
Clin. Cancer Res. 12: 2463-7, 2006.
45)  Huang J, Kerstann KW, Ahmadzadeh M, Li YF, El-Gamil M, Rosenberg SA, Robbins PF.
Modulation by IL-2 of CD70 and CD27 expression on CD8+ T cells: importance for the therapeutic effectiveness of cell transfer immunotherapy.
J. Immunol. 176: 7726-35, 2006.
46)  Lotem M, Zhao Y, Riley J, Hwu P, Morgan RA, Rosenberg SA, Parkhurst MR.
Presentation of tumor antigens by dendritic cells genetically modified with viral and nonviral vectors.
J. Immunother. 29: 616-27, 2006.
47)  Attia P, Powell DJ, Maker AV, Kreitman RJ, Pastan I, Rosenberg SA.
Selective elimination of human regulatory T lymphocytes in vitro with the recombinant immunotoxin LMB-2.
J. Immunother. 29: 208-14, 2006.
48)  Jaber SH, Cowen EW, Haworth LR, Booher SL, Berman DM, Rosenberg SA, Hwang ST.
Skin reactions in a subset of patients with stage IV melanoma treated with anti-cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4 monoclonal antibody as a single agent.
Arch. Dermatol. 142: 166-72, 2006.
49)  Zhao Y, Zheng Z, Khong HT, Rosenberg SA, Morgan RA.
Transduction of an HLA-DP4-restricted NY-ESO-1-specific TCR into Primary Human CD4+ Lymphocytes.
J. Immunother. 29: 398-406, 2006.
50)  Gattinoni L, Klebanoff CA, Palmer DC, Wrzesinski C, Kerstann K, Yu Z, Finkelstein SE, Theoret MR, Rosenberg SA, Restifo NP.
Acquisition of full effector function in vitro paradoxically impairs the in vivo antitumor efficacy of adoptively transferred CD8+ T cells.
J Clin Invest. 115: 1616-26, 2005.
51)  Dudley ME, Wunderlich JR, Yang JC, Sherry RM, Topalian SL, Restifo NP, Royal RE, Kammula U, White DE, Mavroukakis SA, Rogers LJ, Gracia GJ, Jones SA, Mangiameli DP, Pelletier MM, Gea-Banacloche J, Robinson MR, Berman DM, Filie AC, Abati A, Rosenberg SA.
Adoptive cell transfer therapy following non-myeloablative but lymphodepleting chemotherapy for the treatment of patients with refractory metastatic melanoma.
J Clin Oncol. 23: 2346-57, 2005.
52)  Maker AV, Attia P, Rosenberg SA.
Analysis of the cellular mechanism of antitumor responses and autoimmunity in patients treated with CTLA-4 blockade.
J. Immunol. 175: 7746-54, 2005.
53)  Attia P, Phan GQ, Maker AV, Robinson MR, Quezado MM, Yang JC, Sherry RM, Topalian SL, Kammula US, Royal RE, Restifo NP, Haworth LR, Levy C, Mavroukakis SA, Nichol G, Yellin MJ, Rosenberg SA.
Autoimmunity correlates with tumor regression in patients with metastatic melanoma treated with anti-cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4.
J Clin Oncol. 23: 6043-53, 2005.
54)  Charo J, Finkelstein SE, Grewal N, Restifo NP, Robbins PF, Rosenberg SA.
Bcl-2 overexpression enhances tumor-specific T-cell survival.
Cancer Res. 65: 2001-8, 2005.
55)  Rosenberg SA.
Cancer immunotherapy comes of age.
Nat. Clin. Pract. Oncol. 2: 115, 2005.
56)  Antony PA, Piccirillo CA, Akpinarli A, Finkelstein SE, Speiss PJ, Surman DR, Palmer DC, Chan CC, Klebanoff CA, Overwijk WW, Rosenberg SA, Restifo NP.
CD8+ T cell immunity against a tumor/self-antigen is augmented by CD4+ T helper cells and hindered by naturally occurring T regulatory cells.
J Immunol. 174: 2591-601, 2005.
57)  Rosenberg SA.
Cell transfer and other immunotherapeutic strategies.
Clin. Adv. Hematol. Oncol. 3: 28-9, 2005.
58)  Klebanoff CA, Gattinoni L, Torabi-Parizi P, Kerstann K, Cardones AR, Finkelstein SE, Palmer DC, Antony PA, Hwang ST, Rosenberg SA, Waldmann TA, Restifo NP.
Central memory self/tumor-reactive CD8+ T cells confer superior antitumor immunity compared with effector memory T cells.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 102: 9571-6, 2005.
59)  Blansfield JA, Beck KE, Tran K, Yang JC, Hughes MS, Kammula US, Royal RE, Topalian SL, Haworth LR, Levy C, Rosenberg SA, Sherry RM.
Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated antigen-4 blockage can induce autoimmune hypophysitis in patients with metastatic melanoma and renal cancer.
J. Immunother. 28: 593-8, 2005.
60)  Hinrichs CS, Palmer DC, Rosenberg SA, Restifo NP.
Glucocorticoids do not inhibit antitumor activity of activated CD8+ T cells.
J. Immunother. 28: 517-24, 2005.
61)  Zhao Y, Zheng Z, Cohen CJ, Gattinoni L, Palmer DC, Restifo NP, Rosenberg SA, Morgan RA.
High-Efficiency Transfection of Primary Human and Mouse T Lymphocytes Using RNA Electroporation.
Mol Ther. 2005.
62)  Attia P, Maker AV, Haworth LR, Rogers-Freezer L, Rosenberg SA.
Inability of a fusion protein of IL-2 and diphtheria toxin (Denileukin Diftitox, DAB389IL-2, ONTAK) to eliminate regulatory T lymphocytes in patients with melanoma.
J. Immunother. 28: 582-92, 2005.
63)  Powell DJ, Parker LL, Rosenberg SA.
Large-scale depletion of CD25+ regulatory T cells from patient leukapheresis samples.
J Immunother. 28: 403-11, 2005.
64)  Aisner DL, Maker A, Rosenberg SA, Berman DM.
Loss of S100 antigenicity in metastatic melanoma.
Hum. Pathol. 36: 1016-9, 2005.
65)  Zhou J, Dudley ME, Rosenberg SA, Robbins PF.
Persistence of multiple tumor-specific T-cell clones is associated with complete tumor regression in a melanoma patient receiving adoptive cell transfer therapy.
