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Science and Ecology of Early Development (SEED) Grantee Workshop

September 28-29, 2006
Sponsored by the Demographic and Behavioral Sciences (DBS) Branch, Center for Population Research (CPR), NICHD, and Child Development and Behavior (CDB) Branch, Center for Research for Mothers and Children (CRMC), NICHD; National Institute on Drug Abuse

Location: 6100 Executive Boulevard, Rockville, Maryland (5th Floor Conference Room)
Purpose: The SEED program announcement – originally issued in 2000 and re-issued in 2004 – has encouraged interdisciplinary research among sociologists, demographers, psychologists, and economists on the effects of context and public policy on the development of children in low-income and poor families. At this workshop, grantees funded through this solicitation will meet to present from their research thus far and discuss future scientific directions for the SEED initiative.

For Information:
Dr. Rosalind King, DBS Branch, CPR, NICHD
Tel: (301) 435-6986

Dr. James Griffin, CDB Branch, CRMC, NICHD
Tel: (301) 435-2307

Valerie Maholmes, CDB Branch, CRMC, NICHD
Tel: (301) 496-1514