Residence time densities for non-Markovian systems 1. The two state system

M. Boguna1, A.M. Berezhkovskii2, 3, G. H. Weiss1

1. Center for Information Technology 2. National Institute of Child Health and human Development
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, Md. 20892
January 28, 2000

3. Permanent address: Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry, 10 Vorontsovo Pole Street, 103064 Moscow K-64, Russia.


We study dynamical system which makes transitions between two states at random times. We analyze properties of the cumulative time t spent by the system in a given state up to time T. When the probability density for the residenve time in a single sojourn in th given state differs from a negative exponential the system will be non-Markovian. Simple analytical expressions are derived for the Laplace transform with respect to T of moments of the cumulative residence time. An exact Fourier-Laplace transform of the probability densities for t at a fixed T are also found. It can be inferred from this expression, that at sufficiently large T the probability densities tend towards a Gaussian. The parameters that define the Gaussian are also given.