J Immunother. 28: 53-62, 2005.
66)  Zhao Y, Zheng Z, Robbins PF, Khong HT, Rosenberg SA, Morgan RA.
Primary human lymphocytes transduced with NY-ESO-1 antigen-specific TCR genes recognize and kill diverse human tumor cell lines.
J. Immunol. 174: 4415-23, 2005.
67)  Hsu C, Hughes MS, Zheng Z, Bray RB, Rosenberg SA, Morgan RA.
Primary human T lymphocytes engineered with a codon-optimized IL-15 gene resist cytokine withdrawal-induced apoptosis and persist long-term in the absence of exogenous cytokine.
J. Immunol. 175: 7226-34, 2005.
68)  Cohen CJ, Zheng Z, Bray R, Zhao Y, Sherman LA, Rosenberg SA, Morgan RA.
Recognition of fresh human tumor by human peripheral blood lymphocytes transduced with a bicistronic retroviral vector encoding a murine anti-p53 TCR.
J. Immunol. 175: 5799-808, 2005.
69)  Gattinoni L, Finkelstein SE, Klebanoff CA, Antony PA, Palmer DC, Spiess PJ, Hwang LN, Yu Z, Wrzesinski C, Heimann DM, Surh CD, Rosenberg SA, Restifo NP.
Removal of homeostatic cytokine sinks by lymphodepletion enhances the efficacy of adoptively transferred tumor-specific CD8+ T cells.
J. Exp. Med. 202: 907-12, 2005.
70)  Huang J, Khong HT, Dudley ME, El-Gamil M, Li YF, Rosenberg SA, Robbins PF.
Survival, persistence, and progressive differentiation of adoptively transferred tumor-reactive T cells associated with tumor regression.
J Immunother. 28: 258-67, 2005.
71)  Zhou J, Shen X, Huang J, Hodes RJ, Rosenberg SA, Robbins PF.
Telomere length of transferred lymphocytes correlates with in vivo persistence and tumor regression in melanoma patients receiving cell transfer therapy.
J. Immunol. 175: 7046-52, 2005.
72)  Ahmadzadeh M, Rosenberg SA.
TGF-beta 1 attenuates the acquisition and expression of effector function by tumor antigen-specific human memory CD8 T cells.
J Immunol. 174: 5215-23, 2005.
73)  Rosenberg SA.
The emergence of modern cancer immunotherapy.
Ann Surg Oncol. 12: 344-6, 2005.
74)  Hughes MS, Yu YY, Dudley ME, Zheng Z, Robbins PF, Li Y, Wunderlich J, Hawley RG, Moayeri M, Rosenberg SA, Morgan RA.
Transfer of a TCR gene derived from a patient with a marked antitumor response conveys highly active T-cell effector functions.
Hum Gene Ther. 16: 457-72, 2005.
75)  Powell DJ, Dudley ME, Robbins PF, Rosenberg SA.
Transition of late-stage effector T cells to CD27+ CD28+ tumor-reactive effector memory T cells in humans after adoptive cell transfer therapy.
Blood. 105: 241-50, 2005.
76)  Rosenberg SA, Sherry RM, Morton KE, Scharfman WJ, Yang JC, Topalian SL, Royal RE, Kammula U, Restifo NP, Hughes MS, Schwartzentruber D, Berman DM, Schwarz SL, Ngo LT, Mavroukakis SA, White DE, Steinberg SM.
Tumor progression can occur despite the induction of very high levels of self/tumor antigen-specific CD8+ T cells in patients with melanoma.
J. Immunol. 175: 6169-76, 2005.
77)  Maker AV, Phan GQ, Attia P, Yang JC, Sherry RM, Topalian SL, Kammula US, Royal RE, Haworth LR, Levy C, Kleiner D, Mavroukakis SA, Yellin M, Rosenberg SA.
Tumor regression and autoimmunity in patients treated with cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 blockade and interleukin 2: a phase I/II study.
Ann. Surg. Oncol. 12: 1005-16, 2005.
78)  Restifo NP, Rosenberg SA.
Use of standard criteria for assessment of cancer vaccines.
The lancet oncology. 6: 3-4, 2005.
79)  Elaraj DM, White DE, Steinberg SM, Haworth L, Rosenberg SA, Yang JC.
A pilot study of antiangiogenic therapy with bevacizumab and thalidomide in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma.
J. Immunother. 27: 259-64, 2004.
80)  Finkelstein SE, Carrasquillo JA, Hoffman JM, Galen B, Choyke P, White DE, Rosenberg SA, Sherry RM.
A prospective analysis of positron emission tomography and conventional imaging for detection of stage IV metastatic melanoma in patients undergoing metastasectomy.
Ann Surg Oncol. 11: 731-738, 2004.
81)  Finkelstein SE, Heimann DM, Klebanoff CA, Antony PA, Gattinoni L, Hinrichs CS, Hwang LN, Palmer DC, Spiess PJ, Surman DR, Wrzesiniski C, Yu Z, Rosenberg SA, Restifo NP.
Bedside to bench and back again: how animal models are guiding the development of new immunotherapies for cancer.
J Leukoc Biol. 76: 333-337, 2004.
82)  Rosenberg SA, Yang JC, Restifo NP.
Cancer immunotherapy: moving beyond current vaccines.
Nat. Med. 10: 909-15, 2004.
83)  Rosenberg SA, Dudley ME.
Cancer regression in patients with metastatic melanoma after the transfer of autologous antitumor lymphocytes.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 101 Suppl 2: 14639-45, 2004.
84)  Robbins PF, Dudley ME, Wunderlich J, El-Gamil M, Li YF, Zhou J, Huang J, Powell DJ, Rosenberg SA.
Cutting edge: persistence of transferred lymphocyte clonotypes correlates with cancer regression in patients receiving cell transfer therapy.
J. Immunol. 173: 7125-30, 2004.
85)  Robinson MR, Chan C, Yang JC, Rubin BI, Gracia GJ, Sen HN, Csaky KG, Rosenberg SA.
Cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 blockade in patients with metastatic melanoma: a new cause of uveitis.
J. Immunother. 27: 478-9, 2004.
86)  Rosenberg SA.
Development of effective immunotherapy for the treatment of patients with cancer.
J. Am. Coll. Surg. 198: 685-96, 2004.
87)  Khong HT, Wang QJ, Rosenberg SA.
Identification of Multiple Antigens Recognized by Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes From a Single Patient: Tumor Escape by Antigen Loss and Loss of MHC Expression.
J Immunother. 27: 184-190, 2004.
88)  Klebanoff CA, Finkelstein SE, Surman DR, Lichtman MK, Gattinoni L, Theoret MR, Grewal N, Spiess PJ, Antony PA, Palmer DC, Tagaya Y, Rosenberg SA, Waldmann TA, Restifo NP.
IL-15 enhances the in vivo antitumor activity of tumor-reactive CD8+ T cells.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 101: 1969-74, 2004.
89)  Khong HT, Yang JC, Topalian SL, Sherry RM, Mavroukakis SA, White DE, Rosenberg SA.
Immunization of HLA-A*0201 and/or HLA-DPbeta1*04 patients with metastatic melanoma using epitopes from the NY-ESO-1 antigen.
J. Immunother. 27: 472-7, 2004.
90)  Parkhurst MR, Riley JP, Igarashi T, Li Y, Robbins PF, Rosenberg SA.
Immunization of patients with the hTERT:540-548 peptide induces peptide-reactive T lymphocytes that do not recognize tumor endogenously expressing telomerase.
Clin Cancer Res. 10: 4688-4698, 2004.
91)  Parkhurst MR, Riley JP, Igarashi T, Li Y, Robbins PF, Rosenberg SA.
Immunization of patients with the hTERT:540-548 peptide induces peptide-reactive T lymphocytes that do not recognize tumors endogenously expressing telomerase.
Clin. Cancer Res. 10: 4688-98, 2004.
92)  Parkhurst MR, Riley JP, Robbins PF, Rosenberg SA.
Induction of CD4+ Th1 lymphocytes that recognize known and novel class II MHC restricted epitopes from the melanoma antigen gp100 by stimulation with recombinant protein.
J Immunother. 27: 79-91, 2004.
93)  Powell DJ, Rosenberg SA.
Phenotypic and functional maturation of tumor antigen-reactive CD8+ T lymphocytes in patients undergoing multiple course peptide vaccination.
J Immunother. 27: 36-47, 2004.
94)  Zhou J, Dudley ME, Rosenberg SA, Robbins PF.
Selective growth, in vitro and in vivo, of individual T cell clones from tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes obtained from patients with melanoma.
J. Immunol. 173: 7622-9, 2004.
95)  Rosenberg SA.
Shedding light on immunotherapy for cancer.
N Engl J Med. 350: 1461-3, 2004.
96)  Huang J, El-Gamil M, Dudley ME, Li YF, Rosenberg SA, Robbins PF.
T cells associated with tumor regression recognize frameshifted products of the CDKN2A tumor suppresor gene locus and a mutated HLA class I gene product.
J Immunol. 172: 6057-6064, 2004.
97)  Huang J, El-Gamil M, Dudley ME, Li YF, Rosenberg SA, Robbins PF.
T cells associated with tumor regression recognize frameshifted products of the CDKN2A tumor suppressor gene locus and a mutated HLA class I gene product.
J. Immunol. 172: 6057-64, 2004.
98)  Yang JC, Haworth L, Sherry RM, Hwu P, Schwartzentruber DJ, Topalian SL, Steinberg SM, Chen HX, Rosenberg SA.
A randomized trial of bevacizumab, an anti-vascular endothelial growth factor antibody, for metastatic renal cancer.
N Engl J Med. 349: 427-34, 2003.
99)  Dudley ME, Rosenberg SA.
Adoptive-cell-transfer therapy for the treatment of patients with cancer.
Nat Rev Cancer. 3: 666-75, 2003.
100)  Nagorsen D, Panelli M, Dudley ME, Finkelstein SE, Rosenberg SA, Marincola FM.
Biased epitope selection by recombinant vaccinia-virus (rVV)-infected mature or immature dendritic cells.
Gene Ther. 10: 1754-65, 2003.
101)  Phan GQ, Yang JC, Sherry RM, Hwu P, Topalian SL, Schwartzentruber DJ, Restifo NP, Haworth LR, Seipp CA, Freezer LJ, Morton KE, Mavroukakis SA, Duray PH, Steinberg SM, Allison JP, Davis TA, Rosenberg SA.
Cancer regression and autoimmunity induced by cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 blockade in patients with metastatic melanoma.
Proc Natl Acad Sci. 100: 8372-8377, 2003.
102)  Javia LR, Rosenberg SA.
CD4+CD25+ Suppressor Lymphocytes in the Circulation of Patients Immunized Against Melanoma Antigens.
J Immunother. 26: 85-93, 2003.
103)  Rosenberg SA, Yang JC, Robbins PF, Wunderlich JR, Hwu P, Sherry RM, Schwartzentruber DJ, Topalian SL, Restifo NP, Filie A, Chang R, Dudley ME.
Cell transfer therapy for cancer: lessons from sequential treatments of a patient with metastatic melanoma.
J Immunother. 26: 385-93, 2003.
104)  Heimann DM, Rosenberg SA.
Continuous intravenous administration of live genetically modified salmonella typhimurium in patients with metastatic melanoma.
J Immunother. 26: 179-180, 2003.
105)  Dudley ME, Wunderlich JR, Shelton TE, Even J, Rosenberg SA.
Generation of tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte cultures for use in adoptive transfer therapy for melanoma patients.
J Immunother. 26: 332-42, 2003.
106)  Morgan RA, Dudley ME, Yu YY, Zheng Z, Robbins PF, Theoret MR, Wunderlich JR, Hughes MS, Restifo NP, Rosenberg SA.
High efficiency TCR gene transfer into primary human lymphocytes affords avid recognition of melanoma tumor antigen glycoprotein 100 and does not alter the recognition of autologous melanoma antigens.
J Immunol. 171: 3287-95, 2003.
107)  Parkhurst MR, DePan C, Riley JP, Rosenberg SA, Shu S.
Hybrids of dendritic cells and tumor cells generated by electrofusion simultaneously present immunodominant epitopes from multiple human tumor-associated antigens in the context of MHC class I and class II molecules.
J Immunol. 170: 5317-25, 2003.
108)  Maccalli C, Li YF, El-Gamil M, Rosenberg SA, Robbins PF.
Identification of a colorectal tumor-associated antigen (COA-1) recognized by CD4(+) T lymphocytes.
Cancer Res. 63: 6735-43, 2003.
109)  Phan GQ, Touloukian CE, Yang JC, Restifo NP, Sherry RM, Hwu P, Topalian SL, Schwartzentruber DJ, Seipp CA, Freezer LJ, Morton KE, Mavroukakis SA, White DE, Rosenberg SA.
Immunization of patients with metastatic melanoma using both class I and class II restricted peptides from melanoma-associated antigens.
J Immunother. 26: 349-356, 2003.
110)  Phan GQ, Touloukian CE, Yang JC, Restifo NP, Sherry RM, Hwu P, Topalian SL, Schwartzentruber DJ, Seipp CA, Freezer LJ, Morton KE, Mavroukakis SA, White DE, Rosenberg SA.
Immunization of patients with metastatic melanoma using both class I- and class II-restricted peptides from melanoma-associated antigens.
J Immunother. 26: 349-56, 2003.
111)  Rosenberg SA, Yang JC, Sherry RM, Hwu P, Topalian SL, Schwartzentruber DJ, Restifo NP, Haworth LR, Seipp CA, Freezer LJ, Morton KE, Mavroukakis SA, White DE.
Inability to immunize patients with metastatic melanoma using plasmid DNA encoding the gp100 melanoma-melanocyte antigen.
Hum Gene Ther. 14: 709-714, 2003.
112)  Liu K, Rosenberg SA.
Interleukin-2-independent proliferation of human melanoma-reactive T lymphocytes transduced with an exogenous IL-2 gene is stimulation dependent.
J Immunother. 26: 190-201, 2003.
113)  Barrett JC, Bennett LM, Fleming LK, Linehan WM, Liotta LA, Rosenberg SA, Petricoin EF, Staudt LM, Thompson TE, Yang JC.
Linking laboratory and clinical research: the development of molecularly targeted therapeutics inside the national cancer institute center for cancer research.
Clin Adv Hematol Oncology. 1: 302-306, 2003.
114)  Touloukian CE, Leitner WW, Schnur RE, Robbins PF, Li Y, Southwood S, Sette A, Rosenberg SA, Restifo NP.
Normal tissue depresses while tumor tissue enhances human T cell responses in vivo to a novel self/tumor melanoma antigen, OA1.
J Immunol. 170: 1579-85, 2003.
115)  Touloukian CE, Leitner WW, Schnur RE, Robbins PF, Li Y, Southwood S, Sette A, Rosenberg SA, Restifo NP.
Normal tissue depresses while tumor tissue enhances human T cell responses in vivo to a novel self/tumor melanoma antigen, OA1.
J. Immunol. 170: 1579-85, 2003.
116)  Attia P, Phan GQ, Duray PH, Rosenberg SA.
Parathyroid hormone-related protein and hypercalcemia in patients with metastatic melanoma.
Am J Clin Oncol. 26: 42-45, 2003.
117)  Attia P, Phan GQ, Duray PH, Rosenberg SA.
Parathyroid hormone-related protein and hypercalcemia in patients with metastatic melanoma: case report and review.
Am. J. Clin. Oncol. 26: 42-5, 2003.
118)  Yang JC, Sherry RM, Steinberg SM, Topalian SL, Schwartzentruber DJ, Hwu P, Seipp CA, Rogers-Freezer L, Morton KE, White DE, Liewehr DJ, Merino MJ, Rosenberg SA.
Randomized study of high-dose and low-dose interleukin-2 in patients with metastatic renal cancer.
J Clin Oncol. 21: 3127-32, 2003.
119)  Rosenberg SA, Yang JC, Schwartzentruber DJ, Hwu P, Topalian SL, Sherry RM, Restifo NP, Wunderlich JR, Seipp CA, Rogers-Freezer L, Morton KE, Mavroukakis SA, Gritz L, Panicali DL, White DE.
Recombinant fowlpox viruses encoding the anchor-modified gp100 melanoma antigen can generate antitumor immune responses in patients with metastatic melanoma.
Clin Cancer Res. 9: 2973-80, 2003.
120)  Riley JP, Rosenberg SA, Parkhurst MR.
Stimulation of tumor-reactive T lymphocytes using mixtures of synthetic peptides derived from tumor-associated antigens with diverse MHC binding affinities.
J Immunol Methods. 276: 103-19, 2003.
121)  Overwijk WW, Theoret MR, Finkelstein SE, Surman DR, de Jong LA, Vyth-Dreese FA, Dellemijn TA, Antony PA, Spiess PJ, Palmer DC, Heimann DM, Klebanoff CA, Yu Z, Hwang LN, Feigenbaum L, Kruisbeek AM, Rosenberg SA, Restifo NP.
Tumor regression and autoimmunity after reversal of a functionally tolerant state of self-reactive CD8+ T cells.
J Exp Med. 198: 569-80, 2003.
122)  Dudley ME, Wunderlich JR, Yang JC, Hwu P, Schwartzentruber DJ, Topalian SL, Sherry RM, Marincola FM, Leitman SF, Seipp CA, Rogers-Freezer L, Morton KE, Nahvi A, Mavroukakis SA, White DE, Rosenberg SA.
A phase I study of nonmyeloablative chemotherapy and adoptive transfer of autologous tumor antigen-specific T lymphocytes in patients with metastatic melanoma.
J Immunother. 25: 243-51, 2002.
123)  Rosenberg SA, Spiess PJ, Kleiner DE.
Antitumor effects in mice of the intravenous injection of attenuated Salmonella typhimurium.
J Immunother. 25: 218-25, 2002.
124)  Dudley ME, Wunderlich JR, Robbins PF, Yang JC, Hwu P, Schwartzentruber DJ, Topalian SL, Sherry R, Restifo NP, Hubicki AM, Robinson MR, Raffeld M, Duray P, Seipp CA, Rogers-Freezer L, Morton KE, Mavroukakis SA, White DE, Rosenberg SA.
Cancer regression and autoimmunity in patients after clonal repopulation with antitumor lymphocytes.
Science. 298: 850-4, 2002.
125)  McKee MD, Cecco SA, Niemela JE, Cormier J, Kim CJ, Steinberg SM, Rehak NN, Elin RJ, Rosenberg SA.
Effects of interleukin 2 therapy on lymphocyte magnesium levels.
J Lab Clin Med. 139: 5-12, 2002.
126)  Touloukian CE, Leitner WW, Robbins PF, Li YF, Kang X, Lapointe R, Hwu P, Rosenberg SA, Restifo NP.
Expression of a.
Cancer Res. 62: 5144-7, 2002.
127)  Seiter S, Monsurro V, Nielsen MB, Wang E, Provenzano M, Wunderlich JR, Rosenberg SA, Marincola FM.
Frequency of MART-1/MelanA and gp100/PMel17-specific T cells in tumor metastases and cultured tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes.
J Immunother. 25: 252-63, 2002.
128)  Monsurrò V, Nagorsen D, Wang E, Provenzano M, Dudley ME, Rosenberg SA, Marincola FM.
Functional heterogeneity of vaccine-induced CD8(+) T cells.
J Immunol. 168: 5933-42, 2002.
129)  Zeng G, Li Y, El-Gamil M, Sidney J, Sette A, Wang RF, Rosenberg SA, Robbins PF.
Generation of NY-ESO-1-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cells by a single peptide with dual MHC class I and class II specificities: a new strategy for vaccine design.
Cancer Res. 62: 3630-5, 2002.
130)  Rosenberg SA, Tong-On P, Li Y, Riley JP, El-Gamil M, Parkhurst MR, Robbins PF.
Identification of BING-4 cancer antigen translated from an alternative open reading frame of a gene in the extended MHC class II region using lymphocytes from a patient with a durable complete regression following immunotherapy.
J Immunol. 168: 2402-7, 2002.
131)  Thurber SE, Khong HT, Kammula US, Rosenberg SA.
Identification of endogenous HLA-A2-restricted reactivity against shared melanoma antigens in patients using the quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction.
J Immunother. 25: 63-71, 2002.
132)  Marroquin CE, Westwood JA, Lapointe R, Mixon A, Wunderlich JR, Caron D, Rosenberg SA, Hwu P.
Mobilization of dendritic cell precursors in patients with cancer by flt3 ligand allows the generation of higher yields of cultured dendritic cells.
J Immunother. 25: 278-88, 2002.
133)  Robbins PF, El-Gamil M, Li YF, Zeng G, Dudley M, Rosenberg SA.
Multiple HLA class II-restricted melanocyte differentiation antigens are recognized by tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes from a patient with melanoma.
J Immunol. 169: 6036-47, 2002.
134)  Robbins PF, El-Gamil M, Li YF, Zeng G, Dudley M, Rosenberg SA.
Multiple HLA class II-restricted melanocyte differentiation antigens are recognized by tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes from a patient with melanoma.
J Immunol. 169: 6036-47, 2002.
135)  Toso JF, Gill VJ, Hwu P, Marincola FM, Restifo NP, Schwartzentruber DJ, Sherry RM, Topalian SL, Yang JC, Stock F, Freezer LJ, Morton KE, Seipp C, Haworth L, Mavroukakis S, White D, MacDonald S, Mao J, Sznol M, Rosenberg SA.
Phase I study of the intravenous administration of attenuated Salmonella typhimurium to patients with metastatic melanoma.
J Clin Oncol. 20: 142-52, 2002.
136)  Khong HT, Rosenberg SA.
Pre-existing immunity to tyrosinase-related protein (TRP)-2, a new TRP-2 isoform, and the NY-ESO-1 melanoma antigen in a patient with a dramatic response to immunotherapy.
J Immunol. 168: 951-6, 2002.
137)  Wang E, Miller LD, Ohnmacht GA, Mocellin S, Perez-Diez A, Petersen D, Zhao Y, Simon R, Powell JI, Asaki E, Alexander HR, Duray PH, Herlyn M, Restifo NP, Liu ET, Rosenberg SA, Marincola FM.
Prospective molecular profiling of melanoma metastases suggests classifiers of immune responsiveness.
Cancer Res. 62: 3581-6, 2002.
138)  Weinreich DM, Rosenberg SA.
Response rates of patients with metastatic melanoma to high-dose intravenous interleukin-2 after prior exposure to alpha-interferon or low-dose interleukin-2.
J Immunother. 25: 185-7, 2002.
139)  Guirguis LM, Yang JC, White DE, Steinberg SM, Liewehr DJ, Rosenberg SA, Schwartzentruber DJ.
Safety and efficacy of high-dose interleukin-2 therapy in patients with brain metastases.
J Immunother. 25: 82-7, 2002.
140)  Khong HT, Rosenberg SA.
The Waardenburg syndrome type 4 gene, SOX10, is a novel tumor-associated antigen identified in a patient with a dramatic response to immunotherapy.
Cancer Res. 62: 3020-3, 2002.
141)  Ohnmacht GA, Phan GQ, Mavroukakis SA, Steinberg SM, Shea YR, Witebsky FG, McIntyre LS, Goodwin RS, Muehlbauer PM, Morton KE, Rogers-Freezer LJ, Seipp CA, Rosenberg SA, Marincola FM.
A Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial Evaluating the Effect of Nystatin on the Development of Oral Irritation in Patients Receiving High-Dose Intravenous Interleukin-2.
J Immunother. 24: 188-192, 2001.
142)  Ohnmacht GA, Phan GQ, Mavroukakis SA, Steinberg SM, Shea YR, Witebsky FG, McIntyre LS, Goodwin RS, Muehlbauer PM, Morton KE, Rogers-Freezer LJ, Seipp CA, Rosenberg SA, Marincola FM.
A prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial evaluating the effect of nystatin on the development of oral irritation in patients receiving high-dose intravenous interleukin-2.
J Immunother. 24: 188-92, 2001.
143)  Dudley ME, Wunderlich J, Nishimura MI, Yu D, Yang JC, Topalian SL, Schwartzentruber DJ, Hwu P, Marincola FM, Sherry R, Leitman SF, Rosenberg SA.
Adoptive transfer of cloned melanoma-reactive T lymphocytes for the treatment of patients with metastatic melanoma.
J Immunother. 24: 363-73, 2001.
144)  Zeng G, Wang X, Robbins PF, Rosenberg SA, Wang RF.
CD4(+) T cell recognition of MHC class II-restricted epitopes from NY-ESO-1 presented by a prevalent HLA DP4 allele: association with NY-ESO-1 antibody production.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 98: 3964-9, 2001.
145)  Rosenberg SA.
Cellular therapy: an introduction.
Cancer J. 7 Suppl 2: S51-2, 2001.
146)  Phan GQ, Attia P, Steinberg SM, White DE, Rosenberg SA.
Factors associated with response to high-dose interleukin-2 in patients with metastatic melanoma.
J Clin Oncol. 19: 3477-82, 2001.
147)  Riley JP, Rosenberg SA, Parkhurst MR.
Identification of a New Shared HLA-A2.1 Restricted Epitope From the Melanoma Antigen Tyrosinase.
J Immunother. 24: 212-220, 2001.
148)  Riley JP, Rosenberg SA, Parkhurst MR.
Identification of a new shared HLA-A2.1 restricted epitope from the melanoma antigen tyrosinase.
J Immunother. 24: 212-20, 2001.
149)  Bownds S, Tong-On P, Rosenberg SA, Parkhurst M.
Induction of tumor-reactive cytotoxic T-lymphocytes using a peptide from NY-ESO-1 modified at the carboxy-terminus to enhance HLA-A2.1 binding affinity and stability in solution.
J Immunother. 24: 1-9, 2001.
150)  Monsurrò V, Nielsen MB, Perez-Diez A, Dudley ME, Wang E, Rosenberg SA, Marincola FM.
Kinetics of TCR use in response to repeated epitope-specific immunization.
J Immunol. 166: 5817-25, 2001.
151)  Vasselli JR, Yang JC, Linehan WM, White DE, Rosenberg SA, Walther MM.
Lack of retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy predicts survival of patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma.
J Urol. 166: 68-72, 2001.
152)  Mocellin S, Fetsch P, Abati A, Phan GQ, Wang E, Provenzano M, Stroncek D, Rosenberg SA, Marincola FM.
Laser scanning cytometry evaluation of MART-1, gp100, and HLA-A2 expression in melanoma metastases.
J Immunother. 24: 447-58, 2001.
153)  Harada M, Li YF, El-Gamil M, Ohnmacht GA, Rosenberg SA, Robbins PF.
Melanoma-Reactive CD8+ T cells recognize a novel tumor antigen expressed in a wide variety of tumor types.
J Immunother. 24: 323-33, 2001.
154)  Touloukian CE, Leitner WW, Robbins PF, Rosenberg SA, Restifo NP.
Mining the melanosome for tumor vaccine targets: P.polypeptide is a novel tumor-associated antigen.
Cancer Res. 61: 8100-4, 2001.
155)  Chang E, Rosenberg SA.
Patients with melanoma metastases at cutaneous and subcutaneous sites are highly susceptible to interleukin-2-based therapy.
J Immunother. 24: 88-90, 2001.
156)  Rosenberg SA.
Progress in human tumour immunology and immunotherapy.
Nature. 411: 380-4, 2001.
157)  Rosenberg SA.
Progress in the development of immunotherapy for the treatment of patients with cancer.
J. Intern. Med. 250: 462-75, 2001.
158)  Weiser TS, Guo ZS, Ohnmacht GA, Parkhurst ML, Tong-On P, Marincola FM, Fischette MR, Yu X, Chen GA, Hong JA, Stewart JH, Nguyen DM, Rosenberg SA, Schrump DS.
Sequential 5-Aza-2 deoxycytidine-depsipeptide FR901228 treatment induces apoptosis preferentially in cancer cells and facilitates their recognition by cytolytic T lymphocytes specific for NY-ESO-1.
J Immunother. 24: 151-61, 2001.
159)  Weiser TS, Guo ZS, Ohnmacht GA, Parkhurst ML, Tong-On P, Marincola FM, Fischette MR, Yu X, Chen GA, Hong JA, Stewart JH, Nguyen DM, Rosenberg SA, Schrump DS.
Sequential 5-Aza-2'-deoxycytidine-Depsipeptide FR901228 Treatment Induces Apoptosis Preferentially in Cancer Cells and Facilitates Their Recognition by Cytolytic T Lymphocytes Specific for NY-ESO-1.
J Immunother. 24: 151-161, 2001.
160)  Ohnmacht GA, Wang E, Mocellin S, Abati A, Filie A, Fetsch P, Riker AI, Kammula US, Rosenberg SA, Marincola FM.
Short-term kinetics of tumor antigen expression in response to vaccination.
J Immunol. 167: 1809-20, 2001.
161)  Liu K, Rosenberg SA.
Transduction of an IL-2 gene into human melanoma-reactive lymphocytes results in their continued growth in the absence of exogenous IL-2 and maintenance of specific antitumor activity.
J Immunol. 167: 6356-65, 2001.
162)  Harada M, Li YF, El-Gamil M, Rosenberg SA, Robbins PF.
Use of an in vitro immunoselected tumor line to identify shared melanoma antigens recognized by HLA-A*0201-restricted T cells.
Cancer Res. 61: 1089-94, 2001.
163)  Panelli MC, Bettinotti MP, Lally K, Ohnmacht GA, Li Y, Robbins P, Riker A, Rosenberg SA, Marincola FM.
A tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte from a melanoma metastasis with decreased expression of melanoma differentiation antigens recognizes MAGE-12.
J Immunol. 164: 4382-92, 2000.
164)  Marroquin CE, White DE, Steinberg SM, Rosenberg SA, Schwartzentruber DJ.
Decreased tolerance to interleukin-2 with repeated courses of therapy in patients with metastatic melanoma or renal cell cancer.
J Immunother. 23: 387-92, 2000.
165)  Parker LL, Do MT, Westwood JA, Wunderlich JR, Dudley ME, Rosenberg SA, Hwu P.
Expansion and characterization of T cells transduced with a chimeric receptor against ovarian cancer.
Hum Gene Ther. 11: 2377-87, 2000.
166)  Panelli MC, Riker A, Kammula U, Wang E, Lee KH, Rosenberg SA, Marincola FM.
Expansion of tumor-T cell pairs from fine needle aspirates of melanoma metastases.
J Immunol. 164: 495-504, 2000.
167)  Atkins MB, Kunkel L, Sznol M, Rosenberg SA.
High-dose recombinant interleukin-2 therapy in patients with metastatic melanoma: long-term survival update.
Cancer J Sci Am. 6 Suppl 1: S11-4, 2000.
168)  Rosenberg SA, Blaese RM, Brenner MK, Deisseroth AB, Ledley FD, Lotze MT, Wilson JM, Nabel GJ, Cornetta K, Economou JS, Freeman SM, Riddell SR, Brenner M, Oldfield E, Gansbacher B, Dunbar C, Walker RE, Schuening FG, Roth JA, Crystal RG, Welsh MJ, Culver K, Heslop HE, Simons J, Wilmott RW, Boucher RC, Siegler HF, Barranger JA, Karlsson S, Kohn D, Galpin JE, Raffel C, Hesdorffer C, Ilan J, Cassileth P, O'Shaughnessy J, Kun LE, Das TK, Wong-Staal F, Sobol RE, Haubrich R, Sznol M, Rubin J, Sorcher EJ, Rosenblatt J, Walker R, Brigham K, Vogelzang N, Hersh E, Eck SL.
Human gene marker/therapy clinical protocols.
Hum Gene Ther. 11: 919-79, 2000.
169)  Touloukian CE, Leitner WW, Topalian SL, Li YF, Robbins PF, Rosenberg SA, Restifo NP.
Identification of a MHC class II-restricted human gp100 epitope using DR4-IE transgenic mice.
J Immunol. 164: 3535-42, 2000.
170)  Rosenberg SA.
Identification of cancer antigens: impact on development of cancer immunotherapies.
Cancer J. 6 Suppl 3: S200-7, 2000.
171)  Zeng G, Touloukian CE, Wang X, Restifo NP, Rosenberg SA, Wang RF.
Identification of CD4+ T cell epitopes from NY-ESO-1 presented by HLA-DR molecules.
J Immunol. 165: 1153-9, 2000.
172)  Fritsch M, Rosenberg SA, Duray PH.
Immunohistologic responses within dermal metastatic melanoma lesions of patients treated with a synthetic peptide vaccine.
J Immunother. 23: 557-69, 2000.
173)  Lindsey KR, Rosenberg SA, Sherry RM.
Impact of the number of treatment courses on the clinical response of patients who receive high-dose bolus interleukin-2.
J Clin Oncol. 18: 1954-9, 2000.
174)  Rosenberg SA.
Interleukin-2 and the development of immunotherapy for the treatment of patients with cancer.
Cancer J Sci Am. 6 Suppl 1: S2-7, 2000.
175)  Stewart JH, Rosenberg SA.
Long-term survival of anti-tumor lymphocytes generated by vaccination of patients with melanoma with a peptide vaccine.
J Immunother. 23: 401-4, 2000.
176)  Fisher RI, Rosenberg SA, Fyfe G.
Long-term survival update for high-dose recombinant interleukin-2 in patients with renal cell carcinoma.
Cancer J Sci Am. 6 Suppl 1: S55-7, 2000.
177)  Panelli MC, Wunderlich J, Jeffries J, Wang E, Mixon A, Rosenberg SA, Marincola FM.
Phase 1 study in patients with metastatic melanoma of immunization with dendritic cells presenting epitopes derived from the melanoma-associated antigens MART-1 and gp100.
J Immunother. 23: 487-98, 2000.
178)  McKee MD, Clay TM, Diamond RA, Rosenberg SA, Nishimura MI.
Quantitation of T-cell receptor frequencies by competitive polymerase chain reaction: dynamics of T-cell clonotype frequencies in an expanding tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte culture.
J Immunother. 23: 419-29, 2000.
179)  Kammula US, Marincola FM, Rosenberg SA.
Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction assessment of immune reactivity in melanoma patients after tumor peptide vaccination.
J Natl Cancer Inst. 92: 1336-44, 2000.
180)  Kawakami Y, Dang N, Wang X, Tupesis J, Robbins PF, Wang RF, Wunderlich JR, Yannelli JR, Rosenberg SA.
Recognition of shared melanoma antigens in association with major HLA-A alleles by tumor infiltrating T lymphocytes from 123 patients with melanoma.
J Immunother. 23: 17-27, 2000.
181)  Nielsen MB, Monsurro V, Migueles SA, Wang E, Perez-Diez A, Lee KH, Kammula U, Rosenberg SA, Marincola FM.
Status of activation of circulating vaccine-elicited CD8+ T cells.
J Immunol. 165: 2287-96, 2000.
182)  Dudley ME, Ngo LT, Westwood J, Wunderlich JR, Rosenberg SA.
T-cell clones from melanoma patients immunized against an anchor-modified gp100 peptide display discordant effector phenotypes.
Cancer J. 6: 69-77, 2000.
183)  Rosenberg SA.
The identification of cancer antigens: impact on the development of cancer vaccines.
Cancer J. 6 Suppl 2: S142-9, 2000.
184)  Riker AI, Kammula US, Panelli MC, Wang E, Ohnmacht GA, Steinberg SM, Rosenberg SA, Marincola FM.
Threshold levels of gene expression of the melanoma antigen gp100 correlate with tumor cell recognition by cytotoxic T lymphocytes.
Int J Cancer. 86: 818-26, 2000.
185)  Ladányi A, Nishimura MI, Rosenberg SA, Yang JC.
Tumorigenicity and immunogenicity of murine tumor cells expressing an MHC class II molecule with a covalently bound antigenic peptide.
J Immunother. 23: 36-47, 2000.
186)  Morgan R, Rosenberg S, inventor; DHHS, assignee.
A Method To Enable Normal Lymphocytes To Recognize And Destroy Melanoma Tumor Cells Expressing The Mart-1 Tumor Antigen.
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187)  Hwu P, Kershaw M, Rosenberg S, inventor; DHHS, assignee.
Activated Dual Specificity T Lymphocytes And Their Methods Of Use.
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188)  Morgan R, Hsu C, Rosenberg S, inventor; DHHS, assignee.
Adoptive Immunotherapy With Enhanced T Lymphocyte Survival.
Patent Pending, Filed in 2004. Application No. 11/576,621. Pending [Patent]
189)  Zeng G, Rosenberg S, inventor; DHHS, assignee.
Identification Of A Dominant B Cell Epitope From Ny-eso-1: Implications For Antibody Detection Against Tumor-associated Antigens.
Patent Pending, Filed in 2005. Application No. 11/569,250. Pending [Patent]
190)  Dudley M, Rosenberg S, Wunderlich J, inventor; DHHS, assignee.
Immunotherapy With In Vitro-selected Antigen-specific Lymphocytes After Nonmyeloablative Lymphodepleting Chemotherapy.
Patent Pending, Filed in 2002. Application No. 10/526,697. Pending [Patent]
191)  Wang R, Rosenberg S, Zeng G, inventor; DHHS, assignee.
Novel Mhc Class Ii Restricted T Cell Epitopes From The Cancer Antigen Ny Eso-1.
Patent Pending, Filed in 2000. Application No. 10/182,506. Pending [Patent]
192)  Hwu P, Lapointe R, Parkhurst M, Rosenberg S, inventor; DHHS, assignee.
Peptides Of A Melanoma Antigen And Their Use In Diagnostic, Prophylactic And Therapeutic Methods.
Patent Pending, Filed in 2001. Application No. 10/486,989. Pending [Patent]
193)  Liu K, Rosenberg S, inventor; DHHS, assignee.
Retroviral Transduction Of An Exogenous Interleukin-2 (il-2) Gene Into Antitumor T Lymphocytes.
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194)  Fischkoff S, Lowy I, Rosenberg S, Yang J, Yellin M, inventor; DHHS, assignee.
Tnf-alpha Blocker Treatment For Enterocolitis Associated With Immunostimulatory Therapeutic Antibody Therapy.
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195)  Khong H, Rosenberg S, inventor; DHHS, assignee.
Trp2 Isoform Trp2-6b Containing Hla-a2 Restricted Epitopes.
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Alternative Open Reading Frame DNA of a Normal Gene and a Novel Human Cancer Antigen Encoded.
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Alternative Open Reading Frame DNA of a Normal Gene and a Novel Human Cancer Antigen Encoded Therein.
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199)  Wang R, Rosenberg S, inventor.
Antibodies Specific for TRP-2 a Human Tumor Antigen Recognized by Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes.
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Antibodies to the Protein Product Encoded by ORF3 of the TRP-1 Gene and Compositions and Kits Thereof.
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201)  Wang R, Rosenberg S, inventor.
Cancer Peptide of NY-ESO-1/CAG-3.
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202)  Bartlett D, Moss B, McCart J, inventor.
Combined Growth Factor-Deleted and Thymidine Kinase-Deleted Vaccinia Virus Vector.
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203)  Anderson W, Blaese R, Rosenberg S, inventor.
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204)  Wang R, inventor.
Identifacation of TRP-2 as a Human Tumor Antigen Recognized by Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes.
US Patent: 7,001,600. 2006. [Patent]
205)  Wang R, Rosenberg S, inventor.
Identification of TRP-2 as a Human Tumor Antigen Recognized by Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes.
US Patent: 5,831,016. 1998. [Patent]
206)  Wang R, Rosenberg S, inventor.
Identification of TRP-2 as a Human Tumor Antigen Recognized by Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes.
US Patent: 6,083,703. 2000. [Patent]
207)  Topalian S, Linehan W, Bright R, Vocke C, inventor.
Immortal Human Prostate Epithelial Cell Lines and Clones and Their Applications in the Research and Therapy of Prostate Cancer.
US Patent: 6,982,168. 2006. [Patent]
208)  Restifo N, Rosenberg S, Bennink J, Bacik I, Yewdell J, inventor.
Immunogenic Chimeras Comprising Nucleic Acid Sequences Encoding Endoplasmic Reticulum Signal Sequence Peptides.
US Patent: 5,733,548. 1998. [Patent]
209)  Restifo N, Rosenberg S, Bennink J, Bacik I, Yewdell J, inventor.
Immunogenic Chimeras comprising Nucleic Acid Sequences Encoding Endoplasmic Reticulum signal Sequence Peptides.
US Patent: 5,846,540. 1998. [Patent]
210)  Restifo N, Rosenberg S, Bennink J, Bacik I, Yewdell J, inventor.
Immunogenic Chimeras Comprising Nucleic Acid Sequences Encoding Endoplasmic Reticulum signal Sequence Peptides.
US Patent: 5,856,187. 1999. [Patent]
211)  Kawakami Y, Rosenberg S, inventor.
Melanoma Antigens and Their Use in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Methods.
US Patent: 5,874,560. 1999. [Patent]
212)  Kawakami Y, Rosenberg S, inventor.
Melanoma Antigens and Their Use in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Methods.
US Patent: 5,994,523. 1999. [Patent]
213)  Kawakami Y, inventor.
Melanoma Antigens and Their Use in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Methods.
US Patent: 6,270,778. 2001. [Patent]
214)  Kawakami Y, Rosenberg S, inventor.
Melanoma Antigens and Their Use in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Methods.
US Patent: 6,537,560. 2003. [Patent]
215)  Kawakami Y, Rosenberg S, inventor.
Melanoma Antigens and Their Use in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Methods.
US Patent: 6,965,017. 2005. [Patent]
216)  Kawakami Y, Rosenberg S, inventor.
Melanoma Antigens and Their Use in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Methods.
US Patent: 5,844,075. 1998. [Patent]
217)  Kawakami Y, Rosenberg S, inventor.
Melanoma Antigens and Their Use in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Methods.
US Patent: 7,232,887. 2007. [Patent]
218)  Hwu P, Reeves M, Rosenberg S, inventor.
Methods and Compositions for Transforming Dendritic Cells and Activating T Cells.
US Patent: 6,734,014. 2004. [Patent]
219)  Hwu P, Reeves M, Rosenberg S, inventor; DHHS, assignee.
Methods and Compositions for Transforming Dendritic Cells and Activating T Cells.
US Patent: 7,378,277. 5/27/2008. [Patent]
220)  Panicali D, Rosenberg S, Gritz L, inventor.
Methods of In Vivo Gene Delivery.
US Patent: 5,656,465. 1997. [Patent]
221)  Liu K, Rosenberg S, inventor; DHHS, assignee.
Methods of Preparing Lymphocytes that Express Interleukin-2 and Their Use in the Treatment of Cancer.
US Patent: 7,381,405. 6/3/2008. [Patent]
222)  Topalian S, Rosenberg S, Robbins P, inventor.
MHC-class II Restricted Melanoma Antigens and Their Use in Therapeutic Methods.
US Patent: 6,951,917. 2005. [Patent]
223)  Robbins P, Rosenberg S, inventor.
P15 and Tyrosinase Melanoma Antigens and Their Use in Dianostic and Therapeutic Methods.
US Patent: 5,843,648. 1998. [Patent]
224)  Nishimura M, Rosenberg S, inventor.
T Cell Receptors and Their Uses in Therapeutic and Diagnostic Methods.
US Patent: 5,830,839. 1998. [Patent]
225)  Rosenberg S, inventor.
Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes as a Treatment Modality for Human Cancer.
US Patent: 5,126,132. 1992. [Patent]

This page was last updated on 11/24/2008.